The Hyuuga Swap
(Chapter 1)
Neji x Naruto
Naruto is in a brand-new relationship with Hinata. But when he meets her cousin Neji, he finds himself inexplicably preoccupied with the dark haired boy, despite his prickly personality.
A/N: Ah, there is nothing like the minty-fresh flavor of a brand spankin' new fic! Especially one that has been almost completely written before-hand! (Go me!) And though my laptop committed vile mutiny and ATE the freaking smut the first time around – I upped the ante and made it a full on love scene. Take that laptop! (Laptop was unimpressed, and remained broken. Boo.) I have since written more smut, and the laptop still refuses to comment. kicks it durn hard drive failure.
*ETA 2015* I fixed some formatting. Like missing italics, the lost page breaks (which FF stripped out. ugh!), and minor grammatical things. Just stuff to make this more readable. :)
Disclaimer: The series Naruto and all characters contained therein (Neji, Sasuke, Lee, Sakura, Temari, Kankuro, Gaara, Kiba, Hinata, etc.) are property of the creators (not me) and the artist who created it and made ninjas, once and for all, cooler than samurai: Masashi Kishimoto. Props to whoever else worked on Naruto and have copyrights, and I can assure you that none of them were me. THIS DISCLAIMER HOLDS TRUE FOR THE ENTIRE FIC. I do not own Naruto, and do not see a change in this as being imminent (I am very sad about this however. I'm sure you understand.). Therefore I will not be repeating this at the beginning of each chapter. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Meet the Cousin
"Neji?" Hinata's voice called from down the hall.
"Yes?" he called back. He was sort of preoccupied at the moment.
"I need a favor. Can you come here?"
Neji reluctantly put down the book he was reading, and shuffled to the door of her room, hoping this wouldn't take long.
"It looks like I won't be ready in time…"
What, another date? He didn't know why she bothered. What was the probability that any of these dates would amount to anything? The last guys hadn't stuck around, so why would this one?
"…and I was hoping you could let him in when he gets here," she continued. "Keep him company? And – maybe – tell me what you think?"
Oh please. Why did she insist on dragging him into these sorts of things? It was always the same. You invest time in people, and then they leave. What was the point?
"Fine," he replied. "How long do I have?"
"Um, maybe about 10 minutes?" She tried to sound placating, knowing such short notice would vex him. And it did.
He grumbled a response, and went back to his room to continue reading for the scant minutes left.
Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang. Joy.
Neji took his time walking to the front door. The kid was late, and his cousin was late getting ready. How annoying. How typical. They could both stand to suffer a little.
Neji slid the bolt back on the door, feeling his face settle into a mask of bland disdain before he remembered he was probably supposed to be 'nice'.
Well, let's see what sort of sorry mess Hinata was attempting to date this time. The poor girl either had really horrible luck, or horrific taste in men.
Neji opened the door partway, but remained blocking the entrance. "Can I help you?" he asked rather unhelpfully.
"Uh – I'm – " The boy stammered uncertainly. "I'm here to see Hinata?"
"Your name?"
Neji realized he was being a bit of an ass, making things so difficult, but it was like he felt compelled to.
The boy made wary eye contact. "Naruto?"
They were overwhelmingly blue, his eyes. Not a common color to this area. Neither was the bright yellow hair, or the golden tone of his skin. On the whole, there wasn't anything common about him.
"What, you aren't sure?"
Naruto flushed, a dark rose against the tan of his skin, his eyes widening as their gazes remained locked. His expression went from indignant surprise to embarrassed anger to forced cheerfulness in seconds flat. Intriguing.
"Hinata does live here, right?" Naruto asked with a plastic smile.
Neji felt annoyed at the mention of his cousin, but wasn't sure why.
"She's been expecting you." He smiled back, but he was sure it was one of the smiles that pissed people off. Hinata had told him once that it made him look haughty.
Naruto failed to completely hide the annoyance in his eyes behind the smile as Neji waved him inside with a courtly bow. Their eye contact broke for the first time since meeting as Naruto stepped past him through the doorway.
Naruto looked around the apartment Hinata shared with her cousin. It was the first time he'd ever been there, even though they been friends for several months. He supposed that made sense, as this was their first time hanging out on a 'date'. She was also shy, and probably didn't have people over often anyway.
The apartment seemed fairly large for a couple of college kids. Naruto wondered absently if their family was rich or something, while he admired the minimalist Asian décor. The carpet in the living room was a creamy shade of off-white, and the furniture – from the low slung, square coffee table, to the couch, lamps and entertainment center – were black. Even the frames of the simple watercolor paintings of mountains, and lone orchids were black. The walls were a rich mocha. Naruto whistled internally, impressed with Hinata's taste. He assumed it was hers. He couldn't imagine her standoffish cousin creating such a feeling of tranquility in his surroundings. He probably had his room painted dark red or something like that. He laughed at the thought.
"Something funny?" The long-haired boy asked him.
"Nope." Naruto pretended to become utterly fascinated with a tiny jade figurine of a bird, though he didn't have to pretend all that hard.
"You know," Neji said, leaning against the counter that divided the kitchen from the living room, arms crossed over his chest, "it's rude to gawk and paw other people's possessions."
Naruto almost dropped the bird, turning around angrily. His skin flushed hot as he faced the other boy, adrenaline pumping through him as the brashness of the words got to him. He grasped for words to say, but came up empty handed as the dark-haired boy regarded him with a superior expression. "You – "
"Is something the matter, Naruto?" Hinata said hesitantly, emerging from her long-ass grooming ritual at last.
Naruto managed to drag his glare from the other boy and turn it into a huge, fakey smile which he directed at the quiet girl. "Everything's fine."
"Neji?" Hinata looked to her cousin.
Neji? So that was his name, Naruto seethed.
"As he said," Neji said smoothly with a faint smile, "We were just getting acquainted."
Hinata looked doubtful, but returned the smile.
Naruto glared at Neji over his cousin's head, letting him know he wasn't impressed. Neji's eyes met his, a smirk on his lips. Jerk, Naruto thought at him.
"C'mon Hinata," Naruto said, "we're gonna be late for that movie."
"Ah- o-of course."
Naruto was surprised to hear her stutter and see her blush. It made him feel kind of odd, and awkward. He hoped it was a fluke.
"Er- yeah. Let's go," he said with false cheer. He put a hand on Hinata's shoulder to lead her out, trying to ignore the pale eyes he felt burning a hole in his back.
Neji was in his room, lying on his bed, listening to music while he read, his headphones blocking out the rest of the world. It should have been bliss. It usually WAS bliss. But just now, he found himself distracted.
He tossed the book aside, and stared at the ceiling, analyzing his earlier behavior. He had no real reason to antagonize Hinata's… friend. But he couldn't seem to help it. He didn't want to make the usual droll, polite conversation. Yet he hadn't liked the silence either – as if he was being ignored.
Neji rolled his eyes to look out the window at the darkened sky. Why should he care if the blonde ignored him? It was ridiculous. Yet he felt compelled to prod the other boy into reacting to him.
Neji sighed and sat up. There was no reason to dwell on this any longer. In a short time this Naruto boy would likely be a thing of the past.
"Um, Hinata?"
The movie was finally over, and they were walking back to the apartment, since it was so close.
Naruto scratched his head. "About your cousin… Is there a reason he's, I don't know, antisocial?"
"Antisocial?" she parroted back.
"Whatever makes you think that?" Hinata's tone sounded faintly disapproving.
"Well, um…" Naruto tried to figure out a way to put it, but Hinata was giving him a look that made him want to drop it. If she thought her cousin was the best thing since sliced bread, there was no need to get into an argument about it, right? "Nevermind," he said cheerfully, changing the subject. "So, I was really impressed with the way you decorated the apartment – it looked professional!" There we go, compliment your date. He patted himself on the back.
"Oh, but I didn't do that."
"Eh? Then who…?"
"Neji did it. He has a real eye for that sort of thing," she said proudly.
Naruto felt his smile slip a bit as his eye started to twitch. "His room isn't red by any chance... is it?" It wasn't even really a question at this point. He was pretty sure he knew the inevitable answer.
"Oh no, not at all."
Naruto groaned internally. "And let me guess, the paintings…"
"He did those himself. Isn't he talented?"
"Oh yeah. And he's a real nice guy too, isn't he?"
Hinata nodded, confirming Naruto's suspicion that she thought the sun shone out of her cousin's butt. GREAT. How was he supposed to deal with the guy when he was such a bitch?
Naruto was beginning to think his entire life was one huge joke. Here he was, he'd finally found someone who seemed to like him enough to want to date him, and already there were issues with the family.
Hyuuga Neji. Naruto had been a bit surprised when he had opened the door. He had pale blue eyes like his cousin, but there the similarities ended. He radiated confidence, and had the longest hair Naruto had seen on a boy. He would've thought such a thing would look silly, but it looked GOOD. Right even. And his face was striking, with high cheekbones and perfect pale skin. Naruto had been stunned momentarily. Then the boy had opened his mouth, and the image had shattered. Well, not completely, but it rankled Naruto to have someone talk down to him like that. Who did the uppity bastard think he was anyway?
They reached the front door.
"Well, I guess I'll be going now," Naruto said casually, hoping to avoid seeing the cousin again so soon. He started inching away.
"Oh, but it's still early!" Hinata said, consulting her watch. "Won't you come in?"
"Ah – well…. Ok." Damn. He felt his face pull down in a monumental frown as she unlocked the door.
Naruto followed her in, plastering a quick smile on his face as she turned to him. It quickly turned genuine as he noticed there was no Neji. He felt his muscles relax. Ah. Lady Luck was back on his side.
"Neji," Hinata called out, making Naruto jump. "Come out of your room and socialize."
"As much as I would love to," Neji called back drolly, "I am a little busy at the moment."
Hinata turned to Naruto. "I admit, he can be a bit difficult at times. I'll get him."
"No, no, that's ok!" Naruto put out a hand to stop her.
"He'll keep you company while I freshen up. He makes excellent coffee too, you know."
Naruto felt his brain melt in his head. Ok. Fine. Whatever. "I'm sure he does," he said saccharinely. Lady Luck had returned only to kick him in the nuts.
Hinata disappeared down the hallway and Naruto sat on the couch resting his head on the back. He could hear voices, briefly, before Neji reluctantly emerged.
Naruto didn't bother lifting his head, but turned to face the long-haired boy. "I hear you make excellent coffee," Naruto ribbed him before Neji had spotted him.
Neji gave him a brief, dogged look, then turned to the kitchen, pinching the bridge of his nose and muttering under his breath.
Naruto, pleased with this reaction, jumped up, and claimed one of the barstools at the end of the counter. He put his elbows on the countertop, rested his chin on his hands, and watched the dark haired boy make coffee. He smiled innocently as he rattled off in an annoying singsong voice, "I also hear you're an aaartist, and an interior deeecorator, and – "
Neji gave him a glare that told him to shut up. Naruto grinned. "And an aaaall around modern marvel, with such a GREAT personality!"
Neji flipped the switch on the coffee maker, and turned to Naruto, a slow smile transforming his face breathtakingly, though there was evil in his eyes. He rested his arms on the counter, leaning in until they were practically nose-to-nose. Naruto, for some reason felt his heart start pounding in his chest as intense eyes locked with his.
"Why, Naruto," Neji said in a sultry voice. "I didn't know you knew so much about me. What will Hinata think?"
Naruto swallowed hard, mind hardly registering the words, a blush forming on his cheeks at the other boy's nearness and the rich tone of his voice.
"What will I think about what?" Hinata asked, as she walked into the room.
Naruto jumped, clutching his chest as she startled the crap out of him.
Neji pulled away and shrugged, effortlessly making it look there had never been less than three feet between them at all times. "Something about hating the movie you saw tonight," he said casually.
"Wha - ?" Naruto exclaimed.
"Oh, but, Naruto, it was such a moving love story!" Hinata said as she ghosted up to him. "Didn't it just bring tears to your eyes?"
Truth be told, he fell asleep. But geez, why did the jerk have to put him on the spot like that? Naruto didn't miss the smirk on Neji's face as he turned back to the coffee. "Oh, I think he might have misunderstood me, Hinata," Naruto said, his voice dripping with sincerity. "I was so moved, I bawled my eyes out." Naruto rolled his eyes internally.
"Only silently, of course," Neji added helpfully.
"Yes. Of course," Naruto agreed sweepingly. "But I dislike highly emotional scenes because…" Naruto scrambled to improvise.
"You have delicate emotions, you were saying?" Neji smirked as he placed a cup of coffee in front of Naruto. Hinata of course missed the testament to Neji's considerable character flaws as she was staring intently at Naruto, a hand to her mouth in ladylike concern.
"Yes," Naruto stared at the Hyuuga boy's light eyes, cursing the amusement they held at his expense. "So, I try to avoid them. Hate is such a strong word." But it amply suits you, he thought at the dark haired boy.
Naruto took a swig of coffee and was surprised to find it was every bit as good as it was proclaimed. It also had a bit of a kick.
"Like it?" Neji asked.
"It's good," Naruto said honestly, forgetting to be irritated as he took another sip. "What's in it? It doesn't taste like normal."
"That's because it's Irish Coffee." Neji smiled enigmatically.
"Oh, Neji, you didn't! I thought you were making regular coffee," Hinata fussed. "That has alcohol in it," she explained to Naruto.
Naruto found he didn't care. It was damn good.
"Only the best for our guests," Neji said with a wink at the blonde.
Naruto felt himself flush and hid it behind his mug of coffee, taking a giant sip. Why was Neji being so personable all of a sudden? He had just gotten used to trading verbal blows, and now the rules had changed again?
He finished off the coffee and felt a pleasant buzz tingling through him from the liquor.
"Care for another?" Neji asked, looking at him with an inscrutable gaze. Naruto felt fingertips brush his as the cup was taken from his hand, and tingling that didn't seem to be from the coffee. He nodded, and once more he saw a smile upon the other boy's lips.
"Naruto?" Hinata put a hand on his arm to get his attention.
"Er - Yes?" He had honestly forgotten she was there. That was horrible, wasn't it? No way to treat your date. Though it didn't really feel much like one – it felt like any other time they'd hung out together, only more awkward.
"Maybe I could show you the rest of the apartment?" she suggested shyly.
"Um..." Naruto unconsciously glanced at Neji before responding. He could swear he saw an annoyed look on his face for just a moment, directed at Hinata, but it was gone again, and Neji was placing a full cup in front of him.
"It would be inappropriate on the first date, don't you think?" Neji asked Hinata blandly.
Her eyes widened, and her face flushed. "N-No that's n-not w-what I m-meant!" she stammered.
Naruto had turned red at the implication as well, but tried to calm the girl down. "Hinata, it's ok. I know that isn't what you trying to say –" Naruto touched her arm. She looked at his hand, then his face, burst into tears, and fled down the hall.
Naruto sat with his mouth hanging open. "Was it something I said?" No. It was something he said. He turned to Neji. "Why did you have to embarrass her like that? You had to know –"
"What, that she didn't want to 'show you her room'?" Neji had on that disdainful, superiority-complex look again. He shrugged his shoulders. "I had no way of knowing."
"But she's a GIRL. Girls don't think about stuff like that! At least, not so soon."
Neji stood over him and calmly looked him dead in the eye. "And what do you know about girls?"
"I know… stuff," Naruto said defensively.
"Oh?" Neji said in a mocking voice, leaning close, "and how many girls have you dated, excluding Hinata?"
Naruto opened and closed his mouth, having no answer worth relaying.
"And how many girls," Neji asked, as he stared deeply into Naruto's eyes, "have you ever kissed?"
Naruto looked up at the dark haired boy, his breath failing him. He shook his head, feeling dizzy.
"Any boys?"
"O-Of course not!" Naruto jumped back, turning beet red.
Neji shrugged, and took a languid sip of coffee. "Well, you never know. My point is, you have no experience, so how can you say with such certainty what girls think about?"
"I have friends."
"It isn't the same."
"Well, so what?" Naruto got defensive again. His lack of dating was a bit of a sore spot, but only because people always made such a big deal over it. "Fancy yourself an expert or something?"
Neji's expression became very cold. Apparently this was one of his sore spots.
"I think it's time you leave. Hinata likely won't return this evening."
Wait, no fair! So you can rattle me all you want, but if I push one of your buttons, I get kicked out? And how do you manage to sound so polite and threatening at the same time?
Naruto had his arms folded across his chest, glowering back. "And whose fault is that? We were having tons of fun before you came along and wrecked it all."
Neji laughed shortly. "I could see that. And sleeping through the movie – that was smooth," he drew out the word. "Likewise, I'm sure her company is utterly captivating."
Naruto's mouth hung open. "I did not sleep through the movie!" he lied. "And why would you say something like that about her? Its mean! She thinks the world of you."
"Yes, you did. It was obvious." He fixed Naruto with an indifferent stare. "I'm well aware of what she thinks. I practically raised her since she was 5."
"But then – And why -?"
"Her parents died in the classic fiery car crash. Mine were merely absent." He gestured to the room about them. "Though they do pay for all of this."
Naruto gaped at him, suddenly full of questions.
Neji gave an irritated sigh. "I don't wish to talk about this." He grabbed their mugs, still rather full of coffee, and dumped them in the sink. They had still been hot. He looked at Naruto. "It's late. You should go."
Naruto nodded, and slid meekly down off the barstool he was sitting on. Every time he thought he had Neji a little figured out, something changed, or new information was revealed, and he was left in the dark again. He felt flummoxed. Neji had so many sides and secrets; he was like a human rubix cube. He toggled between moods like breathing - who knew what was real?
"Hey, Sasuke?" Naruto said when he got home. Home was a humble apartment he shared with one of his best friends. It had horrendous shag carpeting the color of old pumpkin. It drove Sasuke up the wall, but Naruto had come to like it.
"I'm busy."
Sasuke was currently at their modest dining room table assembling something that looked extremely detailed.
"You're always busy." Naruto shuffled over the carpet and flopped onto the couch.
"Well, what is it?"
Naruto thought for a moment, wanting to phrase this right. "You're a cold bastard," he said without a trace of ill-will. "What do cold bastards think about?"
"I thought you were on a date with Hinata," Sasuke replied, unfazed, as he continued working. "Where's this coming from?"
"Her cousin."
"Hmn. So how did your date go?"
"It was fine. Answer my question."
"It depends, I guess." He looked up then. "Is her cousin 'Itachi' cold? If so, I'd say anarchy and terror, and I wouldn't recommend hanging around."
"God no, not that bad. Maybe… worse than you can be?"
"Gee, thanks." Sasuke went back to constructing.
"C'mon. You know you have a bastardly side."
"So you've said."
"Sasuke! Help me out here."
"I don't know what to tell you, Naruto. Everyone is different."
"Well, Hinata seems to think he's God's gift to earth. If I said anything bad about him she might try to gut me."
"Pfft!" Sasuke snorted. "Hinata? Isn't she that really quiet, timid girl with the dark hair?"
"Yeah. But you should've seen the look she gave me when I suggested Neji might be antisocial."
"Hmm. Did you and Hinata do anything but discuss her cousin on your date?"
"Well, yeah. But I couldn't really drop the issue. I mean he was really rude and stuff to me when I came to get her, then she has nothing but good things to say about him."
"And when you dropped her off?"
"That's the weird part. Like, I was all prepared for a battle, but he was acting differently again. Almost… nice. But not the whole time."
"I see."
"So, is he 'almost nice' or is he a jerk? I can't tell." Naruto held his hand up to the ceiling, looking at it through splayed fingers.
"Does it matter?" Sasuke asked casually.
"Of course it does," Naruto huffed. "Why wouldn't it?"
"You're dating Hinata."
"But you seem extraordinarily preoccupied with her cousin."
"Am not," Naruto said childishly. Didn't Sasuke understand that he had to figure the other boy out so they could get along, and Hinata wouldn't hate him for not loving her wonderful cousin?
"Ok. Tell me what Hinata was wearing tonight."
"That's easy. She was wearing… um… " Goddamn memory, he fumed. "Some yellow top thing, and jeans," he said finally, proud of himself.
"What was Neji wearing?"
"Why would I care about that?" Black pants, and a loose, white button-down shirt. The top three buttons were undone.
Sasuke shrugged. "No reason."
Reviews welcome, but then isn't that always the case? ;D
Happy Holidays everyone!