I am thinking of changing my penname. Thinkerandwriter is just to dull. I think it should be something related to the Akatsuki. Oh well… I decided to try to a fanfiction about the lives of Kakashi's parents. Bear with me here…I don't know much about his parents. To tell you the truth, I know more about his father than I do about his mother. I've searched countless websites for information on her and all I got was information I already knew about Sakumo and Kakashi…. Grr…. So his mother in this fanfiction will be my OC.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did then the Akatsuki members who died would still be alive.

The Lives of The Hatake Clan

Chapter 1: Meeting the Gang

"So this is the famous Konoha." A young woman spoke aloud to her comrades as they approached the gates with the kanji 'fire' painted on them. "Let's show those leaf ninjas what the Hidden Rock Village is made of!" She pulled her unruly frizzy black hair into a ponytail and tightened her Iwa hita-ate.

"Kukiko no baka." One of her comrades said rubbing his temples with his left hand. "We are just here for the Chuunin exams. No need to get so worked up."

"Oh Takeshi! You and Daijiro need to lighten up!" Kukiko said with a smirk as she looked in her bag for the passports. After searching for a while, she gave a nervous giggle and said, "Ano…Daijiro…Do you happen to have the passports with you?"

"No, I gave them to you at the teahouse a couple miles back… Don't say you lost them!" Daijiro shouted grabbing Kukiko's neck and started to strangle her. "Ack! Dai..jiro!...Can't…breathe!!" "Daijiro-san, let go of Kukiko this instant." Takeshi pulled Daijiro away from Kukiko who was still emitting a killer aura at the girl. "I have the passports here." He said waving three passports in Daijiro's face. "I noticed that the baka over there left these on the table as we left. I grabbed them on the way out."

Kukiko smiled sheepishly as she moved her hands through her hair. "Hehehe. I knew I forgot something at the teahouse. Thank you Takeshi!"

The boys sighed as they continued on the way to Konoha. "Daijiro-san, I've told you countless times that you can not give important documents or actually anything to Kukiko! She's misplaced more things than we can count! Remember that time we went on a mission with Torao-sensei. We gave her the tents and food supply…" "Hai, Hai… We spent a week sleeping outdoors in the rain and living on berries. We all caught flu's by the time we got home."

"It's not my fault! A bear came and…" "We've heard the excuse before Kukiko. A bear came and demanded those items for its annual hibernation. Geez Kukiko. Think of another excuse will ya." Daijiro mumbled as they went through the Konoha gates.

"Halt! Stop right there and give us your names and reasons for being here." The guards said as they stopped the kids from going any further.

"We are here for the Chuunin exams. Our names are none of your business." Takeshi said giving the guards their passports. "Our names are on the passports, baka." Kukiko mumbled under her breath. "Urusai!" Takeshi yelled at her hitting the top of her head. "ITTA! That hurts!" Kukiko said rubbing her new bruise.

"Well, these papers seem to be accurate. You three are free to go ahead." The guards replied handing over the passports and stepped aside. "Domo Arigato!" Kukiko responded cheerily as she ran off dragging her comrades with her. She was skipping and taking in the sights of Konoha in awe. "This village looks much wealthier than ours!" She spoke after a while. "Oi! Oi! Kukiko! Watch where you're going!" Daijiro shouted at her.

"Nani?" She said as she turned to Daijiro before crashing into a silver haired kid with a ponytail wearing a white t-shirt with a red zigzag on the sleeves and a leaf hita-ate. They both fell on their butts from the impact of the crash. A blond haired kid with cerulean eyes laughed at his friend and the strangers.

"Who are you? Especially to rudely crash into….Minato! For Kami's sake, stop laughing!" The silver haired kid snapped at his friend.

The blond haired kid ignored his friend and fell to the floor holding his stomach still laughing. "Minato! It's not that funny!" The silver haired kid yelled at him hitting him on his head while the Iwa genin sweatdropped. "Does every leaf ninja act like this?" Kukiko whispered to her companions. Minato stopped laughing and glared at his friend saying "ITTA! Why did you do that?!" Rubbing his head, he got up of the road.

"Nevermind Minato. We will talk about it later. Now. Who are you three. I've never seen you in Konoha before." "You know, It's polite to say your name first before asking what ours is." Takeshi said in a huff. The silver haired kid glared at him and said "Fine. My name is Hatake Sakumo and this baka is Namikaze Minato. Now, state your names and the reason for you being here. We aren't really on friendly terms with you rock ninjas."

"You don't have to be so rude about it. I'm Kagome Kukiko and these are my companions Hayashi Daijiro and Sato Takeshi. We are here for the Chuunin exams. We aren't here to attack your precious village, so don't worry about it." Kukiko smirked at him and then asked "Gomen-nasai, but can you tell us where the nearest hotel is. My comrades and I are exhausted from the long trip from the Hidden Rock to here."

"Hai. It's a couple of blocks north. Now, Excuse us, but we must find our senseis, sayounara!" Sakumo replied as he rushed off dragging Minato by the wrist; leaving a cloud of dust for the Iwa genin to choke on.

"What a weird bunch. Okay. Takeshi! Sign us up for the Chuunin exams. Being the Iwa representatives this year is a special honor! Daijiro and myself will check into the hotel. See you later!" Kukiko grabbed Daijiro and ran off to the main village where the hotels were according to Sakumo.

"Hey! Who made…you boss of this…" Takeshi said as he watched them leave. "Oh, forget it. That girl is as stubborn as a mule." He sighed as he kicked a pebble on the road and walked to the Hokage tower to grab a couple of Chuunin exam applications.

Meanwhile, Sakumo and Minato managed to find their senseis. Minato's sensei was hiding in a bush watching the women bathers, and Sakumo's sensei was passing by. They both went there separate ways to talk to their own sensei.

"Yo Ero-sannin!" Minato said waving to Jirayia. Jirayia shushed his student as he giggled watching the women. "WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THEM BATHING!?" Minato shouted to get Jirayia's attention. "URUSAI! I'm gathering research! Now shut.." Hearing feet tapping, he gulped and turned to face a dozen angry women bathers.

"Konnichiwa, Jirayia-sama." The women bathers said before beating the tar out of the old pervert and walking off.

Minato was laughing through the whole spectacle. Jirayia turned to face his star pupil and yelled at him "Why did you do that you baka! You ruined my research." "I want to talk to you about the chuunin exams." "Oh, that. I was meaning to talk to you before I went to gather some research. Here are the applications. Turn them in by tomorrow afternoon. If you want to become a chuunin that is. It's up to you. Now, I must go home and apply some antiseptic. No thanks to you gaki." Jirayia replied getting up nursing his wounds.

Minato yelled with joy and filled it out immediately before rushing to find his friend. Sakumo found him first and shouted "Yo! Minato! Are you entering the Chuunin exams this year?" Minato smiled at him and responded "Hell yes! I want to learn more about that Iwa babe!"

Sakumo hit his friend on the head and said "Is that the only reason you are entering the Chuunin exams? To hang out with some chick? Minato..You have been hanging around Jiriayia-sensei too long. He is starting to affect you."

Minato glared at Sakumo and replied "Humph. This is going to be a long exam if you keep bonking me on the head."

Sakumo just smirked and said "Ya…I want to learn more about these Iwa genin myself…but not the way you do. You stay away from Kukiko. I don't need to ward off two angry cellmates of hers from you."

Minato huffed and said "Humph. I can protect myself Sakumo-teme." Sakumo just laughed in response.

In a hotel room, a mile away, Kukiko sneezed and said to herself "Someone is talking about me. Probably going on about how great and powerful I am." Daijiro who was in the room when she said that just rolled his eyes and prayed that this exam would end quickly.

Please review and tell me what you think. Or Sasori will turn you into his human puppets! LMAO! JK! Kukiko-san won't be pregnant with Kakashi for a couple of chapters. She is too young right now. I might save the pregnancy for the sequal. Depends on how many reviews I get. Anyway... Have to work on the Chuunin exam chapter.. At least Orchimaru won't interfer with it for another twenty years or so... lol... Please review! Bye!!