Been a long time since I last updated and I sincerely apologize so here comes the next chapter. Here4 comes a time skip- Raina

Recap: "Demon of the night an unearthly sight by the sound of the bell go perish in the pits of hell." And the demon simply blew up. Kara grinned

" Nice job gals!" she chirped. Only to receive four glares in turn.

" Karina your lucky we don't castrate you for getting yourself possessed you moron." Tenten snapped.

" Now. Now no need to be so feisty" Kara said arms raised in front of her in defeat as she moved backwards. They all advanced toward her and she grinned sheepishly.

"Gotta go now! Bye chikas." Kara said and then she orbed out.

" Naruto can you keep everyone frozen till we come back?" Ino shouted.

" Sure can!" They four grinned maliciously, locked onto Sakura's hand and orbed out.

Enter Temari Subaku

It had been so long since that night of the test. The five girls sat in Tsunade's office accused of pulling pranks on the teachers.

" But Tsunade!" Sakura wined " Why do we have to show the newbie's around with them?" she practically hissed out the last word. Despite all their best efforts they had yet to convince the woman to let them off easy. You see for punish meant they had to show around the Subaku siblings with the guys and they definitely did not like that idea. Well at least a certain two. Fire blazed in Tsunade's eyes as she barked at the poor unsuspecting girls.

" It is final deal with it! They arrive today in ten minutes so get your buts out there do you under stand me?" Cringing slightly all five hastily exited the room but Tsunade called Kara back.

" Yes Tsunde-sama?" a smile was placed on the old woman's lips.

" Just be careful, for god's sake be careful Kara." An airy giggle floated into the air as it left Kara's pale pink lips.

" Aren't I always mom?" she said playfully as she waved goodbye. Unfortunately the naive good-hearted girl failed to miss the lone tear that trailed down her "mother's" face.

Prancing into the hall dancing to her iPod she met up with the girls who were looking at her expectantly. Most likely expecting the reason for her delay. When it was obvious they wouldn't get an answer Tenten spoke up,

" What took so long?"

" Nothing important was her simple reply." She chirped forcing her lighthearted attitude. Something terrible was going to happen today she knew and she felt it. Something was left out of the prophecy that Tsunade told the girls. It said that one shall die put another shall replace the fallen. That's what Temari's coming meant so when they found out what power Temari had she would know who would perish. No one knew that she knew this little piece of information and she wasn't planning on telling anytime soon even if it cost their trust because as simple as it is, she cared for them and that was that. If she relinquished her knowledge then they would go into a frenzy leaving more than one to die so she secluded that bit of information. Kara was brought out of her reverie by Ino's voice,

" You expect us to believe that?" the girl asked incredulously. A sigh escaped her lips knowing she had to tell them the truth.

" Alright you got me Tsunade told me to be careful, she found one of my scheme's." They nodded in understanding and proceeded to the double doors that led to the main entrance.

The warm spring air welcomed them openly as they laughed and talked about things that really held no weight to them. Soon they saw the guys turning around the corner and found the boys standing there waiting for the. Neji snickered,

" Took you long enough." And that was all it took for him to go flying off into a pole. A round of laughter over came the girl as Neji walked back to them with a clear bump on his head. He growled and sent Tenten flying into a tree. The poor bun headed girl moaned in pain.

" That hurt Hyuuga!" she whined as she approached the group again. Once in range she decided to do a stealth attack and she used her eyes to throw him into a car. The alarm to the Mercedes rang off as a frantic teacher ran to see what happened. Neji, that poor sucker, who was still recovering from the blow, was spotted next to the car with a pry (A/N I don't know what they're called.) sitting next to him. The teacher fumed

" Detention with me tonight Hyuuga!" rang Mrs. Hoffman's angry voice. Mean while Tenten was laughing while the boy sent a death glare her way.

" Don't you just lone me Hyuuga?" she asked sarcastically as she put a hand over her heart. That's when the war began. Both students began to relentlessly throw thing at each other while the rest of the group was either laughing or smirking. A cough interrupted their battle scene and the two froze and turned to stare at the new comers. A girl with dirty blonde hair stared at them with a mild hint of amusement.

" So ya got em' to?" the girl asked. All she got was a confused silence.

" I mean powers." Then everyone reacted and agreed with the question.

" Hi I'm Kara, that's Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Hinata, Itachi, Sasuke, Neji, Naruto and Shikamaru." Said girl listed. The unnamed girl gave a kind smile.

" Hi I'm Subaku no Temari and those are my younger brothers Gaara and Kankaru." She stated. Everyone nodded and became in full conversation (except for the emotionally constipated guys).

" What's your power?" she asked innocently. All five demonstrated and explained which guy obtained the same ability and then Temari showed hers.

" Candle" Temari called and the candle that was hoisted up on the stand landed in her palm. Kara chocked down a sob but no one noticed.

" You have the same power as me and my sister Kara." And once again the air was filled with talking. Everyone was so occupied no one noticed poor little Kara slip away as they were talking. However one did notice that the spunky playful girl was absent and he to disappeared to find her.

With Kara

A peaceful walk in the gardens was just what she needed. Everything was absolutely beautiful this time of year, it was almost as great as winter. The calm serenity the place gave off helped sooth her haywire nerves just a tad bit. This was her end she now knew it. Tsunade knew it all along that's why she told Kara to be careful she was just to blind to see that. A silent stream of tears ran down her face as she stared at the pond that radiated beauty.

" I never thought you would be one to cry." The voice was quit muted almost but smooth as velvet. She gripped the knife at her waist for a sense of protection until she realized it was only Itachi.

" What do you want Uchiha." She snapped despite her tears. A dry chuckle was released into the air. The early evening seemed to grow colder as the sun began to set leaving the gardens breath taking.

" You know don't you." He said. The way she broke down under his gazed softened his ice cube of a heart just enough to give her comforting words.

" It could always be Saki you know." But at this the girl shook her head violently.

" That's not possible she is the chosen one, the trinity of our sisters and you know that. Do not try to give me false hope Itachi." Her style of talking changed as if she were grown now. But she had always, always been like this. A playful side and a compassionate grown side. And now she was letting it show.

" You never know Kara." He said as he stepped closer. She did not flee of fright though. She got the message he was being good to her in her last few hours.

" I know you think your helping but just stop please just stop. I will not let Sakura die." Itachi growled and yanked the girl closer to him.

" That is the reason why you will get killed. She is supposed to die and you know it just let it be! Do not try messing with fate or you shall suffer the consequences, listen to me. I would not be telling you this if it were not for your own good. I promised your mother I would protect you and I will nothing can hurt you! She won't even die hell I think Sasuke will because like me he has dedicated his life to protecting her just as I to you! Don't you get it?" He snapped. Her soft hand caressed the skin on his cheek as you spoke softly to him.

" Itachi do not make it your obligation to protect me. The one you need to defend is her for she is this world's only hope. We are merely pawns can't you see. Stop blaming yourself for what happened it was not your fault. I did not ask to be protected nor will I ever from anybody. Let it go, let me go. That's how I'll forgive you. And as quick as it came her soft lips disappeared from his as he was standing in the now dark gardens of the school. He felt like screaming which was totally uncharacteristic of him but she was melting him and he couldn't stop it now that it began. Quickly he orbed back to the guys when he got a lock on the signature.

With Sakura

They decided that they got tired of the outside and went back to the dorm. Temari was staying in theirs right now because they had no extra rooms so after confronting Tsunade they figured she would stay with the Haruno's. Sakura had noted her sister's disappearance but decided to push it aside.

" Temma-chan come on lets go the haunted house right now!" she nodded but Tenten stopped.

" What about Kara Saku?" she asked.

" I told Itachi to go find her and bring her to the haunted house also. And with that they left.

The house was very scary and yet tasteful at the same time. Beautiful in the least. The color stained windows beautiful interior was heart stopping.

" Hey Kara!" they all exclaimed they began bombarding her with questions and all were answered.

" Lets play truth or dare!" exclaimed Naruto. The girls grinned maliciously and agreed hastily.

" Truth or dare Sakura?" The pink-headed girl was looking for some adventure so she chose the worst.

" Dare." A smug grin landed on Naruto's lips as Sasuke fed him an idea.

" Alright Sakura-chan you have to fight off this hell hound."

" What hellhound AGHGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed as she was attacked. Quickly she killed the damned thing and sat back down throwing a furious glare at Sasuke.

" Kara! Truth of dare?" she asked in a singsong voice

" I think I'll go with-" but she was cut off by a musical laugh.

" Alright I dare you to kill your sister Haruno." And out the shadows stepped a beautiful woman, wait no a demoness yes that what she was. She hurled a fireball at Sakura and while Sakura was trying to make her powers work Kara did it for her.

" Fireball!" she yelled throwing it back at the demon. The thing laughed again. They didn't have any potions or spells on them and the others were frozen in place. The guys came around and stepped in front of the girls (A/N paring wise) and Itachi made his way to her. She saw him move out the corner of her eye.

" Remember what I said Uchiha! Protect Temari she can't orb yet! I'll take care of myself." She yelled trying to fend the demon off. Hesitantly Itachi stepped in front of Temari defending her.
" Oopsie daisies looks like you fell for the trap wench" laughed and once again Kara was possessed but this time she fought. I'm not going down without a fight she thought. It took a lot out of her to fight her way back.

" Saku catch!" she yelled throwing her sister her knife, " It'll kill the demon I put a spell on it Just stab me thru the heart." Kara saw the hesitance in her eyes. " It won't hurt me just do it! Okay I'll be fine I'll be with you when I come back okay just kill this thing. I can't help you with a spell this time." And then Kara's scream ripped thru the room!

" You bitch!" Kara growled but it wasn't her voice it was the voice of the demon. Swiftly Sakura dogged her attacks and struck the possessed Kara thru the heart. Another scream was head as the demon blurred into sight again and burst just like the other one. Only then did the rest notice Kara didn't get up and Sakura became frantic.

" Kara! Get up quit pretending!" she yelled as she shook her. Tears poured down her face and loud sobs filled the room. Kara forced her eyes open and coughed up some blood.

" Sorry I lied." She croaked. Sakura's eyes became wide.

" What no, NO I said No I won't let you die on me."

" I never got to tell him I loved him." Came the weak reply, " do it for me will you." Sakura nodded.

" Sasuke, Itachi come save her now!" she barked.

" Goodbye I love all your girls you were all my sisters, even you Temari." She whispered once again. By the time the Uchiha brothers arrived at her side Kara's viridian eyes were dead staring straight towards the roof a smile on her now cold lips. Sakura broke and the rest stared at her tears in their eyes as they took pity on the girl.

" She's not dead." Sakura whispered over and over again. Sasuke did the only thing he knew how and pulled her in his arms to comfort her. She got louder,

" SHE'S NOT DEAD!" she yelled.

" Sakura." He said quietly. HE gritted his teeth as he too came to close with the fact his big sister was dead. " She's gone." The poor pink-headed girl broke down

" It's my fault." She sobbed.

" No it's not." And that's when she pushed away from his and stood up.

" How can you say 'it's not my fault' you know damn well it is! I'm the one who took her knife and stabbed her thru the heart! It's me I'm a monster! I killed the only one who understood what I was going thru the only one I could actually call me sister! Now she's gone and it's my fault Sasuke! I don't know why you don't hate me more! You loved her too. She was always there for us! You can't deny that." She yelled as she crumbled on the floor. After about ten minutes of sobbing she called Itachi over.

" She loved you, you know." She stated quit loudly " A whole lot Itachi but you never loved her like that never ever ever." She said. She looked over at the girls and all at once they gave her a huge group hug as she stated in the middle unmoving crying. No one even took account that the eldest Uchiha had cried one drop but never the less he picked up Kara's dead body and stood.

" We have to bring her to Tsunade. Both of them." He said taking the note the passed out sole survivor of the Haruno clan. And with that they left in silence heading for Tsunade everyone at least crying or mourning a bit as the started the short trek back to school.

Finished. Yes I killed her off cuz I realized I don't need to put my characters in almost every story I write so yeah I'm fixing it and bringing Temari into the mix. Yes from now on this also an Itatem unless you want him to end up alone. You tell me if Itachi Temari should be a paring or not! R&R I just realized I can write some pretty depressing things but I'll do better on the depressing part next time JK I luvs u alls R&R – Raina-hime out