GEUSS WHAT?! I updated lol. It's Christmas eve and I'm too excited to sleep…anyway I hope you like the next chapter or chapters I don't know where my rekindled Chris obsession will take me………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Chris rolled his eyes, he knew right then that this was not going to be his day. Orbing to the kitchen (simply because he was too tired to run) he came face to face with a man, well it looked like a man but unfortunately it greeted Chris by slapping it with his very long and very purple tongue. Chris used his telekinesis to stab the creature in the eye with a cork screw while Piper attempted to blow it up.
Now that's weird…why isn't this thing smithereens yet?
'What the hell is going on?' Piper yelled through the commotion.
'My powers aren't working!' frantically replied Paige.
'Me too' cried Phoebe whilst using her kick boxing skills to defend the various tongue slashes that came her way.
During this Chris literally had to fight the demon single handed. Unlike the sister's his power's weren't affected and after about ten minutes of clutsish battle Chris finally got the creature with a stake knife through its neck.
The sister's looked at each other questioning and then at Chris as if he'd have the answer to why this relatively lower level demon was immune to their power.
'Looks like we have yet another problem' said Piper turning on the kettle and getting out four cups and filling them with a mixture of coffee and sugar.
'Great' said Paige 'Right when everything got nice and quiet, typical of demons'
'Yeah and what was that thing anyway?'
In response to Phoebe's question everyone turned to Chris, who was sat on one of the stools catching his breath.
'Well don't you know what that was? I mean you're the one who's memorized every syllable in the Book of Shadows' replied Piper
'Oh ha ha, but really I don't have a clue. I know I've never seen anything like that.' Chris began to massage his temples, his headache was surely becoming a migraine and he could feel a temperature rising. This was not going to be good day.
The sister's and Chris sat in the sitting room, flicking through the book of shadows.
'This is hopeless; we've been through this book at least six times and found nothing! I need to get a move on if I'm ever going to work again' Phoebe moaned, it was coming up to twenty to and she just knew traffic was going to be hell.
'Well maybe you should take a day off' said Chris 'I mean more of those demons could turn up and the power of three would be down one'
Phoebe gave him a look and shook her head 'No way am I taking a day off, I'm too busy at the moment and anyway you can fill in for me, seeing as you are the only one whose power's work against them things'
Chris replied with a groan and put his head in his hand, he was having difficulty staying awake let alone becoming accustomed to a day of intense demon bashing.
Piper looked at her youngest son. He really wasn't looking too good at all. Chris had mentioned after the fight that he had hurt it quiet badly yesterday fighting, but he hadn't let her get a proper look at it. Piper had also called Leo but he'd yet to arrive.
'Chris you don't look very well, how's your arm? Do you want an aspirin or something?' She asked. Chris replied with a nod sat up from the couch. Suddenly a wave of dizziness hit him and he became blinded for a second, then opening his eyes he saw the carpet come awfully close…
I can't believe I actually updated, that's insane. Sorry this chapter isn't up to scratch; I'm too excited for Christmas HA! Please review and don't worry flames don't bother me unless you tell me you're a Crip and I have no reason for liking the colour blue. Lol this kid said that in a review for someone else's story once, it was pretty funny but quiet odd…Anyway hope you like it and I still can't believe I actually updated x