Well guys I didn't die. I'm sorry for such a long wait, I really am. I do have reasons but I wont get into it because I know you guys just want to read. I'll give you a bit of a recap. In the last chapter Rosaile talked with Andrew, her ex and he wants her back. She is torn between Miken and ends up running out of the house over whelmed. Miken quickly stops her and comforts her. She ends up picking him over Andrew. Miken and Rose's first kiss was in the back of his car at the end of the chapter. So here is,


Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. I glanced back at myself in the mirror. This is going to be a fun night.

"Where the hell are you going dressed like that on a Wednesday?" Cameron's voice flooded into the room.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I turned to my brother.

"That!" He said pointing to my sweater.

I looked down to see my light lavender sweater. It hugged my body in all the right places. The only thing that I could think of that Cameron was talking about was how my shirt dipped down in the front.

"I'm wearing a sweater," I said picking up my curling iron.

"You look like a whore," He said bluntly.

"Oh thanks," I said sarcastically. He's so full of bull tonight. He's never said that before when I've worn this sweater to my dad's dinner parties for work.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I finished my hair. I watched him step into my room from the corner of my eye.

"Out," I said simply. I wasn't planning on telling him any time soon.

"You're not just going 'out'. It never takes you this long to get ready." I ignored him and finished getting ready. Surprisingly he stayed quiet.

He spoke again as I pulled on my black leather boots. "Where is 'out'?" He asked.

"Out, Cameron," I was starting to get annoyed with him.

"Who is going to be 'out'?" Can he just shut up already?

"The three of us," I said as I zipped up my other boot.

"Oh and who would this be; me, myself and I?" He knows me too well because that was exactly what I was thinking.

"Why yes that would be," I said smiling widely at him. I could see the irritated look in his eyes and I couldn't help but want to laugh.

I scooped up my purple sequin clutch and opened it quickly to see I had everything that I needed for tonight. Satisfied I started for my door.

"I should really know where you're going," Cameron said.

"Why?" I asked as I flipped off the light leaving my brother in the dark cave that had become my room.

"So I don't have to follow you in my car,"

Stepping out into the hallway I came face to café with my oldest brother, Jordon. He looked at me with a confused expression. I didn't pay attention to it. I quickly walked past him to the kitchen.

"Where is she going?" I heard Jordon ask Cameron.

"I don't know she won't tell me," Cam said. They have to be stupid to think that I can't hear them.

"Hey Rosy where ya goin'?" Jordon asked now following me too.

"Out," This was really stating to get old.

Entering that kitchen I could see my mom at the counter reading the paper that was laid out in front of her. She looked up with a smile on her face as I walked into the room. She slid the keys to her car over the smooth black granite countertop so they were within my reach.

"You look very nice. Have fun and be home by one." Her smile lit up her entire face.

"ONE?" Cameron yelled alarmed. "Where the hell is she going that's way past curfew!"

"How come she knows and we don't? What if you get raped or something?" Jordon asked. His voice was full of concern. I just snorted. Only he would think of something like that.

"Thanks mom. Bye." I said over my shoulder as I walked out of the front door.

God my brothers are ridicules. I can't go out with out them knowing. The might as well put a tracking devise on me. I bet they would love that this way they would know where I was at all times.

I had to tell my mom where I was going so I ended up telling her everything. I told her about dad calling me "princess", Chris, meeting Miken and finally our planed date. If I told Cameron he would have killed Miken and then me soon after.

I drove the short distance my butterflies going crazy in my stomach. They got worse making my lead foot even worse. Before I knew it I found myself in front of Miken's house.

The house was bright and looked homey. I could see in through the front window and see the shadows of people walking around in the house. That just made my heart thump even harder in my chest.

I sat in the car for close to five minutes just waiting. Should I go in? No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. I took in a deep breath and got out of the car and locked it as I made my way up the concrete sidewalk.

My shoes clicked softly. The sound made my hear pump faster because it was a reminder that I really was walking up to his front door. When I finally did get to his door it seemed so intimidating. I felt like I shouldn't be here, at his house. I want this though and with that thought I raised my hand to knock on the door only to have it open before my hand made contact with the wood.

Miken stood there with a bright smile on his face. I stupidly realized I still had my hand up and dropped it.

"Hey," He said. His voice was so smooth, so calm.

"Hi," I squeaked out. Oh my god I'm so stupid. He has to think I'm an idiot. I should just turn around right now and go home. I almost did but then I caught him checking me out. I then let myself take in his full appearance.

He had on dark loose jeans and a blue button up shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing his creamy pale skin. His shaggy black hair was pushed slightly to the right. I couldn't help but smile at how good he looked.

He smiled crookedly at me. His head turned and he leaned down to kiss my cheek softly. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to come right out of my chest. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and mentally cursed myself for blushing. He took my right hand in held it in his huge warm hand.

"You ready to go?" He asked sweetly. I nodded with a smile not trusting myself to speak just yet. "I'll be back later," He called over his shoulder and into the house. He quickly shut the door before anyone inside could say anything. "Let's go," He pulled me lightly to his car in the driveway.

We sat in silence as he drove through one town and into the next.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Maybe," He said with a smile turning to face me for a few seconds.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

He looked at me with an amused expression. "You expect me to tell you?"

"Well I was hoping tat you might tell me. I guess it's a lost cause though."

"You're absolutely right but don't worry we're almost there,"

"Good because when most guys drive far that normally means that they are going to some place fancy," I said.

"Fancy? Well what if I was taking you somewhere like that?"

"Miken! Please tell me you're not."

"I've never been one for normality,"

I let out the breath that I didn't realize I had been holding in. "Thank you," I said softly then leaned over to kiss his cheek.

We ate at a cute place. It served everything from burgers to tacos. It was nice to be somewhere where no one knew who I was except Miken or maybe he was just what made it nice.

"So how ya doin'?" I asked. He chuckled. He was probably thinking something along the lines of "this girl is so stupid" or something like that.

"You are so random at times," He said smiling at me.

"I honestly want to know how you're doing,"

"Well, boxes are being unpacked and life is picking up. What about you? How are you holding up?" He asked the popped a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Let's see, I had to tell my mom about you, she can't wait to meet you, umm oh I'm still not talking to my dad but that's not hard because I haven't seen him. Lastly my brothers kept bugging me about where I was going tonight and I wouldn't tell them so before I left they were assuming that where ever I was going or doing that I was going to end up getting rape or something along those lines." I said with a smile trying to keep the subject light.

"Oh well that's just fantastic," He said sarcastically.

"Oh yes it is. So first I'm a whore and then I'm getting raped by you."

Who called you a whore?"Miken asked. His eyes were dark and threatening.

"Cameron, but don't worry about it. That's art of his job description to be an ass about whatever I'm wearing and any of the guys that I date."

"No it's not. I would know. I have a little sister. I'll tell her what he shouldn't ware but I wouldn't call her a whore and trust me she can definitely dress like one too."

I laughed. "All girls can,"

"Speaking of whores look at that just walked in," He said as he shyly pointed at a little blond girl. "What is she 12? They just keep getting younger and younger."

"Oh god you're right," This girl looked about 10 and was wearing an extremely short jean skirt. I bet if she bent over it wouldn't even cover her ass. She was wearing thick black eyeliner like she had no idea how to put it on. You could tell that her bra was stuffed with something and her shirt was way too low cut exposing almost all of her bra.

"That is just sad," He said.

"Yeah it is," I glanced back to the girl to see her checking out Miken. "Shield your virgin eyes Miken; she's checking you out,"

"Oh god," He dropped his face into his hands. I laughed lightly. "She's not coming over is she?" He asked.

"No, she's not coming over," I laughed again. He peaked threw his fingers like a small child to look at me. "You are so cute," I couldn't help but say.

"Well I'm glad you think so because if you didn't I would be in a hell of a lot of trouble," He said.

"Oh yes you would be; I know I am,"

"I'll show you how much trouble you're in," He slid out of his seat and bounced over to the seat next to mine. He picked me up effortlessly and placed me on his lap. "You're so perfect you have no idea how perfect you are. Don't let anyone tell you anything different." I felt his lips lightly on mine and smiled.

As soon as he was there he was gone and sitting back on the other side of the table.

"You're crazy," I said smiling at him.

"You wouldn't like me if I wasn't," He was right.

Our food came and talked as we ate. I don't think there was one thing, well one normal thing for a first date that we talked about. There was a family that must have had six kids, all of them looking the same with light blond hair. The kids looked to be aged from two to sixteen.

"Would you ever think about having that many kids?" Miken asked me.

"If I get married, which I don't think is ever going to happen but if it does five kids would be the max. I would like to be a mom someday though."

"I'm going to name my first son Donnavin,"

"Donnavin? You might as well as name him David."

"David? That is so boring."Miken said with a grown.

"I know but that's better then Donnavin,"

"What is better then?"

"Davin and I really like the name Jakden,"

"Hmm Jakden and for a nickname for my son?"

"Jake," I said picking at my food. His words sunk in. "Wait your son? I came up with te name!"

"So? I just maybe happen to like it a lot because you came up with it," He sat back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest.

"I like that name so you can't just go and take it,"

"We'll we can share it,"

"I guess I have to repeat myself, you're crazy. I have never talked about having kids on a date with any guy never mind a first date."

"You're a little crazy too if you haven't noticed,"

"Oh trust me I have,"

"Well I don't want to rush you or anything but I want to show you something,"

"Oh well I'm done. We can go now if you want."

"Okay," He said with a smile.

We got the check and he wouldn't let me pay for any of it which was very much like a gentlemen. As soon as we were done we walked out into the cold night air. There was a sharp crisp breeze.

"Do you want to walk a little bit or take the car?" Miken asked as we walked towards the car.

"Walk silly. What's the point in wasting gas? I also get to spend more time with the guy that wants me to have his babies." I said with a smirk.

"I never said that,"

"But you said we could 'share' the name Jakden, implying, that the name would be for the same child, our child." I said looking to my right to have him looking back at me.

"You can think about it how ever you want," He said.

"I know what you meant and I know you know that I know,"

He just leaned against me slightly and kissed my hair. I leaned against him in return.

We walked about three blocks in silence with only each other's heat.

My jaw dropped when I saw all the lights. Miken lead me down to a park with a gazebo and a small dock that jetted out into the water. Both the gazebo and the dock were covered in beautiful white Christmas lights.

"This is amazing Miken," It really was. The site just took my breath away.

"I'm so happy you like it,"

"Like it is an understatement,"

"Not all girls would like this,"

"You're crazy for thinking that not all girls would like this,"

"That doesn't matter though because I'm crazy about you and no one else," I felt my heart melt.

He lead me over to the gazebo and we walked up the four brick steps so we were standing in the middle of it. I turned to face him. This was just so sweet of him.

"You're so…" I stopped to think of a word to describe him.

"Completely yours," He said softly as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.