This isn't my first fanfic. I tried one a year or two ago and it didn't go well because of two reasons: I am always to quick with stories. I seem to have a problem to let my stories process on a normal and calm way. Second reason: my inspiration died away.
So I'm trying again. Be mild, I'm just trying to write anyway.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own anything from Labyrinth. Just my own characters.



She ran.

But there was something wrong.

She couldn't hear a thing besides her breathing and the sound of her high-heeled shoes clicking on the shining, white floor.

Her fingers ran along the smooth, peach-coloured marble walls while turning around a corner.

Something magical was going on here.

She wasn't supposed to hear only her breathing and her shoes.

And everything seemed to go in slow-motion.

Was she really that alone?

And where exactly was she?

She suddenly was aware that she was wearing a sparkly, white and simple dress.

It wasn't a puffy dress, but a dress that glided along with you when you turned around very fast.

It was like the wind controlled the dress.

If she could fly, the dress would create his own dance around her.

She stopped running and stood still for a moment and she looked up to the immense large door with golden knobs.

Her hand stretched out to touch the knob but sudden fear swept over her.

She firmly bit her lip and she got a defiant look in her eyes.

She was not a coward.

Not after everything she had been through.

Her hand touched the knob and she pulled.

The door went open and a flash of white light lightened everything so nothing was visible... .

Chapter 1 is coming up. A prologue is mostly vague. But I promise I will update as soon as possible. Please leave a contribution in the little (review) box. Thank you señorita/ señorito!