A/N: 1st humor fic:D I hope I'll make you somehow laugh..lol. I don't really have an idea why I wrote this one, but I wish you like it guys. It's rated M 'coz some scenes are pretty hot besides,it will not be rated M if no hot scenes, right?:D but don't expect high quality of Lemon..hehehe.

Natsume is a natural pervert in Gakuen Alice but I made him more pervert this time, not so extreme or in the highest level but just a little more. My rated M story is consider an amateur compare to the other Rated M story here :D.

Oh, this is not only my first ever humor fic but it is also my 1st TWO SHOT fic. So, Enjoy Reading.


Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice, just this naughty story.

Wet Dreams

Chapter 1: Natsume's Dreams

"Uh…oh…N-Natsume.." a girl with brunette hair moaned between her pants to the raven-haired guy, who is pleasuring her over her body. He gave her light kisses all around, which started on her face down to her jaw, neck, and collarbone, and down… She couldn't help herself arched when his lips are now licking and savouring her sensitive creamy breasts. Her hold to his shoulder tightened, telling him that she heavenly like what he's doing to her right now. "Don't stop, Natsume…Oh…" she whimpered once more.

No need to say it, as the Black Cat had no plan to stop what he is doing to her, since he got what he wanted. And that is Mikan. On HIS bed. To top it all, making love to her. He raised his head to look to his brunette. He could see lust-filled stares from her auburn eyes. He smirked. He wanted this moment to happen badly. He wandered his eyes once more to her naked perfect body that could match to a goddess or perhaps Aphrodite. Oh, how he love her as a whole.

Let's start with her tantalizing innocent auburn eyes, oh how he love those pure innocent eyes, that could be compare to a book that could be read easily. She's sad, he could tell it. She's happy, he could say it. She's lying, he could smirk it. She's in lust? Oh how he damn loved it. Especially, knowing that she could only stare like that to someone in one particular and that is HIM. Only him. Oh how life so satisfying.

Next in line are her gorgeous lips. Yummy. Those lips always looked inviting to him. Just merely looking at it, he couldn't stop himself licking his own lips, as perverted ideas crosses his minds, on finding ways and styles in devouring those yummy lips. Hmm…next to her lips are her right sizes breasts. Yeah, maybe he kept on teasing her as flat chested but that was before and not anymore now, for they grown-up to the size that is look right for him. He grinned when some thought struck his perverted mind. Now he tasted it, he feels heaven.

Next in description is her ever center of-

"You're spacing out…" the brunette cut off to his trance. He met her puzzled look.

He just gave her a smile that was only for her. He came closer to her face to level his. He then gave her light kisses on lips. "I'm not." He denied between kisses. "I'm just thinking of how lucky I am to have you here in my arms…" he told seductively, turning his head to her ear so that he could nibble it. Along the way he could smell what shampoo did she use and it was strawberry-scent. Perfect. "You smell so good too…" He licked her earlobe."...but you tasted even better." He cooed in a very sexy voice.

Mikan blushed at his sudden compliment. "Mou Natsume…" she whimpered, out of words to pick at the moment.

Natsume find it amusing for Mikan blushing in all her naked glory. Yeah, he found it amusing, as the same time, found it more-damn arousing on his part. 'Just great.' he thought and without any further pronominal, he kissed her again.

She responded to his passionate kiss immediately as her hands were massaging his head or ruffling his raven hairs. He groaned, as he let the kiss became a little more intimate, until finally, he stopped devouring her lips, and trailed down kisses to her neck down to collarbone and down more to the top of her breast. He spent much time in there as Mikan let moans in pleasure escaped.

Moans and groans could be heard throughout the room, until Natsume decided to make the action more erotic as he slid down from her creamy and full breasts down to her…

"Knock! Knock!"

"Oh Damn!" the newly awoken Natsume cursed, as he scrambled up immediately towards the banging door. He is now planning some ideas on how to burn unto crisps (with different style) to someone who dare to wake him up from his slumber sleep and to his dream.

Specifically to his…

"Wet dreams again." He mumbled, raking his raven-hairs, while walking towards the door. But, before he could open the door he looked down to himself only to see bulge behind his boxer that proclaimed his arousal. He rolled his eyes. "Just great," grunted Natsume. Then he changed his boxers to a drier one before he finally opened the door, revealing a blonde-haired young man with ocean-blue eyes.

"Hey, Natsume." The blonde greeted to his friend wearing the gentle smile of him.

He raked his raven-hair once more. So the intruder and destructor of his dreams is no other than his best friend Ruka Nogi. 'Just great.' He thought as he took it back the torture ways planned to whomever behind the door. He couldn't dare to lay a fire to his best friend, you know. So now, what's the business his Pheromone Alice friend wanted this weekend?

He opened his door wide enough, motioning him to get inside the room. Ruka stepped in and set himself seated on the couch as Natsume closed the door.

Ruka then voiced out what business he got to Natsume, "You seems to forgot what we planned this day, Natsume," Ruka started.

'What we planned-?' "Argh." He tapped his forehead when he remembered what he's talking about. Yeah, he almost forgot what they had planned to do this day. The plan? Nothing interesting, he just promised to help Ruka repairing the damage barns of animals today.

Ruka smirked when a thought struck his mind. "I think I have an idea why you overslept again and almost forgot this day." He teased, grinning.

'Cunning animal lover.'

The fire caster rolled his eyes. "Shut it, Ruka." He grunted, motioned to go to the bathroom. "I'll just prepare myself." He ended before entering the said room.

Ruka just plastered a mischievous smile, and then shook his head.




"You are too slow Natsume!..." Mikan yelled, while running to the raven-haired guy who was running after her. She was giggling and he was smiling. They are currently staying in an exclusive beach that only the two of them are the occupants, as if they were having their honeymoon.

"I'll gonna catch you, little girl!" Natsume shouted too, making his pace faster to get the brunette who is currently wearing revealing red two-piece that clearly showing her curves to him. Good thing they are alone in the beach and the nice view are for his eyes only. He smirked, when he glimpsed at her sexy butt. 'Perfect.' he commented.

She pouted. "Mou, Natsume. I'm not a little girl any—Ah!" she tripped on some wood on the way; before she fell flat on the sand Natsume caught her on the waist. But as her butt touched his member, he turned harder more.

Mikan shifted her position to face him. She placed her hand on his masculine chest. Uh-oh, bad move. She shows him a grateful smile. "Thanks for catching me…" she whispered, that sounded damn sexy for him. So he turned harder even more adding the fact the look and feel of their position. How erotic.

He smirked, while big sweats starting to showed up. "You are clumsy as ever, polka-dots…but everything has a price so…" he leaned, crashing the distance between his lips unto hers. He kissed her passionately as if all what he wanted to happen that day should start with an erotic kiss.

Mikan gasped, but after seconds she responded. Natsume, then, became aggressive as his hands slowly slid up from her waist to her breast. Cupping and squeezing it. Mikan groaned to his actions. Gaining confidence, his other hand move towards her butt, deepening the kiss. Their tongue duel, fighting for dominance. One step closer to the moment of truth-

Natsume is awakened when he felt someone tugging his sleeves. Plastering a pestered look, he got the manga off from covering his face just to meet up a pair of innocent auburn eyes. 'Just Great…' he thought sarcastically. The girl he's having a dream- wet dream or so- is right here in front of him wearing her usual cheery smile. He felt his ever loyal friend hard again. "Damn." He cursed in a low voice, but loud enough for Mikan to hear it.

"Eh? What did you say Natsume?" she asked, blinking at him.

Natsume seated himself properly. He noticed Ruka's not around. He faced her. "What do you want now, little girl?" he managed to cover his hoarse voice in a pissed off tone.

Mikan pouted. "Mou Natsume. I'm not a little girl any—Ah!" she shrieked, when some Flying Alice student came towards between them, and accidentally hit Mikan on head part as she fell backwards. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of the cold floor, but she felt hanging instead. She opened her eyes only to meet up a pair of crimson eyes. Natsume caught her by waist.

"Hn." He uttered, feeling a bit flustered. "Will you be careful once in your life, polka dots?"

Mikan showed him a sheepish smile before letting herself to sit properly, ignoring his remarks, "Thanks for catching me Natsume-kun." she thanked.

Natsume is feeling dumbfounded at the moment. The scene is awfully familiar. 'déjà vu!'.

Just when Koko distracted his thoughts. "You are clumsy as ever but everything has a price so…" he chuckled, after saying.

Natsume sent him a pierce glare. 'Read my thoughts and I'll burn you to crisp.' He threatened dangerously.

Koko sweat dropped. "Oops. Sorry…" he said but before he completely go away he gave Natsume a smirk first and a teasing look with, "Raging hormones." statement. He winked at Mikan too.

Mikan is puzzled with the actions of Natsume and Koko. She faced Natsume to ask. "Ne, what was that all about?"

"None of your business, polka-dots." He answered boringly, standing up, hands on the pockets, and set his footsteps to the doorway, ready to leave the room. While he walked, he could feel the loving and admiring stares from his girl classmates. "Tch,"

"Hey! I'm not yet done talking to you, pervert!" stopped Mikan, following him.

Natsume faced her, with still bored look that his fans club finds it very gorgeously, hot and extremely handsome feature of him. Oh who wouldn't? Natsume is one of the hottest guy in the campus. His good looks, wealth, intelligence and skills in fighting are enough to hook every girls heart and go crazy over him. Unfortunately to these girls, their God had already chosen where he would want to set his tantalizing crimson eyes on.

"What now, polka dots? Don't waste my time." He said bluntly.

"Jerk." Mikan mumbled under her breaths, "Will you stop calling me polka-dots? You pervert!" she told it with a clenched fist high to level her face. She looked like ready to eat him now.

Natsume's elegant brow rose, and then smirked after. He drifted his steps towards her, and all of a sudden he flipped her skirt up to peek much to his classmate's gasps, fans club whines, and to the brunette's embarrassment and anger.

"Not polka-dots but kokoro-kara. I see." He muttered while smirking before he went away leaving Mikan in all her fury.

Mikan clenched her fist tightly on air. "Natsume no Hentai!" she yelled in the top of her lungs as she went away chasing Natsume.

The class B sweat dropped. Geez, they should be used to this but still it's a shocking thing for them.

"Idiot." Hotaru uttered while munching her crab-brains crackers.

Yuu hesitantly approached the infamous inventor. "Ahm… Hotaru-chan. Do you think we should follow Mikan-chan?" He asked worriedly.

Before Hotaru could reply Koko interrupted them. "Oh let them, Iinchou. Natsume wanted to be with her…alone." he grinned at this.

These words caught the two top students.

"What do you mean, Koko?" Yuu asked.

Hotaru just looked at him in her usual emotionless gaze, but if you look closer there was a hint of curiosity in her amethyst eyes. It seemed Koko knew something interesting. Well, he knew all things that were interesting because of his Mind-reading Alice. So the business here is, Koko might have found out something interesting in Natsume's thoughts.

Koko just grinned. "Just raging hormones…" he chirped before leaving the two wondering.

Yuu put his thumb on his chin in a thinking manner. "Raging hormones?" he asked. "What's the connection with that to Mikan-chan and Natsume-kun?"

If Yuu is in confusion, Hotaru has an evil glinting in her eyes. The mere look at it, you could tell that she knew something about what Koko just said. She sensed money.




The next morning…

"Good Morning Minna-san!" the ever energetic brunette greeted her classmates, with her trademark cheery smile.

Some will greet her back and some will just smile then return to their own business. Then she will greet her ever cold inventor best friend.

"Good Morning Hotaru!" she tried to hug Hotaru but just receive a three shot from her bestfriend infamous Baka Gun. She fell butt hurt on the floor. "Itai!" then Yuu will come to her, offering some help.

"Daijobou, Mikan-chan?" Yuu asked worriedly.

Mikan smiled at him. "I'm alright Iinchou. Thanks." assured Mikan then stood up properly while pouting at Hotaru. "Mou Hotaru. You're meanie—"

She hasn't finished her babbling when she was cut off by the random whines of girls. There it goes walking in all their glory Ruka Nogi and Natsume Hyuuga. "Good Morning, Ruka-pyon!" Mikan greeted the Animal Pheromone Prince.

Ruka smiled. "Good morning too, Sakura-san." He greeted back, without blushing. Oh well, the fancy feeling he once felt for the brunette before has now gone, and he could talk to her without blushing anymore, besides he develop some feeling towards…


Hotaru put down the camera, and then show a smirk at now blushing Ruka while staring at her. "Nice poise, Nogi." She said in her usual monotone voice.

"I-Imai…" he muttered as his face was blushing now.

Mikan smiled at the sight of them, when she felt someone banged her shoulder. It was Natsume. "Hey!" she called, following him who motioned to sit down to their seats at the back of the classroom.

"What?" he harshly responded. He seemed in a bad mood, like he seemed always anyway.

Mikan ignored his mood and just faced him with her sweet smile. "Good morning." She greeted.

Natsume seemed taken aback by her smile. His mood became softer all of a sudden. "Hn," He responded only, making Mikan pouted at his reply.

"Mou Natsume you should greet back or at least smile." She insisted.

Natsume smirked. "Why would I?"

Before Mikan could object, Koko appeared from nowhere. "Believe me Mikan, he has something more than a greeting or smile for you…" Koko said, grinning.

Mikan was confused. "Oh yeah, Koko? Like what?"

Koko's grin widened, and opened his mouth to say the word when he smelt something was burning. "Ahh!" he shrieked, when he found his hair in flames, he ran immediately to the Water Alice student.

Mikan looked suspiciously to Natsume, who was currently covering his face with his trusty manga. "You should not do that to Koko, Natsume. We were still talking too." She scolded, sitting beside him.


Natsume, after awhile, moved the manga slightly down to see the brunette sideways. As usual, he had these wet dreams about her once more. He didn't know why he's having some erotic scenes with Mikan in his dream lately. And all are lovemaking scenes, for goodness sake! It didn't fail and each time he laid his eyes on her, he felt lusted at the moment, and it took a lot of effort for him to control himself before he attacked her and corner her with his steamy and passionate kisses. Yeah, he admit he developed some feelings to the brunette since their childhood days, and he is still on, and still jealous wherever some male friend who'll come closer to her. That maybe explained his possessiveness to her that made it to the point of fantasizing her.

He licked his lips unconsciously; as he remembered what kind of wet dream he had this cold morning…

They were making out inside the classroom. They are alone and enjoying each other's company. Natsume's kisses deepened to her as he forcefully thrusted his tongue to her mouth. Mikan gasped, giving him the full opportunity to let his little thing slip unto her mouth. He was enjoying every bit of it as his hands now were roaming around her body. He cursed silently to their clothes, and he badly needed to get rid of the nuisance in their making out. Immediately. His hand moved towards her legs, massaging it up and down then it trailed up to under her skirt. Mikan didn't seem noticed the sudden trace of his hand 'coz she's too drowsy to think of anything else except Natsume's passionate kisses on her. Giving him the chances in this situation. His hands that seemed have their own mind move to the hemline of her underwear and move it down.

Mikan's eyes snapped open, and widened to his action as she pulled her lips away. She's blushing, as Natsume's smirking. "You sneaky bastard…" he heard her said.

He smirked once more, as he clutched her closer to him, and move his head to nibble unto her ear. "Oh I know you want it as much as I want. So stop playing games, little girl." he whispered sexily.

Mikan pouted at him, and licked her own lips, teasing him. "You really are a pervert."

Natsume this time smiled at her. "So do I. Now..." his crimson orbs were glinting with playfulness as he laid her on the table…

"Hey Natsume!" Mikan snapped to the spacing out fire caster.

'Crap!' Natsume immediately sat up properly, as he raked his raven hairs. He spaced out thinking of his dream. 'Tsk. This is getting bad.'

"You're drooling, Hyuuga." A cold voice interrupted.

Natsume's brow rose, at the remarks given by the infamous inventor who was currently sipping her crab-brains juice.

Hotaru after sipping the juice smirked at Natsume, then approached her bestfriend to said something. "Be careful, Mikan.." She glanced at him. "…especially when you are around him." she warned, giving emphasis on her last word before leaving.

Mikan once again become confused. "Mou, I don't understand people today…"

Natsume shook his head at her. "Hn." The only thing he said, before covering his good features once again by his manga.




"I wonder what people are up to now?" Mikan asked herself along the corridor. She is puzzled of how Koko and Hotaru's behavior this day, and Natsume's constant spacing out too and why he kept staring to her once in awhile. She became conscious and confused at the same time. She wanted to know the answer but when she's asking about it…

"Idiot," Hotaru just muttered. Geez, she sometimes didn't understand why they end up being best friend…

Ruka would just blushed and answer her with, "Don't bother to think of it, Sakura,"…

"Because Mikan—Ah!" before Koko could continue his words, Natsume would set fire to his hair or to his clothes. Poor Koko…

So she came up to the conclusion that they are hiding something from her. And she's damn curious to know the answer.

In the end of the hallway she saw Otonashi, her classmate with Future-telling Alice. Then a thought struck her mind. Great! Maybe Otonashi knew the answer of her question.

She ran towards her silver-haired classmates excitedly. "Otonashi-chan!" Mikan called out loudly.

The fortune teller beamed at her. "Why Mikan-chan?" she asked dreamily.

Mikan smiled sheepishly, while scratching her hair at the back. "Hehe...Ahm, I just wanted to find an answer to my question. Will you help me?"

Otonashi blinked at her. "I think you need a teacher and not a fortune-teller to find your answer, Mikan-chan." She simply stated.

"But Mr. Narumi is not around and I know that you could help me of what's bothering me like what you did few years back regarding Ji-chan." She insisted.

Otonashi smiled. "If that's what you want…" She responded before using her Alice. All of a sudden, a boy with guitar appeared from nowhere and started to pluck the guitar, as they began to dance in unrhythmically steps.

Mikan was forced to dance with her, and after seemed long minutes they stopped, making Mikan running her breaths, while Otonashi just remain calm and collected, concentrating on her Alice. Mikan really didn't understand what's with the dance in Otonashi's Alice, but anyway she waited for her patiently.

Then Otonashi opened her eyes to look at Mikan. She seemed found an answer now. Deliberately she held Mikan's collar tightly and in a defiant voice, stated, "There's gonna happen to you in the near future, Mikan-chan. You better be careful…" She voiced out mysteriously.

Mikan was puzzled even more. "Huh? What do you mean Otonashi-chan?"

Otonashi let go her collar and flipped her hair. "I just saw some strange things gonna happen to you." She stared at her intensely."Piece of advice, Mikan-chan…"

"Y-yeah? What is it?"

Otonashi smiled. "To prevent something bad gonna happen you should follow what I'm gonna say to you…"

Automatically she nodded.

"You must first know who is really bothering you. Second what is bothering to who. And lastly find out a solution…" She continued then turned her back to her. "Ja ne!" she left now.

Mikan placed her hand to her chin in a thinking matter. "Who's the source of what's bothering me?" 'Natsume!' her mind yelled the answer. "Yeah. It was Natsume but what's bothering him?" she asked, while she started to walk. If she'll ask directly Natsume, he would just shove her out or burn her. If she goes to her best friend, she would just shot her out. She's left no choice but to go to Koko. She smiled widely. 'Yeah, Koko!' Koko will be the best resort. He know everythings, 'coz he could read everybody's mind including Natsume.

Leaving happily she start to search for Koko.


L's: Please leave a review. Flames and Ice Reviews are welcome…ciao!