
"We're getting old, Sasuke-kun."

Her fingers brushed over the glass of dusty frames as she thought out loud during her nightly paces around the living room. The baby she carried cooed in her arms as she came to stand in front of her husband; He was lying across the couch, his nose buried in a book.

He glanced passed the yellowing pages. "Sakura, you're thirty-seven."

The pink-haired ANBU medic screeched as the words left his lips, "NO! Don't say that!" The baby whimpered as his grandmother's arms failed about.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Sakura, you're a bit young for a midlife crisis."

The kunoichi flopped into the armchair. "I know…" She groaned, flipping on the lamp on the table next to her, "I mean…Kira is twenty, Sasuke! Twenty!" She moaned. The baby on her shoulder once again, protested.

The thick 'Dictionary of Jutsus' was shut and placed on to the antique coffee table with a loud thump. The head Uchiha turned to his wife after sitting upwards, "Yes, I know, and that's her daughter, Yuri, in your arms. Your granddaughter, Sakura."

"She's married to Watsuko Uzumaki, The Dope's Son." He grimaced on the word 'married' but, continued, "She's stubborn like her mother and refuses to retire from her duties as a Shinobi even though she's given birth, like most women usually do when they have kids."

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him, "Your point is?" The feathery-haired man gave a light smirk as he stood to kneel in front of his wife.

Placing his hands on her knees; feeling the silky fabric of her kimono, he sighed, "Sakura, you are thirty-seven. We have nine kids together; ages twenty, eighteen, fifteen, twelve, ten, five, four and two, four daughters and five sons,"

He paused long enough to notice Sakura playing with a thread on Yuri's sleeper.

"We have been married nineteen years. You are the vice- captain on the ANBU team I'm commander of. I have been in love with you since I was twelve and don't plan to stop now or ever or ever leave you, incase that's what your afraid of."

He paused once more to receive a 'thank you' and 'and please reassure me' kiss from his jade-eyed love.

"You are still beautiful as you were as a genin."

He lifted himself from her and fell back on to his perch; the couch. A pause followed his speech.

"I love you,"

Her voice cracked softly in her declaration but, Sasuke could still hear it.

"Don't cry and yes, I love you too."

A few minutes passed before Sasuke's face was graced with another soft smile, "You know? You may still maybe be a beauty, but your mood swings are getting uglier."

A loud smack sounded as the ten pound dictionary came to meet with Sasuke's forehead at amazing speeds.

Look at this photograph. Everytime it still makes me laugh…

Love gets better as you get older, no?