AN: I would like to thank Sirie for editing this chapter, making it soooo much better.

Prologue: Hope in Light of the Dark

The real war began when we left Hogwarts, during our seventh year. After Dumbledore died Hogwarts was no longer safe. Many had died in the time between than and now. It has been three years that we have been directly at war and the worst thing was that Voldemort was still going strong.

Most of the Order of the Phoenix had died. So far the only people left was Harry, Remus, Mad-Eye, Charlie, Neville, and myself.

We all knew and accepted that we would die soon; it was painfully obvious that we were heavily outnumbered. While Voldemort's numbers only continued to grow, our ranks were practically extinct. What caused our defeat would have to the moment Ginny Weasley joined the dark side. Yes, you heard right: the moment she pledged herself to Lord Voldemort, Tom Riddle. Of course, her choice was quickly followed by most of the other Weasleys.

The Weasleys had been working undercover for months before they took out as much of the Order as the could. Charlie and George were the only two to not to go over to the dark side, from the Weasley family. But the reason the six of us was alive was we had a job that had been very secretive. The only to know of this job was the people involved.

So the Weasley's got unlucky; right then we were in the Department of Mysteries and we were surrounded. It had been rumored that a prophecy had awakened in light of the war. We all realized fairly quickly that Harry wouldn't be able to succeed with such little support, he needed us now more than ever.

So this prophecy was really important and the reason why we were risking our scarce numbers on this mission. I was alone with Dolohov and Ron; it hurt but I knew what needed to be done.

"My little mud-blood," Dolohov taunted me cruelly with a sneer. Since that night years ago when we first fought at the Department of Mysteries he had taken it upon himself to target me and make my life miserable as he could.

I planned on taking him out first and that's exactly what I did with a flick of my wand and a muttered curse. He was finally gone, but I was still alone with Ron. My best friend and the boy I once fancied myself in love with. Something I continued to regret day after day.

"'Mione 'Mione 'Mione… I cannot stress the importance of your next words."

He paused in his taunting. He used that dreaded nickname, the one I had always told him never to use. He took his time and emphasized his next words with a whip to the ground. "Will you join the Dark Lord? And than we can finally be together." Ron practically pleaded with me; it startled me how quick his moods could change.

But I couldn't even bare to look at the coward. He had chosen the easy way out when he thought that Harry wouldn't be able to defeat Voldemort. That was something I could never forgive: turning his back on Harry and the rest of us. He had been one of the most important people in Harry's life and he turned his back on him.

I watched him carefully and he sounded sincere. The words he spoke were deadly, but spoken with such s tone of love and affection. I took a step hesitantly to Ron and my voice held such affection for the boy I once considered a friend.

"I'm so sorry that you couldn't have been stronger." I raised my wand. With that Ronald Weasley was no more. Leaving me in the dark room to ponder my next move, I had just killed one of the Golden Trio and I felt little remorse at my actions.

Harry ran into the room in a frenzy before I could gather my emotions. He took one look at Ron and ran to me, his arms were around me almost instantly.

"I'm so sorry you had see him die." It didn't seem like Harry knew the whole situation. It didn't seem like he realized that I had killed Ron.

I didn't cry and neither did he. Our tears were lost; they had been for the boy Ron once was and not for what he had become. "Come on, we have to find the prophecy or this mission would have been for nothing." I turned from him and began to sprint in the direction of the Room of Prophecies.

He left enough room between us so he could fire his wand without any interference but stood close enough so that he was a comforting presence next to me. On the way to Room of Prophecies we ended up at the room that had once held glittering time turners.

"Remember when you used one in our third year." Harry spoke quietly, reminiscing. I remembered those years well because it had been the year Harry had met Sirius Black, a big turning point in his life.

We saw the rubble on the floor, but something sparkling caught my eye when we started to walk away. "Wait." I whispered. I grabbed Harry's arm to stop him from walking. I walked back to where I had seen the sparkle and brushed off some dust and rubble only to uncover a perfectly preserved time-turner.

"It that what I think it is?" His voice so quiet as if he spoke too loud it would shatter. I stooped and picked it up gently.

I nodded. No words could describe how I felt in that moment. Even if we failed, someone could go back to fix this. "Come on let's go. We need to find that prophecy."

Once again we began to run in the direction of the prophecies where we saw both Charlie and Remus. Charlie saw us almost immediately, but Remus was still occupied with a few unknown death eaters.

"Stupefy." Charlie blasted the death eater behind Remus. "Remus throw them the prophecy."

"We can't let them get it what are you talking about!" Remus screamed angrily at Charlie. I was getting annoyed that none of the death eaters seemed to scared that Harry and I were right behind them.

"No, not the death eaters." Charlie sounded exasperated. "Harry and Hermione are right behind you." Charlie tried to move Remus to face us but had to quickly move to fight another death eater. Harry and I went to go help, but Remus was quick to dissuade us.

"No!" Remus screamed. "We haven't heard the prophecy yet and you need to get out of here in case it gets much worse. Charlie, go with them!" Remus threw the orb at Charlie caught it with his free hand. He sprinted towards us both of his arms looping through mine and Harry's.

"Let's go!" He didn't stop running. His face held such determination as he kept running, his eyes scanning the area ahead for Death Eaters.

"Wait! What about the others?" I couldn't help but worry about them, they were all we had left.

Charlie looked at me with what I could only describe as pity. I could barely help myself from screaming in frustration. Just because I was the only girl didn't mean I was weak. Charlie always seemed to forget this.

"The other's are already lost to us." Charlie told me in a quiet voice. "Neville's vengeance got the better of him and he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. That left Moody unprotected. They were both taken out rather quickly" I felt my eyes prickle with unshed tears.

I nodded, pushing my tears back, and we ran a safe distance from the Ministry. Which was difficult, since so many death eaters littered the area. I don't know how we managed to get away, but we did. We ended up in a deserted alleyway where we finally stopped to catch our breath. We took a moment towards our three fallen comrades.

I would miss them each for very different reasons. Remus had turned into a father figure to me when my own had been killed. Moody had taught me everything he knew and I would be forever grateful. Neville was someone I had always associated with innocence and to know that that was tarnished was hard enough. I had to make myself look at the bright side, even as we stood in the dingy alley.

Harry, Charlie and I were still alive. And I had to keep that in mind. So many had lost their lives but we were still there to fight for a better world. A better world for us. No, it would be a better world for a wizards, witches, and muggle alike.

"We need to hear that prophecy before we do anything else." I spoke as my breathing started to calm down. "That's what's important." Charlie looked ready to disagree with me, but Harry was quick to my defense.

"She's right. What if something happens to us before we have time?" Harry said quickly, patting me on my shoulder tiredly.

"It would be safer if we just listened to it from head quarters." Charlie still argued with me. I was tired of him undermining me.

"Look around us!" I said in an angry whisper and gestured widely with my arm. "I don't think we'll make it there in one piece."

"You don't know that!" He said angrily, his ears turning red. I stared at him with hard, determined eyes.

"We knew the dangers of this mission." I told him with surprising fury in my voice. "We calculated everything to the time we left and no matter what we did there was little to any chance of us getting back to head quarters. That is why we decided this mission was a code red: one of utmost importance. It was above all else. We needed the prophecy and meant preventing Voldemort from getting it." I continued to point out the facts and the more I talked that smaller Charlie seemed to get.

I finally realized that he knew that, but he didn't want to see that. He wanted to continue to believe that we would make it home okay and that we would live. It was like he needed to believe that no matter what, to keep himself sane.

"I can't promise that we'll safely return and neither can you. I'm sorry, Charlie. I know how hard it must have been to see your family again. It was hard on me too. So I realize the extent of pain would have been so much more for you." I tried to reason, but he wasn't having it. There was something there he wasn't saying. But now was not the time to get it out of him.

Charlie handed Harry the orb wordlessly and we all huddled together to hear it, what came out surprised us all. The voice was thick and shadowy, like someone in a trance.

"Three from the present will jump to the past,

To right the wrongs that were set in motion,

Save the lives of those once lost,

And protect the lives of the new,

When the full moon rises,

The chosen three will leave,

They will be given a chance to change the world,

But to truly change it is their test…"

They looked at each other for a long time not saying anything. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun was slowly going down, over the horizon.

"Is tonight-" Harry started, his voice low with worry.

"Yeah." I answered without having to hear his whole question. We were all looking at the sky where the faint outline of the moon could be seen.

"Ironic how life sets us up sometimes," Charlie whispered lightly into the cooling air.

The three of us didn't say anything as the sun set completely and the moon became clearer. When it started rising, Charlie finally broke the silence that had permeated around us.

"How are we going to go back into time?"

I pulled out a time-turner from inside my robes. "I found it before we found you and Remus." My voice wavering at his name. "It was just sitting amongst the rubble of the other time-turners. I… guess it really was fate." I hated to hear those words coming out of my own mouth.

"You guys." Harry said quickly, starting to back up.

"What?" Charlie and I answered in unison.

"Look." He said, pulling us back with him.

Our eyes looked at the now luminous full moon above, but Harry wasn't pointing up. He was pointed straight ahead where hundreds of Death Eaters were just entering the alley.

"They weren't kidding when they meant the full moon rising." Harry joked.

I moved quickly since I was the only one with experience with time-turners. "Harry, get behind me. Charlie, get in front of me." I said quickly in a low tone. I wrapped the long chain around all three of them. "How many turns?" I asked hysterically as I glanced over Charlie's shoulder to see Death Eaters advancing on us.

"I don't know." Charlie said; his voice a bit higher than it usually was, showing he was nervous.

"Give me a number!" I screamed, my fingers twitching anxiously.

"Fifteen!" Harry screamed back, fumbling for his wand that was in his robes.

I turned it fifteen times and closed her eyes as the magic swirled around us.