Disclaimer: Kim Possible and related characters are created by Bob Schooley & Mark McCorkle. Copyright by Disney.

My sincere thanks to Andarion (andarion . deviantart . com) for beta-reading this story and providing me with feedback and suggestions and Eoraptor (here on ) for beta-reading this chapter and giving me advise (lots of it) to improve my grammar and style.

AN: As you see, this story isn't over yet. The stile takes a new turn in this chapter but don't worry, it's not gonna last forever.

Chapter 14 – New Directions

Hey Kimmie,

Well, I arrived in Egypt a little later than foreseen... I convinced Lt. Alberts to make a short stop-over in England. After all, I happened to know where Monkey Fist keeps his most prized treasures and since he's basically a big rock, he didn't really object to me recovering that monkey-god I stole from Egypt.

I must say, I was kinda surprised that Alberts agreed to it without much prompting. Despite that guy's stiff upper lip, he's actually pretty cool, a little like Stevie but without that voice that sounds like a hundred cats being skinned.

Anyway, needless to say the people in Egypt were quite happy to see me bringing those antiquities back. I'm actually treated with a little respect now. They put me up in a half-way decent hotel with a GJ agent in the room next to me. It certainly beats jail, and I've got some privacy as well.

This morning, I visited the museum to see whether everything was still the same as before. They added some extra security cams; but if you know what to look for, the holes are there. The local guards were not happy to hear that I was basically comparing their security with a big Swiss cheese. But it's true. They rely too much on tech and not enough on insight in the human psyche. Dr. D had basically the same problem, you know. That's why you were always able to get into his lairs without tripping any alarms.

Anyway, my demonstration is planned for the day after tomorrow. I'm guessing those guards won't believe their eyes. Truth be told, I don't think there are a lot of people besides you and me who would be able to make use of those holes they left, but still… a security hole is a security hole, and apparently that's unacceptable. And after all, it might be a little presumptuous to assume that there's nobody else who can do what we do, right?

Fortunately, the demo will be at night. Do you have any idea how fricking hot it gets here during the day!? I don't understand why I agreed to go to Egypt in summer! And worst of all is that my preliminary schedule has me in Australia during their summer as well. Somebody over at GJ was feeling vindictive when they drew up my itinerary I guess. I mean, I like the sun but this is ridiculous!

Anyways, there's actually not a lot to say right now other than wishing you the best of luck with your finals. And remember to concentrate on them! (God, I'm probably sounding like your mom right now, aren't I?) What I mean to say is… I can do without your notes for a few days. I wouldn't want to be the reason you were distracted when you should have been studying.

Later Kimmie,




If you think that I'm only studying these days, you're crazier than I thought. Even I need some R&R.

Also, I don't think you're far from the truth in assuming that we're the best at what we do. Only that ninja girl Ron met in Japan seemed to be able to keep up with me.

I was happily surprised to read that you recovered those items from Monkey Fist, or at least his castle. I did some reading on Egyptian art and apparently, this monkey-god must have been pretty important if it was "guarding" a wooden box. And what was in that box is probably the real treasure. Wood was rare in the Egypt of the Pharaohs. Oh well… if it's really important, we'll probably see a documentary about it on Global Geographic in a few years.

So, how did the demo go? Were they all wondering 'How the hell did she do that?' or was it more of a 'D'oh! I can't believe we missed that!' experience?

Don't forget, I want details of all your legal break-ins when you're back ;)

Not a lot is happening here, unless you think that studying is thrilling. Unfortunately, doing those exams is one sitch Wade won't be able to help me with.

Anyway, I guess I gotta sign off here. My break is over and I've got some studying to do.

Until soon,



Hello again Kim,

I know you'd like to think that 'everything is possible for a Possible', but now you're coming off a little overconfident. With that attitudes you won't be making a lot of friends at Global Justice, you know (Not that I care about kissing up to them of course. Oh… hi Betty. Enjoying the show?)

The demo was a lot of fun, but I wasn't exactly taking an obvious route. Still, I think I've given them something to think about. They say they'll be adapting their security though, so I guess they learned a lesson from it.

Fortunately, the local authorities were happy enough with me returning their monkey-god for them to agree to halve my time there. They did run me ragged in the last month though. Damn, Egypt is big! And it's got a lot of museums.

Anyway, I'm leaving here tomorrow. Next stop South Africa. You'd think that the diamond capital of the world wouldn't care about a few rocks gone missing, would you? Well, think again... greedy bastards.

So, if I'm not mistaken, you've finished your exams by now, right? How did it go? And what have you got planned for the Summer Break? Any chance I'll be seeing you in South Africa? They say it's got some interesting touristy spots as well so that could be a nice idea for a holiday, huh? I'm pretty sure I'll be there for the next two months, because my jobs in South Africa were always pretty basic. Fly in, grab some rocks to power Dr. D's latest doo-hickey and fly out again. No fancy scouting or any contacts with the underworld, so I'm afraid I won't have a lot of extra info I'll be able to share with the local authorities.

So if you're planning to come over, I'm sure that Betty has my address.

See you soon?



Hey Shego,

Well, I aced my finals. It was a few weeks of hard study (and many months of reasonably tough study) but I guess I upheld the family motto. So, looks like it's gonna be a long, relaxing break for me. And for Ron as well. He also passed with flying colors. Of course, the majority of his classes were practical, but still… would you believe he actually turned out to have a talent for accounting as well?

Anyway, thanks for the invite, but I don't know if I can take you up on it. I'll be spending a few weeks at the Lazy C with the family. (In case you forgot, that's where we had that sitch with the mechanical horses and Drakken's silly hats) And afterwards Dr. Director says she has a mission for me. Nothing time-sensitive, so it can wait until after my stay at the Lazy C, but I've got no idea how long it could take. I guess we'll see when August comes around, huh?

It's good to be back at my old place though. I'm impressed at the way they've managed to reconstruct our home. If you saw it now, you'd never know that an alien invasion droid smashed it to pieces.

And it's good that all work on it has been finished. When summer is done, Mom and Dad will have a guest staying over for the first semester. Apparently, there's not enough lodging space in Middleton yet and the Middleton Institute for Science and Technology has asked its alumni to play guest-family for a few of the incoming exchange students. Turns out they've agreed to host somebody from Japan.

And here I thought they'd be happy to have some alone-time now that the Tweebs are off to terrorize those poor bastards over at MIT.

So, I'll be here in Middleton for another day, and then it's on to Montana. And before you ask, no Ron isn't coming along this time. He said he wanted to stay in Middleton and make the best he can of his time together with little Hana. Though she isn't that little any more. Damn, those toddlers grow quickly! It was cute to see the two of them together though. Looks like he really missed her while he was away, maybe more than he missed his parents. Oh well, it's good to see him being responsible for a change.

And tonight I'm going out with some of the old gang from Middleton High. Haven't seen most of them since I started going to college, so there's going to be some catching up to do.

I'll let you know when I've got a better idea about what I can do later this summer, okay? In the meantime, we'll keep in touch.

See you soon,



From: Director(a)GlobalJustice

To: alpha-list(a)Interpol

Subject: Interactions between Threat Alpha-5 and Potential Prime.

Dear colleagues,

As expected, Alpha-5 has contacted Prime and enquired about Prime's possibilities to arrange an encounter with Alpha-5 during said person's stay in Location 2.

Fortunately, social obligations have limited Prime's options to accept this invitation for the moment. However, the possibility exists that by the end of August, Prime will have acquired enough "ennui" to accept Alpha-5's offer. We all know that Prime will have no problem traveling to wherever Alpha-5 may be and we are at the moment unable to invoke a need-to-know status about Alpha-5's whereabouts.

As you all know, the main object of this operation is to confirm that Alpha-5 will indeed be able to function n society without the constant input from Prime to "readjust their moral compass." It is therefore imperative that Alpha-5 does not have any personal contact with Prime before they have operated within legal boundaries for at least one year.

To these ends I propose that we present Prime with a mission that is drawn-out long enough to make traveling to Alpha-5 impractical, but still personally involving enough to keep Prime occupied and unsupecting until the beginning of the new academic year.

My plan is to disclose file RI07T005784 to Prime and request them to accompany Gamma-L while he visits colleagues in other countries. We all know that Gamma-L has requested these meetings before and this would be a great chance to both appease Gamma-L and keep Prime occupied.

If we arrange three visits a week each with a few days between each visit, Prime's social obligations should keep them occupied enough to bridge this period of inactivity.

Due to the sensitivity of this issue, it would be preferable if Gamma-L does not visit countries Threat Alpha-5 is scheduled to visit within the next year. We are therefore looking for three volunteers to accept a visit from Gamma-L under close guard by Potential Prime.

We all count on your cooperation. I realize that it's something of a sacrifice, but it's one we must be willing to make to ensure continued safety of our subjects.


Dr. Director


Hey Shego,

Well, I'm finally back and immediately will have to start packing to get ready for college. You wouldn't believe how much my clothes have gone out of style!

I'm sorry I couldn't make it to South Africa. That "favor" I did for Betty kept me running around half the globe. I'm not sure what their specialist is working on, but he sure did need a lot of data from different places. I'm seriously considering charging her the next time she's got a sitch like that. Oh well, at least it gave me time to do some sight-seeing while that geek was cooped up with his colleagues.

There's certainly a lot that can change in just two months, though. Would you believe that Ron is dating again? He hooked up with a former class-mate of ours: Tara. Sweet girl, used to have a crush on Ron even though he was too blind to see it. Looks like old love really doesn't rust. I just hope that they'll be able to overcome being separated most of the time. She's still living in Middleton, after all.

Meanwhile, Mom and Dad have been getting the place ready for that exchange student I mentioned last time. I don't know anything about him yet but according to Dad, he's some kind of Japanese techno-geek who has spent most of his time with private tutors. I wonder what he'll think about the big campus at MIST.

Speaking about Japan, isn't that your next stop? Any idea on what you can expect there? Except some serious kissing up to Mr. Nakasumi, that is!

Well, not much more to report here. It was just your typical lazy summer. I'll probably have to tell you more tomorrow after the exchange student arrives.

Be well,



Hey Kimmie.

Charging money? Wow, you really are growing up!

So, can you finally tell me who that mystery specialist is? Or is this one of those need-to-know deals Betty seems to be so fond of?

And your sidekick has finally found somebody to replace you, did he? I guess I should be happy for him (if you don't mind, that is) but I can't help but wonder… a sweet girl? After having been your boyfriend for nearly two years and jumping around the world by your side for God knows how long? That doesn't sound like it's a match made in heaven. I'm sorry Kim, but you're decidedly not a "sweet girl". And I find it difficult to imagine that a guy who has gotten used to being with you will be able to settle down with a sweet girl.

Then again, I could be completely wrong and could be letting my experience with "sweet" color my opinion.

So, talking about squeezes… how's your love-life been lately? Remember, you want the details about my legal break-ins, I want all the dirt on your sordid escapades. "Quid pro quo, Clarice."

As for Japan, I'll be checking the security of all four production plants of Nakasumi Toys and their offices. So yeah, I guess they still remember me. The remainder will be mostly used to bore the local police and customs' officers about Yakuza tactics, though I seriously doubt I have anything new to offer them. Still, it's possible I might get some exercise out of it. According to Lt. Alberts, who by the way is still one of my Interpol babysitters, there are some Special Ops agents who'd like to have a closer and less painful example of my martial arts.

Well, I hope your exchange student turns out to be okay. And in case you don't hear from me in the coming days, good luck getting settled in your dorm again.

Until next time,



Kim was standing in the airport's entrance hall with her parents and the Tweebs. The flight from Japan had landed a little over half an hour ago, so their visitor should get through customs pretty soon.

"Dad, do you really have to use such a low-tech method to show who we're waiting for?" Jim complained while pointing at the cardboard with their guest's name written across it.

"Yeah, how will he recognize that you're one of the greatest technological geniuses in the world if you don't stand out in this mass of people?" Tim added without missing a beat.

"And I guess you Tweebs would know a better way to announce our presence?" Kim muttered. "Something like hacking into the flight status displays?"

"Hicka bicka boo?"


"Don't even think about it!" Mrs. Dr. Possible chided. "And Kim, you should know better than to give them silly ideas like that."

"Don't worry, Mom." Tim re-assured her.

"We weren't really considering it." Jim added.

"Not seriously, anyway."

"Besides, it would be way too easy."

"No big."

"Hey, that's my line!" Kim complained.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Dr. James Possible interrupted his bickering children. "Because it looks like our guests have arrived."

Kim saw how two people walked out of the mass of passengers and moved in their direction. For a moment, she was stunned with surprise.

'How could I not have recognized that name!' she chided herself as Hirotaka made a polite bow.

"Dr. Possible-sensei. It is my esteemed honor to make your acquaintance and that of your honorable family."

James made a fair imitation of their guest's bow before extending his hand. "And it is our honor to meet you, Hirotaka. And allow me to welcome you to the United States."

"I am slightly confused though. It seems that my information was mistaken. I was under the impression that we would receive only one visitor."

"Your information was not mistaken, Dr. Possible-sensei." The young Japanese man replied. "Please allow me to introduce my sister, Yori. She still has some days to go before her classes start again, and insisted on accompanying me on this voyage. After all, we won't see each other again for nearly half a year."

"I do not wish to impose on your family, honorable Dr. Possible." Yori said demurely. "Of course, it will be my honor to stay at a motel and only see my brother during the hours of day."

James and Anne exchanged a quick look.

"Nonsense." Anne objected. "When there's place for one, there's place for two. Especially when it's for just a few days. You can sleep in Kim's room… if you don't mind the chaos of her packing for college, that is."

"It would be my honor, Dr. Possible-sama."

As the Possibles and their guests walked over to the family car, Kim slightly lagged behind and subtly motioned Yori to do the same. Soon both girls were walking a few meters behind the rest of the group.

"Is Hirotaka really your brother?" Kim inquired coyly.

Yori gave a slight chuckle. "Of course not, Kim Possible. He is my dear friend and companion from since I began my training at Yamanuchi. I do care for him like a brother, however. So what I told your honorable father, I could tell without tainting our honor."

"So why are the two of you here? Is there some grave Monkey Magic danger we should be aware of?"

"Have no fear, Kim Possible. The secrets of Yamanuchi are quite safe. And ever since Monkey Fist got himself trapped by the path of the Yono, there has been only one true master of Monkey Magic."

Kim nodded. "Ron."

"My visit here is for purely personal reasons. And Hiro-kun is indeed here to attend school."

"So, no undercover operation like last time he was here?"

"Indeed not, Kim Possible. Hiro-kun is here as part of his higher studies. During his first stay here, he became fascinated by the high level of technological advances that come out of Middleton; and that is why he requested of Master Sensei the chance to follow a semester at your highly acclaimed Middleton Institute of Science and Technology."

Kim looked at Yori with suspicion "I thought Yamanuchi was a secret ninja school. I didn't know you had technology or science in your curriculum."

"We do not, Kim Possible. However, as part of our cover in later life, we are encouraged to pursue a professional activity that enables us to function in normal society. Most of us choose to satisfy ourselves with law enforcement or specializing in martial arts. But some have other ambitions. Hiro-kun has always been fascinated by machines, which you probably noticed when he arrived here with that motorbike of his."

"Yeah, I remember that bike. How come he didn't bring it this time?"

"A bad run-in with Yakuza-enforcers in Tokyo left it beyond repair." Yori gave an exasperated sigh, as though chiding "Hiro-kun".

"I hope those thugs won't follow him here! This is my family we're talking about!" Kim exclaimed vehemently.

"There is no reason to be alarmed Possible-san. Hirotaka was in disguise at the time and nobody was able to see his face."

Kim visibly relaxed. "And why are you here? You could just as well have said goodbye to him in Japan as here in Middleton, couldn't you?"

"You are shrewd, Kim Possible. The truth is that I am here to check on the well-being of Han. Sensei wants to make sure that her development does not go faster than foreseen. It is imperative that she has a normal childhood, and her experience with the Yono might have left her more aware of her powers than she should be. I still have fond memories of Little Han, so I volunteered for that mission."

"Rrriiiiigghhht." Kim replied. "And the fact that Hana just happens to live in the same house as Ron is purely coincidence? Couldn't Hirotaka have confirmed that everything is okay with Hana?"

"It is indeed a most fortuitous coincidence that I will be meeting Stoppable-san again." Yori admitted. "Especially since he is… how did you express it last time? …On the market again."

"Ah... right… Yori, about that…"


Shego stepped out of the bar into the Osaka night.

Her scouting mission had been reasonably successful. Though she hadn't recognized any of the local clientele, all the identifiable signs were still there. She would be able to give the local police a starting point for their undercover operation.

The attack came out of nowhere.

One darkly-clad person blocked her way, and she heard the swift steps of another, no two other persons moving behind her.

"Excuse me." She asked in passable Japanese. "Can I pass, please?"

The figure in front of her stayed silent. His only response was to take out a pair of nun-chucks. A light jingling sound confirmed that his partners behind her had done the same.

Shego considered her options, 'At least they're not guns. Oh well, I tried being polite.'

She lifted her arm; loosely aimed it at the shadow in front of her … and nothing happened.

"Fucking binders!" she swore as the first assailant rushed her, nun-chucks twirling through the air.

Seconds before the nun-chucks connected, Shego ducked and as her attacker shot past her, she gave a quick backwards kick, catching him square in the shoulders. This sent him flying forwards and he crashed into a heap of trash.

"Damn!" Shego hissed. She'd hoped he would have slammed head-first in a wall, eliminating at least one threat.

The few seconds she had used to eliminate the direct threat and regain her position had been enough for the other two figures to close the distance, making it impossible for her to make a run for it.

Shego observed the two thugs in front of her; wary for any attack they could launch at her while she listened for the groans of her third attacker. She knew that if he got up again, the three of them might make things difficult for her, especially since she was unarmed.

Trying to even the odds, she gave a swift kick to her right. Unfortunately, her opponent swiftly ducked that kick. It looked like her attackers had wizened up and her first kick of the fight had been the only easy kick she would be able to land.

Well, the remainder of the fight would have to come to hard blows then.

She jumped at her attackers and threw a quick series of blows and kicks, meanwhile dodging and occasionally fending off the nun-chucks that seemed to come from all sides. Hardly any of her blows connected, though.

She broke of her attack and took a little distance from the two in front of her, she had been able to avoid being flanked by one of them, but that was about the only thing that was going her way in this fight. These guys were good! She couldn't remember ever hitting so much air in any fight that hadn't involved Kimmie.

Behind her, she could hear the sound of falling trash and frustrated grunts. The first goon was getting back on his feet and Shego didn't doubt that he soon would re-enter the brawl.

Shego considered her options. With her being unarmed, three armed opponents could cause serious trouble, especially if one of them managed to get behind her.

Years of experience helped her highly trained senses to scan her immediate surroundings for anything that could serve as a weapon. When she saw her option, she rushed across the alley and kicked loose a wooden flag-pole.

By the time she had picked it up, the third thug had closed ranks with the other two, though he still seemed to be a little groggy.

Swiftly twirling her make-shift staff, she waited for her attackers to make a move. The attackers seemed to be more confident with their reinforcements, but Shego felt differently about the trade-off. She was more confident about facing three armed opponents while she had a weapon, than being confronted by two of them while unarmed.

Finally the middle attacker made a dash forward, leaving his partners on either side to block her escape just as Shego had expected. With a swift downward swipe of her pole, she knocked the nun-chucks out of her opponents arm, and in the same movement, she brought the other part of the pole upward slamming it in the face of the goon who had hardly time to realize he was now unarmed.

Shego brought the pole around, slapping it against the thug's temple, and her attacker began to become weak in the knees. Instead of pushing him aside and concentrating on her two other opponents, she quickly threw the pole around her attacker, pushing it against his throat.

While her captive helplessly started to grasp at the pole and her hands, Shego addressed his partners.

"Drop those, or I'll crush his throat..." She growled.

The other two looked at each other, hesitating while they tried to assess how serious Shego was with her threat. This told Shego all she needed about her attackers and she slightly loosened the pressure on her captive's throat.

Suddenly a dry, monotonous clap sounded behind her attackers.

A shadow walked into the dim light in the alley. "Impressive, gajin. You got the upper hand much faster than I anticipated."

He snapped his fingers and a second shadow appeared next to him and Shego heard the distinctive sound of a gun being cocked.

"And now you've lost it again." The shadow remarked dryly while she heard more guns being readied behind her.

"Now, if you would be as kind as to release my associate?"

Shego let go of the pole and the thug fell to his knees, gasping for air.

"Okay, what's the big idea?" She demanded.

"Nothing special, gajin. I just wanted to invite you for a polite talk in a … shall we say… more private setting."

He snapped his fingers again and light flooded in the alley as two mini-vans turned on their head-lights.

"Please, after you." The leader invited.

Once Shego had joined her attackers in the mini-van, its doors were slammed shut and the motor roared to life, drowning out all sound from inside the van to the outside world.

"What the hell was that about, Commissioner?!" Shego raged "I could have cracked that first guy's skull against that wall I sent him into. Or have crushed the other guy's throat if I hadn't realized they were working for you."

"They are professionals, Miss Shego." The commissioner re-assured her "They were well aware of the risks and eager to volunteer for the opportunity of facing the legendary Shego in fair combat."

"Three against one!? Fair combat my foot!" Shego snorted.

"It is does indeed seem that three of my best men are hardly a match against your prowess. Would you prefer them to be four or five next time?"

Shego suppressed a smile while shaking her head wearily. "Why attack me like this? I thought we had settled on training sessions later this week?"

"So we did. And I profoundly hope that you are still willing to participate to them. However, what can a training session teach us but the limits of civilized combat? It is in situations as the one you were just in; when you thought that you were outnumbered by Yakuza enforcers who had recognized you as a traitor, that we could test the true reaches of your prowess and tactical ingenuity."

"Yeah, right. Whatever. It's still a nasty trick to play on me and on your men. Who by the way, are very good. If I hadn't gotten in that first kick, I could have had a real difficult time out there."

"I will tell them of your appreciation, Miss Shego. They are indeed the best, having trained at one of our top facilities for martial arts. But now, please enlighten me. How did you recognize that they were no threat but were, in fact my men?"

Shego gave a wry smile and started her blunt and rather cynical explanation.

-- End of chapter 14 --

Next… Dating, drama and demonstrations.