Disclaimer: as always I don't own Scrubs...just the count down on my phone for the return of Season 7.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's the last one and I think I did pretty well with wrapping up the story. Let me know what you guys think.

Before going into the final chapter, I wanted to thiank everybody who has stuck through from the beginning with reading this.

Now on with the show:

My Wonderful Life

Ch 9

The Right Choice

He'd made the right choice, he knew he had.

"I think he's waking up." A gruff voice stated excitedly. Scrunching his eyes shut tighter, Perry just wanted to block out the pain that he knew would hit him in a matter of minutes. No way in the world would he be able to survive that fall and have any amount of morphine keep him out of immense pain.

"Oooh, Perry, you so look like that number seven face on that pain chart thing your interns are always looking at." The voice was familiar, and Perry was sad to admit he was afraid that if he opened his eyes he wouldn't see the face he knew should match it. He would probably strangle Chancy if he'd decided to pretend to be him. Strike that, Perry was certain he'd strangle him.

"Try opening those baby blues, Per." The voice was trying to be all buddy buddy with him, only making the anger inside him start to boil. A low growl came from deep within Perry's chest and he had to smile at the fact that he could hear the intimidated squeak come from Chancy. Slowly opening one eye, Perry shot the other one open as he took in the sight of the two men standing over him.

"Welcome to the world of awakeness, Perry." Ben flashed a cheesy grin at his friend. "So nice of you to join us." Perry merely grunted in response. He was doing a mental check of his condition. Sadly his inner doctor was saying that there was nothing wrong with him. That didn't make sense, and he knew that he should be in immense pain, but the lack of pain supported what his inner doctor was saying- he wasn't hurt.

"B-" Perry coughed as he pushed himself into a sitting position. "Ben, didn't I fall out a window?" Ben glanced at Chancy who was watching Perry's movements.

"Boy, you are not going to break. There is nothing wrong with you." Chancy smacked the doctor's arm to prove what he'd stated; winning a glare from the doctor. "That was an insurance policy on our part." Chancy finished with a grin.

"I can't believe you were going to leave Jordan to raise Jack-alone!" Ben stated as he tried to pull a protective brother stance, only to fail under Perry's gaze.

"Newbie would take care of what I left behind. He'd do anything for me." Ben smirked as Perry realized what he'd said. "Oh, no, no, no you better not be getting any ideas going through that animated cadaver head of yours, Benny boy." Sitting up quickly, Perry pushed back the dizzy feeling that flooded his head as he glared at his dead friend.

"So, what are these skeletons that would have made things better?" Ben asked casually as he sat on the edge of the bed on which Perry rested. Chancy rolled his eyes as he elbowed the younger man before looking back at the doctor with a hopeful expression.

" How's that head feeling, Per?" Perry shrugged as he looked around. "Was that it?" Perry winced as he was met by Ben's disappointed glare.

"You were going to leave my nephew in the hands of JD? Why the hell would you do something like that?" Perry shrugged again which only upset Ben further.

"Oh no you don't!" Chancy's hand was on Ben's shoulder trying to calm the man.

"Ben, calm down." Ben gritted his teeth as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Perry looked at his knees and sighed. He felt like a little kid getting reprimanded for something he was going to do, but had chosen not to.

"You know what my skeletons are; don't you?" Perry asked to nobody in particular. He knew that Ben would have figured it out a long time ago. There had been jokes, subtle jokes where Ben tried to get Perry to admit, but there had never been a reason to admit to the largest skeleton in his closet.

The warm hand on his knee, caused Perry to look up into the knowing eyes of the old man. Perry rolled his eyes and forced a bitter laugh from his throat.

"Sometimes you find love in the most unexpected places." Perry grimaced at the older man's use of the L word. Couldn't he have said Lesbians- hot lesbians having sex….maybe Jordan and Barbie going at it. Perry chuckled at the idea of Jordan tearing into Barbie.

"Perry, Jordan was more of a man than you were in so many ways. Why do you think you were actually attracted?" Ben grinned. "I was kind of disappointed when I saw the kid giving you the once over at work. I was totally going to make my move on him." Perry growled and glared in Ben's direction before he had realized what he was doing. Ben simply laughed, causing Perry to stop and allow the meaning of Ben's words to seep into his head. Cocking his head to the side, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he shut his eyes, hoping that the harder he squeezed the faster the information would process.

"Ben?" Perry finally asked shakily as he opened his eyes. Ben grinned and shrugged.

"I still hate you for always pulling away in Gay Chicken." Perry's jaw slackened at the faint blush that crossed his best friend's face.

"Ben, did you," Perry shook his head as he tried to figure out the words he wanted to say. "Oh, c'mon, Per. You've got a great body and I was a little jealous that Jordy got to bounce it, but the big disappointment was when JD was looking you over constantly. That wasn't that bad, I mean, he could like you all he wanted, but if you didn't want it, than free game, you know." Ben grinned shyly. Perry just watched in amazement. "When I saw you staring at his ass whenever he left a room, I just couldn't get the guts up to go after something that you'd been marking. But that's cool, I still had my camera." Ben grinned as he stretched.

"You never told me." Perry stated in shock as Ben just flashed his boyish grin. Hell, he wasn't even sure when Ben had snuck in and found his denial box, but everything he'd seen in the last night was enough for him to willingly keep his mouth shut and not argue with his friend about something that should have been discussed before leukemia had stolen the other man from the doctor.

"Jordan had a suspicion, but Danni and Mom were in denial. Besides, I wouldn't pull you out of the closet like that." Ben glanced at Perry and smiled. "But now your skeleton's in the sun, 

so you can fix things, right? No jumping out of windows?" Ben's eyes pleaded as Perry jerked his head in an affirming motion winning a smile from the two other men.

"So you better go do something to empty that closet, k, buddy." Ben grinned as Perry nodded again, stretching his arms until he could feel a releasing pop in his joints.

"Hey, Per." Ben smiled as he popped his knuckles, smiling apologetically at his friend. "I have to tell you something." Perry rolled his eyes waiting for some typical Sullivan comment to come out of his friend's mouth, only to blink as a fist collided with his face. He felt himself falling backwards and wished that he wouldn't hear any crunching sounds, screams or machines when he finally opened his eyes.

Perry's eyes shot open and he looked around his room cautiously. He was sitting on his couch, his empty glass in his hand, an unopened bottle of scotch on the table, the game playing on the television. The clock on the wall read 10:37. He suddenly wished that he could remember how long he'd been sitting on the couch and when he must have fallen asleep to have such a bizarre dream.

"No, definitely not a dream" Perry muttered as he caught a glimpse of Ben and Chancy's faces staring at him from the window.

The idea of sitting on the couch, holding the glass that would normally be filled with scotch by that time and staring at the window brought a nauseating feeling up from the depths of his stomach, that Perry wanted to run to the bathroom and force the feeling from his system. He knew it had to have been an adrenaline rush, but his mind was too busy reeling with the events that he'd witnessed in such a short period of time.

Standing up quickly, and pushing past the wave of dizziness that threatened him, Perry placed the glass on the table. With one hand running through his hair and the other placed on his hip, Perry slowly walked towards his front door, making sure to take in his surroundings.

"Turk, we shouldn't be here." JD grumbled to his friend as they peeked around the corner, both sets of eyes watching the stuffed elf dog standing outside of the motionless door. JD sighed audibly as he quickly crept to the dog to fix the little hat.

As he readjusted the hat, he smiled as the small bell jingled with the movement. Looking over his shoulder JD offered a defeated shrug towards the other man. Turk's expression fell into a rather disappointed look as he came around to lean against the wall.

JD grinned at his triumph. Picking up Rowdy, JD turned to face Turk. He couldn't help the giant smile that glued itself to his face. The smile wasn't returned. Turk looked as though he'd seen a ghost. Gulping, JD slowly turned his head so he could see what possible nightmare could be standing behind him.

A grunt sounded before JD could focus on the figure standing in the doorway staring at him. Rowdy clattered to the ground as JD stumbled back in shock, tripping over his own feet. A loud cry of shock and pain slashing through the air as he hit the floor, he really hoped it had sounded more masculine to Turk and Perry's ears than his own.

"Noelle, what the hell are you doing?" Perry asked cautiously as he stared down at the dark haired man lying before him.

"R-r," swallowing, he attempted to stop the stutter he thought he'd mastered years ago. "Rowdy wanted to go caroling." JD replied with a childish grin. Perry rolled his eyes and grunted. Offering a hand to the younger man, Perry wish he'd had a camera to catch the look of disbelief that washed across JD's face.

"Run, Vanilla Bear! Get the hell out of here before he goes crazy on your ass!" Turk yelped as he jumped back behind the wall before he could meet Perry's gaze. He quickly came back around when he heard an unfamiliar noise coming from where he'd just seen his friend standing.

Turk's mind was bombarded with the image of him turning the corner to see the red haired doctor turning a well roasted JD on a spit. Shaking his head violently, Turk forced himself to face Perry and JD only to be met with the image of JD taking Perry's offered hand with a very wary expression.

"D-did," Turk walked towards the two men. "Did you just laugh at me, man?" The words came out with a higher pitch than Turk had meant it to. But the fact that JD was standing steadily on his feet with a red tint on his face worried him. As he followed his best friend's gaze, Turk realized that the two men's hands were still clasped together.

"Turk, don't you have a wife to go home to?" Perry's voice was gruff as he grinned with satisfaction as a look of 'oh shit' crossed the surgeon's face. "Candy's gonna stay here tonight. Save her from the sounds of whatever torture you put poor Carla through and attempt to call it 'sex'." Turk and JD exchanged looks of confusion before Turk nodded and ran off down the hall. JD could see his friend's arms flail as he took the corner quickly before he disappeared.

A quick tug of his hand, brought the young man's gaze back to the older hand holding his, the thumb gently rubbing circles on the top of his palm. With an eyebrow raised in curiosity, blue green eyes met blue eyes and a small smile played on the corners of both of their mouths.

"Touching?" JD finally got a word to come out of his mouth, aware of the goofy grin that was now plastered across his face. Perry rolled his eyes and pulled JD into the apartment before slamming the door shut on Rowdy.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Newbie?" Perry released the kid's hand as he made his way to his couch. Sitting down comfortably, Perry watched as JD hesitantly made his way to the couch. He stopped in front of Perry, his eyes watching him with curiosity.

"I," JD paused as he kept looking at Perry's blue eyes. JD groaned as he collapsed on to the couch, his head cradled in his hands as he sighed loudly. "I don't know how to say it. And now I'm all confused." JD complained. Perry groaned as he watched the helpless expression on JD's face. Wanting to do nothing more than reassure JD that although he had a history of asking a plethora of insane questions, that his ear would always be open to hear them-whether or not he wanted to. Than again, if the kid started to go off on some random tangent, Perry could always kiss him.

Shaking his head quickly, Perry glanced over the slumped forward form next to him. He was really going for the out of character moments tonight if he acted the way his mind was telling him to.

"JD?" Perry questioned slowly as he slipped an arm around the kid's shoulders. He jumped a little as JD fell against his chest with a gasp. Their eyes met; a tint of red dancing across JD's face as he smiled up at Perry.

"You know my name." JD whispered and Perry couldn't help but laugh as the red color deepened on the awe struck face before him. "What the hell happened to you?" JD whispered as he tried to furrow his brow and stop the stupid reactions of a high school girl falling into the arms of her secret crush.

"I had some sense knocked into me you could say." Perry grinned. "Now, Natalia, you know better than to not answer my question. What did you want to say to me earlier?" JD gulped as he kept a steady gaze with Perry's. Perry's heart tightened somewhere in his throat, his mouth suddenly felt as though he had been in a desert for years. He waited for JD to say something, because he wasn't sure he could hold back the nonchalant façade he worked so hard at if he had to keep seeing JD so helpless. After what had felt like an eternity, no words had left his pouty lips for what was, more realistically, at least ten minutes. Perry couldn't believe the fact he'd actually gotten JD to not speak.

"You're not going to kill me, right?" JD finally whispered. Perry chuckled as he rubbed his hand up and down the slender shoulders of the younger doctor. He smiled as JD's blush continued to shine brightly. He was content enough to stay like this for a long time, but he wasn't ready to go and admit it to anybody. However, it was Perry's turn to stiffen in surprise as he felt JD's lips against his in a quick sweet kiss that made Perry's head fall forwards as he lost the resistance of the other's lips against his. The only thought that crossed the doctor's mind was when had he missed JD moving towards him before he realized that the kiss had stopped.

Perry opened his eyes to find JD's blue green eyes staring up with him in curiosity and a hint of fear. Perry growled softly, causing JD to jump before his arms pulled the dark haired man against him so he could finish the kiss properly-when he wanted to.

And that wasn't going to be for a long time.

"JD, what the hell happened to you!" Elliot cried as the black haired man walked into work, his head stuck higher in the clouds than normal. He quickly looked at Elliot and grinned. Carla was looking at him from behind the nurse's station. She shook her head sadly as Elliot and JD approached her. Her eyes focused on how bruised the young man's lips were and the bite mark that barely showed over the neck of his scrubs. JD pulled up at the shirt nervously as he felt Carla and Elliot's eyes on him.

"Did you meet somebody after you left Dr. Cox's last night?" Turk asked as he approached his friends. His arm slipped around Carla's waist before he placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Merry Christmas, baby." Carla grinned and leaned against Turk as she readjusted her gaze on JD.

"Bambi, don't think for a second that you're leaving here without telling us. Now who is she?" JD grinned, his fingers, unconsciously, dancing over the mark on his collarbone. Elliot eyed her friend and gasped, causing Carla and Turk to look at her in shock.

"You left Dr. Cox's last night, right? I mean you didn't spend the night there, did you?" Carla motioned for Elliot to lower her voice, her eyes on the doctor who was walking up to the nurse's station.

"As usual it's the Sacred Heart Cheer squad. What are you girls up to? This is a hospital and-" Perry stopped halfway through his rant as he felt Elliot, Carla and Turk's eyes on him. He swore he could feel the blush's heat radiating from JD's body. "Oh for the love of, I knew you wouldn't be able to keep your cheer squad out of it. At least I didn't see you with a gong this morning." Perry stared JD in the eyes, he couldn't help the grin that was playing on his lips as he kept an angry expression on his face. JD gulped as his friend's exchanged looks of shock.

"I wasn't the one who left this mark where they could see it." JD hissed as he tried to return the glare. Perry allowed the grin to win as he quickly pecked JD's lips before he took a few steps past the group. He turned to see all of their shocked faces, so he took it upon himself to use his file to slap JD's ever adorable ass-Perry couldn't believe he'd actually described something as adorable and attached to JD at the same time as touching it, and knowing he'd want do it again.

JD jumped as his hands instinctively moved to protect his rear, only to have one hand snatched by the older doctor. JD looked over his shoulder to the grin on Perry's face, quickly grinning back at his friends, he allowed himself to be dragged off with the other man.

Standing against the wall adjacent the nurse' station, Ben and Chancy grinned at each other. Ben smiled as he saw Jordan enter the hospital, Jack on her hip, and make a quick remark at the gawking group that stood in the wake of Perry's sudden burst of PDA and non-Perryness.

"We did good." A quick high five was exchanged. As the sound of the clap faded, so did the two men.

"Who high fived and forgot the Todd?" Todd skidded to a stop in front of the nurse's station. Jordan grinned and pointed him in the direction that Perry had taken JD. Nodding a quick thanks the Todd disappeared around a corner. Jordan grinned as she kissed Jack's head at the next sound.

"SHIT!" Perry's voice echoed down the halls

"Todd!" JD squeaked.

"There's always room for the Todd! And the Todd wants in on this!" A slam echoed down the corridor.

"Merry Christmas, Newbie." Perry whispered as he leaned in to kiss the still sore lips he'd attacked so viciously the night before. He was going to get used to this PDA thing if it meant he could pull JD into empty rooms and supply closets when he felt the need and he couldn't help but wish he'd acted earlier, but was none the less grateful for everything he'd been shown. This future hadn't been shown and he was going to make this one better than the one's he'd been shown.


Thanks again for everybody who read this. Sorry that I finished the Christmas story right before Spring Break...a little out of the season, but its always time for holiday cheer!!