Is That A Girl?
It is when Ruka places a bet that if Hotaru acts like a girl for at least one week, Ruka becomes Hotaru's slave and if Ruka wins, the other way around HxR
Expect OCCness
Chapter – Change
They were all in the cafeteria except for the odd couple.
"What should I do Ruka-pyon?I don't want Natsume dating my best friend" The brunette said
"Well, I wouldn't want Hotaru hanging out with my best friend either"The animal lover said
"Why don't you just go tell them that you liked them and wouldn't ever want them to go out with any one else"Nonoko said "And they'll dump each other and you'll live happily ever after!"Anna said day dreaming
"Mikan, as one of your friends you should get Natsume back before any more stupid things happens"Yuu said
"Iie(No)"Mikan complained
"Demo(but)"Yuu was cut by Ruka "Iie, I'll talk to Hotaru instead"With that Ruka went off to find Hotaru
"What now?"Anna asked "Why not get ice cream?"Nonoko asked and everyone stood up to buy ice cream
Hotaru was walking by the corridors "She's walking by the corridors alone?" entered Ruka's mind, Ruka then surprisingly went in front of Hotaru "Hotaru what's been going on lately?"He asked "Where did you come from?" She registered the words "I'll ask the questions Hotaru" He said "Fine" She replied coldly,she never had anyone standing up to her before except for the teachers "Hotaru, what's been going on lately?" He asked once more "Nane(what)?" Hotaru then asked in a confused look "You know, you and Natsume dating?Hanging out?Making out?" So much did he add "Well that's what girlfriend boyfriend do." "baka" She whispered "What!Hotaru how could you?" He said "But-" Hotaru was cut off "You know I love you"Ruka said "What? I thought he was just playing with me? Now I know, yet how?" She asked her self "Ruka-"She was cut off with a kiss from her admirer, but who knew Natsume was there seeing the stolen kiss while Hotaru just allowed it to happen, "Ruka!" Natsume shouted in anger throwing fireballs at Ruka while Ruka just dodged it perfectly "STOP!" Hotaru shouted in front of Natsume which accidentally made Natsume throw a fire ball on Hotaru's shoulder "I'm sorry-" He was cut off by Hotaru "I don't want to hear another word, were over!" She said trying to take the fire out "Hotaru?" "I never knew you'd do anything for me…for love…"Registered in Ruka's mind, Natsume then left and went on a look out for Mikan
Mikan was studying her notes when suddenly the door slammed, Natsume was there "Natsu-" She was cut off by kiss "Demobut…How?" Mikan asked "I love you more than Hotaru"He replied "Really?"She asked "Really"He replied then started to take Mikan's clothes off "Natsume,don't, I'm getting naked!" She shouted "But I'm getting naked too" He replied and took off everything he had on, now they were both naked, Natsume pushed Mikan onto the bed "Natsume what are you-ooohhh ahhh" She started moaning as soon as Natsume sucked on her breast, He then went for her womanhood and started to lick it, he held her thighs which made Mikan moan out louder as Natsume tried to heaten up his hands, he then went up to her neck and bit it hard several times Mikan didn't let Natsume have all the fun so before another bite Mikan went to his manhood and tried to suck it "For a beginner your alright" Natsume said as they continued this all afternoon they fell asleep naked, Mikan on top of Natsume kissing him and Natsume holding Mikan's breast with his manhood inserted in her womanhood.
Ruka was kissing Hotaru hard, they were on a date at one of the finest restaurants around
"I'll go to the comfort room" Hotaru said standing up, She wore a glittery lavender gown which dragged onto the floor and let her curves be seen, Hotaru had her hair pony-tailed and her bangs flow through like Eika Ichijo the main character in the anime Sky Girls, She was turning 18 after 3 days, which means her debut
"Haiyes" Ruka said exaggerating his blushing
In the comfort room
"I'd better look good" She said putting on more make-up
"You better should" Said a voice, she turned around and saw Anna "What are you doing here?!" Hotaru asked demanding an answer "I'm on a date with Yuu" She replied "Your going out with Yuu?"She asked "Yeah, and I see your going out with Ruka, those bite marks on the neck are actually obvious" She said "Your spying?"Hotaru asked another question "Enough with the questions, just make yourself more pretty so Ruka'll ask you to be his girlfriend"Anna said going out of the room
"How does she know?"She asked herself getting out of the room
"Hotaru you look prettier…"Ruka said with a blush "Thanks" She said drinking her drink, after finishing her drink she found a ring with her name engraved on it "What's this?"She asked "Uhhh…Hotaru, would you wanna be my girlfriend?" Ruka asked shyly "Yes! I'd love to! Although I was surprised I thought you going to propose to me"She said laughing and Ruka laughed also "I love you"She said giving Ruka a kiss,Ruka then let his mouth open to give way for Hotaru's tongu, Hotaru explored his mouth and licked every part of it, the y broke the kiss after 15 seconds "Shall we go?"Ruka asked "Yes" Hotaru replied
Mikan woke up shocked, she took Natsume off her "Why are you hear?" She said forgetting they were boyfriend and girlfriend already "I'm your boyfriend" He said getting a kiss from her "Now change in these" Natsume was holding a bikini, when Mikan tried them on, her breast could almost be seen and her but was seen fully since the bikini bottom was t-back "Uhm, it's too small"Mikan said "Nonsense,now tried these on.
Mikan tried everything her boyfriend gave her, A V-shaped shirt with a bra that cover two-fifth of her breast,which means four fifth of her nipple was exposed, a t-back panty and an oh so short skirt which made her but half seen "Now come with me to the club" Natsume said "but I can't wear these outside, I'm almost naked!" She whined " Nonsense,lets go" He pulled her hand,while walking in the ways everyboy would look at her nipples and some would've almost touched her butt "Here we are, Club Twix" Natsume said and they entered,He started to dance"Come on Mikan"He encouraged Mikan to dance which made her did, everytime she bounced , her breast would bounce make her bra slowly take off, Natsume didn't tell her 'cause that was he's plan,when Mikan's breast was completely exposed Natsume then made a passionate kiss with Mikan,he touched her butt until he can insert his fingers inside it,Mikan tried to move but she couldn't move, after the 10 second kiss Natsume surprisingly went to sucking her breast, good thing they were near a chair,Mikan fell and before she knew it They were having sex,Her shirt was nowhere to be seen since Natsume threw it away and her skirt was nowhere also she was completely naked except for the bikini."Natsume, I'm naked,let's go now "Fine" Natsume was still happy even with the disappointed looks 'cause he got her girlfriend naked walking with him around the academy
"Ruka do you want to sleep here?"Hotaru asked "If it's okay with you,sure" He replied "Oh,it's okay with me"Hotaru replied "I'll get clothes ,see you in 1 min"Hotaru dressed in a translucent night gown with no underwear or bra or panty, just a translucent night gown, she waited for 10 more seconds until Ruka came,she opened the door and all Ruka could do was stare, seeing her breast and woman hood "Hotaru aren't you gonna place underwear on?" He asked shocked "Oh, no,no,no" Hotaru replied "Go change now" She added, she waited for 1 min for him to change, went out with his underwear still on "What are you doing?" Ruka said as soon as Hotaru tried to take off everything he had on, while she took his brief off she tried to lick his manhood which made Ruka froze, now he was completely naked "You can wear nothing while we sleep" Hotaru said "Why are you doing theis?"Ruka asked "I am your girlfriend"She said "Now let's take a sleep
Ruka went to sleep fast but little did he know Hotaru was awake
Is it good?? Reviews pls :) Flames are acceptable