Hello, peoplez! I am here to just tell you that I am currently re-writing Brokenheartsville, because the way it is now is crap. Everything's going to be pretty much the same, but it's going to be worded better.

Anyway, I do not own pokemon or the song "Brokenheartsville" by Joe Nichols


Chapter One:

Welcome to Brokenheartsville

The sun shined weakly on the forest path from the cloudy sky. Every now and then, a cool wind swept through the trees, rustling the bright green leaves with a swoosh. However, beneath them, a boy and his roselia were talking together, the boy completely ignoring his rather bleak surroundings.

"Today's the day, Roselia!" He said excitedly. Another breeze blew aginst him, ruffling his light green hair. His purple jacket kept him warm, as all he was wearing underneath it was a thin balck t-shirt. He was also wearing long blue jeans and was carrying a black bag on his back.

"Ros? Rose roselia rose roselia ros ros selia! (Huh? Drew, the Grand Festival's not for another month!)" Roselia replied. She was about as tall as her trainer's waist, with a red rose for a right hand and a blue rose for a left hand.

"Roselia, what have I been talking nearly nonstop about for the past two hours?" Drew asked.

"Selia. rose roselia ros seli roselia. (I dunno. I stopped paying attention at the five minute mark)." Roselia replied.

Drew rolled his eyes, "May! I'm finally going to tell her how I really feel!"

"Ros ros. Roselia rose seli rose roselia rose. (Bout time. How long have you liked her now? Some three years or so?)"

"Er..." Drew said awkwardly, a faint line of color rising into his cheeks.

His face softened into a small smile as he thought about that girl. May Maple. Drew had met her three years ago, when he was twelve. Back then, he had had a bit of a crush on her, but now... Drew would be the first person to admit he was completely head over heels for her. Kind, beautiful, smart, and an incredible coordinator, it had actually been pretty inevitable that he would fall in love with her. Roselia had always told him that May returned his feelings, but Drew had never plucked up the courage to actually admit it. And now, at last, at this Johto Grand Festival, he was going to finally tell her those three little words...

"Ros roselia roselia rose selia lia roseli. (Hey, Romeo, we're at New Rouge.)" Roselia said, snapping Drew out of his reverie.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, great!" Drew grinned. New Rouge was also the home of his cousin, Destiny. She was the owner of Maxwell Studios, which produced a lot of TV shows. Truthfully, New Rouge was a lot like Hollywood, California or Nashville, Tennessee. Stars were born, dreams came true. Maybe Drew's would.

There suddenly came a distant rumble of thunder. Drew looked up at the sky, and was surprised to see thick, dark clouds hovering above the city, looking ready to burst at any moment.

"It looks like it might rain..." he muttered. Roselia slapped her forehead. "Ros... (idiot...)"

"We should hurry," Drew said, quickening his pace so he could reach the Pokemon Center sooner. As he walked, though, he began to have doubts about what he was going to do. Should he really tell her how he felt now, or wait until later, hopefully when she was alone, training or something? Or could he just ask for a quick talk? Why didn't he consider this earlier?

"Ugh..." He moaned. Roselia heard this and smirked slightly.

When they reached the pokemon center, Drew took a deep breath. "Well, here we are."

"Roselia ros rose! (You can do it, Drew! Good luck!)" Roselia told him. Drew smiled slightly and returned the pokemon to the pokeball. As he stepped inside the center, a loud squeal greeted him.

"Oh no..." Drew muttered as a herd of fangirls engulfed him, surrounding him on all sides.

"Drew! Drew! It's Drew!"

"Drew, I love you!"

"Drew, will you marry me?"

"Drew, do you like my shoes?"

"Drew, I got a new flavor of lip gloss!"


"Argh!! Noooo!" (A/N- poor Drew. LOL)

"Ivysaur, use vine whip!" a familiar voice called. A long, powerful green vine swept out and pushed the girls aside, freeing Drew from his heavily perfumed prison. All of the groupies shreiked and ran off in seperate directions like headless chickens. Drew seatdropped. They just get stranger and stranger...

"So, I see you're still popular with the ladies, Drew." The girl said. Drew turned to look at her and felt his stomach lurch.

"Hi, May." He said with a small, soft smile. Instead of the usual red outfit May usually wore, today she was wearing a pale blue-and-white t-shirt that showed off her slender figure and long, dark blue jeans with a brown jacket. Her appearance pleasantly surprised Drew.

"So, bulbasaur evolved?" Drew said as he leaned down and rubbed the top of its pale green head. "You've been taking good care of it."

"Really? Thanks!" May blushed lightly, giving Drew the spark of nerve that made him say, "Hey, May-"

"Oh, wait! I want you to meet somebody." May interrupted happily.

"You do? Oh, uh, okay," Drew said as May rushed off. An ominous feeling rose up in his stomach as Masy came back over, holding the hand of a tall, silver haired boy. He was wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a black jacket with a matching hat.

Oh no... this can't be happening... Drew thought as May said, "Drew, this is Joey Graystone. He's my boyfriend."

Boyfriend. The word echoed in Drew's head. Boyfriend. His heart suddenly felt heavy as lead as it snapped in half. Boyfriend. An icy knife seemed to peirce through his stomach. Boyfriend. Clammy moisture broke out across his palms. Boyfriend... boyfriend... boyfriend...

"Ah... I'm sorry, what?" Please let me have heard wrong, Oh my God, please...

"My name is Joey." The guy said in a rather gruff, moody voice. "May and I got together about two weeks ago."

"Oh, t-that's great." Drew lied. His brain seemed to have jammed, trying to absorb this sudden, distructive blow. However, though Drew felt as if the world was crashing down on top of his head, something about Joey seemed... strange. A look of gloating victory seemed to be shining in his eyes, as if he sensed Drew's hidden despair and was relishing it, reveling in the fact that he had just stolen one of the only things Drew really, truly cared about.

Drew glanced over at May. A strand of her long, soft brunette hair fell over her shoulder, her sapphire eyes sparkling with the gentle, innocent glow they always had. A lump rose up in his throat. I geuss I was too little too late.

"Oh, no, I just forgot, I need to pick up, er, some pokeblock for my absol. I'll see you later." Drew quickly made up, looking for an excuse so he could get away from that spot.

"It looks like it's about to rain, are you sure you want to go now?" May asked. The look of genuine worry in her eyes made the pain inside Drew nearly double.

He forced a smile on his face, though he felt a slight sting on the inside corners of his eyes. "Yeah, I'll be fast. Don't worry about me."

"Oh, Drew, wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?" May stopped him as he went past her, touching his shoulder lightly.

Drew looked away, his green hair falling into his face and in front of his eyes. "It doesn't matter." Well, not now.

Before May could respond, Drew pulled away from her and walked out of the pokemon center, his hands dug deep into his pockets. As he went along, staring at the sidewalk, heavy drops of rain began to fell down onto the ground around him. After a while, when there was no one around -having gone inside to escape what was sure to be a terrific summer storm- Drew ran down the street, as if he thought he could escape the tears that were flowing down his cheeks as swiftly as the rain.

Finally he reached a park that was located between the ocean and a tall brown building with an antenna at the top of it. Drew stopped and sat underneath the tree, watching the waves crashing down against the sandy coastline in their windy fury. The rain that hit Drew felt like jagged needles scratching against his face, but he didn't care. It felt like the storm had turned the pain, chaos, and discord going on in Drew's heart and changed it into the crashing thunder and the lightning bolts way out in the ocean.

And finally, as Drew sat there, all alone, the unbearable truth hit him with such force he lost his breath:

May had gotten a boyfriend, and that boyfriend wasn't Drew.

At that, Drew's spirit shattered completely, and he broke down.

From the building came the soft sound of music, as if it sensed Drew's broken heart and picked out the perfect song for him:

"Here's to the past, they can kiss my glass.
I hope she's happy with him.
Here's to the girl who wrecked my world,
That angel who did me in.
I think the devil drives a Coupe de Ville.
I watched 'em drive away over the hill,
Not against her will, an' I've got time to kill,
Down in Brokenheartsville."


WAAAAHHH!! I'm SOBBING!! Everyone, review and tell me if you liked this rewrite. If not, well, sorry, but too bad.

Also: I got an account on fictionpress, so could you check out my story? (Well, when I finally get it posted?)

I'm called amv4eva on there, too. So it won't be too hard to find me.

Thank you for reading! The re-write of chapter 2 should be up soon!