Disclaimer: If I owned Bleach...this would have happened..and it would be cancelled by the pilot chapter LOL

A/N: HI HI!! Fast Update because my cousin is going to stay with me the rest of the summer and I'm not sure if I'll update within the next two weeks. But I'm really excited writing this but not people are liking this anymore…I feel a bit sad : ( Well for those who still like this story here's the next chapter yaaay! : )

Animefan29: You know I always wondered that too. Out of Everybody Kaien's siblings should see the resemblance no? Ah well if there's one thing I learned throughput the years is…DON'T QUESTION ANIME…you'll go insane with all the contradictions and loopholes LOL

Sesshomaru Dogdemon: Aww thanks for always reviewing I'm happy you still like it ;A;

-.StrawRabbi.-: It sucked indeed, and then this morning the cable and internet went out LOL we just moved and the house is already shambles XD heheh I try to make him spunky like Rukia but still a kid so it's a little tough ; )

Picctus: Nah the Hurricane was just a category one so it was just a bunch of gust and water, nothing serious, LOl and nope I didn't wait for another to hit to update XXD –starts dancing- Thank you for still liking this story!!

Powerful-phoenix: Indeed I did and IchiRuki is pure win, thank you for reviewing.

Chapter 4: To Protect Her Treasure

"WHAT POSSESSED YOU TO COME HERE?!" Ganju hollered at his guilty nephew, who only clutched onto the necklace in his tiny hand harder.

"I just…wanted to give this to Ichigo," Everyone blinked as he opened his palm and thrust it upward to the bewildered berry. He stood there silently for a moment trying to recover from the shock. His free hand reached down to grab gingerly, his thumb rubbing the smooth silver in fascination. Once Ganju took a closer look at the jewelry his entire body tensed.

"You mean...you risked your life just to give me this?" The Subtitute asked skeptically, still toying around with the amulet in his fingers. Kaien huffed angrily and scowled, one that even made Orihime shiver.

"It belongs to Mommy, she told me Daddy gave it to her the night he died, telling her that it would protect her," If it was more possible, the air tensed more than their first meeting in the mansion. Ichigo began to shake, it was unnoticeable at first but within seconds he was struggling to keep the amulet from falling.

"ICHIGO!" Yoruichi reprimanded, "Keep your focus unless you want to kill us all!"

"Kurosaki-kun…," Orihime whispered, seeing the pain once again flash in his amber eyes. He lessened his reitsu input but the ride was still bumpy. Kaien stared at him in confusion, wondering why he was reacting the way he was.

"I-I," he choked out, the pain in his chest returning to full force. His stomach began convulsing and he was sure that he would end up emptying it if the terrible sensation didn't stop soon. Not trusting his vocal chords, Ichigo simply took the boy's hand and returned the gift. Kaien frowned deeper, trying to give it back to Ichigo, who simply refused and continued to tremble a little.

"What's the matter? I'm letting you borrow it so it could protect you on your journey!" Chad, Uryuu, and Orihime could only stare at the scene. Apparently Kaien is too naïve and innocent to know just how much pain he was actually causing Rukia's savior.

"I c-can't," He stuttered, somewhat relieved that he finally managed to conjure up an answer. How could he accept it? It was a sacred symbol between Rukia and her deceased lover, a memory that he couldn't defile. Kaien continued to somehow try to convince him otherwise, even tried to slip it in his pocket; luckily Ganju interrupted clearly seeing Ichigo hurting.

"Hey kid, why don't you hold on to that for now? I'm sure Dandelion here would just lose it if he were to hang on to it," his nephew had a stubborn frown on his lips but considering the other Shiba's tone that meant leave-it-alone-unless-you-want-me-to-tell-your-mom he decided to follow his suggestion. As expected, Ichigo didn't reply, still a little shook up. He took in a deep breath and raised his head with resignation.

"Yeah, besides Rukia gave that to you…meaning she wants you to be safe," The tiny boy opened his mouth to protest but then quickly shut it, and he smiled lightly.


To everyone it seemed as if Ichigo finally recovered, but they were wrong…oh so wrong. The pain did not subside, even if he discarded the amulet, it was still there because Rukia's son was there. He was tangible proof that she could never hold him in the same pedestal as that man who gave her a child. He chuckled ruefully, Zangetsu must be very angry now, since he should be to the point of drowning.


"K-Kuukaku?" Kaien whispered in panic. He eyed his sister, who held a disgusted and disbelieving look on her face.

"How can you do this to Miyako-nee?! Is this how you return her love, by kissing that Kuchiki brat?!" Kaien was slightly angered by her little insult on Rukia, but shame engulfed him.

"I...you don't understand," the next thing he knew he felt a stinging pain on his right cheek and his back harshly hitting the floor. Kaien sighed, rubbing his cheek, he should have seen that coming, typical Shiba anger. Unknown to both parties, the midget whom the argument was over woke up from a loud noise. Her violet eyes snapped open when she noticed that it wasn't the Kuchiki Estates, rather it was-

"Maybe you're right I don't understand!" Rukia whipped her head where she heard Kaien-dono's sister angered whisper.

"Kuukaku…," another voice responded. She felt her heart pump faster at the sound of his voice.

"Kaien-dono," her breath caught in her throat. The hallway was thick with tension; even she could feel it from her distance. She knew better than to step into a family feud, and to eavesdrop, but her curiosity got the best of her, she got up and stealthily neared the hallway.

"Maybe I don't understand how you can kiss another woman while you're already married to a wonderful one. Much less, said woman you kissed doesn't even have an inkling that you did that!" Rukia felt her blood drain and clamped her hand over her mouth, hoping they didn't hear her gasp. Kaien-dono kissed…someone else? 'That's not me?' her mind concluded. Shaking her head from such thoughts she knew she had to keep hearing to find out who the mystery woman was, even if it killed her. Besides, she scoffed sadly, he would never kiss a little weakling girl like herself.

"I don't know when it happened," he started, unevenly but then began to gain confidence, "but I know what I feel for her is much stronger than I do for Miyako," Rukia felt her heart shatter. Another punch and he was sent tumbling farther into the hallway, he didn't try to stop because he knew he deserved it.

"How could you say that?!" She seethed, wishing her punches would knock some sense into her brother. Kaien stood up from the wooded floor and wiped the blood off his lips. His teal eyes glinting in the moonlight as he finally confessed his darkest secret.

"Because I love her, I love Rukia Kuchiki, the woman my heart belongs to, more than anyone," There were so many emotions that passed through her frame from his confession, shock, guilt, excitement, joy, 

and above all, loved. Rukia felt tears prickle the back of her eyes from elation. Kaien-dono loved her! She couldn't stop the small sob that escaped her and in a flash Kuukaku and Kaien were in front of her.

"Kaien-dono," She hoarsely addressed, not paying attention to Kuukaku who glowered at her intensely.

"Ku…chi…ki," Kaein murmured numbly, his confidence was broken the second he laid his eyes on hers, silently berating himself for not sensing his surroundings. He wanted to drive Nejibana through his heart for making her cry. Her tears were more than likely caused by her disgust with him. Now because of his selfish desire, Rukia lost the only true friendship she really had. He wanted to apologize, but felt that he couldn't, because he did not regret loving her. She was a beautiful, strong-willed and caring person, who deserved better than him. He bit his lip and turned on his heel, walking to his room. 'Coward,' his mind sneered. He needed to think, but a tiny hand latched onto his wrist, refusing to let him walk any farther.


"SHIT!" Ichigo panicked as he saw the reiatsu bubble explode and everybody floating to different directions.

"Hang on to the person closest to you!" the black cat shouted over the roaring wind. Uryuu immediately latched onto Orihime while Chad simply gave a nod of approval as Yoruichi pounced onto his shoulder. Ichigo frantically looked for Kaien, and his face paled when he saw him near the edge of the tornado, any further and he'll be ejected.

"KAIEN!!" Ichigo yelled at the top of his lungs, heaving his body to his direction.

"ICHIGO!" He screamed back, stretching his arm toward him. Ganju turned just in time and felt fear also fill his being. He paddled warily toward the two.

"Just hang on!" The orange haired teen reassured, his amber orbs caught sight oh Kaien's violet ones, they looked so much like Rukia's that It drove him even further to save him. There was fear and desperation in those eyes, something he never wanted to see in her. Ganju grabbed his ankle and Ichigo gave him a glance of acknowledgment. With one last push he managed to grab Kaien and pulled him closer, caging him from any danger.

"Don't worry Kaien, I won't let anything happen to you, and I'm sure your parents won't either," He said, staring at the amulet around his neck sadly. Kaien simply nodded, and half-wondered if this is how it felt to have a father protecting him.



A/N: WOW ..SHORT!! LOL but fast update and hopefully I'll get more reviews yeah? –puppy dog stare- I wouldn't mind reaching…eh 35 at least. I'll still update if I don't but this would make me feel a lot better : D Thanks for Reading and hope you Review w