Disclaimer: The world and characters of He-Man and She-Ra do not belong to me.

Author's Note: This is a re-telling of The Secret of the Sword done my way. Please read and review and let me know what you think. Thanks to redskyy for his collaboration and pointers...

The resonance of a sword clashing against metal reverberated through the air time and time again. Stilted cries and grunts of effort were the only sounds in this mostly silent battle. He-Man had already fought through two skirmishes and a full-on battle by the end of the day and he had only just gotten here.

Another soldier dropped his weapon and charged after He-Man, running at full-force, expecting to knock him over. He-Man waited for the soldier's approach, and ducked just as his opponent swung his upper body for a punch. Shifting his momentum, He-Man used his brute strength to throw the soldier to the floor. He heard another approaching him from behind. His sword sang as he aimed for the soldier's neck in an arching sweep. The lower body fell uselessly to the floor as his head flew high into the air and landed on a heap of warriors in a loud explosion.

He-Man cut through another onslaught of soldiers, his initial unease long gone. Immersed in a foreign land and battling soldiers he had no prior knowledge of or background on, he was more cautious when initiating combat. After seeing their ruthless and immoral ideals in battle, however, he quickly discarded any qualms he had in facing them.

Again, a soldier tried a sneak attack from behind. He-Man swiftly used the butt of his sword to land a blow to the gut. Since this clearly was not working in their favor, the troops came at him all at once in an effort to contain him. A slight rumble could be heard just before He-Man overpowered the troops' efforts to restrain him and they were pushed back in another explosion.

He-Man held nothing back once he realized that they were mere androids created to do someone else's bidding. It was almost too easy. A solid punch was typically all that was needed to land a group of soldiers on the ground lying there uselessly. Soldiers were preparing to fire at him from both sides. He spotted a tree above him and hurtled himself through the air towards one of its low-lying branches. He-Man just managed to avoid the beams as smoke from the acid burn of laser on metal permeated the air. He-Man made a 360-degree swing around the branch he'd landed upon to propel himself on a fresh group of troopers who had arrived to help their brethren. He was able to knock out a few of them, but many more were on their way.

A few beams landed in He-Man's direction, but they were easily diverted by his sword. He realized too late that they were merely decoys used to distract him from the troops' true intent. A few somehow managed to remain hidden in the surrounding trees and were able to momentarily stun him with their weapons.

He-Man was able to revive himself with little time lost and adjusted his tactics to account for both the short- and long-range attacks. Grabbing one of the soldiers still left on the ground, He-Man treated him as a shield for the laser attacks while he used his physical strength to overpower the soldiers who were at closer range.

The troopers seemed to be able to learn from their fallen brethren mid-battle, He-Man discovered. The dual-attack battle tactic was abandoned for a surprise pincer attack instead. He considered his next course of action as they quickly surrounded him from all sides. The beam weapons fired at him at full force.

In a fierce swing, He-Man deflected the beams with his sword. His breathing became labored as he fought to maintain his stamina for the next wave of soldiers. He was unused to combating an enemy force enmass. Skeletor was a more formidable opponent and his allies were powerful in their own right, but their group was typically smaller in number and that seemed to make the difference here. Just as he was preparing himself for the next attack, the troopers stopped mid-action, stared at one another and made a quick and hasty retreat.

The battlefield had emptied and spare metal parts left over from the fallen androids littered the ground. With the battle now over, He-Man deemed it safe enough to transform back into Adam and continue with his mission. Emerging from a hidden alcove that he used for his transformation, Adam contemplated the soldiers' sudden retreat. He found their actions odd, but could not deal with that now. He was weary and still had much to do before he could rest for the night. The entire venture was becoming more complicated than he expected.

It was very obvious that Etheria and Eternia were two completely different worlds, from the differences in culture and landscape to the very sun that lit Etheria's dusky skies. It was a marvel to him that only half a day had passed since he'd seen Eternia's familiar landscape. When Adam had stepped through the Sorceress' portal this morning, he could not have known how much his life would change.


The morning dawned like a typical day in Eternia. As usual, Adam left the palace under the guise of lazing the day away with fishing and other inconsequential matters. Cringer was still snoring heavily when he was preparing to leave at daybreak, so Adam decided to leave him behind and make his way to Grayskull alone. The trek to Castle Grayskull was uneventful, with none of Skeletor's band of misfits about to cause trouble.

The drawbridge to the Sorceress' castle opened for him in welcome, but unlike most days, the Sorceress was not present to greet him. Mystified, Adam decided to investigate. He finally discovered her in a little-used portion of the castle, facing a mirror and engrossed in something only she could see. Not wanting to disturb her concentration, Adam simply waited for the Sorceress to acknowledge his presence.

"It is time," the Sorceress finally intoned after several moments of silence. "Adam, I have a mission for you, one of grave importance."


Adam released a pent-up breath as he let the memories of this morning fade. He had a sword to deliver and should instead be concentrating on the journey ahead. He was in an alien land and unfamiliar with its customs. The villagers seemed more timid than he was used to, as though kindness was a rare commodity.

Adam could not recall from his studies who ruled these lands, but whoever was the acknowledged leader seemed to be suspicious of all foreigners. Every soldier he met seemed to have an innate need to test his mettle, and, if necessary, beat it out of him. Whatever this place was, it also got much colder here than in Eternia, Adam learned. He would be happy when this mission was over and he could get back to more familiar surroundings.

Adam wandered down the small town's empty streets. No one was in sight, as the townspeople had long since retreated to their homes when the first skirmishes had started earlier in the day. Here was just one example of the many differences between these two lands that Adam could pinpoint between Etheria and Eternia. People at home were used to seeing He-Man do battle against the forces of evil, and by now would be emerging from their hiding places to continue about their business. Obviously, there were very few here who were willing to fight back against these oppressive soldiers. He was concerned for the safety of these villagers and made a mental note to talk to his parents about the state of Eternia's trade and foreign relations with Etheria when he got back home.

He should have brought Cringer with him. A companion would be nice right about now. Nightfall was here and it was time to set up camp. After all the trouble he'd encountered today, Adam didn't trust any of the inns he came across as he made his way through town. Before they escaped at the sight of the soldiers, some of the townspeople had mentioned Whispering Woods in passing, and Adam thought it was as good a place as any to camp for the night.

The Sorceress had given him a few provisions and Etherian coins and he managed to obtain a few supplies from the marketplace in town. He hadn't purchased much, however, since he wasn't sure how long he would be staying. With the 'welcome' that the soldiers had given him, Adam somehow doubted that the villagers would be receptive to him now, and he thought it might be prudent to conserve his supplies just in case he didn't get a chance to replenish anytime soon. Adam decided on a small ration of bread and cold meat to tide him over until morning. He bet Cringer was dining on a nice juicy steak right about now. Adam had only just lit a small fire when an arrow whizzed past his shoulder.

Trespassers don't belong in Whispering Woods," a voice hissed in the night.

Adam cautiously stood up and tried to discern any noticeable shapes through the trees. "I'm a friend," he called out. He tried to go for his sword, but that seemed to be the wrong move.

"These are my woods and you are no friend of mine," the voice continued menacingly. Another arrow found its target through Adam's shoulder. He discovered too late that the arrow was laced with a drug. He fell into unconsciousness just moments later, hoping he wasn't breathing his last.

It was still dark when he woke again, so he wasn't sure if it was the same evening or the next morning just before dawn. He doubted, though, that he'd been out for more than a night at the most. Adam tried to turn his head to take a look at his surroundings, but winced at the intense headache that small movement brought. He was bound to a tree, that much he knew. His sword and the other with the stone were both gone in addition to his supplies.

Well, that wasn't good. He had to get those swords back. If he could transform into He-Man, these ropes would be nothing but string, but as the situation stands, Adam had to rely on his wits instead to get him out of this mess. A rustle in the trees had him on high alert. Adam immediately stilled his actions and pretended that he had not yet woken up from unconsciousness. From his viewpoint, he could see that someone was approaching. The unexpected hard kick to his side had him groaning involuntarily.

"Stranger, get up. I know you're awake. Now tell me who you are and what makes you think you are allowed to enter our woods," a woman demanded.

Adam opened his eyes to find a man with an arrow aimed straight at his heart. The woman, obviously the leader among the two, had both hands on her hips as she leaned forward to examine him. He had a feeling that he should be more worried about the woman than the man, however. While she seemed to be weaponless, he didn't think she would be so confident without good reason.

"I asked you a question," the woman said tightly. "Now who are you and what business do you have in the Whispering Woods?"

"I came for shelter, nothing more," Adam revealed cautiously.

"Then what of those swords you carried?" the man demanded. "You don't really think we are stupid enough to believe you are as innocent as you claim, do you? Because those swords say otherwise."

"I am merely a messenger," Adam defended. "I have been commissioned to be sure those swords are delivered, nothing more."

"They must be for Hordak, then," the woman seemed to be saying to herself. "Then if that is your only reason for being here, I suggest you return to whatever land you came from and never return. Consider your duty done," she ordered.

"But my swords," Adam protested.

"The lady said you have delivered them as you were ordered," the man countered, a warning clearly in his voice.

Adam leaned forward. "But they have not been delivered and I demand that you return them to me."

"I don't think you are in any position to demand anything," the same man replied.

"I think there's more to these swords than you are claiming," the woman told him, obviously suspicious. "If you ever want to see those swords again, I suggest you tell me all you know."


Back in Doom Tower, Hordak was contemplating his next move as Shadow Weaver hovered nearby. "Hordak, this stranger easily took down your force today. Your call for a retreat was a sound decision."

"This warrior intrigues me, Shadow Weaver. He is a much more formidable enemy. Is he an ally of the Great Rebellion, you think?"

"I don't think so. The Rebellion is still quite small. If they are able to attract such allies, they would have used them sooner. I suggest we send someone to learn more about this stranger," Shadow Weaver replied in harsh, hoarse tones. "It is always best to know your enemies."

"Good idea, Shadow Weaver. I must admit that his style of dress is quite familiar. You know, they remind me of a world I have not seen in nearly 20 years," Hordak said, now lost in thought. "I think it's time to call upon an old 'friend'." Hordak shared a sinister smile with his confidant.


"I demand to know where my son is!" King Randor paced in his throne room, while Queen Marlena sat in her chair, her head buried in her hands in worry.

"I have a few more search teams who have not yet reported back to me. Once I have any word, I will debrief you immediately," Man At Arms assured. He had also sent a message to the Sorceress in case He-Man was in battle somewhere, but felt it was more prudent to keep quiet until he heard back from her.

"He is not in any of his usual fishing spots, and it is unlike him to leave Cringer at home," the queen added. "I'm just worried that Skeletor has somehow gotten to him!"

A sudden bright light in the room had everyone at attention. "Your majesties, fear not, your son is safe," the Sorceress announced. Her voice and holographic image appeared before them.

"Well, where is he?" the King demanded.

"I have sent Adam with He-Man to Etheria," the Sorceress replied. "They have been entrusted with an important mission, and I am confident that He-Man will keep your son safe."

"I don't like that my only son was sent on a mission without my consultation," King Randor told her with displeasure.

"But if He-Man is with him, sire, you know that he is in safe hands," Man At Arms pointed out. The king agreed reluctantly.

"Be assured that Adam's presence is needed. I would not place your son in the way of danger without good cause."

"What is this mission about, Sorceress?" Queen Marlena asked.

"That, I am sorry, I cannot say beyond that it is a retrieval mission. I strongly believe that this will be the difference between success or failure in our battles against Skeletor and his forces."

"I trust your sage wisdom and advice, Sorceress, but I will not tolerate such future actions being taken without my consent," Randor finally replied after a time of contemplation.

"You have my word, King Randor."

"Is it possible to receive regular updates on Adam's safety and their progress?" the queen asked anxiously.

"I will do what I can," the Sorceress promised.

The conversation ended and King Randor immediately called Man-At-Arms closer to discuss their strategy to uphold their defenses while He-Man was away. Randor was confident that security would need to be increased, especially once Skeletor discovered He-Man's temporary absence.


Skeletor cackled in triumph as he reveled in the spoils of his recent success. "It's almost too easy!" Skeletor crowed with glee.

"Skeletor, what are you going to do with these weapons?" Beast Man asked. He and Tri-Klops were in charge of carrying the weapons back to Snake Mountain, but didn't understand what they were for.

"These are weapons that hold great power. They're just what I need for my next attack on Castle Grayskull," Skeletor explained. "Just wait until the Sorceress sees what I will do with this!"

Skeletor discovered three weeks ago that a high-security transport was on its way to the palace. Curious, he had Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops follow the shipment for further information. Upon discovering the valuable arsenal of artillery that the transport carried, he immediately began planning his strategy on how to obtain this commodity.

"At least you didn't bungle this one up for once," Skeletor said with some disgust at his band of evil warriors. "You were even sneaky enough to get past He-Man's notice."

The group arrived back to Snake Mountain and Skeletor was eager to examine his new possessions. Evil-Lyn had remained behind at headquarters while Skeletor had gone personally to retrieve the weapons and she was anxiously awaiting his return.

She heard Skeletor's voice approach, so went out to meet him. "Skeletor, come quickly. It's Hordak."


The image of King Randor and his wife Queen Marlena faded from the Sorceress' mystic mirror. She returned to her throne room and sat in contemplation. The brief discussion with King Randor and Queen Marlena had the Sorceress worried. What if she had commissioned Prince Adam to undertake this journey out of purely selfish reasons? While she was confident that He-Man would contact her if the need arose, she worried that she had thrust him into an unknown enemy that he was ill-prepared to fight.

The Sorceress' previous encounters with Hordak and his Horde forces proved that he could be a formidable opponent. He-Man's Sword of Power was strong enough for any enemy, and the Sword of Protection he also carried may prove to help him in other ways as well. However much she worried, she could not let these fears deter her from this mission's ultimate objective. Her most fiercely-protected secret was in danger of being exposed and she had to use all weapons at her disposal to fight on behalf of Eternia and its treasures.

In a moment of weakness, she called forth images from her past. They were a reminder of all the reasons why she willingly faced the isolation of Castle Grayskull and the endless struggles she endured daily. If those she loved could be protected from harm, she would readily face any amount of torment.