A/N: Time for my outrageously short ending!!! Yaay! It's the end of my second sequel. Be prepared for Warriors of a New Generation Book 3: Midnight. EnjoyEZ!

Of course Skyfeather was proud of Cherrynose for becoming a warrior, but she was extremely shocked when Stormstar said that they'd get apprentices tomorrow.

"Stormstar, you can't possibly give Cherrynose an apprentice already," she complained as her mate padded into the nursery carrying two pieces of fresh-kill. "She's much too young."

Stormstar sighed. "I'm afraid that if we don't do it, Speck and Valley won't have mentors—"

But before Stormstar could finish, Skyfeather remembered that she needed to speak to Snowstorm about Valley. They brought home both: the wrong cat and the right cat. But she still didn't know if Snowstorm knew that.

"Stormstar, would you mind going to get Snowstorm for me?" she asked her mate. "I would like to talk to her, and you as well."

Stormstar nodded and trotted off to find the senior warrior. Skyfeather started nibbling on the squirrel Stormstar had gotten for her, allowing her kits to have some of her milk. Overnight their pelts had grown shiny, and she could clearly distinguish Oceankit, Talonkit, and Rainkit apart.

Stormstar returned with Snowstorm not too long after. "What is it, Skyfeather?" Snowstorm asked tentatively.

"About Valley—" Skyfeather started.

"I know," Snowstorm interrupted. "He's the wrong cat. But he insisted on coming back and helping. Speck is the true, prophesized cat."

Skyfeather nodded. "Now, would you mind telling me how Speck can help us? She's just another cat."

Snowstorm chuckled. "No, she isn't," she meowed, running her tongue over her paw and drawing it over her ear. "She's a very special cat, sent by StarClan themselves."

Skyfeather's ears prickled at Snowstorm's words. A StarClan-sent cat? Now she was interested. "Oh?"

Snowstorm nodded with a slight "mm-hmm." She mewed, "She wasn't even born from two cats. She was just sent. She opened her eyes in the Threetrees clearing, on top of the Rock, and knew instantly that she was no regular cat. In fact, she has the ability to morph into a Twoleg. She's called a Morph."

Skyfeather felt like her heart stopped beating. A Morph? She could transform into a Twoleg? But when she thought about that, it made some sense. She could save the forest by telling the Twolegs to stop, but she didn't know how well that would work. Besides, she had to see it to believe it.

"I don't know," she mumbled, glancing down at Rainkit, who was straying from the other two kits. "That's kind of an unbelievable story…"

Snowstorm nodded. "Oh, I know," she agreed. "I didn't believe her for a second. That was until I actually saw her as a Twoleg."

Skyfeather widened her eyes. It was true. "When was this?" she asked incredulously.

"While leaving the Coal Pack territory, a dog attacked us," Snowstorm explained. "Speck morphed into a Twoleg and saved everyone, putting us into a monster and taking us to where she found us before."

"Where was that?"

Snowstorm took a deep breath and explained to Skyfeather the basics of the whole journey to find the cat with a black ending. Skyfeather listened intently. When Snowstorm got to the part where Mudface died on the Thunderpath, her heart thudded heavily.

"I had a dream about that!" she blurted out, interrupting Snowstorm. "I knew it was no accident that Mudface died!"

Snowstorm hung her head, causing guilt to wash over Skyfeather like a dense ocean wave. "I'm sorry," she apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to blame you."

"I know," Snowstorm meowed quietly. "I'm sorry." She went on with the story, explaining in thorough detail on being captured by the Twolegs, one of which was Speck.

"That's so bizarre," Skyfeather murmured, looking down at her paws. "I never thought that was possible."

"Neither did I, until I met Speck and the rest of Coal Pack," Snowstorm agreed. "It was all shocking to take in."

"I'd imagine so," Skyfeather muttered. She was lost in thought about Speck. A cat that could morph into a Twoleg. She still wanted to witness the scene for herself, but for now she didn't want to press Snowstorm any longer. The night was drawing near, and she wanted to congratulate Cherrynose personally before she had to keep silent.

Finishing off her fresh-kill, Skyfeather asked Snowstorm to get Cherrynose. The ginger warrior padded through the brambles sheepishly, unsure of what was to come.

"Oh, Skyfeather, your kits are wonderful!" Cherrynose gasped before Skyfeather could let out any small mew. The new warrior bounded over to her in excitement, staring down at the three mewling kits with a new hope and softness in her eyes. Suddenly, she flicked her eyes upward and cast a wary glance at Skyfeather, though she wasn't quite sure why.

"What's wrong?" she asked her before she could forget.

Cherrynose shrugged, straightening. "Nothing," she mewed nonchalantly. Skyfeather shrugged it off. "What did you want me for, anyway?"

"Right," Skyfeather meowed, remembering why she wanted Cherrynose to see her. "I wanted to congratulate you personally before you sit silent vigil. How was your warrior ceremony?"

Cherrynose suddenly switched to hyperactive mode. She bounced around the nursery, spilling out words that were supposed to form sentences…

"StarClan, it was so awesome!!!" she exclaimed in a high-pitched squeak. "I love my warrior name! Cherrynose? 'My nose is pink! That's why I'm called Cherrynose!' That's what I can tell other cats!"

Skyfeather chuckled, twitching her whiskers in amusement. "I'm glad you're happy," she purred. "I'm sorry about not congratulating you sooner. I was in here taking care of my kits. You don't know how excited Rainkit can get over nothing."

Cherrynose nodded kindly. "I understand," she meowed, the hyperactive-ness suddenly evaporating. She was about to turn and leave when she faced Skyfeather again. "Skyfeather, what was your warrior ceremony like?"

Skyfeather was surprised by the sudden question. She tried to remember back almost three full seasons when she was made a warrior. To her horror, the memory was dull and blurry.

"I had just left LightClan with the others," she meowed finally, looking past Cherrynose and at the wall, recalling the darkness of the LightClan forest. "I was made a warrior with Sparrowstripe, Gingerfoot, and Frostfur. We were just outside the LightClan camp, with Firestar, Goldenheart, Snowstorm, and Stormstar. Bluestar was there too, but only to see the ceremony.

"I remember feeling extremely proud at being made a warrior by Firestar," she continued. "He was such a great cat. Anyway, I was one of the first apprenticed warriors of RainClan, which made me even more proud." She paused, purring in laughter. "I remember being called Skypaw, and calling Frostfur Frostpaw. Great StarClan, how long ago was that? I'm sorry, I got carried away."

Cherrynose purred in amusement. "That's all right," she meowed with a shake of her ginger head. "It must have been a wonderful moment for you."

Skyfeather nodded. It definitely was.

As Cherrynose left the nursery, Skyfeather looked down at her three kits. Oceankit and Talonkit was sleeping calmly underneath her silver tail, but Rainkit was bouncing around, mewling insanely.

"Great StarClan, Rainkit!" Skyfeather scolded. "You have to calm down!"

She knew Rainkit wouldn't respond. He was too young and didn't know how to speak yet. But that ability would come with time, she hoped. Especially for Rainkit. He would probably be all too keen to learn how to talk.

As the stars of Silverpelt shined down through the tangled brambles, Skyfeather realized that, besides her kits, she would be alone. Maybe Stormstar would agree to sleep with her, or even one of the new apprentices. Tawnyspot had had to keep Goldenheart company while she was alone in the elders' den. When Moonflower came along, she could go back to the apprentices' den. Not long after, she was made a warrior.

Skyfeather felt her eyes well up as she thought of the noble tortoiseshell queen. She was probably suffering Midnight's rueful leadership with the other rogues. Earthback was probably with them. Who knew what would happen to them?

She remembered seeing Tawnyspot hop around the alleyway when the first RainClan cats had to stay there. Now that she remembered it, the alley was rather cold, but then again, that was in leaf-fall.

All this seems so long ago, Skyfeather thought uncomfortably. So much time had passed since she had left LightClan. Ravenstar died, thanks to Sparrowstripe. There was already talk of a fourth Clan coming to the forest. Skyfeather didn't exactly know what that was supposed to mean, but whatever happened, she was determined not to let Midnight lead it.

She looked up through the thicket at Silverpelt. Please, Firestar, she prayed silently. Please tell me that this will all be over. Tell me that Tawnyspot and Earthback are okay. Tell me Tawnyspot's kits are okay.

Tell me that my kit is okay.

Even as Skyfeather was thinking that everything could go wrong that very moment, her heart was suddenly flooded with a warm, welcoming feeling.

In the darkness of the night sky, a single, bright star glinted orange.

A/N: Wow! The end! Man, these apples are really good...sorry!! Look out for the next sequel. I know the ending was like, "Tell me something I don't know," but I liked it... Reviews! The next will be coming rather soon since, ya know, it's already written and I'm way too excited to let a lot of time pass...
