A new story! I hope you like it! Please review and tell me what you think of it!

It was finally time to audition in front of the biggest music manager in the WORLD! Musiki Hani. He made millions of people famous and he says this will be his last time doing do, and I hoped it was I, Tenten, who would be the lucky one.

I was wearing two layers and jeans with charms at the belt holder. I had my hair in one high ponytail


The previous lady came out, crying. I got nervous and stiff. I walked in slowly and stood in front of 4 judges, among one was Musiki.

"I'm T-Tenten, s-sorry I'm t-terribly n-nervous,"

One man look at me and straightened up, "That'll go if you make the audition,"

"OK," I inhaled, "Now, I will sing The Diaries of the Heart by the band Ibusiki." (A/N: I wrote this song. I play the guitar and I have singing lessons, if you want to know how it sounds, message or review!)

The Diaries of the Heart

Anything is a mystery, once you get to see

Anyone can be a stranger, but anyone can be a friend

Searching for a place called home, being guided by strangers

But they reached out and touched my heart


Now I sing, for the Diaries of the Heart

And now I know, we are together, to never to part

Now I sing, for the Diaries of the Heart

And now I know, in my life it's just a start!

Rock my world and come back to share

Shake my life, and come with your flare!

Love me like no one other

Part a little but don't go further

[Chorus x2)

The end of a life is not the end of a journey

The end of a journey is not the end of love

And love is everlasting

And amplify it, have it blasting!


Never lose hope, never lose the feeling

Never lose the Diary in you Heart

The judges clap, it was a good sign.

"You were great! I saw no need to be nervous. Do you like Ibusiki?"

"Yeah! Except, I met the band once, they're pretty cold. I know Ibusiki is one of the bands you manage, but I hate the guys but LOVE the song!"

"Yeah, the boys became cold after awhile. Tenten, right? Please wait in the other room, you are one of our finalists."

I jumped up, "Yes!"

Musiki came in the room, "Congratulations! You are one of the two finalists!"

I grinned widely, "Who's my competition?"

Yuni Hatta came in the room. I glared at her. Because of her I failed at least 10 auditions. I wasn't gonna let her get away with this one.

Usually the people were looking for a "pretty" concept and Yuni always won on that. (A/N: In this fan fiction, I don't imagine Tenten in two buns but one long ponytail)

I crossed my fingers, "What do we have to do?"

Musiki thought and finally he said, "Dance for me while singing,"

I smiled, I was really good at that, except my voice might go all up and down.

I did my best at dancing and Musiki clapped and cheered, Yuni swayed around and Musiki sighed and said for her to stop.

He came to me and held out his hand, "Tenten, you are our newest pop star!"

I jumped around and hugged Musiki, he was shocked but he laughed and patted my back.

I ran in and hugged the other judges, but one of them stopped me and looked at me in the eye.

"Do you want to go to school as a normal person?"

"Sure at school only though."

"Then you'll need an identity."

I thought and thought of a name, "How about Ivy?"

"Perfect!" he gleamed. He told me about one minute extensions and no make up for school and blah.

I wrote a new song for my band. It was called Shorty and the EZ Mouse. (A/N: I love this song, look it up on youtube!)

I met my new band members and apparently their names and fake ones were Sakura (Katie and the pianist), Hinata (Gracie back-up singer and drums), and Ino (Jessie and a guitar player)

Our band was called Legendary Konoha Kunnochi or LKK for short

We became great friends and we started chatting about boys, school, shopping, etc.

Musiki came in, "Hey girls! You guys will be going to Konoha High, same as Ibusiki!"

I groaned, but everyone else cheered.

We filled out the applications and walked to school as friends

But one problem, the fangirls were clogging the entrance:

"Neji I want you!"

"I do, I do Shikamaru!"

"I want your babies Sasuke!"

"Naruto, you're sooo cute!"

Us girls gagged (not literally), but we recognized these names easily- the guys from the band Ibusiki

I looked at my schedule and compared it too Sakura's.

Apparently, I had no classes with Sakura, Sakura had all classes with Ino, so I had none with her either.

Hinata had no classes with me, but three with Sakura and Ino.

I frowned. Life is not fair.

When the bell rang, we went our separate ways. And unluckily I had Neji in my class. He was in the corner of the building surrounded by girls. Ibusiki was, after all, the hottest and the most popular band in history.

I sat at the far corner of the room waiting for the teacher.

Neji POV

"Ugh! Get away from me!" As I tried to move I saw a girl at the far end giving me a disgusted face.

Interesting how she wasn't into me.

Maybe she's playing hard to get, but I didn't think that was the case.

She's pretty hot thought.


I had a one minute extension and my hair was down and wavy. I was wearing a long shirt with a see-through skirt. I had leggings on though.

Sakura's hair was spray painted green and she had a sleeveless shirt with jeans

Hinata had fake hair making it look like she tied her hair. She was wearing a informal purple dress

Ino sprayed her hair red and she wore a purple top that showed her bellybutton and jeans.

I went in front of the mike and yelled, "ONE, TWO, THREE!"

Anything is fine with me, if I'm with my EZ-Mouse.
Doesn't matter how young I am, havin' fun is what it's all about.
Over the rainbow and seven seas, wherever winds may blow,
Gotta eat in a Wonderland, after dessert let's go.

My mama tells me everyday, not to move so fast across the room.
She's worried I'll break something,
but I'm at the age where I do what I wanna do.

I know I'm your baby, like you keep saying.
I wanna be free. Don't treat me like a child.
I'm never changin' as I grow older.
You're ever the same, Shorty and the EZ-Mouse.

My mama tells me everyday, not to move so fast across the room.
She's worried I'll break something,
but I'm at the age where I do what I wanna.

I know I'm her baby, like she keeps saying.
I wanna be free. Don't treat me like a child.
Cause I'm never changin' as I grow older.
You're ever the same, me and the EZ.

I know I'm her baby, like she keeps saying.
I wanna be free. Don't treat me like a child.
I'm never changin' as I grow older.
Ever the same, Shorty and the EZ-Mouse.

As we sang, the crowd grew wilder.


The crowd grew even wilder and they went crazy.

We were back stage, I was about to cut my extensions when Neji, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Naruto barged in our room.

Neji was a guitar player and back up singer

Sasuke was the lead singer

Shikamaru was the pianist

Naruto was the drummer

Neji looked at me, "Nice show, but we're still better,"

I looked at him, "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

"Haven't you heard of singing lessons?"

"At least I got the main roll in the band"


Then Neji brushed my hair aside and studied me.

I blushed.

He look at me "You look so familiar..."

I glared at him, "GET.OUT.OF.THE.ROOM!!!!"

I pushed them out the door and locked it.

Ino looked at me, "Your cover was almost blown"

I groaned, "I know!"

I brushed Sakura's hair. Apparently the hair spray made it tangled.

Sakura smiled at me, "Sorry to bother you"

"Nah, it's OK!"

I turned on the TV so Sakura can watch and on it was:

"It seems LKK is a pretty popular group, but not as good as Ibusiki, here's and interview of th-"

I changed the channel.

Ino stuck her tongue at the TV, "We don't want to see your butt ugly faces!"

Hinata giggled.

"Oh look at the time! Let's go to school!"

My third story! Please Review!