A/N: While this can be read alone, it is also a companion to my other one-shot "Saving the Tin Man" and a reference is made to the other story.
The first time she fell for him was when he agreed to see them down the road. There was just something in the way he looked after he said, "Believe me, heart's got nothing to do with it," that touched her heart and made her want to just give him a big hug and never let go.
The first time he fell in love with her was when she stood up to him after he had called her a 'kid'. The fire she showed started to melt the ice that had become his heart after watching his family get tortured over and over again. Damn her for making him feel again.
When the water sprites had told him he already had her heart, he was dubious, and part of him was petrified at the thought of having to protect DG's heart. As he had fallen into the water his thoughts were not only on his wife and son, but also on the blue-eyed princess he had given his own heart to without even knowing it. He prayed to whatever god that might listen that she would be safe.
When she had been stuck in the Dark Witch's dungeon, forced to play out silly scenes meant to make her remember what had been whispered in her ear all those years ago, DG's second purpose through it all was to block Wyatt Cain from her mind so the Viewer could not view his place in her heart. She was ever thankful to Lylo that he had not told, although his eyes said that he knew.
His heart made him admit his love for DG to himself when she was 'kidnapped' by the Seeker. It screamed the love at him as his voice screamed her name, hoping she would answer. When it became apparent that she was not with her three odd-ball companions, he let out a sigh of relief as well as a moan of despair. He knew she was alive, though. Strange as it may sound, he could hear her heart beat and feel her breath coincide with his own. It brought him determination and comfort as he faced Zero again.
Being trapped in marble wasn't the princess's finest moment. It was then that she knew if she ever got back to see Wyatt Cain again she'd never let him go in a million years. Life was far too short to waist time dancing around things like attraction and love. Her heart reached out for his and for a brief second in time she could hear its beat alongside her own. The feeling of reassurance that he was alive and well gave her the strength of mind to focus on getting out of the green marble coffin.
Throughout their journey both hearts had grown beyond fondness toward each other. It wasn't just a physical attraction that brought the two together - it was love. True love, ageless and pure; ordained by Mother Universe and helped along by her Children.
But, there is only so much interference Mother Universe is allowed. The rest is up to two stubborn, petrified humans that keep on missing the forest for the sake of the trees.
A/N: And now that I've covered the bases for what happened DURING the miniseries, I now have time to cover what I think in this timeline should happen after the curtain fell so to speak.