I don't own Twilight

Bella's POV

It's been exactly 97 years tomarrow since he left me. 97 years ago he broke my heart. I haven't spoken his name since then. He left to protect me, you see he was a vampire and he thought it was to dangerous for me to be with him. What he didn't know was that ten days after he left me I was bitten. Bitten and left to suffer for three days alone suffering from pain worse than Hell. And I faced it by myself. I screamed once at the beggining then decided it was stupid, there wasn't any point. I haven't screamed, cried, or felt any relative emotion in the past 97 years.

He probably thinks I'm dead. I was given the power to be ammune to other vampire's powers, and have the ability to shut them off if I wish. Also I can sleep, blush, cry, even feel pain. The one last gift I was given was I am not attracted to human blood. I'm more human then vampire, except that yes, I can feel pain, and I could be in the worst pain imaginable, but of course I can't die, I'm immortal, just like all vampires. For the past 97 years, I have been controling his little sister's visions, she can't see me, he can't track me, and Jasper can't feel my emotions. I mind as well be dead to them. I haven't seen them in the past 97 years,I don't plan on starting now.

Right now, I'm at college. I am on the guys wrestling team, because there isn't a girl one. I'm the only girl on the guy's team. I'm the best wrestler they've got. Now, don't get mad at me yet, I turn off my power when I wrestle, so my strength is all mine. But, when I realized I could feel pain, I knew I had to get strong by myself, not with the help of vampire qualities. So now I am the best wrestler on an all bboy's team, and this is only my second year of college.

All the guys on the teamknow to leave me alone on this day. They know that I have over 45 different ways to kill them in one strike, and I won't hesitate to do it. On this day, i tell them I am going camping. I drive 200 miles to get to a Barnes 'n Noble, and I sit in the corner reading Rome and Juliet, wonderinig why I couldn't have just commited suicide when I had the chance, I've read that book 97 times since this whole mess began. Since he ripped my heart in two and took half of it with him.

Well, we just finished a match, I pinned all of my opponents, in under two minutes, all of them 200 pounds heavier then I was.I told the guys I wouldn't see them tomarrow, and none of them questioned me, I packed up, and turned to leave, that's when I saw them. I thought they would never find me. I immediatly turned off all of their powers, and ran out the door, onto my motercycle and began the drive to Barnes 'n Noble early. That was the first time in 97 years that I allowed myself to cry. The first time in 97 years that I actually felt some sort of deep emotion. I allowed one tear to escape my eye and with that single tear,, my entire world crumbled, for the first time in 97 years.


Edward's POV

I stared blankly at the window the entire way there. To a new school, to start over my life once again. In one day it would be 97 years since I last saw my Bella. 97 years since I lied to her face, 97 years since I have evr loved someone. By now my entire family ignored me, they knew I was depressed, and until I wanted that to change, there was nothing any of them could do about it.

We arrived at the new college, and immediatlyAlice got hyper, Rosalie got sullen, Jasper got a headache from all the emotions, Emmett demanded we go see the sports department, and I stared at the ground, lost in my memories once again.

The reason we chose this college in the first place was because Emmett heard they had a great wrestling program and he was determined to try it out. We knew that they had this secret weapon, that they wouldn't tell anyone about, but was a person who supposedly had never lost a match in their entire life. And of course it was Emmett's decision of where we chose to go to college this year. So we ended up here. Great just another chance to screw up my life even more.

We all got to our dorms and dropped our stuff off, this of course took us a grand total of three entire minutes. Everyone wanted to go explore somewhere different, but we heard there was a wrestling tournament going on and of course we all wanted to see exactly what thhis so called secret weapon was. So we headed over to the sports section.

There was a small kid trying to pin a guy that was three times his size, yet he managed to pin him quickly without any trouble. This must be the secret weapon. I waited, when the kid pulled off his helmet, long brom hair fell out. This he was a she. And the girl looked familiar. I was surprised I couldn't smell her. "Dude, she'a a vamp!" Emmett whispered to me. I couldn't read her mind. The only other time that this had ever happened was wiith my Bella. I shook my head trying to get my thoughts of her out of my head, so far I wasn't having much luck.

She walked over to her teammates and said goodbye, saying she wouldn't see them tomarrow. That's when she turned towards us. I saw her face. A face that I hadn't seen in 97 years. When she saw us, she looked scared, and then had a look on her face that looked like a lot of concentration was happening in her brain, then she turned and ran out the doors, leaving her duffle bag on the ground.

I tried to run after her, but for some reason I could only run at a human pace, I couldn't even smell her. I looked at my siblings,, they had seen her too, and also couldn't run faster then a human. What was happening?

I looked at where I had just seen her, I walked over, picked up her bag, walked to my dorm room and felt myself fall apart. I hadn't fallen apart this badly in 97 years. All the questions were piling up in my head, but all I could possiably do at that moment was sit and stare, holding her duffle bag up to my chest, inhaling her sweet scent for the first time in 97 years.