Summary:Natsume made his own manga to indirectly tell Mikan his feelings, but then, here comes a new student who seems to be interested in D-Cup girls,fortunately and unfortunately, Mikan IS a D-cup. What'll happen?

Chapter 1

As usual, a certain flamecaster is in his territory, the Sakura tree, reading his oh-so-beloved manga, though, his mind is not on his manga but on a certain cheerful brunette.

It's been 7 years and yet, he still can't confess his feelings to her and yes, he admitted that he is a coward.

'How could I express my feelings to her?'

..--Natsume's Mind Theater--..

Make a bento for her?

Natsume fed a shrimp tempura on a sick Mikan.

"Oh, it's hot" Mikan said.

"Huh? But it's already cold?" Natsume said, confused.

"No, it's hot with your love" Mikan said blushing.

NO! It's overreacting!

What else?

Tell her I love you?

"Mikan, I love you" Natsume confessed.

"I love you too, Natsume!" Mikan said, blushing.

NO! NO! NO! Much more overreacting!

Dammit! It's useless!

..--End of Natsume's Mind Theater--..

He shrugged off all his formidable, exuberant and sordid ways of expressing and made his way to central town, Ruka is waiting for him there.

-Central Town-

"Natsume! Here!" a voice called out, and he recognized this voice, it belongs to...

"Ruka" Natsume nodded as he approached.

They were in a cafe in Central Town, Natsume decided to accompany Ruka in buying what he needs for his pet animals.

"what would you like to order, sir?" The waiter said.

"cola" Natsume replied shortly and the waiter went to get his order.

"Nat-" Ruka was about to say out when he was cut off short by an annoying voice that attracted the customers of the whole cafe.

"Ruka-pyon! Natsume-kun!" a voice shrieked.


"Keep your voice down you baka, you're attracting too much attention and embarrassing us" a stoic voice said.

"Hidoi, Hotaru!" Mikan said as she rubbed her head where the Baka Gun had hit.

"Mikan,Imai, what brings you here?" Ruka asked.

"The idiot's hungry" Hotaru replied.

"Glutton" Natsume said lowly but loud enough for Mikan to hear it.

"Natsume!!! Who's the glutton here?" Mikan reacted.

"Who else?"

Mikan was about to retort back when a manly voice from the man of the other table said to her...

"Someone gave me her published book to express to me that she loves me, but then, it's no use, she's an A-Cup"

Because of the phrase 'A-Cup', Natsume smirked and Mikan blushed.

"Girls that I like are those with cup D, just like you." the man with yellow hair and green eyes said as he approached Mikan.

"Hajimemashite,ore wa, Kyousuke Imadori." he said as he bowed down and kissed Mikan's hand. The audiences who witnessed just gasped and gawked in awe.

Mikan's face is now as red as a tomato, he dared to bluntly kiss her hand, and in front of public!

Suddenly, it became hot.

"I..I.." Mikan can't think clearly right now and she fainted.

Fortunately, she was catched by Imadori before she fell on the ground and Natsume was dead furious, how could this man that they had just seen now confess to Mikan just like that? When he can't even say that to her even though 7 years had past.

Imadori carried Mikan but then Natsume disagreed.

"Get your filthy hands off her you perv, how dare you besmirch my eyes." he said coolly and snatched Mikan from him.

'This is going to get interesting.' Hotaru smirked and followed Natsume, followed by Ruka.

The girls that has seen Natsume carrying Mikan in bridal style were driving them crazy.

But a glare from Natsume is enough for them to shut up, and if his glare is not enough, what's the use of Hotaru's eyes?

While carrying Mikan, he was deep in his thoughts and all the things that that Imadori said were playing endlessly in his mind.

Then it hit him!

"Someone gave me her published book to express to me that she loves me, but then, it's no use, she's an A-Cup"

What if he'll publish a book also to express his feelings to Mikan?

'No, it's no use. There's no way that that idiot will read a book' a certain part of his brain said..

Then his manga fell off from his pocket. Ruka got it and said that he'll just carry the manga for him.

Then it hit him again!

If not a book, then a manga! Surely, she would read such kind.

'Yosh, plan begins tomorrow' he thought triumphantly as he continued to carry Mikan to the Infirmary.

Minna-san, I changed 8 years to 7 years... Why? Secret

So how was that? Should I continue or not?

Please review.