Billy and Mandy's Big Boogie Fan Fiction Part three

Disclaimer: Billy and Mandy belongs to Maxwell Atoms, and the Simpsons belong to Matt Groening. All characters belong to their rightful owners!

Author's note: Sorry, for the long ass wait. But I hope it's worth the wait. This is a big ass chapter to make it up for it. And find some Guitar Hero references!

The next day after their church service, Gladys ordered Harold to do some house chores, and Harold ordered Billy to do it for him. It was Billy's turn to take care of Grim for the day, but we'll get to that later. The chapter begins with him in the front yard as he read the first chore for the day.

"Hmm…take out hornet's nest." Billy muttered as he scratched his posterior while reading a notepad called "Billy's Chores" with the name "Harold" crossed out.

Billy whacked the hornet's nest into a tree and manages to catch it with a long wooden pole. He then quickly throws it into the mailbox of former General Reginald Skarr. The boy then shuts the door and shakes it up as he lifts the flag, awfully mischievous and smart for the usual moronic boy.

"Check." He said to himself as he crossed off the list and reads the next. "Fix the sinkhole in the backyard."

He goes back to the backyard and finds the sinkhole; Billy then puts a litter box to cover it. The litter begins to sink too so Billy grabs Milkshakes the cat to plug the hole. The pink cat sinks slightly but manages to clog it up.

"Check" Billy said happily as he crossed off the second chore, and then to his disgust. He finds his most hated chore of all as he spoke with much disdain. "Reshingle the roof?"

So, Billy woke up Grim and asks him to help him out as in to do it for him.

"Steady Mon, steady…" Grim said as he carefully aimed the hammer a nail into a shingle. He swung the hammer… and missed as the claw from the back end goes through his eyehole.

"AHHH!" the skeleton screams trying to pull it out. Billy starts to laugh and point at his pain.

"Why you little…" Grim mutters angrily, and grabs the big nosed boy's throat with his bony hands, strangling the life out of him. "I'll teach you to laugh at something that's funny!"

"ACK!" Billy croaked as he begins to break lose from Death's grip and finally Grim lets him go.

"Let's play another game then, we're on a roof after all." Billy said to make Grim forget about throttling him.

"What kind of a game then?" Grim asked with a mean frown.

"How about a dare contest?" Billy replied. "I'll let you go first."

The Grim Reaper's frown changed quickly into a smile. "That does sound fun boy!" he said. "And there might be an accident happening to you."

"I dare you to climb up the TV antenna Billy!" Grim said as he pointed to the metal object.

Billy immediately climbs up to the said antenna and said. "Piece of cake!"

"Earthquake!" Grim yelled as he shook the TV antenna violently. The boy grabbed dearly for his life but soon loses his grip and falls off.

Billy rolls down the roof and grab the storm drain in time. He sighs in relief but then Grim shakes the metal drain again.

"Aftershock!" Grim yelled as the skeleton and dim-witted boy laughs. Suddenly they heard an "Ahem"

They turned around and saw Jeff the Spider near the backyard.

"Hey dad, I don't mean to bother you with your fun time." Jeff said with a concerned tone. "But if you fall, doesn't that make you a paraplegic?"

"Mind your own business freak!" Billy snapped at his son, still dangling from the storm drain.

"Yeah, mind your own business freak!" Grim repeated while hammering away Billy's hands with a hammer.

"Great comeback Grim." Billy said, complimenting the grim reaper and they both high five at each other.

"Steady boy," Grim said as he raises the hammer up. But before he can deliver the final blow, the roof collapsed and fell inside of the house along with Grim.

Billy simply laughs at his pain. But luckily, the Grim Reaper's misfortune will end tomorrow as the next sentence begins with the next day.

The next day, it was Mandy's turn to have Grim and her parents are going door to door with her ordering Grim to follow them so they won't do anything behind her back.

Phil and Claire are going door to door to tell each resident about the pollution in Lake Endsville, but alas every door has close down on them before they can finish due to the fact no one cares about the environment… and the fact they have Grim following them.

Finally as Phil rings a doorbell, a door opens up revealing a kind looking, old lady.

"Why it's the nice young couple that visits me every week." The old lady said with a smile. "Now, what can I do for you two?"

"Will you help us on cleaning up Lake Endsville?" Phil asked to the old lady. "WE can really use your…"

But before he can finish, the so-called "nice" old lady sees Grim behind them and slams the door on them. They looked across the street and saw more houses closing down their windows and Captain Deadwood set sail from his houseboat. Phil and Claire sigh disappointedly as they sulked away in defeat.

"I don't remember you two being concerned environmental in the show." Grim said to Mandy's parents. "Since when were ya'll beginning to care about the Earth?"

"Since the author put us in the role." Claire said.

"Oh yeah, that does make it convenient." Grim said as he nodded the obvious answer. They then stumbled across Billy's best friend, Irwin as he begins walking towards them and said.

"Hey Grim and Mandy's parents, you can talk about the environment to me as long as you want."

"Irwin, you don't care about the environment." Phil scoffed. "You're just saying that so you can get Mandy."

"I do care about the environment yo," Irwin defended. "I'm very passionate about the planet."

"Say global warming is just a myth!" Sperg said as he appeared out of nowhere with his meaty fist pointing at the nerdy kid.

"Where did you come from?" Claire asked to the bully. "We don't remember you living here."

"Since the author put me in this role." Sperg replied and turns to Irwin again. "Say it it's a myth!"

"It's just a myth!" Irwin shouted as he cringed away from the Bully's fist. "More study is needed yo!"

Sperg finally punches him in the stomach as Irwin groaned and fell to his knees.

"That's for selling out for your beliefs!" He said before storming off.

"Poor Irwin," Claire said to her husband about the fallen boy. "Maybe the show is being to hard on him."

"Jackpot…" Irwin said under his breath after lifting one eye.

"But then again, the show's funnier when bad things happen to them." Phil said and the two leaves Irwin for them. The poor boy is left to writhe in pain.

Before Grim can follow them home, he hears of a voice. The voice belongs to coming to a person going door to door on another house next door to him. It was a young woman with bright blue hair with pale skin who wears a black choker around her neck, a black tank top exposing her midriff, a long black glove that covers her right arm up to her elbow, and a black bracelet on het left arm. She also wears black leather pants with a silver belt and skull boots. The personification of death felt his unbeating heart hit by Cupid's arrow at the sight of the pale, blue haired woman.

"Look dipstick, don't you want to know that the word 'Euthanasia' means…" She said rudely but the door slammed on her before she can finish.

"Seeing with one's own eyes in Greek." Grim finished for her. He smiled at her, a woman who's sharing the same interests. Plus, since Grim is well…death, he knows that the woman is actually a ghost, making Grim more at home.

The woman turned to see Grim and smirks at the same, she walks up to him and adds.

"And the state of Texas has the largest…"

"Amount of executions than any other state." Grim said with enthusiasim.

"The true meaning of Ring-Around-The-Rosie…" The ghost woman added.

"Are the symptoms of the Black Plague."

"I can't believe I'm meeting the Grim Reaper himself," The woman added as she introduced herself. "I'm Ember."

"Well, since you know who I am." Grim chuckled sheepishly. "But I never seen you in any of the episodes."

"It's because I'm a character from another show, and the author decides to make fun of a crossover pairing by putting us together." Ember said. "Which probably results an actual pairing in the end."

"I'm a lead singer in a band to replace Green Day, and I'm supposed to send fliers door to door. But it's not working as you can see." She added.

"Well, do you play an instrument?" Grim asked to the ghost girl.

"Just the guitar, bass, piano, drums, and trumpet." She replied.

Grim smiles and asks her again. "Your real name is Ember? Are you sure you're not…"

"I'm not Pandora." Ember answered before Grim can finish his question.

"Are you sure? It's because you both play guitar and have blue hair…"

"I'm NOT Pandora." Ember repeated but in a stern voice.

"She perfect!" Grim thought to himself. "For once in your eternal life, be cool mon!"

"So Grim, are you really the killer as the people say you are?" Ember asked her back.

He answers only in giggles and squeals as he fell to the ground.

"You alright Grim?" She asked with smirk.

Grim answers again with another giggle.


Mandy is at her house, sitting in a table watching the Secret Snake Club's videos in their cell phones of Dracula's trance.

"A twisted tail, a thousand eyes, trapped forever…EPA!"

"What the heck is EPA?" Mandy asked to herself as she writes down the words in a notepad.

Across the table is the Secret Snake Club themselves, sipping tea from a mug.

"I think it's the sound the Green Lantern made when Sinestro threw him in a vat of acid." Wiggly, the leader said. Then all three of the members shouted in a faux-agonizing pose. "EPA!"

"Uh, thanks for the video." Mandy said after the awkward moment.

"And thanks for letting us use your mom's pregnancy pants." Said the member Jerome as he stretched his own elastic pants as it retracts back with a snap. "Never known comfort like this."

The next day at Billy's house, Grim is firing lasers from his scythe at Billy who's carrying a load of bricks at his back in another dare. He smiles as he got his revenge on the big nosed boy. Billy on the other hand, isn't in his happy place as the rays kept hitting him.

"Ow, why did I…ouch! Suggested this?" Billy muttered in pain, as he was wandering in circles.

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Grim continues to fire at Billy and Billy continues to yelp in pain, finally the timer went off and Death stopped shooting.

Billy releases a sigh of relief and drops the bricks from his back. He rubs on his bruises and walks up to Grim as he said. "Time for the ultimate dare Grim!"

"I dare you to ride your scythe to Freckle burger and back…NAKED!"

"Wait a minute, you mean not in me cloak?" Grim asked. "Now this is across the line boy, I'm not going to be stupid as you are!"

"Oh, I guess this means Grim is a bony CHICKEN!" Billy taunted Grim. "Soon, everyone will know that death is a coward and they'll answer 'Hi chicken!'"

Finally, Grim is overcome by the peer pressure and automatically pulls off his robe. Yet, the big nosed by is still oblivious as he continues to make fun of him.

"And finally, in all funerals. That Funeral song will go like this." He continues to taunt as he begins clucking to the tune of the funeral March song. "Bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk, bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk…"

But before he can cluck to the last note, Grim flies on onto his scythe like a skateboard, and zooms across the street.

"Bawk?" Billy clucked as he finished his chicken version of the Funeral March.

All the people of Endsville managed to literally dodge death as he begins to fly across the city streets. The naked reaper, all except the elephant-like creature who goes by the name Fred Fredburger, is freaked out.

"I like men now, YES!" Fred Fredburger said happily after seeing the naked reaper passing him.

As Grim continues to zooms through downtown Endsville, Duchess from Foster's saw the buck-naked skeleton.

"Don't look where I'm pointing at!" She screamed as her finger covers Grim's bony "areas" but alas, people looked anyway.

Grim continues to fly across the town, as the blades of the scythe tears through anything in its way, leaving debris in the air. Thinking it'll be quicker; he goes through the park as RC cars, Frisbees, water fountains, soap bubbles, and birds continue to cover his "areas" until the scythe slices through a wooden fence. Suddenly, a piece of wood lands into his pelvic bones (Think naughty) for a few seconds before flying off from the wind.

Finally as he's getting closer to Freckle burger, spectral exterminator Hoss Delgado sees him and chases Grim through his truck.

"Stop in the name of cartoon squeamishness!" Hoss Delgado ordered Grim through his speaker. Finally, he fires his chainsaw at Grim's scythe. In a slow-motion effect, the chainsaw flies through closer and closer until it hits the scythe's blades.

Grim finally loses his control as the blade swerves violently until he got launched and flew across the street into the restaurant, meanwhile Jeff and his kids were having lunch inside the same restaurant…and the same window…

"Alright kids, before we eat let's all thank the lord for this bountiful…" But before Jeff can finish his sentence, Grim's bony body hits the window in front of him.

"BONER!" Jeff shouted in shock while holding a fry, which is between Death's legs.

"Bountiful boner!" Jeff's kids repeated. "Amen!"

To be continued…

Author's note: My longest chapters ever, hope you enjoy this chapter and review after you're done. Plus, if there's any rushed parts. Tell me. PS-All those facts of death that Ember and Grim are true, google it to see it that I'm not making it up!