Title: Five Steps...

Summary: SPN/Justice League sequel. ...To becoming a Superhero.

When Sam said there were five steps to becoming a superhero, Dean said, "Christo."

When Sam did nothing but glare in a less-demonic and more-bitchy way, Dean said, "You gotta' be kidding me. Why can't we just go out, kick ass, and take names?"

When Sam pouted, Dean threw his hands up in defeat. "What's the first step?"

Step 1: Costumes


Sam placed the vest in front of him. He then placed the needle very deliberately on top of the vest. "You said we need a symbol."

"I figured we could get a permanent marker or some shit. We still can." Dean sounded slightly desperate. "We can draw it on the back of our vest. You don't have to do this, Sammy. Don't tell me to do this."

"It's not that hard."

Dean looked from the vest to Sam and back again. "I bet other superheroes don't do this."

Sam rolled his eyes. "How do they make their costumes? How do you they fix rips? How do they put on all their symbols? Think about it."

Dean did think. He thought about needle and thread and the Superhero Sewing Club.

Shit, Sammy could make anything look geeky.

Step 2: Transportation

"Where the hell is my car?!"

"It's on your left, Dean."

"I don't see it."

"You went too far. Now, it's on your right."


"It's in front of you."

"This is my car?"

"Yup. We can't use the same car for our other – job – so I fixed this one. It's a simple illusion."


"Dean? What – OW!"

Step 3: Motto

Dean spent five minutes spouting out his ideas, ranging from crude to laughingly philosophical.

Sam spent five seconds.

He was blushing but still grinning when he held up his napkin. Scrawled across the middle was Dean's dream motto:

'Kicking ass and taking names.'

Dean toasted him with his beer and a large smile on his face. "That's my boy."

Step 4: Split Personality

Dean Winchester ran into the parking garage. The Hellhounds vehicle pursued him.

Victor Henricksen was a block away and on foot. He shouted through his radio, "Dean Winchester has entered the Plaza parking garage."

His superior answered from the helicopter. "We saw him. Do not approach."

"Sir -."

"The Hellhounds are in pursuit."

Henricksen growled. He hated superheroes.

He hated them even more when the taller of the two Hellhounds – Psyko or some crap like that – informed him of Dean Winchester's escape in a low, gravelly voice.

He didn't hear Jackals amused, "You get that voice from a Saturday morning cartoon?"

Step 5: -

Dean tossed Sam's notebook in the backseat. "Step number five," he improvised, "is to enjoy being a freaking superhero."

Sam opened his mouth as if to argue.

Dean put up the music.

Sam talked over the music, "Step number five: get laid."

Dean looked at him.

Sam mouth abruptly shut. His eyes widened. He suddenly looked unsure and just a little bit scared. Maybe, he hadn't meant to say that. That didn't mean Dean wasn't holding him to it.

"I know these twins…"

Sam's eyes slowly returned to their normal size. He leaned back in his seat and listened to Dean go on and on about the twin's fine physical assets.

Later, they sang the Pinky and the Brain theme song…but superheroes could get away with shit like that.

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