Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the hints of charmed okay!

Summary: Hi my name is Sakura Haruno and I go to a well lets say 'special' its called KSA to the outside world but to us its KSAFS that basically means Konoha special Academy for spies. My sister ans I have been coming here for two years we have normal rivals and friends until something amazing happen by any chance have you ever heard of the Haruno coven, the five sisters that were supposed to fill the prophecy, well let me tell you that life is beyond hell!


I woke up in the morning to find myself staring at an empty bed. Apparantly it was time to get ready to go to school. When I first moved into to the dorm I realize that just because you live on campuss(A/N it a requirment okays!) doesn't mean you'll always be on time! I groggily sat up and went to the other bathroom and got dressed. I put on the school uniform and put in my signature black blossom pin studded with rinestones in my hair along with a pink one. My sister had an identical pink one but instead of the other one black it was white. I walked out and my sister Kara stared dragging me out. We got to the mess hall on time for breakfast after all. " Hey Kara help me find Ino-pig!" I said

" Okay, but help me find Hina-chan, and ten-chan!" she snapped. Obviously she was pissed off and I had no clue why.

"Hey Kara, Saki over here!" we heard a femine voice say. I turned around and saw Tenten waving at us, next to her was Ino and Hinata. We rushed over and started blabbering away, but something weirded my out, usually Kara is all talkative but she didn't say a word.


"Ah the oh so annoying school bell well better head to class" I thought. We all got up and went to class. Once in we immediately headed to the back and sat down. Then we noticed something weird 5 extremely hott guys walked in and went to the opposite side of the room in the back. We saw Ino eyeing one guy and I think the wholeworld heard her scream. 'Shika-kun." She asked while all eyes were on her.

A guy on the other side of the room with his hair tyed into a pony tail spoke, " Geez would ya shut up you troublesome woman?" he said while giving a small smirk. Ino squraled then grabbed my hand I quickly latched on to my sisters arm and she grabbed Tenten then Tenten grabbed Hinata and Ino dragged all of us to the 5 hotties in the corner of the room.

"Goddamnit Ino-chan do you have to kill us you don't have to go all hyperactive on us. Good lord girlie take a muther fukin chill pill would ya chika?" My sister screamed at her.

"Ah, gomen but guys this is Shikamaru we knew eachother when we were younger." She said cheerfully. We all smiled sweatly.

"Hi." We all chourused. After Shikamaru introduced us to Naruto,Neji,Itachi, and Sasuke. We smiled and said hello. We introduced ourelves as the white cherryblossoms our gang name then we gave ournames. We were talking a bit then the teacher walked in we walkedback to our seats and then listen to Azuma blabber on about something.


We walked into the lunch room and went outside to our usual spotunder the cherryblossom trees at our school.

I was quit the whole day for two reasons. 1 Itachi Uchiha goes to our school. You might say what are you retarded he is so hot! Well I hate him ever since we were little. 2 Someone last night was after me he looked normal but he was throwing friggin fire balls I don't know how I did it but I put my hands up and it thru the fireball back at him then I disappeared and before I knew it I was in my dorm. I was freaked out so I deacided to talk to Tsunade-sama.

" Hey, Sakura can you come with me to see Tsunade-Sama?" I asked her she noddeda and got up then we left.

We arrived at her office and barged in. "Tsunade-sama I need to tell you something." I said hurridly I told both of them of the events that went on last night.

She sighed "I knew this day would come prepare for a long lecture." She closed her eyes and said "Have you ever heard of the prophecy?" Sakura spoke up this time

"yes our mother told us about it.Your not sayin that's us?" She said unbelieving.

"Fraid so Sakura. You two are the whitelighters and your 'sisters' are regular witches. Ino gets premonitions, Tenten can move things with her mind and Hinata can freez anything. I will let the Uchiha's explain how to use you powers since they are also whitelighters.

"Drunk lady say what?!" I screamed.

"Yes they are Naruto has Hinata's power, Tenten has Neji's power and Shikamaru has Ino's power." I sat down.

"Damn." We whispered.

"Oh you need the book of Shadows now. Go to the rest of the girls tell them to come to me and when they get back go to the boys dorm. I will teach the girls how to use their powers but you need to meet up with Sharingan after. I will fill them in on everything. Oh and hide the book of Shadows in your bag and then I will send them to your dorm room keep the book hidden there now go!" Tsunade said. I stuffed the book in my bag and we took off.

We went into the class room and told the girls that Tsunade wanted them they scurried there and we took our seats. After about 15 minuetes I heard Tenten scream (A/N Tenten is Kara's best friend and Ino is Sakura's best friend while Hinata is neutral.) " DRUNK LADY SAY WHAT!!" I let out a giggle that's my best friend for ya I think my ways rub off a little bit too much. Clas ended and we ran to our dorm room. I quickly stashed the book in the back of my closet then I heard that oh so faithful knock.

"Ten-chan." I screamed when I opened the door. I immediately pulled her in a hug. We started laughing then headed to the boys dorm.


We arrived in the boys dorm and knocked on their door. Sasuke opened it And greeted me oh so nicely.

" Pinky watcha want?"

" Hello to you to Sasu-chan." I said sticking out my tongue.

" Sasu-chan haha man she treats you like you're her pet teme." Naruto said from behind him.

" Well, that's because he is, aren't you sasu-chan!" I said while smirking I learned in and whispered in his ear white lighter.

"Hn. Come in." he said. All of us went in and I saw Itachi-kun. I always favored him over Sasuke but it was vise versa for my sister. " So Tsunade told all of you everything." Sasuke said.

"Yeah hi sasu-chan." My sister chirped. She and Itachi locked eye's. "Hm, Ita-chan got uglier than last time." She said with an extremely noticeable fake smile.

"What ever Karina." Itachi said smirking. She fumed she absolutely hated here middle name.

" Man these two go at it like cats!" said Naruto. Everybody agreed.

"What ever just because your getting old and fat Tachi doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. Why don't you go crying to Mikoto." She snapped. She hit a soft spot and she new it. In less than a second she was pinned to the wall and he was choking her.

" Don't ever talk about her like that ever again Haruno." He growled.

"Itachi please stop youre hurting her!"

" Don't you think I know that?" he said then he gripped her neck tighter. She was crying now and she orbed or disappeared and reappeared behind him. She kicked him in the knees and he lurched forward hands on the wall. I knew what was happeneing all to well; she let her inner out.

"So you wanna play rough huh Uchiha? Knives." Kara called out and she smirked as ten knives materialized in front of her she was about to throw them at him but Naruto and Hinata froze the knives and grabbed them ou of the air.

" Damn she let her inner out cuz she only like this during gang fights." Tenten said muttering a long string of curses. She grabbed her arms and started screaming at her then she passed out. All the while Sasuke was smirking like there was no tommorow.

"You guys get into gang fights?" he said clearly amused.

" Hell to the yeah! I mean what real gang does not have gang fights." I said like he was stupid.

" Well is Kara-chan awake yet?"

" Asswhole say what?" a voice said. He sighed she was awake. " Beter be being nice to my sister outouto or I'm gonna have to kick your ass" Kara said warningly

" Yeah Yeah, what ever onee-chan." He said smirking.

" OMG, teme that's your sister!"

" No stupid! We are close like that!" he snapped.

" Oh, anyways so you guys found out and you want us to train you?" Naruto said with the most serious face no one thought he could use.

" Well w-we only need to p-practice with you but the girls a.k.a. white lighters need you two to train them fully. Tsunade-sama said that Itachi should train Kara. So that means that Sasuke has to train Sakura. Got it okay gotta go Kara Saku orb us out of here now they nodded when they heard the Uchiha's screaming curses.

Hey it's Anari Haruno here I hope you like my story r&r please I'm out.