A/N ---- Warning--- This is not a pleasant chapter. This will give you a look at what Naraku has been up to and what happened to Rin and Kohaku. This may be a little dark for some, but I didn't dwell too much or use excessive detail on what happened. I just tried to get the point across. If you are very easily offended, you may want to skip this one (rape does occur in this chapter).
In a very expensive penthouse across town Naraku waited for his 'grandson' to return home. The boy had been one of his most powerful offspring. He had been conceived by two incarnations that he had created after reabsorbing 10 of the others. His powers had been at an all time high that day.
'An all time high since I made that damn wish', he thought bitterly.
Naraku grabbed a drink and sat down to think back on his past accomplishments and failures. He considered himself to be a genius and felt the best person to learn from was himself.
He remembered the glorious battle that brought about the end of Inuyasha. It should have marked the beginning of his great reign of power, but instead it almost ended his existence.
He had heard many times over the years that a corrupt Shikon Jewel would corrupt any wish that was made, but since he himself was corrupt he assumed that wishing for power for him would be easily granted by the jewel. Instead, he was made weaker then the weakest of the demons that had made up his powerful body at that time. He would never forget the agony as his body was ripped apart. All that was left was the one demon that started it all, the weak spider demon that had made the pact with the thief Onigumo. One weak demon that was made weaker still by the jewel and was now in a horribly disfigured human looking body that could do little more then drag itself about.
Naraku had been forced to take refuge in a cave while he tried to reform his body. This time there was no beautiful priestess to care for him. There were no incarnations or minions to guard him. There was just Naraku. He was weak and alone, and for the first time in his life, truly terrified.
It took him two years to reform his body, two very, very, long and painful years where he tried to take his mind off of his pain by planning out his next move. He had lost many of his abilities. At that moment, he was little more then a human that had a much better then average ability to heal. He didn't know at the time that all of the other demons had been wiped out, so he waited for one of the many that he had crossed over the years to come and kill him. Surely Kouga or Sesshomaru could scent him out. Where were they? Some of the more painful days he would hope for them to come and end his tortured existence, but they never came.
As he returned to health, he would sneak out of his cave to spy on whatever humans were nearby. This is when he realized what had really happened with his wish, and that he was most likely the last demon left alive.
Bitter laughter filled the penthouse. 'I should rule this world by now,' Naraku thought angrily. 'I need to regain my power faster, but nothing else has worked.'
Naraku had been trying to regain his power ever since it had been stolen from him. He knew that he was on the right track with his 'offspring', but it was such a long process.
He had tried so many things. He had started as soon as his body was restored enough to walk among humans once again.
He had tried numerous spells, but he apparently was not strong enough to make them work.
Then he had tried many potions, but in order to increase demonic powers they all called for some type of demonic ingredient. Some asked for leaves from demonic trees, others asked for various parts of specific types of demons. Claws, teeth, blood, or hearts were the most common things required. Since there were no more demons of any kind he had tried to substitute other things. He tried parts from plants, animals, and humans, but nothing worked.
Once he was well enough that he was able to absorb beings again, he tried to absorb humans that he felt were particularly strong. Whether they were decorated Samurai or fearsome bandits, it did no good.
Since many of the more powerful demons had the true form of an animal, he decided to try to absorb them next. Like the humans, this did no good. No matter how many or what type he absorbed there was no change to his power.
Then he had the bright idea to try to absorb a powerful monk. It had seemed logical at the time. Naraku wanted power and the monk had it. It was a mistake that almost cost him his life. The monk's holy power was not compatible with Naraku's demonic body. As soon as he started to ingest the monk, the holy energy started to purify him. By the time he was able to purge any trace of the monk from his system, his body had been severely burnt and weakened. He truly thought that the end was near once again. He had to retreat back to his cave to wait while his body slowly recovered.
He decided to stop trying to regain demonic power for a time when an opportunity presented itself. After he had healed, he had donned the monk's robes and once again traveled to a human village. The villages were up in arms about the disappearance of its all powerful monk. They blamed a group of 'demon sympathizers' that had come together over the years.
This group consisted of humans who were trying to find a way to bring back the lost demons. The group was lead by Rin and Kohaku who were now adults and engaged to be married. They were trying to save their precious Lord Sesshomaru.
Posing as a traveling monk, Naraku had the sympathizers captured and imprisoned. He accused them of murdering the monk that he himself had killed a few months prior. This started a new reign of terror for the hanyou. He had a perfect excuse to torture and kill this group of people with the full approval and help from the neighboring villages. It was during this time that a random comment from one of his prison guards gave him the idea to create and absorb offspring.
He had been too weak at the time to make incarnations. He had never even entertained the option of producing offspring the old fashioned way. Ever since he had expelled his human heart, he had lacked an interest in sex. Prior to that he had only ever lusted after one woman and that was Kikyo. He had occasionally had an urge to fuck and since he was never one to deny himself anything, he would indulge the urge when it came, but he normally killed his partners when he was finished. He never wanted children. He felt they were a waste of time. Why should he wait for something to grow when he was able to produce incarnations that were strong enough to serve him as soon as they were created?
He smiled as he thought of that particular guard. He would be considered a vile man by any decent being, so Naraku liked him from the start. The man had volunteered to watch the prisoners at night. It was a shift that no one ever wanted, but this man had volunteered. Naraku decided to check on him one night to make sure that he hadn't volunteered for that shift knowing that he would be alone so he could sleep through it. Some of the prisoners were very crafty and Naraku didn't want to chance their escape.
As Naraku descended the steps under the shrine that led to the underground storage area that they had converted into a prison, he could clearly hear a woman crying and begging for mercy. Along with that he could he the grunting of the guard and the slapping of skin against skin as he raped the woman.
Then the guard said the magic words that set Naraku on his path, "You filthy whore, you have no trouble fucking a demon and bearing their hanyou filth, but you dare ask me to stop. You disgusting bitch! You helped them to increase their numbers. You defiled your womb with their seed."
The guard went on and on as he continued taking the woman by force, but the world had stopped for Naraku. He took a leisurely stroll through the prison and looked at all of the females at his mercy. He could have children, hanyou children that he could absorb. He would regain his power through them.
He could barely contain his excitement as he decided who he would impregnate first. Then the answer came to him, 'Rin'. He would use the great Lord Sesshomaru's ward to start his climb back to power.
When the guard finally finished and realized Naraku was there, he immediately started to try to explain his actions, but Naraku silenced him with a wave of his hand. He told the guard that he agreed with what he was trying to do. That he understood that the man was trying to save these women by getting them to once again submit to human men instead of the demon filth that they had previously lain with. He told the guard that they would set about saving these women together each night from now on. He went so far as to say that his holy seed would purify their bodies and wombs.
Naraku couldn't contain his evil laughter as he thought back on his ridiculous speech. The guard bought every word.
His next memory made his cock ache as he thought about what he did that night. He had the guard bring Rin and Kohaku into one of the rooms that they used for torture. He had Kohaku chained to the wall and Rin chained onto the stone table in the center of the room.
As he walked around the table he accused Rin of being Sesshomaru's whore when she was younger. She screamed that it wasn't true and that Lord Sesshomaru would never do such a thing with a child. As he continued to talk about her defiled body and made his intentions clear, Kohaku started to struggle and yell at him to get away from Rin.
Naraku had the guard gag Kohaku and then stab him several times in his stomach. The wounds would kill him, but not right away. He wanted Kohaku to watch what he was going to do to Rin and he wanted Rin to watch as Kohaku slowly died.
Rin had screamed as he pushed the dirty rags that she wore up past her waist. She screamed more as her thrust his fingers into her a few times to prepare her. He didn't want her to enjoy the experience, but he didn't want to wound her in a way that could cause an infection and death. That would be counter productive to his new course of action.
Her screams turned into begging. She begged him not to rape her and to kill her instead. Her pleading had him so aroused that he was afraid he was going to come before he even entered her. He took a few moments to calm himself as he slowly climbed onto the table on top of her. He let his cock linger at her entrance as he stared down into her face. She had grown into such a beautiful woman. The terror and sorrow in her eyes along with the tears running down her face made her all the more beautiful to him.
He raped Rin several times that night. Naraku had always been curious about the nature of Rin and Sesshomaru's relationship and had always thought that the big dog had used the little girl as his toy, but he found out that night that he was wrong when it was him in fact who took the girl's virginity. After that, he just couldn't get enough of her. Kohaku lived through the first two rapes. Naraku could still remember the tears in his eyes as he watched his fiancé being ravaged by his worst enemy. Rin and Kohaku were the only two people who knew who and what he truly was.
Naraku found out that night that he could have sex over and over again as long as pain and suffering were involved. They were his aphrodisiac. From that night forward he would rape 2 or 3 women per night. He would rape them for weeks or even months. He wouldn't stop until he was sure that they were pregnant. He picked out a few of the weaker women and told the guard that those were his, but all of the others were fair game for his twisted plan.
All he needed now were some of the women to care for the children. He had always been a master manipulator and he was able to pick out the ones that he could control. He would declare those women 'saved' and would place them in a home that he had created deep in the forest. They would serve as mothers and wet nurses to his offspring until he wanted to absorb them.
The other women were killed after they gave birth. Of course, the records that were kept at the time would state that they women were pregnant, but killed before they gave birth. No one kept tabs on when the women were captured, so it just looked like the women were pregnant when they were imprisoned. Fortunately for him, people had been so very afraid of demons and magic that he had been able to keep up his little witch hunt for several years. There was never a lack of fresh women for him to use.
If he would have planned better, he could have created his own army, but he was too impatient to regain his power and absorbed many of the offspring before they reached their first year. As time went on he started to realize that his children gained more power as they aged. He started to become more selective about which offspring he absorbed and when.
As his daughters aged he started keeping a handful of them for pleasure. He even produced more offspring with some of them. He didn't care if it was incest. He cared nothing for his children other then what they could give him. His cock twitched again as he thought back to the daughter that he had with Rin. She looked just like her mother.
As decades passed and he regained the ability to make incarnations, he began to truly give form to his plan to regain his power. He couldn't just rape women and keep strongholds of children and wet nurses in the modern world, so he would need to have 'relationships' and manipulate things so his 'children' and 'incarnations' would marry and reproduce. Then he would have to fake the deaths or disappearances of those that he absorbed. He looked at the world like a giant chess board and everyone as his pawns.
He actually found a huge amount of amusement in manipulating all those that had been created through him. He loved the look of shock and terror on their spoiled faces when they realized just what they were to him and that their lives had come to an end.
He sighed again as he looked at the clock, 2:45. 'How long does it really take to fuck a stripper?' he thought angrily as he poured another drink and continued to wait.
Oh well, he still had a few more pleasant memories to sift through. 'The Miko', he chuckled to himself as he reclined in his chair and continued his stroll down memory lane.