Hi….first frantic so please take it easy yeah I know everyone says that. This is about a girl who due to her mother's drug habit is traded off to a man she doesn't know-who scares the crap outta her and only wanted her to give her to his boss's son. And when she is torn between both of them………what will they do with her? In the prologue Italics our Mr. Nazigoti thoughts-in case you didn't realize it.


"Now Molly, I don't want to hear anymore excuses from you." I'm seriously getting pissed off at this woman, "It's been two months and you own my boss a thousand dollars. How are you going to pay for that?"

"I'll get the money somehow," she stated her eyes shifting for a way out, "please….let me call my mother…I promise I'll get the money somehow."

"Now Molly," he stated, "you've tried that before…she hung up on you as I recall."

This woman is really pissing me off now…the boss's already ticked because the "arrangement" fell through...I don't have time to talk to this crack head.

"I'll ask my daughter," she stammered, "she'll get the money from her somehow….please let me just try."

So that's the girl who's in all of the pictures…she is pretty cute…and she must be smart not to live in this pigpen with her mother. It was then that Mr. Nazigoti had an ideaa rarity for someone like him.

"Hey Molly," he said, "what about your daughter. She lives with your mother right?"

"Yes she has for a couple of years…really she could get the money," Molly started but Mr. Nazigoti interrupted her.

"Why don't you go into your bedroom Molly, I need to call my boss about something. I think there's an arrangement we could come to."

She looked shaken as she walked back the hall…then again that could've just been the withdraw symptoms. He watched her leave and ten minutes later he had approval from his boss and all of the records on Kallie.

"Now Molly how close are you to your daughter because my boss would very much like it if I could have her. I get guardianship and you get left alone. I could even get you a little something for your trouble if you would like…we have a nice shipment coming in."

"That's not possible," Molly replied even though her eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas morning, "my mom has custody."

"Yeah but I'm sure that any judge would argue that a child belong with her mother. The boss has a few judges in his pocket and I'm sure they'll see you as a fit mother."

Fit mother my as.

"Yeah," Molly answered, "I guess they would have to since I'm her mother. None of my fingers will get cut off though? I give you her and I get left alone."

"Yes," he replied smirking, "you'll be fine and I can promise you that your daughter will have a great life as long as when I get her she is safe and sound."

Chapter 1

So that's how I ended up in court only I didn't know that's what had happened…all I knew was that I was being taken away from my Gram. I didn't know that that was why my mother was signing papers and there was a scary looking guy beside her. I only knew that I wasn't allowed to call my Gram and I wanted to kill my mother. She always had to ruin everything ever since I was little. Always promising things and never delivering. Then she gave me up when I was 13 and except for the phone calls asking for money and the visits in rehab to visit her I never talked to her and now she had custody of me signing me away to someone else. Why didn't she just leave me at my gram's?

"Come on Kallie," she was talking now as the court lady stamped the papers, "you're going with your new father Mr. Nazigoti."

My dad, last I knew, was in Europe with his trashy girlfriend…he certainly wasn't this big man in front of me but the look she gave me told me not to ask questions. The big man grabbed my arm above my elbow and led me down the hallway and down the courthouse steps to a black town car waiting outside. My mother went the opposite way and left me….with a guy who was a total stranger to me.

"Get in," he gruffed giving me a smile while he opened the door for me."

As we pulled out I had a huge knot in my stomach and I seriously felt like throwing up which would serve this guy right.

"So you're Kallie?" he asked as we pulled into traffic.

"Well duh," I replied my voice dripping with sarcasm, "and you're my new daddy….whoopee!"

"Now that's no way to talk to me young lady," his voice was firm and it made my stomach flip, "seeing as how I am your new daddy. You're adopted by the way, you know, there's no way I'd ever touch your tramp of a mother touch me."

"Well at least you have some sense of decency," I said looking out the window, "so why'd you want me anyway? I don't even know you."

"Your mother owed me money and instead she signed over you," he was looking for a radio station on the radio but all I could hear was fuzz. "I gave her an eight ball in exchange for you…how's that make you feel?"

Like shit, I felt like saying but actually it didn't surprise me. I'm surprised she didn't even trade me for a hit of crack she was that kind of mother. Certainly mother of the year material wasn't she?

"Wait, do you even comprehend what that means?" he asked and I could feel his eyes glance over at me.

God I felt like hitting him, you don't go through you're developing years with a druggie mother and not learn some of the terminology. I decided to keep up the silent treatment and give him the cold shoulder.

"You'll answer me when I ask you a question." He gave me a tone like he was talking to a toddler.

"Yes, I know what it means." I snapped as he accelerated the car.

"You'll be surprised when we get there, you know," his voice was softer now as he turned down the radio, "you'll love Vincent…he's a good boy for you."

I had no clue who this "Vincent" was but I felt like slapping this kid already. I could tell that "daddy dearest" wanted me to ask him who Vincent was and since I figured I already ticked him off enough for today I asked.

"You'll see," he smiled as we pulled into a long driveway, "let's just say you're roommates for now."

"We pulled in front of a…well I'm not sure if you'd call it a house or more like a mansion with the greenest most manicured lawn I've ever seen. These people obviously had money—the place looked like it belonged on the cover of Lawn and Garden or something. We pulled up to the stairs and I saw a boy at the top smiling…more like smirking at me. Were as I looked a tinsy bit preppy (not overly—I certainly wasn't all that popular—not having a somewhat perfect family puts you on the outside of most social groups) he looked the complete opposite almost, like punk and Goth mixed together. Not totally dressed in black but you got the point that he didn't like kittens or the beach. Mr. Nazigoti stopped the car and the next second my car was being opened by the boy.

Sorry I have to stop, I have to read over some mock trial stuff, I'll probably update tomorrow if I can….please review. Besides you have to read to see how Kallie reacts to this very "special" boy.