
A/N: Hey! I'm back with another series of drabbles … the majority of which will be far cuter and fluffier than One Week, which by the end of it was starting to depress even me.

This story will hopefully consist of fifty-five (ish) drabbles or one-shots, and the theme of each one will be … the name of a Clow Card. It seems like such an obvious idea; I can't believe no one else has done it (that I've found, anyway). The order in which each card appears follows the order in which Sakura captured them (i.e. Windy is first, Fly will be second, etc). I have ideas for about half of the chapters. But seeing as the themes will be of no surprise to anyone, feel free to throw in any ideas, suggestions or requests!

One additional note: the title (if I've done my research properly) translates as 'pieces' or 'fragments', which I thought fit because it the fic consists of fragments of Sakura and Syaoran's lives. Even more perfectly, the second definition of the word is 'disconnected', which is what most of these drabbles will be. I may change the title if I find a better one though … again, suggestions are welcomed!

One – Windy

Sakura drew the blanket around her a little tighter, watching the news report on the television with wide eyes. There was a feature on about a little boy who had been crushed to death when a tree had fallen onto him, uprooted by the ridiculously strong winds that had been battering Tomoeda over the past few days.

Although nothing graphic was being shown (it was only seven o'clock, after all), Sakura felt sick to her stomach.

She switched off the television, only to find that the howling outside seemed even louder without any other sounds to compete with it. In an effort to distract herself, Sakura got to her feet and wandered into the kitchen, set on making some hot chocolate to cheer herself up.

Wind was nothing to be frightened of, although she had to keep reminding herself of that fact. After all, she'd used Windy to her own advantage several times before. Those winds were gentle, and soothing, and although they could be used to attack Sakura rarely did so, and certainly she had never been on the receiving end of the darker side of Windy. These winds, however – natural winds that had at their worst exceeded ninety kilometres an hour – scared her more than she wanted to admit.

But what really scared her was that Syaoran was out in them.

It had been her fault, really. Their friends had planned to go on a picnic that day, and each of them spent time carefully preparing food to bring along, hoping that the current gale would recede in time for them to enjoy their day out. It didn't, obviously, and after a few minutes in the park where they had to shout to make themselves heard and lean into the wind in order to stay upright, the group quickly realised that the picnic wasn't going to happen and hurriedly returned to take shelter in their own homes.

It had been at that point when a particularly strong gust of wind had whipped Sakura's hat clean off her head and flung it into nothingness.

She had been upset, of course – it was a very nice hat that had cost a fair bit of money – but she never expected Syaoran to charge off after it with a single minded determination to find it and return it to its owner, or die trying.

He was so silly sometimes.

Sakura shook her head as she poured milk into a saucepan and set it on the stove to heat. It was only a hat – she knew that, and she was prepared to accept its loss. But Syaoran never liked seeing her unhappy.

She loved that about him.

A particularly nasty roar sounded from outside, and she winced thinking about how frightening it must be to be out in those winds. She knew he was still out there – he'd call her if he decided to go home to stop her worrying.

Didn't he realise that she was a hundred times more worried about him being outside right now that about losing her stupid hat?

Sakura shivered; she was cold, but she was reluctant to change her current attire. She'd recently commandeered an old shirt of her boyfriend's, which she had coupled with thick fuzzy socks to complete the look. It wasn't terribly warm, but it smelled just like him, and she was reluctant to let go of that right now.

Please be okay, please be okay …

It was crazy, when she thought about it. Syaoran wasn't one of the overly romantic types – she knew he'd never write her poetry or spell out 'I love you' in lighted candles outside her window. He wasn't particularly open with his emotions, and never said some of the slightly sappy things her friend's partners were prone to. But at the same time, Sakura knew he'd go to the end of the earth for her.

Even for a stupid hat.

As she was spooning powdered chocolate into her mug, Sakura heard someone knocking at the door. She dropped the spoon onto the counter with a noisy clatter and hurried out into the hall, hoping against hope that he'd be standing at her door.

He was. He looked as if he'd been battered every which way; his face and hands were red from cold and his hair was sticking up in an alarming manner.

He was also empty handed.

"I looked everywhere," he said dejectedly, shoving his freezing hands deep down into his jeans pocket. "I couldn't find it – I'm so sorry, Sakura."

Sakura looked at him, unable to believe how depressed he looked at the idea of disappointing her. In minutes, she had jumped into his arms, standing on her porch in nothing but his shirt as the winds roared around them.

"You silly thing," she sighed affectionately, trying in vain to smooth his hair down. "It was only a hat."

"As soon as these winds die down, I'll use a tracking spell to find it, I promise," Syaoran said, refusing to admit defeat.

She laughed, hugging him tighter to her and feeling warmth spread throughout her body. "I don't need the hat," she insisted, looking up at him adoringly. "But it means the world to me that you tried."

Syaoran shrugged, turning bashful as he always did when he was caught showing just how much in love he was. "It's not a big deal."

"It's a huge deal," Sakura sighed, shivering slightly as the winds picked up further.

"You must be freezing," Syaoran commented, rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm her. "You should get on inside – I'll see you tomorrow."

She caught his hand before he could leave, tugging him towards her front door expectantly. "Why don't you come inside and warm up? I'm making hot chocolate."

Sakura felt decidedly better once she had her boyfriend inside the house – knowing that he was no longer in danger (and also that he was there to protect her in case anything went wrong) made the wind seem a lot less scary. In truth, there was something decidedly nice about snuggling up with your beloved, knowing you were safe from the storm outside.

Syaoran never found Sakura's hat. She forgave him, though.

A/N: I found it SO HARD to come up with an idea for Windy, which was annoying because it was the first one and I really wanted to get this started – plus it's always important for a first chapter to start a story off well. This was all I could think of, though. I have some better ideas for the upcoming chapters, I promise!

Next chapter: Fly