A/N: Woo. The sequel. And it's so cold here! I can't feel my toes. ;-; BUT ANYWAYS. This has been unbeta-d. Anyways...the sequel to Date Test!
And if you're interested in this and you haven't read Date Test, here are a few AU things that you must know to get along with this story: Haruhi used to work for Hikaru as a secretary for the Hitachiin Co. And so he initiated a hard test, and she well...passed it. SO--! Hikaru loves Haruhi, she loves him back. Simple.
Hikaru proposed to Haruhi, she agreed. Kaoru has a thin ice friendship with Tamaki, who considers himself a brother/father figure for Haruhi. Kyouya will hardly be mentioned in here, but he's a rival buisnessman to the Suoh and Hitachiin Co.
In this time-line: Haruhi, Kaoru, Hikaru are twenty-six. Kyouya and Tamaki are twenty-seven. And if Honey and Mori was in here they would be twenty-eight.
I will declare now: Haruhi is OOC in this whole bit. You will understand in later chapters, when I explain.
This had been unbeta'd.
Disclaimer: I own not Ouran.
Haruhi was reserved, very reserved. She liked to keep herself reserved, and would object to any revealing clothing. That was why on their wedding, Haruhi wanted to wear a lace jacket, because 'it was cold.'
Hikaru, being courteous to his bride, assented to it and gave her a jacket to wear over her rather 'revealing' wedding dress. The wedding proved to be strange. During the party, whenever people would clink their dinner ware for them to kiss, she would be the one who would shrink away. Hikaru would have to catch her and land a quick peck on the lips.
She became incredibly shy, blushing whenever her soon-to-be husband would eat from her fork or put his hand around her waist. Hikaru found this behavior…odd. Haruhi should have gotten used to him by now; after all, he was the type who had his hands on her during majority of the day.
The marriage lasted the whole night, and when it ended, Hikaru took Haruhi to their new house, which was surprisingly 'commoner' sized, for Haruhi's sake of course.
Maids were around, but they only stick around to do the chores that Haruhi didn't have the time to do. Other than that Haruhi would take care of all the meals and do pretty much everything. They were probably the only ones in the house that night.
Anyways, since they were newly weds, Kaoru granted them a week for a Honeymoon. They could go wherever they wished, but Haruhi said that she rather work until the afternoon, and get let off after three o' clock. Hikaru reluctantly agreed with his wife's choices.
Hikaru used to think that if he married her, then her 'reservation' would be over and she would feel more comfortable around him. He was wrong; it only made her more fidgety. And since they were legally married, he wanted to have her in bed. He didn't know whether he wanted kids or he was just horny; he opted to think that he wanted an heir.
The married Hitachiin twin then came to a conclusion that having a kid would be troublesome to both him and his job, and so coming to another conclusion, he found out that he was just horny. But he figured out that his first priority was to make her comfortable with him.
But sadly, she is headstrong. She is reserved, very secretive. Untouchable and untouched. Hikaru resents her status, and plans to break it. He has a week to do it, and the whole afternoon and night of each day. After all, he was just a horny little Hitachiin.
--1st Day: Bathrobes and Sleep
"Hikaru," she called out from the bathroom. The twenty-six year old man perked up and looked at the door in curiosity. "Can you come here and me get out of this dress? It's so stupid and frustrating; I wish you picked a better one when we went to visit your Okaasan."
Hikaru snapped his book close and placed it on the table nearby. He stood up from his chair and walked to the bathroom, opening it casually. "What is it, Haruhi? Hate the dress you're in?" he asked teasingly, looking inside.
Lo and behold, Haruhi in a pale yellow dress. Although it was the best of the best and Hikaru made sure to put extra efforts to make it drop dead gorgeous for his wife…he had to choke at the sight of her.
"What the frill are you doing?!" he gasped, his mouth dropping. In her hands was a pair of scissors that were ready to cut the zipper in the back.
Haruhi pouted, as Hikaru approached her and yanked the zipper down with difficulty. She smiled sheepishly at her husband, and said, "The dress got stuck on a loose strand and got clogged."
"You could have called me in here earlier," he said skeptically. Her face heated up and she glanced away. Hikaru only sighed at her behavior and way of thinking. He leaned against the bathroom door, he demanded, "Give me the dress."
"Aren't you going to get into your night wear?" he asked, putting a hand on his hip. He raised an eyebrow at her, all the while casual about what he's requesting of her. Haruhi's face turned a million shades of red.
"Y-Y-You're asking m-me to get…" the last word came out on a small squeak- "Naked?"
"Yeah," he deadpanned. Haruhi expected him to be hit in the face with reality, but he still had that cold and an unreadable face on. It almost reminded Haruhi of the trial and tribulation that she had to suffer before she became closer to him.
She bit her lower lip, feeling more awkward. –how could he remain so nonchalant about it?
Haruhi pushed Hikaru out quickly. She slammed it and bolted it shut; she was glad that there were two locks. "I'll give it to you after!"
Hikaru sighed in frustration as he made his way back to his desk. He sat in the chair and boringly grabbed his book. He opened it and kept on reading. There goes a chance to make her less reserved. He bet that she was a virgin.
And you people out there wonder if Hikaru is one too. No, he isn't. Sad to say that Hikaru had plenty of one-night stands. But of course, Hikaru being Hikaru didn't take any of it seriously.
But anyways, let's get off the touchy subject.
The door opened slightly, and Haruhi peeked out from the bathroom. She was a bit shy of coming out; Hikaru had no choice but to coax her out like a parent would do to a frightened child.
Hikaru stood up and walked to the bathroom. "Hurry up, Haruhi, I need to take my shower too."
So much about coaxing…
"Uhm…" she faltered. He sighed, and knew that Haruhi was a bit self-conscious about the silky lingerie, and she preferred her cheap cloth pajamas to it. Haruhi glanced around nervously, and placed a small hand over Hikaru's eyes. "Don't look."
"What?" he asked, but he didn't swipe down her hand. Before he could move, a rough push, and he's in the bathroom. His shoulders slumped and he combed a hand through his light-brown tresses. 'She's so…impossible.'
He took off his clothes, thinking all the while. Haruhi was so…perfect. She was smart, kind, beautiful, and she belongs to him. But with a perfect person comes a fault, and she wouldn't be called perfect. Hikaru can't touch her, can't see her in all revealing glory, and he can't strip her of her blissful ignorance.
He stepped into the abnormally large bath tub, and mulled over the size. Hikaru switched on the faucet and allowed the already warmed water to cascade down from his tresses onto his bare back. While showering, his mind strayed to thoughts about sneaking into the bathroom while Haruhi takes a bath.
'Too perverted,' he admitted, shaking his head in the water. Making Haruhi lose all respect in him would be the last thing that he would want to do. Hikaru opened his hazel eyes to stare at the water that was swiveling into the small drain.
He stepped out from the shower and grabbed a towel, drying himself. He swiped his boxers from the sink top and pulled it on. He draped the towel over his head and rubbed it in a drying motion while opening the door.
When he came out, Haruhi seemed alert, and hid further underneath the covers. After all…this was the first time they would ever sleep together. Hikaru closed the lights behind him and walked towards the bed, flopping onto it tiredly. Haruhi watched him with her brown orbs, the sheets pulled over her body protectively.
"Can you please tell me why you're acting like this?"
"I…uhm…the pajamas you gave me…are kind of…revealing."
"Revealing?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Hikaru slid over and took the sheets with a hand. He pulled it away in a fluid motion. Haruhi seemed to flinch, like a strong beam of light had blasted at her. Her husband just stared.
"Haruhi," Hikaru complained in a long drawl, crawling over to Haruhi's side. "Why on earth are you wearing a bathrobe to sleep?"
"The pajamas are revealing!" she stated stubbornly, her fists clenched the cloth that she was wearing. Hikaru rolled his eyes and sat on his heels, staring at Haruhi.
"You call the silk dress revealing? All it ever shows are your shoulders, neck, and collar bone. What's wrong with that?"
Nothing really, Haruhi's rational side thought. Her breath caught short as Hikaru's face hovered only inches away from hers, and her face turned a brilliant shade of red. Hikaru didn't see any problems with the white silk dress. He was a fashion critic and designer that it was for certain that the dress was certainly not horrid.
Plus Kaoru and he agreed that the dress was most appropriate for her. Hikaru was miffed that Haruhi opted to wear an ugly, plain, common white bathrobe over all the beauty. Hikaru frowned a bit at her, and his hand tugged apart the sash that tied her robe together.
"Okay, you're getting out of that thing right—"
He pounced on her.
"Bathrobes belong in the bathroom, not in bed. Now take it off," Hikaru demanded through gritted teeth, as he tried to rip off the inappropriate wear. Their wrestling game continued with a long struggle, and obviously the newly weds' love didn't show in their fight.
Hikaru wanted the clothing disposed, Haruhi wanted to keep it on her.
And you people have to wonder: How did those two fall in love?
With a quick fling, the bathrobe was off and flying as far as Hikaru could chuck it. Haruhi was on her stomach and stared at the lump where the robe had landed; Hikaru was leaning over her, his mouth hovering near her bare neck.
"Yeah, I'm getting off," he grunted, pushing himself up. As Haruhi sat up, she felt Hikaru's analytic gaze look her over. Her cheeks began to turn red, and she stared at the bed, hoping to direct her embarrassment to it. "I knew you'd be beautiful in white."
Haruhi's eyes stiffly went to her dress and she fingered it. "I…uh, was sure that I would be…fat in white."
"You're forgetting that I'm one of the owners of the leading brand in Japan," Hikaru said, humming a happy tune. "I know what's right and you don't, because you were just a commoner."
She frowned. She added mentally to never argue with Hikaru over things that are…'fashionable.' Haruhi turned around, so that her back was slightly faced towards him. She felt his warming presence creep closer to her, and she shuddered at it.
He reached a hand to stroke her cheek gently, and he muttered in a stoic voice. "You know, you're a Hitachiin now. And if I want to lavish you, can you please not push away my attempts? I'm trying to make you feel like the lucky woman that you are."
"That's…uh…appreciated," she mumbled. Haruhi was concentrated on the arm that was snaking around her waist. "Hikaru?"
"Let go…please."
Hikaru's mouth formed a thin line, and his grip tightened. "Why? I never see you complain whenever I touch you every single second of the day."
"That is because, Hikaru-san," she stressed, her eye twitched. "You would threaten me with my job at stake…"
He buried his face into Haruhi's bare neck and nuzzled warmly into it. "But you love me, don't you?"
"Y-Yeah," Haruhi murmured hesitantly. She was sure that she held feelings for her husband, what else could have made her say yes to his proposal? But right now, Haruhi was wondering if she really harbored any feelings for him. Her face was dusted with the faintest of pink when he mentioned the touchy subject.
"So, you'll let me touch you-"
"No," she deadpanned stubbornly.
"But don't you love me?"
She nodded. Was Hikaru doubting her? It was only a day after their marriage and they're encountering a…problem. Gentle lips pressed against the side of her neck, and possibly detected the rapid pulsing of her heart. The kiss was only brief because what replaced the pair of lips was a cascade of hot breath.
"Then say it."
"I…love you, Hikaru," she murmured awkwardly. Haruhi felt him smirk against her skin, and unexpectedly, the arms around her waist coaxed her to lie down on her side. She wondered if words were just meaningless, because with the grip that he had on her never loosened.
"Then sleep."
"O-Okay," she complied, feeling the arms loosen around her waist. She heard a 'That's my Haruhi.' escaped from his mouth. Her ears turned to a bright shade of pink; apparently her blush has started to reach past her cheeks. Her face was blazing with a million of blushes, as she felt Hikaru's bare chest against her skin.
Haruhi turned around slightly, looking over to him. "Hikaru," she murmured meekly.
"What is it?" he mumbled tiredly.
"Put on some clothes, kudasai."
"Huh?" His eyes widened.
Haruhi whipped around, facing the other way, saying quickly, "Nothing, nothing. Goodnight." Haruhi could hear a small grunt of acknowledgement, and small shuffling nearby. With a click, the lights dimmed tremendously, leaving Haruhi in a very dim shade of dark copper.
Arms found way to her hips, and in a swift movement yanked her closer to him. Haruhi stiffened; her face was filling up with a dark color of crimson. His hand absently traveled up her torso, and was very close to her chest. She was shaking, and Hikaru noticed it. He popped an eye open and before he could ask—
"What? Huh?" came spilling from his mouth, as he tried to untangle the sheets that he had dragged down with him. The hazel eyes made its way up and stared at Haruhi who was burying her lower face into a pillow, and cringing in sight of him.
"Put on some clothes, Hikaru!"
He tilted his head slightly and complained, "Haruhi, can't I sleep like this?"
"Why not? I sleep in this every single night," Hikaru droned tiredly. Haruhi clenched shut her eyes and whisked away. "Haruhi…you'll get used to it."
"Just put on some clothes!"
He sighed in defeat and stood up to the drawers nearby. Hikaru tugged it open tiredly and grabbed a t-shirt, slipping it onto his bare upper body. The shirt felt foreign on him; he wasn't supposed to be wearing a shirt when he sleeps!
Before Hikaru could crawl back, Haruhi added, "Get pants, Hikaru!"
He turned glum, and asked her skeptically, "What's wrong with boxers?"
"It's…so…flimsy!" came her pathetic excuse of a reply. Hikaru groaned under his breath and placed a hand on his head; he felt a headache coming along.
"Just imagine me sleeping in swimming trunks, okay?" he asked.
Hikaru just wanted to rip off the shirt and sleep, for gods sake! His eye twitched and he grabbed for a pair of pants. He slipped it on, saying, "Fine, fine. If it's going to help you feel better."
There was silence, as Hikaru walked back to the bed. He looked at Haruhi who was rubbing her face in endless circles in the pillow. "Can I come in now?" he almost pleaded. Haruhi removed her face from the pillow and blinked at him several times.
She nodded. Hikaru slipped in, and yawned. He settled in next to his wife, who had placed a pillow between them to insure a boundary. Hikaru swore that he should have gotten Haruhi to sleep with him several nights before the wedding to give her a feel of how it would be when they were actually married.
One day after the wedding and this is how troublesome it is…
Mission-- Day 1: Get Haruhi out of her bathrobe.
Result-- Good: Haruhi slept without bathrobe.
Bad: Hikaru had to sleep in clothes.
A/N: This shall be rated T for implied 'lemon/sex' but nothing of that sort. xD But anyays, this would be a story of how Hikaru would get his stubborn wife to come out from her shell or whatevers. :P Anyways, reveiw!
EDIT: I added a Mission stuff and the result thing. :D
--Until later...