Summary: When two girls are neglected by two boys that claim to love them what will they do? They find their bad side of course. They leave for three years to try and clear their heads. So what happens after they return, and wait there not alone?! Not to mention the 2 arrogant and dense hotties that they have to live with? Parings Sasu/saku Naru/hina


I walked to my room and put my pajamas on. I let out a long sigh, when would my Sasuke come home? I didn't love him any more but I still cared for him, his is my teammate still. I was about to climb into bed but I heard a knock so I quickly went downstairs and opened the door. I gasped when I saw who was there

" S-Sasuke?" I asked all I got was a Hn and a guy barging into my house. He flopped on the couch and didn't say a word till I reached the stairs.

"Sakura, put it on now." He said throwing a box to me. I opened it and realized what he was trying to say. It was a rare pink diamond flower petal ring with diamonds along the band, a cherry blossom.

" Wait but why? Does this mean your staying and why me? I asked innocently. He let out a sigh knowing he had to actually talk.

" Second goal, yes, and no one else is available." He said.

"Wow he made a whole sentence!" I thought. I had got my hopes up just to watch them fall. I felt his eyes boring into my back. I sighed.

"Fine I'll do it Sasuke for you. Only you." I said. I started to walk upstairs then I heard his voice again.

" What no kun?" I could practically hear his smirk. I just rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs and he called out to me again.

"Come here now." I went back down the stairs. And sat by the couch.

"What do you want?" He just motioned for me to come closer. I leaned in putting my ear close his mouth. I could fell his hot breath on my ear and when he spoke to me he used a husky voice.

" You know since you are officially my fiancé we should start trying to fulfill my second goal in life. Once a month kay, why don't we start now trying now." He said. My cheeks were as red as a tomato. I felt him nibbling on my earlobe. It felt so good, but I knew he wasn't doing it out of love it was his own personal reasons maybe even out of lust. He picked me up bridal style and took me to my room we started making out like crazy but as soon as he started to get in position I stopped him.

" Sasuke-kun as much as I want this we can't you have to see the hokage tomorrow and I'm just not ready okay?" I said.

"Hn." He wrapped his arms around me when I was going to get dressed again and pulled me close to his body. He rolled me over so that I was staring into his eyes and kissed me on my lips short and sweet. I gave him a small smile and fell asleep in his arms. I woke up in the morning finding a pillow where Sasuke was laying last night with a note on top of it saying


Went to hokage be back when you wake up have breakfasts ready.

And he sighed it and that was it I was it.

"Sheesh what a liar he needs to check his logic." I thought

I yawned and made my way downstairs. I was still half asleep though, only till' I was half way down making breakfast was I fully awake. And that's when I felt arms circle my waist. I spilled to myself

" How did you pull that one off?" I asked him. He started nuzzling my neck as If trying to skip the question.

"Sasuke." I whined.

" I waited till you were fully awake the hokage saw me at 4 o'clock in the morning, got home at five slept in the bed till 6:45 and then followed your every move till you woke up." He said

" Whoa, a whole muther fukin sentence from the oh so every stoic Uchiha." I smiled. Every thing was fine for about a year. Then that's it all started on our anniversary, I saw him making out with Karin. She was just visiting for a mission and they decided to catch up I guess. I was pissed beyond imagination, and then I saw Sai, he was still single so it's okay I guess. I walked over to him.

"Hey Sai wuz up" I asked innocently.

"Not much." He replied.

"Oh well um, you want to do something like right now." I asked. He smirked at me

"Ugly are you asking me out?"

"Maybe. Yes. Now come on." I grabbed his hand and took him to ichiruka's. We sat down and ordered.

" Why here ugly?"

"TO eat duh! I haven't had ramen in months!"

"Oh." We ate, talked in the park but I'm not sure if he knew I was flirting with him. Apparently he did cuz he leaned in for a kiss. I quickly obliged and leaned in also. It was sweet and innocent. I felt him asking for entrance, and I gave in. After that we got into a heated make-out session unaware of the pairs of onyx & crimson eyes staring us down. I felt something tugging at my arm. When I broke the kiss I looked up only to find a pissed of Sasuke and a very scarred Karin behind him. I winced I knew this would not turn out good.

" Uh, wuz up?" I asked scarred out of my mind. He just growled and yanked me off the park bench and dragged me home. Karin followed in timidly while Sasuke said to wait in his for him up in his room. He slapped me strait across my face. My lip started bleeding and I wiped it off with my arm.

" What the hell was that for? HUH?" I said my voice raising. He would have to be stupider then Naruto to see that I was pissed off.



" It's different Sakura. You don't know what happened." He said in a calm tone.


He pinned me against the wall chocking me.

" Stop acting like you know everything in this world Sakura because for your information you don't alright so stay out of my business."


" Looks like you need to learn your place Haruno. From now on you do not leave the house. I will not let you talk to anybody unless you have permission got it." He said. I had this defiant look in my eyes. He gripped my neck tighter. I coughed some more and nodded yes. He let me fall to the ground and went upstairs. I just went to my room downstairs and cried my self to sleep.


Naruto has been hanging around Sasuke a lot more than usual. Like going out at nine every single night except for Sunday. When he caught Kiba forcing himself on me. He was really pissed off but not at Kiba, at me. He claimed it was my fault and took in Sasuke's method so now I could only talk to Sakura. We had become best friends, but I was second next to Ino of course. I would always go over there at night. Like tonight for instance.

" Hey Saku-chan. I found a bunch of digits in Naruto's jacket and chicks are callin the house non-stop. It's getting frustrating." I said. I had stopped calling Naruto Naruto-kun a long time ago. I had also become a bolder girl no longer stuttering.

" I know same thing here. I can't take it no more it's out of control." She watching our kids run around. Yes we had two-year-old children; both of us had twins actually. My kids' names where Hikari and Kenji. Sakura's kids' names were Yukihiro, Yuki for short and Seto. Their fathers, Naruto and Sasuke didn't know though, actually only us 2 knew.

" I think we should leave I am so fed up with this." I said. She nodded in agreement. Then with that we went to get packed and decided to meet at Ino's house to find well to get in touch with our bad side. I packed clothes for me and my kids and some food and money lots of money then I left hiding the kids. I went to see Ino. Sakura was already there. I walked in Sakura was almost done. She got a Rihanna cut with black hair and a pink streak on the longest section. She looked great. Then it was my turn. I also got a Rihanna cut to but my hair was light brown with blonde highlights. We smiled at each other and hastily said good-bye to Ino then we went to the Hokage hiding the kids.

" Tsunade-shishou we want to leave to have a break train. We promise to be back before the 7-year mark. Please we can't take this anymore." We both said alternating.

" Fine be back before Seven years on this very day or you will be classified as a missing-nin. Okay? Also girls please be careful." Tsunade said. We nodded mutely

" Naruto and Sasuke will come looking for us in a couple of weeks do give them this." I said pushing a piece a paper to her it was titled Good Girl Gone Bad and at the bottom it said woops to late.

" It's a song we wrote together for them okay be sure to give it to them." I said.

" Are you girls sure you want to go down that path."

" Yes." We said together. She just nodded.

" We already told them it was over. I left my ring on the kitchen table next to a note." Sakura said.

" And I left my locket he gave me on the door with a note as well." I said

" So we need to hurry before they come home from clubbing." We said together. She nodded again.

"Goodbye Sakura, Hinata." She said. We nodded then left.


I got home from doing my usual round with a girl from the club and got home expecting to see Sakura asleep on the couch but she wasn't there.

" She probably went on another mission when I told her not to. That little bitch, I'm going to see the Hokage tomorrow." I thought. I went to sleep and in the morning when I went to see the hokage Naruto was there.

" So you're here Uchiha, both of you take a look at this." Tsunade said pushing a piece of paper towards us we read it, it was called 'Good Girl Gone bad', it was a song.

So low

Ask us where you at we don't

Don't care just know we were at home cuz you left us there

We got your voice it's at home

Left us all alone

Now she in da club wit a freaky dress

Trying hard to keep that dress

Try to get enough drinks in here system

take her to the telle and make her a victim

easy for a good girl to go bad

and once we gone best believe we gone forever

don't be the reason don't be the reason you better learn how to treat us right

cuz once a good girl goes bad we gone forever

he staying with a flock at the new year

got a girl at home but he don't care

won't care just keep me at home won't let me go no where

just because I'm at home I won't be getting it on

now I'm finding numbers in a jacket pockets

chicks calling the house not stopping

it's getting out of control finally I can't take no more

left a letter on the stairs saying this is the end I packed my bags and left with my best friend oh

easy for a good girl to go bad

and once we gone best believe we gone forever

don't be the reason don't be the reason you better learn how to treat us right

cuz once a good girl goes bad we gone forever

So low

Ask us where you at we don't

Don't care just know we were at home cuz you left us there

We got your voice it's at home

Left us all alone

easy for a good girl to go bad

And once we gone best believe we gone forever

Don't be the reason don't be the reason you better learn how to treat us right

Cuz once a good girl goes bad we gone forever

whoops to late. And then it ended. I muttered a long stream of curses under my breath

" They said that they would be back before the seven year mark." Tsunade said

SakuraPOV (3 years later. They are nineteen now)

Today was the day we go back to Konoha I pinned a note to the gates where the jounin guards were. It slipped right passed them without them even knowing. We checked in about an hour it still was there though so Hinata used some kunai and made sure they were looking we laughed they looked so shocked, but delivered it to the Hokage nevertheless. We smirked and put our hood up and grabbed the kids.


A guard popped into the office and left a message on the desk. It was from Hinata and Sakura this is what it said

Dear Tsunade-shishou,

I we posted this about 2 hours ago but your guards probably didn't notice it so we are coming in five minutes kays! Round up who ever yo want we don't cur see you in what is now 10 minutes. It was sighed by a connected s and h. Tsunade rounded Ino, Shikamaru, me, Sasuke, Tenten and Neji. We all walked to the front gates and waited, then we saw two figures with four little kids approaching. The figures bodies were hot but the face would decide it all. Unfortunately they kept their faces covered with a hood. They had nice wardrobe. They were both wearing a miniskirt with leggings, heels, a short sleeve shirt, and a mid arm thingies. (A/N not fish nets but the things with a thumb whole open air no finger wholes and they go up to your elbows). The little girls tackled ino and Tenten while their assumed brothers just watched smirking.

" Auntie Tenten! Auntie Ino!" The girls shouted. Ino and Tenten laughed.

" Hi Yukihiro, Hikari." They said together. Then one of the shrouded figures spoke.

" What! going to say hi to our kids but not us were so hurt." She said putting her hand to her heart for dramatic effect.

"OMG, stop Hina-chan and take off those retarded hoods and lets see our project outcome!"

"Jeeez Ino-chan you make us sound like lab rats!" the other one said. But they took off their hoods any way. I let a small gasp out and I can tell Sasuke was purely shocked also. Because before us stood 2 extremely hot girls that were suppose to be Sakura and Hinata. Tenten took it by our gawking we couldn't really tell who was who.

he laughed.

" It's totally chick huh!" I said. She winked.

" Well we gotta go to our mansion now and drop off the kids then go to Tsunade's office. Bye" she said and they disappeared. Tsunade motioned for us to come over. We followed her to her office and waited.

SO you like it ??????? Please R&R !!!!! I love you all!

-Anari H.