Ok, so if you read Impossible Perfection you'll know I was planning on starting another story, well I started sooner than I planned, mainly because I didn't want to forget the idea, i also decided not to end one of my other stories, i'm seriously considering the three week plan, that way i can throw oneshots it every once in a while.
The quotes used at the start have been altered a bit to fit with the story.
I'm going to try and avoid Points of View in this, I've never done that before, Impossible Perfection and it's prequels switch POV's all the time, and Getting through is all in one POV, infact the only time I have done no POV before is in a oneshot.
Disclaimer: I do not own High School Musical, or the computer I am writing this on, I do own my portable DVD player and the DVD's I keep playing on it.
It was clear from a distance that Gabriella Montez was mad, and anyone that knew her knew her reasons
"Sharpay!" she demanded, continuing to walk as the blonde drama queen followed behind her, clearly amused by her mutual rival's attitude, Gabriella stopped after a few paces, "forget about the rest of us, how about the fact that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?"
"Oh boo-who, he'll be in the show, he'll do his celebrity impersonations." Sharpay smirked, "and don't lecture me about Ryan, giving the way you've been interfering with Troy's future."
"What?" the other girl gasped in shock, she had no idea what the blonde was talking about.
"You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course and swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job,"
Gabriella sighed in realisation, but it didn't take long for her to figure that she really didn't care about the other girl's delusions, "I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy, that's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends, my summer and that's not ok with me."
"You don't like the fact that I won," Sharpay all but hissed
"What's the prize?" Gabriella asked, "Troy? The Stardazzle award? You have to go through all this just to get either one? No, thanks Sharpay. You're very good at a game that I don't want to play, you know the only reason I'm still here right now is because leaving would be giving you what you want, from now on, you're non-existent when it comes to me, but you better step away from the mirror long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you."
For a while Sharpay didn't answer, just stood on the spot trying to stare her rival down, but Gabriella wasn't ready to back off, and Sharpay could see that, and she wasn't sure what the other girl was capable of when she was this angry, "GIRLS!"
Sharpay quickly left, her friends, if you could even call them that, following close behind her, she knew that Gabriella was still watching her, and really, all she wanted to do was leave the other teen's line of vision.
Gabriella watched until the blonde was out of sight, then turned on her heel and headed back to the kitchen.
"You ok?" she heard Taylor ask as soon as she stormed in.
"I'm fine," she lied unconvincingly, "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, but I'm still angry, kind of disappointed, but not at her so much anymore."
"You want to talk about it?" her friend asked, genuinely concerned.
"I just really thought I could trust him," Gabriella relented, "I thought he meant what he said, I thought he'd always be there, I guess I was too naïve to realise that nobody means what they say anymore."
"Trust isn't a bad thing, Gabi," Taylor tried telling her friend, "we all need to trust someone, we wouldn't cope if we didn't."
"I can't trust him," Gabriella argued, "not anymore, besides, I have you guys, and my mom, what else do I need?"
"Have you tried talking to him?" Taylor quizzed, already knowing the answer but wanting to bring it up.
"What's the point?" Gabriella replied, "he doesn't care, if he cared he would have noticed how his behaviour is affecting me, if he cared he wouldn't have ditched me numerous times this summer to hang out with Sharpay."
"Gabi, he's a guy, guy's can be stupid," Taylor pointed out, "don't get me wrong I hate him for what he's doing to you, but don't you at least owe him a chance to explain?"
Gabriella shook her head, glancing over at the rest of the gang, whom were over the other side of the kitchen, "he doesn't care, Tay, and if he doesn't care, then neither do I."
"Yes you do," Taylor decided, showing just how well she knew her friend, "but if you don't want to at least try and talk to him about this, then I'm not going to force you, come on, come and join this discussion we started while you were gone, it's kind of a debate as to whether or not we should give Troy a chance to explain this whole alter-ego thing to us."
Gabriella nodded as they made their way over to the other end of the kitchen, both girls knew that Taylor was only doing this to try and coax her friend into admitting how much the whole situation was affecting her, but Gabriella wasn't going to fight that, she could always keep quiet, just listen to her friends views, and make a decision based on that, she was too confused to come to any decision alone anyway.
"…he even could?" she heard Chad finish as they reached the group.
"I guess we just have to believe he can," Kelsi answered.
"I'm not into the whole believing in him thing right now," Chad explained, "he's been constantly ditching us since the start of summer, I doubt he'll change just because we try and get him to explain, why should we give him the chance, he's already decided that he prefers spending time with…"
He stopped as Troy himself walked into the room, immediately starting to watch the group carefully, clearly contemplating on whether or not to approach.
"Don't stop talking on my account," he finally spoke up, walking slowly towards them.
He tried wrapping his arm around Gabriella's waist, but she immediately pulled away, taking a step further away from him.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Why don't you ask Sharpay?" she snapped, feeling anger suddenly coursing through her again.
"Why would Sharpay know what's wrong?" He quizzed, "did she do something to you? Did she hurt you? Say anything?"
"This isn't really about Sharpay," she replied truthfully, trying to withhold coldness in her voice.
"Then what's it about?" he stupidly questioned.
"Oh forget it," She demanded, "my mom should be here by now anyway."
She left, not really willing to talk to him right now, she knew if she did that she'd probably do something that she'd regret later on, she needed to calm down, then, if she felt like it, she'd let him talk.
"What's wrong with her?" Troy directed at Taylor, "you'd tell me if anything was wrong, right?"
"You figure it out," Taylor demanded, "I'm not hear to tell you things she clearly doesn't want me to tell you, but you should know one thing, you've just about screwed up the best thing you had."
"Ignore him, Tay," Chad decided, pulling her back, "he's not worth your time."
She turned and smiled at Chad, nodding, knowing that they were probably being a bit cruel, but accepting that it was probably necessary.
Troy knew that Chad was mad at him, and he knew most of the others were, but since when had Gabriella adapted her mood?
Martha obviously noticed his thinking as she commented, "right now, you don't deserve her, so give her a few days, if you're lucky, she might still be talking to you then."
He watched as the group left the room, leaving him completely alone, he still didn't get why most of them were angry, he was doing his job, what was wrong with that?
Deep down he knew that his job wasn't what was bugging Gabriella, but it was easier for him to accept that this was the reason, for now, anyway.
I know it's a short introduction, but leaving it there makes sense and i want to see what everyone thinks before i write longer chapters.