Darkness Inside the Soul

Angel here! And I'm writing a brand you fic! But, I'm trying something new! A G/X fic obviously! Those of you who are new to my stories, I should warn you: I make things rather random at times, I update really fast if I can, I suck at summaries fight scenes and most likely duels! If anybody has any advice on how to do duels, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME!!

Chazz: wait, why am I here?!

Angel: I always have someone to talk to and I chose you this time!

Chazz: why do I fear what you do?

Indi: that'll happen a lot!


Indi: I'm really independentthinker, but Indi sounds cooler! And I'm Angel's best friend/sister!

Chazz: this author has a sister?! O god!

Angel: not really. But anything less would be insulting our relationship! We're just as close as sisters!

Chazz: whatever! Can I go now!

Angel: nope!

Summery: alternative season 4. Jaden is still emo and not his lovable self sadly! But, a little while after the whole Yubel thing, an old friend of Jay comes to the islands to visit. Not long after that, a pro duelist comes and challenges Jay to a duel. After the duel, his old friend makes it known that the pro duelist is not herself and that she has to be saved from whatever is controlling her. Can Jay and the others save her before it's to late? What are the secrets that Jay is hiding? Why am I asking you people when I, (for the most part) know the answers?

Anyway: ENJOY!!!

Chapter 1: An Unwanted Reunion

It was a normal day a Duel Academy. Well, as normal as things were around there. Classes were just dismissed for the day and everyone was either going to hang out with friends, find someone to duel, or in Jaden's case, go off somewhere to be alone.

His friends on the other hand had other ideas for him. Syrus walked up to Jaden and tried talking to him.

"So, want to do anything today Jaden?" he asked in that squeaky voice of his.

"No." was Jaden's simple yet harsh answer.

"Come on Serge!" Hassleberry said, running up to join the two. "You haven't done anything with us in ages! Just hang with us for a little bit!"

"No" Jaden replied coldly again.

"Then duel me you slacker!" Chazz ordered.


"Come on Jay! You know you wanna hang with my sister!" Atticus said with a goofy grin plastered on his face.


"Do you want me to show you some of my new decks?" Bastion asked.


"Please Jay?" Blaire and Alexis asked giving him puppy eyes. Nobody can resist puppy eyes!


"And why not?!" Alexis said standing in front of him and putting her hands on her hips. "Give me one good reason!" she held out her finger in his face.

"I don't want to." He pushed her out of the way and continued toward his dorm. By now they were outside at the front of the school on the big hill that lead to the ocean.

"Jaden!!!!" someone yelled running up to Jay and his friends. He tackled him to the ground and started to give him noogies. "'Call me every week' he says 'I'll stay in touch' he says! You stupid liar! You were ignoring me!"

"Kyle!?!" Jaden yelled looking up. "What the hell are you doing here!?" he said in a really mean voice.

"I came to see my buddy! Why else!?"

"I'm not your buddy!" Jay snapped. "I hate you! Now, get offa me!" Kyle got off right away.

"YO! What the hell happened to you?! You used to love it when I did that!"

"Why do you even care?!" by then Jaden's friends had just walked up to them.

"KYLE KII!??!" Blaire and Alexis yelled running up to him and hugging him

"Hehe! Looks like some people are happy to see me!" Kyle said with a chuckle.

"How do you know Jaden, Kyle?!" Blaire asked still hugging him.

"We lived in the same neighborhood growing up. I acted like an older brother to him and we were really close! That is until I started to come here!"

"You came here?!" Alexis and Blaire shouted.

"Older brother my ass!" Jaden said, now standing up. "The only brotherly thing you did was torture the hell otta me!"

"Don't be so mean to Kyle Jay!" Blaire said, almost glaring at Jaden.

"I don't mean to be rude but, who the hell are you?!" Bastion asked. Both Blaire and Alexis' jaws dropped to the ground. "What?"

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW OF KYLE KII?!!?" they said in unison.

"To answer your question," Kyle said. "I'm a singer in a band. A really famous band. I do a bit of dueling on the side, but for the most part I sing."

"Are you a pop singer?!" Atticus asked. "Cause I want me and my sister to be a dueling, pop singing team! And I was hoping for some advice!"

"Rock singer, sorry." Atticus' face went from happy to depressed really quickly. "And which one is your sister?"

"That would be me, sadly." Alexis said, finally letting Kyle go. "And for the last time no!" she was now facing Atticus. "I will not, repeat, NOT do that with you! I'm a duelist! Not a singer!"

"And what a duelist you are my beautiful Alexis!" Chazz said with hearts for eyes. That comment, naturally, got him a slap across the face.

"I'm who's Alexis now?!" she said glaring at him.

"So," Hassleberry spoke up for the first time. "What was the Serge like as a kid?"

"Serge?" Kyle asked. "If you mean Jay, he was, well first I have a question. How long has he been like this?"

"Only for about 2 weeks." Syrus said.

"My god you have a squeaky voice! And, well, since you knew the old Jay, then pretty much what he was. To sum it up: laid back, funny, always making jokes stuff like that. What happened to him?"

"Well you see, dfonasfoivioe." Syrus started to say but his words were muffled by Hassleberry's hand.

"He can tell you on his own. S'not our place to tell." Hassleberry said.

"Ok! Jay! Time to start-HEY!!" he turned around and saw Jaden already almost at the Sleifer dorm. "GET BACK HERE YOU IDIOT!!" he shouted running after him.

"This year just got interesting again." Bastion said with a sigh.

"Do you think he'll be able to get the old Jaden back?" Blaire asked.

"I hope so." Alexis said still looking after Kyle. "I really hope so!"


(in Chancellor Shepherd's office)

The sun was shinning beautiful all over his office thanks to the window wall at the end of the room. Shepherd was doing usual paper work without a care in the world. Just then the phone rang.

"Hello?" he asked. "You want to do what now? Come back to Duel Academy? Why of course you can! When can you be here? Later tonight? Sounds good! And what dorm would you-? Are you sure? Ok then! I'll see you in a few hours! Goodbye!" he hung up the phone and went back to work.


Someone had just burst through his doors in a huff. It was Crowler.

"Can I help you Crowler?" Shepherd asked the pissed looking teacher.

"Yes you most certainly can sir!" he said. "That-that- that student just arrived on the island!"

"Which student? Who?"

"That Kyle kid!"

"Kyle Kii?!" Shepherd asked surprised. "How is that a bad thing? I always liked him."

"He'll be a horrible influence on the students! It's bad enough that Jaden is slacking off! But if Kyle is here, all hell will break loose! You must get him off the island at once!"

"Is that an order you're giving my Crowler?" Shepherd asked in a warning tone.

"Uh, no! No it's not sir!" Crowler said with a stutter. "It was merely a suggestion!"

"Well, I want him here! It might be good for some students if he's here."

"Yes sir." Crowler let out a sigh of defeat and left the room.

"I just hope he can help Jaden." Shepherd said to himself while standing up and looking out the window to see Kyle running after Jaden. "And I hope thatshe doesn't find out about his sudden change of heart too. Now that would cause all hell to break loose!" he said with a slight chuckle.


Angel: and so ends my first GX chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

Chazz: I didn't! I got hit by my true love Alexis!

Indi: she's out of your league! Why are you trying!

Angel: cause it's fun to watch him try!

Chazz: you're both evil!

Indi and Angel: THANK YOU!!

Angel: don't be to mean if you decide to review! This was my first GX fic and I tried my best!