Sorry this has taken so long to post. However my person doing beta never got back. So this has not been beta. please forgive any grammer errors.

Enjoy and please read and review.

Disclaimer Nope still do not own NCIS.

They had arrived at the University Trauma Center about 30 mintues later

They had arrived at the University Trauma Center about 30 minutes later. Ziva had already been taken to surgery.

When they arrived Tony was holding a sleeping Nick. The last person he thought he would ever see walked out with the attending ER doctor.

"Mr. David?" The doctor asked.

"No, I am Tony DiNozzo, Ziva is my fiancé, this is our son and"

"I am her father Levi David." The Director reached out his hand while gently laying a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"I am Dr Hadja and this is Dr Benoit. We stabilized Ziva in the ER, she was unconscious and required blood then they took her immediately to surgery. If she makes it through surgery then the next 48 hours will be very critical. I am sorry."

Tony felt the little one move on his shoulder. Nick suddenly awoke and cried out for Ima.

Tony tried to quiet his son, and then the little one saw him and wiggled from Tony and called out for Sabba.

Tony let him go to the Director. The Director gave him a hug and whispered something in Hebrew in his ear and the young boy returned to Tony.

"Daddy, I want Mommy." Nick reached for Tony and he lifted him up.

Jeanne watched Tony with this little boy and wondered how he could have had a relationship with her not to long ago and had this beautiful little boy and fiancé.

"Tony, if you would need anything just let us know." Jeanne finally spoke.

Tony just nodded.

"Can you just let me know when we can see her?"

"Sure, let me show you to the family waiting area for trauma's you can be in this room until the surgeon comes to talk to you."

Jeanne watched as an entire group of people all stood up and joined Tony, Nick and the Director to go to the room.

When the arrived in the waiting room. Abby reached over and hugged Tony and Nick who had a death grip on Tony.

Gibbs and Jenn were standing back trying to be the strong ones in the room.

Director David then introduced himself to everyone.

"Isaac would you please watch Nick so Tony and I can go talk." The Director asked the young Mossad officer.

"Yes sir"

Tony and Levi left the room and went into an empty office next door and had a long discussion.

When they came out a Doctor was in the room he was in surgical scrubs.

"Mr. David and Mr. DiNozzo?" Dr Stewart asked

"Yes" both men answered.

"I am sorry to inform you, however just ten minutes ago Ms. David passed away. We tried everything however the blood loss was to great."

Tony kept his emotions in control and then reached over to Isaac and took his son. When he picked up the sleeping child the tears started to creep out. Abby was being held by McGee as they both cried. Jenn and Gibbs both just watched Tony as he held his son. The Director took the Doctor aside and started to talk with him about what they would need to do now. Isaac then asked Tony if he would like to head home as he would be willing to escort him and Nick home. Tony nodded.

The rest of the team then also headed out of the hospital and walked out to there cars. Gibbs phoned Ducky at NCIS to let him know what had happened.

The following morning the team minus Tony and Ziva met at NCIS in the bullpen. Abby was red eyed and still weeping silently. She had lost another best friend. Suddenly Ducky arrived on the floor. He said he received a call from a friend that a black sedan from the Israeli embassy had exploded last night. He regretfully informed them that Tony, Nick and Isaac had been in the car at the time. He stated all three bodies were badly burned. However his friend at the FBI said that the dental records matched Tony's and also the lungs were scarred from Y Pestis.

Gibbs grabbed his computer monitor and threw it to the floor and screamed. Jenn grabbed him into a tight hug. She started to sob.

Abby melted into the floor and started to hyperventilate. McGee tried to hug her and help calm her down however he could not stop his own tears.

Ducky went over to Abby and McGee and they pulled him into a hug and he also started to let the tears fall.

It was on thing to loose one member of the family however now they had lost three members.

Gibbs looked over at the picture of Nick sitting on Ziva's desk and could only think of how much younger he was than Kelly. He had not even begun to live his life.

Just then Kami and Director David stepped off the elevator. He saw the team in there grief. Apparently they had been informed of the fate of Tony and Nick. Gibbs saw the Director and pulled away from Jenn. Both of them gained there composure and greeted the Mossad Director.

"Director David, I am so sorry." Jenn and Gibbs both offered.

"Shalom, and Thank You. I assume you know of Tony and my grandson." The Director took a deep breath and regained his composure.

"I understand Tony has no family other than you, and I have requested to have his remains to be returned with Ziva and Arim's or Nick as you call him they will be buried in our family grave site near Tel Aviv." He took a deep breath and continued.

"You are all welcomed to attend the funeral in Israel if you wish. The bodies are all being transported now back to Tel Aviv the funeral will be the day after tomorrow. I think they would have wanted you there." The Director stated.

"We would love to come. May I ask who will be sitting Shivah?" Jenny asked the Director.

"I will be sitting Shivah for all three, it is only proper. However if one of you would prefer to do this for Tony I would understand."

"I think Tony would be fine with you sitting Shivah for all of them" Gibbs offered.

"If you would like to gather some clothing my private jet leaves in three hours for Tel Aviv. You may return with me if you want."

The team all red eyed from there grief nodded and Thanked the director for the use of his Jet and left to get there personal belongings.


Paris France, Disneyland Paris

Jethro and Jenny Gibbs had went on there 6th anniversary to Disneyland Paris and were joined by Abby and Tim and there 4 year old son Tony. It had been the 7th anniversary of Tony, Ziva and Nick's death. Jenny and Jethro had retired just a year after their death and got married. Abby and Tim married a year after. Abby and Tim were very excited when they had a son and decided to name him after there best friend. Before going to Paris they had made a side trip to Israel. It was an annual trip to visit the graves of there friends. It was hard to believe it had been 7 years it seemed as just yesterday they died.

Abby and Tim were waiting inline with Tony to go on Car Race Rally. Suddenly they all saw a couple with children yelling and laughing in Italian. In one car was a man with thinning hair sitting with a young boy about ten years old and in another car was a woman of Israeli decent in a car with a five year old girl who looked just like her. They were all yelling in Italian at each other and bumping into the others cars.

Jethro and Jenny both rushed to the exit and stopped them as they got out the gate.

"Tony, Ziva?" Jethro asked?

Tony and Ziva looked scared and looked at the kids.

"I am sorry. Do we know you?" Tony asked in Italian.

Ziva was grabbing the kids and looking around as they all stood talking to there old bosses.

"Umm, sorry I only speak English, broken French and Russian" Jethro said in his best broken French.

"We are Tomas and Isabella this is our son Daniel and daughter Celeste." Ziva spoke in perfect English.

"You must have us confused we are from Italy, we have lived there all our lives. My husband is a professor and I stay at home with our children."

Now Abby and Tim and Tony were also standing there talking with this young couple.

Jethro and Jenny looked at each other they knew immediately that Tony and Ziva could not talk there.

"Why don't you join us at our villa, we live part of the year near here." Tony offered.

"It is getting late and Tony is tired." Abby offered.

"He can take a nap at our house and then we can return later."

Jethro watched as Tony and Ziva spoke to there kids in Italian and explained there

plan. He wondered if the kids spoke English at all.

When they arrived at the Villa, Tony and Ziva sent there kids to there rooms for a rest and showed Abby a room for Tony to lie down in.

Jethro was the first to ask "WHY?"

Ziva looked down and started to talk when Tony placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

"Boss, you see when Ziva was shot, he did nearly kill her, and however he was not the last person that wanted to hurt Nick and Ziva and me. Ziva's father arranged to put us all under protective custody with the Mossad. When he took me in the other room he offered me an out. I could not leave Ziva and our son. I had been in love with Ziva for a long time, I had just not wanted to get in trouble for breaking rule 12 so I hid my feelings.

When I almost lost her, I knew what I had to do. Ziva did fine with surgery and was flown out that night to Tel Aviv, Nick and I went with her."

Ziva then takes over the story.

"We hated to see you all hurt so much however I could not risk someone else being hurt. We stayed in Tel Aviv for a year in hiding, and then we moved to Italy and started the new life my father had created for us. Just after we moved there I became pregnant with Celeste, and we are expecting another baby in 6 months. We could not let you know anything or else you would be in danger and so would we. I regret hurting you all however I do not regret being able to give us a real life free of Mossad and NCIS and CIA. As far as anyone knows Nick, Ziva and Tony are dead. We are now just Tomas and Isabella."

"If you would like to be friends with us because we remind you of someone you knew then we must ask you forget us and leave. If you want to be friends with us because we met in France and had a lot in common then please stay." Tony offered.

Tim, Abby, Jethro and Jenny all looked at each other.

"Well, Isabella I guess we do have a lot in common because I am pregnant also and expecting a little girl in 4 months." Abby announced.

"That is wonderful Abby."

"Yeah, we are naming her after a dear friend of ours who died her name was Ziva, our son Tony is named also after a dear friend of ours who died."

Tony and Ziva smiled at each other and the entire team smiled. Tony and Ziva may have died however the names would live forever in two young children.

"If this child is a girl we are naming her Loretta Abagail."

"And if it is a boy he will be Davide Timothy, to go with Daniel Jethro and Celeste Jennifer." Tony stated proudly.

They all laughed and continued to talk. Ziva brought out picture albums to show off there children. Soon the team forgot about the sorrow they had felt for the last seven years and rejoiced in the seven years Tomas and Isabella had found.

The End