Wedding Blues

Hermione's Point of View:

I'm twenty-six years old and single. Actually it's more like terminally single. Not by choice of course but single nonetheless. It's not that I can't get good men but I just don't seem to have found the right man. I've dated hundreds of good nice men but there is just never the right chemistry. I've been told my standards are too high and that to wait for my Prince Charming is simply unrealistic. Well call me a hopeless romantic if you will but I'd rather be alone then have a boring relationship. It's funny because in school I was considered boring. Yes I, Hermione Granger, am no longer boring. Or at least I don't think I'm completely boring. Maybe a tad bit boring occasionally but not entirely. Another thing you wouldn't expect of me is my current career. Everyone expected me to become a teacher or invent new spells or even manufacture a broomstick for those of us who might be eh lacking in the flying abilities. But no, I became a wedding planner. Now I know it's unexpected but really its something I've always wanted to do. And knowing me, you can expect I was the very best. It's odd that someone who plans weddings has never had a wedding of her own but then again you don't need a spouse to have good taste. And anyway I have planned thousands of weddings from the Thomas-Brown wedding to even Ron and Luna's wedding. Hell I even arranged darling (yuck) Snape's wedding to Trelawney. Now that was…unexpected to say the least. But now after several years of perfecting my skills and of course having built my reputation, only the elite could afford my services. I definitely could afford to hire workers now and add partners and create my own wedding planning firm but part of the fun of the business for me was really getting the costumer interaction. So instead now I have one worker, my best friend Ginny Weasley. Ginny is in charge of keeping track of the financial budget and state of each wedding while I have the hands on selection with the wedding parties. I usually try to keep it down to one or two weddings at a time to manage but at the moment it is the very middle of winter, which just so happens to be the busiest time of year for me. This time is when all the spring weddings begin being planned and the winter weddings are in chaos due to the lack of time. But of course being Hermione Granger I could handle anything and stress only pushes me harder. Who has time for a boyfriend or a fiancé when I am too busy helping the rest of the world's population marry?

Draco's Point Of View:

If I ever get my hands on Blaise Zabini, god help me I will kill that man. I thought it was written in the rules of manhood that you do not sell out your best friend to his fiancé. Blaise Zabini made the very poor decision of telling my fiancé the truth that I had put no thought into our wedding day plans. For example, she asked me what flowers I wanted next to the altar I said roses. I thought roses were the most romantic flower to girls but she informed me roses were cliché and our wedding was supposed to be an event no one forgot. Now I'm all for being remembered and showing everyone exactly what Malfoy money can pay for but usually that applies to a car or a nice jacket but our wedding isn't my idea of showing off. Now Blaise had to tell my fiancé, an internationally known heiress of the Cox hotel chain, that I had no intentions of having a big wedding. Of course she reacted badly and told me that if I didn't care about our wedding I could go and "jump right off the nearest cliff and find a new fiancé." She used a little more colorful language which is not expected from a lady of her caliber but oh well. My fiancé is none other then the famous Rachel Cox. In all honesty Blaise has informed that I am about to make the biggest mistake of my life by marrying the biggest "bitchatron" to ever walk the earth. He may be slightly accurate. Rachel isn't all bad though, at least not in my opinion. For one thing she is definitely nothing less then beautiful, she is extremely classy, and she is smart enough to hold conversation with others. She loves many activities and interests but sadly having a profound conversation with her future husband is at the bottom of the list. I only know she can make good conversation is when I overheard her sucking up to the minister at one of our annual Malfoy charity balls. You may be wondering why I'm marrying her. I sometimes wonder myself. To be honest I can't say I honestly love her, I mean it doesn't feel like the sort of love they describe in all the fairytales. I almost view our marriage as a business deal. I need a wife who, like my mother, will represent class and hold dignity to the Malfoy name. I am confident Rachel can do that but whether I will be able to stand her nagging is undetermined. I guess I shouldn't assume we will actually get married because that would mean I would have survived her planning the wedding. In order to hopefully relieve stress we are hiring a wedding planer. Maybe that way I won't have to be terribly involved. I just hope we get someone who I can stand more then Rachel.