Sakura entered the room, feeling very happy

I'm pretty fond of this one! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please, don't forget to review! It makes me so happy when you do! The next chapter will be post out next Friday, if I get lucky... -_-;; Whatever, on with the fic!

A Baby's Story

Chapter One: Announcement

A Fanfiction By Kyo


Sakura entered the room, feeling very happy. The news she had just gotten weren't given everyday. The house was silent, no sound could be heard. She guessed Syaoran was resting in some room, probably theirs. He always said it was his favorite room in the whole house, because it had her scent. She entered quietly, she didn't want to disturb her husband if he was sleeping, he usually had very tiring days on Wednesdays, she didn't know why, but it was usually the day when he was the most tired.

She left her coat in the entrance closet and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. She drank a glass of water and went to the cabinet where they stored all the wines. She brought out a bottle of their best champagne and smiled at it. This occasion really deserved this fine wine. She took the bottle, some ice and two goblets of the finest crystal and went out the kitchen, toward the stairs that led to the wing where their room was. She had a huge smile in her lips, the same one she was wearing the day of their wedding.

It had been splendid! Everything had been absolutely perfect. No wonder why, Tomoyo's mother had insisted that she took care of the ceremony and the party, otou-san had opposed countless times but Daidouji Sonomi was even more insistent than him, and she ended paying for it all. Tomoyo had proven to be daughter of her mother, as she too, insisted beyond hope that she took care of everything, from the dresses to the decoration.

Many good things came up from that, she and Syaoran could be alone a lot more time, and most of the worries of the ceremony had been lifted from their shoulders, which had been a great relief to them both.

Sakura continued slowly through the staircase, enjoying the feeling of the lonely, silent house. She walked through the aisles, imaging the future of each room, imaging the sounds, the smells, the images. Her smiled only broadened at the thought.

She finally arrived to their room. She stopped at the entrance and looked inside, since the door was open. Laying on the bed was her Little Wolf, apparently sleeping. But she knew better. By the feeling of his gentle, green aura, she knew that he was still awake, sleepy, but still alert. He was lying stomach down with his arms above his head, resting peacefully. His work clothes still on. Sakura approached slowly and quietly. She left the bottle and goblets at the bedside table without a sound. Soon she had learned how easy it was to wake up or disturb Syaoran with sounds, and soon she had learned how not to make them. He, too, had learnt some things about his wife, like how to wake her up quickly and peacefully. Some scenes of "Sleeping Beauty" came to her mind.

She gently, slowly, slipped over the bed, next to him. If he had heard her, he didn't acknowledge her. But Sakura knew better, he was just making things more interesting. She slipped next to him till they almost touched, only a breath away.

"So? How was your day?" She asked in a whisper. Syaoran inhaled deeply and turned around to face her. He smiled tenderly at her and closed the distance between them. He searched for her hand with his, when he found it, he brought it to his lips and kissed it gallantly, tenderly.

"Tiring. Those elders are a pain in the you-know-what." He said softly, her hand still on his lips. Sakura giggled. She lowered her face to his and kissed his lips.

"What did they say?" Sakura asked, her breath on his lips. She felt how he shivered pleasantly. She knew exactly what to do to him.

"Nothing that I can't handle... with you." He whispered as he returned the kiss. Sakura melted in his arms. He, too, knew exactly what to do to her.

"I have some good news to tell you." She whispered on his lips when they pulled apart.

Syaoran looked puzzled at her. He backed down a little to see her better. He raised an eyebrow at her, clearly confused. She giggled at his confused expression. He smiled at her, his confused expression never leaving his handsome features. He pulled her gently and put her over him. She hugged him from her position, a huge smile on her face. "Oh? Really? What kind of news?" He asked as he hugged her back.

She leaned closer to his ear. Her smile broadened at the thought of his reaction.

"You are going to be a father." She whispered into his ear.

Syaoran froze for a moment, letting the weight of her words sink in. He spoke after a moment.

"Hontou?" He asked incredulously into her ear. He felt her nod.

"Hontou." She whispered back.

Sakura pulled back a little to see his face. She found a huge smile on his lips. He didn't know what to say, his happiness was too much to be expressed into words. He was going to be a father! He, Li Syaoran, was going to be a father! And in his arms he had the most beautiful, wonderful, greatest mother in the whole world. It was too much for him.

Ever since Sakura had entered his life, only good things had happened to him. Nothing could go wrong when someone was near Sakura.


Syaoran still couldn't erase the smile from his lips, even if he tried his hardest to return to his stone-face mode, he couldn't! All his face muscles were starting to hurt from all that smiling.

They were still in bed. She was sleeping in his arms, both dressed in their PJ's. She was wearing a contented smile on her lips. He tightened his embrace around her at the sight of her. Syaoran couldn't sleep. He was still thinking in everything that had happened that day. They had talked about the baby, tried to decide names, wondered which room to place the child. They had decided not to make the ultrasound, they wanted it to be a surprise. He felt he couldn't wait the nine months to hold his son or daughter in his arms.

He picked up the phone, which stood next to the now empty bottle of champagne and the two shining goblets, and punched in a familiar number.

"Moshi, moshi? Daidouji Tomoyo speaking." A sweet voice in the other line greeted him.

"Hi, Tomoyo! How are you doing?" Syaoran asked cheerfully, reflecting perfectly on the mood he was in.

"Li! Nice to hear you!" Tomoyo answered back. "So what are you calling for?" She asked gently. "At this hour of the night?" She queried further.

Syaoran looked at the clock, confused. The clock read 1:00. Now he understood what she meant. "Oops! I'm sorry!" He said quickly.

Tomoyo giggled. "Don't worry. So what are you calling me for?" She asked, a smile could be heard in her voice.

"Sakura didn't tell you?" Syaoran asked, obviously confused and amazed.

"Tell me what?" She asked, the smile still in her voice.

"I'm going to be a father!" He said cheerfully, his pride couldn't be hidden.

Tomoyo giggled more. "Congratulations, Li! That's really great!" She said, obviously not surprised.

"You already knew!" He accused.

"Of course I knew, Li. I was with her when she went to the doctor. She wanted to keep it a secret, since she wanted to tell you first and in person. So, I was being a little careful, as you see." Tomoyo explained. "Have you decided any name?" She asked.

Syaoran shook his head, even if she couldn't see him. "Iie, we are still deciding." He responded.

"Sakura told me she didn't want to do the ultrasound, what did you decide?" She asked cautiously.

"I didn't want to make the ultrasound either, we will keep it a surprise. Have you told Hiragisawa?" Syaoran asked carefully.

"Iie, I haven't talked to him."

"I want to tell him, so don't dare to open your mouth!" Syaoran said a little loud, Sakura stirred in his arms.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him." She responded with a smile. Sakura stirred again.

"Okay, Ja ne, or Sakura will wake up." Syaoran said in a whisper. "We will talk to you later."

"Ja ne!"


Syaoran opened his eyes at the warm touch of the hot rays of the Sun on his face. His eyelids fluttered open and waited a bit for his other senses come alive once again. He tilted his head and looked around him. In his arms, as every morning, he had his smiling wife. He smiled. He loved her so much, without her in his life, everything would look pale and lifeless. But with her, everything acquired a unique color, like the color of her eyes, unrepeatable.

Syaoran was currently wearing the boxers he used to go to sleep, which were black with dark, almost hidden drawings of wolves, Sakura had bought them for him because she thought they were cute. Sakura was wearing a light pink nightgown. His favorite, the one that he had given her for Christmas.

He hated to wake her up. She always seemed so peaceful when she was sleeping, like the angel she was. He leaned closer to her face and to her lips to wake her up like she loved to, she always said that it was so much easier to wake up from her dreams when he did that. He closed the space between their lips, and brushed his lips against hers.

At first Sakura didn't answer him, but after a few seconds, she kissed him back, making him smile. There wouldn't be a day when he would get tired of kissing her.

"Ohayou, Little Wolf!" Sakura greeted when they pulled apart, a huge smile on her face. She simply loved waking up beside him. And especially with his lips on hers.

"Ohayou, Cherry Blossom!" He greeted back. "How are you feeling?" He whispered on her skin, while he slipped a hand over her belly. She giggled at his touch.

"I'm feeling very well!" She replied in a whisper. She slipped a hand over his over her belly. His hand felt warm on her skin.

"How much time will this take, again?" He asked with a pout, referring to the small child forming in her body. Sakura giggled at his question. He was just being impatient. "Nine months, Syaoran, and believe it, it won't take any shorter." She chided playfully. His pout grew bigger.

"I can't wait to hold her in my arms." He said as he hugged her close, his hand still over her stomach.

Sakura stirred a little to look at him better. "Her?" She questioned with a puzzled frown.

He just nodded. "I had a dream." He said finally.

"And what was it about?" She asked in a whisper, she didn't want to break the peaceful spell that surrounded them.

"In this dream, the baby was a girl. She was showing you a cute drawing of an orange and yellow Sun. She looked so happy, and you too. Then, you were teaching her how to use magic." He finished.

"I had a dream, too." She said after a moment of silence.

"Tell me." He urged as he buried his face on her auburn locks. They smelled like cherry blossoms, her flower.

"It was sort like yours, but the baby was a boy." She said softly, gathering her thoughts, a light frown of concentration on her face. "But you were playing video games with him, and later you were teaching him one of your fighting stances." She smiled up at him. "You looked cute together!"

Syaoran laughed. "Aishiteru, Sakura." He whispered in her ear. Sakura's smile grew bigger. She remembered with joy the first time she had heard those words from his lips.

"Aishiteru, Syaoran." She wrapped her arms around him. "Do you think they mean something?" Sakura asked her husband. Syaoran frowned a little in concentration and thought for a moment. "They could, since we both have magic." He said after a few seconds of silence.

"Aren't you going to be late for work?" She asked teasingly. Syaoran stiffened visibly, he turned around and looked at the clock.

"Yeah." He said, not bothering to get up, instead, he returned to his original position. Sakura giggled.

"I got to go, too." She murmured lazily, while pulling apart from his embrace, very reluctantly. Syaoran tugged at her arm when she was about to stand up and kept her from leaving the bed.

"Don't leave me." He pouted cutely. "Tell them you are sick." He begged. Sakura smiled down at him, since at the moment she was kneeling, and kissed his lips.

"No. I really got to get going, and you, too, my Little Wolf. So, get moving!" She urged him, pushing him out of bed. She caught him off-guard and he fell from the bed with a: Thud! Thump! Ittai!

Sakura couldn't help but giggle as he got up, rubbing all his sore spots. He half glared at her before his glare turned into an impish smile. "I'm going to get you for this! Start running, Cherry Blossom!" Syaoran threatened while he jumped over the bed.

Sakura was already running. "I'm counting on it, Little Wolf!" She responded, her giggles echoing throughout the room, and getting lost in the depths of the bathroom. Syaoran was at her heels all the time.


Syaoran moved throughout the building with a smug smile on his lips. He couldn't help it! He was about to be father and there was no way he was going to hide it. It was almost time for lunch, he was glad. He would get away from work early, no matter if he had arrived late, too, and pick up Sakura from her work. She sure would be glad to see him. Then, they would meet Hiragisawa and Daidouji in the funky Café downtown, and he would break the news to Hiragisawa the proudest way he could find.

He got outside the building while telling directions and instructions to the people that passed by.

"I'm leaving early." He announced. "I'll catch up on all the work tomorrow, ok?" He stated, more than asked. He got into his silver Porsche Boxster and started the engine. He soon felt the wind in his face and hair as he drove through the empty streets.

He couldn't stop thinking about that dream he had had. It seemed so real. The girl was very young, 3 maybe 4 years old. She was wearing a cute yellow dress with a white collar, while she waved the drawing in the air, showing it proudly to her mother. The next part was what intrigued him the most. The little child was standing in front of her mother. Below Sakura was the symbol of Sakura Magic, but below the little girl there was a different one. One that wasn't either Clow Magic nor Sakura Magic, and the most intriguing part was that they were using Elemental Magic, fire and water danced around them, a gale of freezing wind made their hair swirl in all directions and the earth seem to shake at their demonstration of power.

And the child was only 4 years old.

And Elemental Magic was one of the hardest to learn.

He was now arriving to his destiny. Sakura was already there, at the door, talking to a friend of hers. Syaoran smiled in an amused kind of way. She always seemed to know when he was coming, he guessed that was due to the aura. They could feel each other miles away, so it was obvious if she knew when he was getting nearer.

Sakura said good-bye to her companion and raced toward Syaoran's car and jumped inside.

Before Syaoran could say anything she kissed him on the lips hello, very long. It left Syaoran dizzy.

"My, my, aren't we a little bit genki today?" He teased her, while he looked at her with an amused expression. She smiled back.

"You could say so." She winked. "And hungry, too."

Syaoran moved his right hand from the wheel and placed it on her belly. He really couldn't wait to hold her in his arms.

"Is the little girl over here hungry, too?" He asked her. Sakura giggled. "I think the little guy over here is the cause all the way." She said, smiling, as she hugged his hand.


Sakura knew Syaoran was going to be a great father. It showed in the way he became even more protective of her. It showed when he couldn't stop talking about the baby, about how much he wanted to see her. It also showed in the way he had told Hiragisawa Eriol, with such pride and smug Sakura couldn't help but giggle. Tomoyo giggled, too, at the expression Eriol wore at the current time. It seemed her boyfriend couldn't handle that news quite well.

Even now, Sakura laughed, remembering his shocked expression and the following congratulations. That day, he had invited them the meal and then invited everybody to his house to celebrate.

Telling her family had been quite a different story, though. Her father had congratulated them immediately, without asking again and again as lots of people had done. It even made Sakura think he already suspected something. Touya was a little difficult to handle. He tolerated Syaoran all the way, but it seemed impossible for him to see them show any kind of affection toward each other, so it was even more impossible for Touya to think they could have a baby together. But, at the end, everything had gone as planned.

Thank goodness.

Syaoran was sleeping by her side. She was using his chest as a pillow, hearing each beat of his heart. The sound of his beating heart soothed her and helped her sleep. Her belly was now bigger. Three months had passed ever since they got the magnificent news, and now her belly was noticeable, not much, but it was now there.

Sakura couldn't wait to feel the baby kicking. She thought it would be great to feel life inside of her, and she knew Syaoran would enjoy feeling the child kick just as much as her.

The sex of the baby was still a mystery, obviously, first of all because the baby was still to small to know, and secondly because none of them wanted to know just yet.

She had had the dream quite a few times now. It felt real, like her visions of Clow Cards, but it was different, in a way. The boy was young, probably 5 years old. He had the messy hair of his dad, but she couldn't quite distinguish the color of his eyes. He looked very healthy, and full of energy. In the first part of her dream, the little kid was playing video games with his dad. They looked exactly the same, the same frowns of concentration in their faces, the same gestures. Even the way their bangs fell on their eyes was the same.

In the second part of her dream, the little child stood barefoot, with dark blue pants and matching T, in front of his father, who stood barefoot and bare-chested. It seemed to be cold, a breeze swayed the trees back and forth. Syaoran did a fighting stance and the boy imitated his movement exactly the same at the same time, like a mirror.

Sakura snapped out of her daze when she felt Syaoran stir under her cheek. He moved a little bit while mumbling something incoherent and then laid perfectly still again.

She was lucky to have someone as him for a husband. He was everything Sakura could have ever desired in her husband, and much more.

She felt Syaoran stir again before stretching. He yawned and took a look at his surroundings. Sakura was looking at him with a gentle smile. He blinked in the dark for a few times before looking at her smiling face.

"Ohayou. What are you doing up? You should be sleeping." He whispered.

She shook her head. "I was just thinking." She whispered back. "We haven't thought for a name. We need to think of it."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Couldn't we talk about it some time afterwards?" He asked her softly, making her notice it was two in the morning.

She giggled at his expression of sheer confusion and amusement. "Of course we can." She said cheerfully, making him notice that she had no desire to go back to sleep...


Sakura woke up lazily. She opened her eyes slowly and stared at the ceiling. Syaoran was sleeping at her side, his face buried in her auburn locks. She smiled, her six months belly didn't let her lay like she used to, but this position was just as comfortable. She felt hungry, again. She sighed, she liked being pregnant and all, but being hungry all the time was annoying her. She suddenly felt a great desire to eat watermelon. A big, nice, juicy watermelon.

She turned slightly to her husband and shook him lightly. Syaoran groaned and turned the other way. Seemed she was not the only one tired with all this baby thing. Sakura sighed, exasperated. She wanted watermelon, and she wanted it now. She continued to shake him, he mumbled and murmured and turned her side again. "Syaoran! Wake up!" She yelled in a whisper. Syaoran groaned but didn't wake up. "Come on, Little Wolf! Wake up!" Sakura urged her husband.

Syaoran woke up with a start. "What? Where? When?" He asked the darkness as he sat up with a jolt. He took in his dark surroundings and found Sakura looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Nani?" He asked gently as he let himself lay down again. He turned to her with a confused expression. "Nani?" He repeated.

Sakura brushed his hair with her hand. "I want watermelon." She said firmly. Syaoran sweatdropped. "Now?" He asked incredulously. She nodded. "I'm hungry!" She pouted as she patted her now very round and noticeable belly.

Syaoran sighed, but nodded and smiled. "Okay. I'll bring it to you." He said happily.

Sakura smiled from ear to ear as he stood up from the bed and walked outside their room.

Syaoran couldn't believe Sakura was making him do this. Watermelon? She wants watermelon in the middle of the night? He sighed. He finally reached the kitchen after a few minutes of walking, having a big house had its advantages and disadvantages.

He searched the kitchen for the requested fruit, after finding it and slicing it, he returned to their room. He had to admit that now that he saw the red, juicy fruit, he wanted to give it a bite, too. But first, he had to get to Sakura.

He arrived their room with the silver tray in hand, the watermelon on the white pearly plate. Sakura's mouth watered at the sight of it. He sat on the bed, next to his wife. She was smiling and couldn't wait to take a bite of the red fruit.

"Here you go!" He said as he took a bite sized piece and held it to her mouth. Sakura took the piece of watermelon with her lips and in the process licked his fingers. Syaoran smiled as he took a piece of his own.

Soon, none of the watermelon was left and Sakura and Syaoran laid down in the bed, the tray and the plate forgotten on the bedside table. Sakura soon was asleep again. He didn't know how she could sleep so fast and wake up so slow. He smiled when she stirred and tried to snuggle closer to him, but her belly didn't let her, he was the one to come closer to her, as not to wake her up.

Good thing it's Friday! He thought as he inhaled her cherry blossom scent. Tomorrow we will se Eriol and Tomoyo, she had been insisting so much in preparing the Baby Shower she's driving me crazy, and even if Sakura doesn't let her know, she's driving her crazy, too.


"Ohayou, Tomoyo!" Sakura greeted her childhood friend with a hug that didn't go to far, her tummy didn't let her.

"Ohayou, Sakura! How are you and the little guy over here?" She asked patting her belly. Sakura giggled. "We are doing very fine!" Sakura responded.

"And how is the proud father doing?" She asked as she saw Syaoran approach. "He's being as proud as ever." Sakura replied. Syaoran hugged her from behind and placed a kiss on her temple. "Are you talking about me?" He asked her in a playful whisper. Sakura nodded.

"Ohayou, Li! How are you doing?" A smirking Tomoyo asked her friend's husband. Syaoran continued to hug Sakura from behind, he responded. "Very good, Tomoyo." He said, obviously referring to the fact he was going to be a father. "How's the half reincarnation of Clow Reed doing?" He asked impishly.

"Eriol's ok, thank you for your concern, Li." Tomoyo responded with a huge smile. "He couldn't come today because he had a deal to close with a client." She admitted, guessing their next question.

Syaoran nodded. "I guess being in stock market business doesn't leave him much free time." He stated, for once he felt a bit sad about him not being there. He couldn't brag about him being a father and him still not being able to ask the big question to Tomoyo. They were 24 now! How come he still couldn't ask?

"Have you decided anything?" Sakura asked her best friend, referring to the Baby Shower.

Tomoyo went star-eyed instantly. "Of course I have thought of ideas, Sakura! But I can't decide which one to use!"

Sakura and Syaoran sweatdropped. They had such an eccentric friend... Both sighed as their friend continued to ramble about places, colors, clothing and gifts. Both were sure she would outdo herself... again.


The door burst open.

Syaoran stood in front of his wife protectively with a frown and a glare clouding his handsome features. There was no one in sight, no apparent cause for the noise and the door bursting like that. He waited, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Footsteps were heard, but not any normal footsteps. They seemed like the footsteps of someone walking over a very thick carpet, which Syaoran knew wasn't the case, since Tomoyo's house had no thick carpets. The footsteps got closer, Sakura was clutching his arm and was looking at exactly the same spot as he, she unconsciously brought a hand to her neck, where her Star Key hung.

A figure crossed the door and it was...

A walking, stuffed elephant?

All of them gaped incredulously at the walking toy, then an uncontrolled laughter was heard down the hall.

Eriol came into sight after a second. "Hahahahaha! You should have seen your faces when you saw the elephant! Hahahahaha—" Eriol was interrupted by cushion slapped on his face. "Hey! Why did you do that for?" Eriol complained to his girlfriend.

"You deserved it!" Was her only answer. Sakura tried hard not to laugh at his expression, failing miserably. Syaoran, on the other hand, was not even trying. "Hahahaha!" He laughed, he was practically on the floor.

After a few minutes of trying to make Syaoran stop laughing, and failing, Sakura had kissed him on the lips, which immediately shut him up and they could continue with the Baby Shower planning.


Sakura walked happily around the mall, hand in hand with Syaoran. She pointed at every cute baby clothing she saw, and wanted to buy everything the stores had to offer, but she knew she didn't need all of the stuff. Syaoran was acting as a regulator in her buying frenzy.

"No, Sakura, we already have a cradle, you don't need two." "No, Sakura, you can't buy a motorized toy vehicle for the baby, she could get hurt." "No, we don't need a box of diapers, not just yet."

"Mou, let me buy the clothing, please?" She asked of her husband with watery puppy eyes. "Okay, but we don't even know if it's going to be a boy or a girl, how would you know which ones to buy?" He questioned his wife as she dragged him to the clothing section.

"We buy both!" Sakura said cheerfully. Syaoran sweatdropped. He guessed she was in another of those mood swings. He suddenly halted at something caught his eyes. Sakura stopped too when she felt the sudden tug at her wrist.

"What is it?" She asked. Syaoran had halted in front of some cute little yellow baby dresses.

"That's the dress from my dream." He said slowly. It was exactly the same. The same yellow, the same white collar, the same length and style. Everything matched.

"Really?" Sakura asked incredulously. He nodded, still not tearing his eyes off the tiny, cute dress. "Then let's buy it!" Sakura said cheerfully. Syaoran sweatdropped, but agreed anyway.

Finally they arrived to the cashier, Syaoran had a full load of clothes in his arms. Baby clothing of every color and style. He panted and left the armful of baby clothes in the cashier's hands.

The cashier stared with open wide eyes of surprise.

"Um... Will that be everything?"


Sakura hummed a song to herself, the baby in her belly, and her husband, while she prepared breakfast. She stirred the eggs in the pan gracefully as she swayed back and forth to the rhythm of her own song.

Syaoran watched his wife with his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. She looked beautiful all the time. He watched her like she was his idol, and indeed, she was. He averted his eyes from her face and looked at his now-being-prepared breakfast. It looked quite tasty, and he was quite hungry.

His stomach growled at him. Sakura looked at him with smiling emerald eyes and an equally beautiful smile on her lips. He blushed trying to hide his embarrassment. He guessed some things would never change. There were still times when she made him blush like crazy, a smile, a tender brush of her hand, a sweet kiss on the lips... all this things made him blush once in a while, when he remembered for how long he had waited for it to happen.

Sakura giggled at his embarrassment. She finished his breakfast and placed it in a pearly white plate in front of him. He smiled a thanks up at her and grabbed his chopsticks. He took a bite, it was as delicious as the first time he had tasted it. Sakura joined him a little bit afterwards, taking a seat next to him.

"Today's the Baby Shower." Syaoran commented, taking a bite of his breakfast. Sakura nodded. "Hai. Tomoyo already got everything ready." She said with a smile.

"Who's coming?" Syaoran asked his wife.

Sakura gathered her thoughts before answering. She began saying people, counting them with her fingers. "Otou-san, Onii-chan, Tomoyo, Eriol, Chiharu, Yamazaki, Naoko, Rika, Meiling, your mother, your sisters, Nakuru, Yukito, Mizuki-sensei, Terada-sensei, and... I think that's it."

Syaoran nodded. "That makes 18 persons." He counted easily. Sakura beamed at him, then, her beam turned into a mischievous grin. Syaoran, noticing this, looked at her with a cute, yet puzzled smile.

"You are going to be late for work." She said finally.

"What?" Syaoran gulped his breakfast in a single bite, much like Sakura when she was a ten-year old and made a charge toward the door.

Just when he was about to leave, Sakura tugged at his wrist. She pouted. "Are you leaving without giving me my kiss?" She asked, her pout making her even cuter.

As a response, Syaoran hugged her close. "I would never, Cherry Blossom." Said that, he warmed her lips with his own. She melted against his lips, savoring every bit of his mouth as he did the same. They would have stayed like that forever if they didn't have to breath. They parted from lack of air. She panted against his lips, before her mischievous smile returned to her lips. "You are going to be late." She whispered. He stiffened and let go of her, not before lightly kissing her on the lips again.

"Don't forget that today's the Baby Shower!" She shouted while he walked to the car. "And don't arrive late! I'll miss you!" She waved him good-bye, as he did the same. Then he responded. "I'll miss you, too! I love you!"

"I love you, too." She mouthed when he still could see her.

To Be Continued...


Well... What do you think? I think nobody ever did a fic like this! Which makes me glad! It WAS going to be a one-shot, but it got kinda long, so I'm leaving next part for next week! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!!! AND IT'LL HELP A LOT IF YOU REVIEW!!!