New Year's Resolutions

In the spirit of the season – and remembering I don't own him, though I wish I did at times, here is my Holiday Greetings to all of you.

She woke to conflicting images in her head, and now she's resolved to do something about it.


She couldn't get him out of her head. She tried, she didn't remember ever touching him, but he was there, strong and demanding. He'd kicked poor Bobby and John both into corners, telling them exactly what he thought of their wimpy, frail bullshit. Magneto tried to control him, but he managed to even put HIM in his place. The only two that stood up to him were David, and Logan.

David surprised all of them, standing up to Sabretooth like that, but even he'd had to beat a retreat when the Sabretooth in her mind flashed his claws. Right now she had a splitting headache because she had a full fledged fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth going on in her head, the third one this week.

"Will you both shut the fuck up?" She grumbled.

They weren't listening to her. One of these days she was going to have to get some control in her own mind, and then suddenly, it stopped.

"Sorry, Darlin' I'll try ta behave." His voice inside her mind sent thrills down her spine. Logan just growled, and she ignored him, shoving him back into the messy corner he called his.

Sabretooth found a quiet spot and settled down, and she tried again to access her memory to try to figure out exactly when she'd absorbed him – and so strongly. She remembered waking up in the hospital, Logan and Ro standing on either side of her bed. She remembered Logan carrying her out of there, and Hank checking her over and giving her a clean bill of health. She remembered the fight, and the Sentinel nearly crushing her, but nothing in between.

She hadn't told anyone yet, about him – being in her head. There were so many things bothering her about it, and one huge problem was the fact that she didn't mind, she welcomed his presence like an old friend. She heard him purr in her mind as he picked up that thought and she struggled to block her personal thoughts from him. He certainly had the will power to block his from her. She knew that wouldn't last for long, and somehow she wanted to figure this out before his memories became something she would be able to peruse at leisure.

"You could just ask me, Darlin." He rasped in her mind, sending that thrill down her spine again.

"Like I'd trust ya." She snapped out loud, turning in the bed.

"You alright, Darlin?" Logan asked. He was sitting in the chair at her desk, watching her sleep, again.

"Just the idiots in my head." She said with a grin.

"There's somethin' I need ta ask ya, Darlin." She looked over at him; he was serious, almost too serious for him.

"What is it Sugar?"

"At the hospital…I smelled somethin, somethin I didn't like. It was Creed?"

"You did?" Her voice rose a bit – almost in hope…that would explain a lot, if he'd touched her while she was out or something.

"The thing is…his scent was strong…as if…as if that room were as much his as yours. I could smell him on your hair, your hand, real strong."

"You think he knew I was there?"

"I think he might have been the one that called us, told us where you were. What I need to know, do you remember anything?"

"No…I…wait, it's not much, but I remember…his voice, sayin somethin about someone deservin' a miracle, and that whatever it took, he was in, just let her wake up…and then I heard another voice say 'Not yet.' Wait, in between, I saw him, I musta woke up for just a second, he was holdin my hand, and I was drainin' him."

"Well, that explains a bit…you've got him…up there, then?"


"Shit – you've got both of us up there."

"Yeah and it ain't pretty."

"Damn, Darlin." He muttered.


"It never fails…He always finds a way."

"A way ta what?"

He stood up and walked toward the door. He stopped in the frame and looked back at her, his eyes sad. "Destroy what I love." He walked out the door. She jumped out of bed, but she tripped over the blanket, by the time she reached the door he was gone.

"DAMN!" She grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt and was pulling them on when she heard the bike tearing down the drive. "LOGAN!" She screamed as she ran to the window, and watched him drive out the gates. She was going to kill him when she saw him again.

"That's it, girl, get good and pissed. He deserves it."

"This is all your fault, dumbass." She snapped out loud.

"I know. I'm…" she could actually almost see him in her mind looking around to make sure no one else heard him. "I'm sorry."

"No you're not. You did this deliberately knowin' what it'd do ta us." She snapped. "Now just shut the fuck up. I don't want ta hear any more out of you."

She felt him retreat, and felt a cold despair creep over her.

"Rogue, what's going on? Who are you talking to? Where did Logan go?" Ro was standing at her door.

"I don't know."

"Rogue, perhaps you should see Hank." She looked at the other woman, and realized her keeping secrets was partially to blame for what had happened.

"No, I got Sabretooth in my head somehow, and Logan's pissed about it so he took off."

"Why would Logan be upset about you absorbing Sabretooth?"

"He said somthin' about Sabretooth always findin' a way ta destroy what he loves."

"Rogue…" Storm's face was a picture of shock and regret.

"I'm sick of this. I mean I waited around on him ta get over Jean, then waited some more."

"He never gave up looking for you, even when the rest of us thought there was no hope, he never gave up."

"I never gave up on him…but he's given up on me…and I ain't waitin' no more. It's New Year's Eve; I guess it's time for some resolutions. I ain't waitin' on Logan anymore, and I'm gonna find out what happened ta me." She reached over and grabbed a pair of shoes and a pair of her gloves.


"There's someone who has some answers, and I'm gonna find him." She almost laughed at his surge of triumph in her mind. Just because she was looking for him didn't mean he was going to like it when she found him.


He was sitting in a bar, his back to the wall watching some girl that halfway looked like HER strip on stage. He let his eyes slip partially closed and tried to imagine what it would be like, if she was there. He just couldn't do it.

She had too much class, damn it. She'd never fit in his world. He lived in places like this; he made deals in places like this. She'd never even set foot in a place like this unless she was in that damned leather uniform. He let out a sigh and took another full shot glass from the table and threw it back. It was New Year's Eve, and he was doing his damnedest to get drunk. He needed to get her the hell out of his mind. What the hell – make his resolution to forget the damned frail; she wouldn't want him anyway.

"Well, well, if it ain't my own personal hell in the flesh" his eyes shot open "every damned inch." She was practically purring.

"What are you doin' here?"

"Lookin' for you."


"It seems I got you in my head…and that you ain't talkin so I figured I'd either get answers from the real thing – or finish the job."

He laughed. She was trying to sound so tough with that southern accent and sweet mouth, but she just came across as sweet.

"Baby – go back to your dolls…you ain't ready ta play with the big boys." He threw back another shot.

"Like hell. I got you and Logan in my head, fightin constantly, I got Logan takin off on me because you're up here…" she said tapping the side of her head "and I don't know which is worse – the you up here or the real thing – you're both assholes."

"Smart girl – you figure that out all by yourself." Her entire body was thrumming with tension, standing there one hand on her hip, and he'd be damned if she didn't start wagging a finger at him. Girl didn't know what was good for her that was for sure.

"Now you tell me just how the hell I got you up there, so I can find Logan and tell him what the hell is going on."

"What do you mean find Logan?" He sat up straight in the booth.

"He took off as soon as he found out I'd absorbed ya." She let out a snarl that would do either one of them proud.

"Dumb ass…" He growled. The idiot took off and left her unprotected…he deserved what he got.

"I can't agree more…I'm royally pissed at him for this…now you gonna tell me what the hell happened?" She dropped into the chair opposite him and grabbed one of the shot glasses, downing it in one gulp, and gasping for breath as the whiskey hit the back of her throat.

"Nothin happened."

"Somethin happened, I got you in my head…" She snapped back.

"No…" he growled. "It was nothing, you were…in that hospital, I recognized you, I…touched you so youcouldabsorbmyhealingability."


"A guy can't do one nice thing without being read the riot act…" He downed another shot.

"You just found me in that hospital…what were you doin there?"

"I…none of your business." He snarled.

"Hell yeah it's my business…I got stuck with YOU!" She grabbed another glass and threw it back, with just a grimace this time.

"I told you what happened, now leave it alone little girl."

"I got a feelin' there's more to this…and I ain't gonna let it lie."

"Fine, but let's go somewhere else to talk."

"Like HELL!" She reached for another full glass but his clawed hand stopped her, he grabbed a pen and wrote his number on a napkin.

"Here…my cell phone number…call me."

"No, I want ta hear this face ta face."

"Darlin' you're on dangerous ground…" He snarled. He winced at her reaction.

"Did you just call me 'Darlin?"

"Yeah…what of it." She was scowling now, and he was hanging onto every inch of control he could with both sets of claws. He wanted nothing more than to drag her over the table and kiss that scowl away, but he knew exactly where that would end up, and he wasn't ready to let her in yet…and it seemed the one in her head wasn't either.

"I just remember hearin' ya call me Darlin." She had a strange look on her face. Shit, she was remembering more than he wanted her to.

"I call everyone Darlin – especially when they look as tasty as you." He growled.

"Fuck you, Creed." She snapped and he bit back the laugh. Her mouth wasn't made for those kinds of words – at least not in public.

"Anytime Darlin." He drew the word out.

"I'm gonna get answers, one way or the other…" She said, and he could see the determination in her eyes. It was when he felt the gentle brush of her bare toe against his leg that he jumped…Bitch was trying to use her powers on him.

"Don't do that again." He snarled low his claws slipping out and digging into the table. He watched her pale at the sight.

"Fine – then talk ta me. I need ta know what I was doin there."

"Not here." He ground out.

"I ain't goin anyplace with you."

"Fine…" He signaled the bartender. They just glared at each other over the table as the man walked over. "Charlie, I need one of the back rooms, full video monitoring."

"WHAT!?" Her face was turning crimson, but he could smell something that was suspiciously like interest.

"I use them for private meetings, kid…don't get your hopes up." He snarled at her.

He stood up and walked toward a door in the back of the bar. He heard her gasp, and then stand up with a scrape of the chair and follow him.

"What's the video for?"

"I told ya I use 'em for business." He snarled over his shoulder as they walked down the narrow corridor. He opened the first door on the left and stepped inside. He didn't even glance around, just sat down on the leather sofa. He could see and smell the shame from her; she'd actually never been any place like this before. He wasn't sure if he was a little proud for adding to her education or ashamed that she'd found him here.

"So…" She stood there both hands on her jeans clad hips, the slip of fabric that she was wearing for a blouse wouldn't last two seconds against his claws, and neither would the slip of lace she was wearing underneath…did she even know he could see it?

"Video's for your protection…you don't like what's going on…you just signal the camera, Charlie sends in the bouncer."

"Whatever…what the hell was I doin in that hospital? How'd I get there?"

"I…don't…" He just couldn't lie to her, not after months sitting by her bed. He knew every bit of her face, he'd stroked it, even brushed his lips over hers, and now he couldn't look at it and lie to her. "I found you…on the battlefield."

"WHAT!? Why didn't ya take me ta the school?"

"I…was…" The lie would be so easy, but she deserved better damn it. She already hated him, her contempt and pity couldn't be much worse. "I couldn't."

"Why not?" He looked at her standing there, and something inside him snapped. So what if she killed him, he was going to at least taste those lips once. He surged up, she didn't even know what hit her. He had one claw wrapped in her hair, the other pressing her hips against his as he leaned in and took her mouth with his.

God she was sweet, and her scent – confusion and burgeoning arousal was heady. He didn't stop, he didn't think he could…her mouth was open under his, her tongue wrestling with his, and she wasn't pushing him away. His hand at her back traced along the top of the low waist of her pants, brushing just above her skin, her heat warming his hand. Her moan nearly pushed him over another edge, but he forced himself to pull away from her with a moan of his own.

"FUCK!" He snarled, and that's when it hit him, her mutation hadn't kicked in. "What the fuck?"

"That's what I'd like ta know." She was breathing heavy, her arms still wrapped around his neck, her fingers still tangled in his thick mane. "Is that why?"

"Sorta." He muttered, his hand still resting on her hip, his thumb brushing the bare skin above her jeans. "Your skin?"

"I woke up able ta control it."

"Really." He whispered huskily.


"I'm glad." He couldn't believe what he was seeing in her eyes – and smelling filling the room with her arousal. "Rogue…"

"Why? Why didn't ya take me ta the school?" Her fingers tightened in his hair.

"I wanted you…to myself. I was going to take you back as soon as you woke up…but you didn't. I took you there, and made sure they took care of you." He waited for the pity, the contempt, the disgust but it never entered her beautiful emerald eyes.

"That is the most…"

"Full of shit…right." He snarled, dropping his hands and trying to pull away from her. Any second he'd see it and it was going to hurt worse than the damned Runt's claws in his gut.

"No…I was gonna say romantic…"

"I don't do romantic." He snarled.

"I know." She said, pulling on his hair, and he let himself be pulled down to taste her mouth again. This time she took control, he was more surprised than he wanted to think about. Her lips were demanding, her teeth tugging on his lower lip until he gave her his mouth. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her against him. There was no way she couldn't feel exactly what this was doing to him, the evidence was being ground against her stomach.

"Damn…" She whispered against his mouth, and he could feel her body trembling under his hands.

"Darlin…" He rested his forehead against hers. "What do you want?"

"I don't know."

"Why are you doin' this? You tryin' ta get even with the Runt?" It was the only reason he could think of that she would respond to him like this.

"You JERK!" She reared back in shock and pulled her arm back and slapped him.

"Darlin – I like it rough." He grinned, pulling her roughly against his chest again, he could smell her. "And so do you, I don't care WHY!"

His mouth descended on hers again, cutting off whatever she was going to say. He knew he was screwing everything up, every hope he'd tried to crush while waiting for her to wake up, every fantasy of her waking up and not hating him – of her waking up and wanting him – but he couldn't back away from this.

Her hands were cool on his chest as she pulled the hem of his T-shirt out of his jeans and ran her hands underneath. He moaned, but didn't let up on her mouth, his hands starting explorations of their own. Her skin was as soft and warm as he remembered, warmer, as her body flushed with her desire and need. His hands slipped under her blouse, brushing the bottom of her lace covered breasts, the stiff lace sharp contrast to the velvet of her skin. God he loved the feel of her skin – as much as he loved her beautiful eyes.

The sudden pull of her mutation stunned him…and he gripped her tighter, not wanting to let go.

"My God Victor." She pulled back stunned.

"No…" Now it was there, the hate, the pity, he knew it had to be, she'd pulled him in, seen what was in his mind – in his black heart. He couldn't look into her eyes.

"Look at me."

"NO!" He roared it at her, looking anywhere but at her face, he needed to get out of here, needed to…he could hear the horns, the fireworks, it was midnight…midnight on New Year's Eve and he was with HER!

"Victor…please." Her voice was soft, and he didn't hear any pity in it. He stole a glance at her face. Her eyes were almost glowing, but not with hate. He was…afraid of what he saw there, the need, the desire, the…he couldn't even think the word.


"Don't say anything…you don't have to. Logan screwed up – big time…long before he walked out on me. This ain't about him, Sugar, this is about me, about what I want…and Sugar, I want you."

"Pinch me." He muttered.

"Where?" He couldn't believe she'd just grinned at him like that…the girl had an evil mind in there.

"Pick a spot…"

"What do ya say we get out of here…find someplace really private." She whispered.

"Whatever you say, Darlin." He grinned – so much for his resolution, maybe he'd just resolve to enjoy this while he could, she was going to wise up eventually.