Me: Yaaaaaaaaayz, chappy five is here! Oh, and don't forget to see your characters minna-san! Some of your ideas have been put in as well!

Lavi: I can't wait to see what happens!!!!!!

Akky-chan, Alanna-twins, Chibi-chocobo, Midnight Chime, and ShiraiHime say: Moon'sEclipse does not own D. Gray Man!!!!!

Thanks minna-san for sending in ideas for the next chapter. Thanks to all who reviewed as well!

------------------------------------Chapter 5: Out To Town For New Years!

"Allen-tan, ready yet?" Lavi asked outside Allen's door.

"I won't be if you call me Allen-tan one more time." Allen answered..

"Hai." Lavi chanted.

35 seconds later...

"Allen, ready yet?" Lavi asked again.

"Almost." answered Allen. "Wait, wait, wait, done!"

"Ok, now let's go!" Lavi yelled. "Yuu-chan should already be outside. He's probably mad that we're taking too long though..."

"Ya, you're probably right." Allen laughed.

"For the third time ever." Rinali said popping out of nowhere. Then, she vanished.

"..." silence.

"Um, okay..." Lavi said. "That was weird..."

"What took you?" a pissed Kanda asked.

"Allen was taking long." Lavi answered. "But anyway, 'cmon guys let's get going!"

"Wait up Lavi!" Allen yelled as he chased after him.

'I'm stuck with two idiots...' thought Kanda. But at least, he was enjoying himself.

"Ne, Kanda! We're going to leave you behind if you stay there!" Allen yelled from ahead.

"Yeah, hurry Yuu-chan!" Lavi yelled.

"Hn. Fine, I'm coming." he replied walking in their direction.

------------------------------------Now In Town

"Welcome Minna-san!" they were greeted by a female standing at the entrance. "My name is Shirai, and I'm here to tell you all you need to know. I'm also here to tell you about the festivities planned for today! We have a special fireworks event later on, so don't forget to come see it!" (ShiraiHime)

"Ah, arigatou! I'm Allen, the one with long girlishhair is Kanda, and the one with the headband is Lavi."

"Honored to be acquainted with you Allen-tan!" Shirai replied.

"Allen-tan?" Allen asked.

"Yes, Alle-

"Oi, Shirai!" a voice yelled. A girl with waist-length, solid black hair, and deep black eyes came running towards Shirai. (Midnight Chime)

"We need you to help prepare the fireworks." she said panting.

'Beautiful...' thought Lavi 'STRIKE!'

She stared up at the group of exorcists, and her eyes fell upon Kanda.

"Can I help you?" Kanda asked.

"Hn." she replied.


"Name's Yuki, nice to meet you." (Hope ya approved of the name, nothing else came to mind. And for some reason, the description of you reminded me a bit of Yuki Cross from vampire night).

"Name's Kanda, now go away." Kanda replied.

"Ja, Kanda-tan." Yuki said as she walked away.

"Oh yeah, BYEZ ALLEN-TAN!" Shirai said as she glomped Allen.

"You, away, now." Kanda said pointing Mugen to her face.

"Yikes, well see ya Allen-tan!" she said as she ran to catch up with Yuki.

"Over-protective Yuu-chan, tsk, tsk, just admit it..." Lavi whispered in Kanda's ear.


"Guys, can we get something to eat now?!?!?!?!?!" Allen asked.

"Ok Allen. We'll go now." Lavi answered. "Let's go Yuu-chan."


-----------------------------------In The Restaurant

"Hello and welcome, may I take your order?" a woman asked as she came up to their table (Chibi-chocobo).

------------------------------------After The Order (sorry, I didn't want to make up the whole list of food and what not...)

"Aaaaaaaaaah, that was goooood!" Allen yelled happily.

"Yea, sure was" Lavi agreed. "I' surprised that Allen convinced you to eat something other than soba Yuu-chan..."


"So guys, do you want to go to see those fireworks?" Allen asked.

"Why not, we might as well while we're here right?" Lavi added.

"Fine, then let's get going." Kanda said.

"Hai." Lavi and Allen spoke. "Arigatou Kanda!" Allen yelled with a bright smile on his face.

"Cheh, let's go already." Kanda said rudely. But, Kanda had turned around to prevent them from seeing his rapidly growing blush. (Awwwww, how cuuuute!!!!)

--------------------------------------Awaiting the fireworks

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, here you'll be able to see the lovely fireworks that we have prepared for you!" a girl on stage explained. (Akky-chan)

"Fell free to take pictures, or whatever the heck you feel like doing." she said again.

"Hey Suzu, don't be so rude!" a girl beside her yelled. (Tezzino of Alanna-Twins)

"Gomen minna-san, please excuse my partner's rudeness."

"Hmph, I can do what I want anytime I want..." Suzu whispered puffing up her cheeks.

"Forget it, anyway, I hope all of you will enjoy the fireworks that we have prepared!

And now for countdown!" the girl yelled.

"10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1!" Suzu screamed.

"HAPPY NEW YEARS!" The people in the crowd yelled.

"The fireworks look amazing." Allen said in astonishment. Kanda looked down at him and an idea came to his head.

"Oi, moyashi." Kanda said.

"Yea Kanda?" Allen asked. When Allen turned to look at him, Kanda tilted his head towards him, and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Happy New Years baka." Kanda whispered.

"Ah, you too bakanda."


The end of this chapter, and probably the story. But don't worry, I may end up being so bored that I'll write a sequel, but for now Happy New Years and best wishes!
