Final chapter bitch!!! And merry Christmas people!!! O and those who wanted to know I got that fat joke from Gabriel Iglesias.

Enjoy my last chapter!


Judai once again was awoken by a squeaky voice, which was starting to get on his nerves. Judai opened one eye seeing Sho in front of him yelling. This was no shocker. Sho's face was filled with excitement.

"Aniki, its Christmas!" He shouted in Judai's ear, "Get up, get up!"

"Why?" Judai groaned pulling the covers over his head trying to go back into his slumber. But Sho had a different plan in mind and pulled off Judai's sheets. Judai quickly shot up as the coldness of the room rushed through his body, "Give me that!" The brunette yelled grabbing for the sheets but Sho.

"Nope," He said with a smile, "You're getting up today! It's a special day!"

"Sorry but my birthday was in November, you're a little late!" He yelled grabbing for the white sheets. (Seriously I have no idea when Judai's birthday is)

The smaller boy laughed sarcastically, "Very funny!"

"I know my mom always did say I could make it as a comedian." He smiled.

Sho sighed and grabbed Judai's red jacket and threw it to him. "Get dressed, we're going to help set up for the Christmas party."

"What, why?!" Judai whined. He didn't want do to this stupid decorating thing, he wanted to sleep! Sho just gave him a sharp look and walked out the door. Judai took him seriously and quickly dressed himself.

When he was done he quickly ran out the door into the freezing snow. He didn't want to run because he hated that heavy cold breathing. He saw his breath in the air. Snow was lightly falling to the ground, it was a perfect Christmas Day. Judai rubbed his hands together trying to get warm. He knew he should of asked Santa for some new gloves, maybe some fuzzy socks, those were cool.

Judai walked into the Academia entrance letting the warm air hit his cold face. He couldn't feel his fingers anymore. The entrance was decorated nicely, wreathes, tinsel, lights, even mistletoe. Asuka and everyone else did a nice job, but most of the main events this evening was going to happen in the Dueling Arena. So the brunette made his way there to see if anyone was in there.

Of course there was. Everyone was, Manjyome, Asuka, Fubuki, Kezan, and Sho were decorating and some other random students. Fubuki was up on a latter trying to hang some lights and didn't see Judai walk in.

"Hey Fubuki!" Judai asked.

Fubuki turned around the wrong way apparently and fell of the latter right onto his back. Good thingit wasn't a two story latter or they would be in trouble!

Asuka sweatdropped, "Baka…"

Fubuki sat up and rubbed his head, "Ow! That stung."

Judai came over to Fubuki's aid, "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

He nodded, "Ya I'm good."

Asuka clapped her hands, "Alright people listen!" Everyone turned to her to listen. "Okay the party is in a couple of hours, so we need to get to it people! It's about noon right now party starts at 5:00 pm; we got five hours to make this place look festive so let's go!"

Everyone nodded and got back to working on there own thing. Judai helped out too, but he wasn't really focused on the decorating, it was on this surprised gift. Since Sho told him about it he hasn't been able to get it off his mind, wonder what it is? A snowboard? Video games? A cell phone? What was it? It was driving him crazy! But what ever it was he would have to wait and see


They were finally done with preparing for the Christmas Party, and it was almost 5:00 so it barley gave anyone time to go get ready. It looked nice though, a DJ table, a bunch of lights which always look cool, tables with food, it was really awesome!

Judai left before any of them did, he wanted to go and hurry to the dorm to get ready. Even Judai wants to look pretty!

He walked into his room and quickly threw things out of his closet trying to look for something to wear that wasn't too dressy or wasn't too underdressed. He groaned with frustration, he didn't have very nice things to wear. But after minutes of searching he finally found something. It was saggy jeans, which were very hot might I add. Also a white hoddie that would make Judai look so skater! Again, which is hot!

Judai was satisfied with what he had so he quickly slipped on his clothes, which he was left with about 10 minutes to comb his hair and et to the Academia. So to save time he didn't brush his hair and just started to run out his door.

The day started to become night, since it's winter it gets dark early. Judai hated that because it always seemed so late when it was actually quite early. The snow was still light and the air was colder than before so this made Judai's hands extra colder than they already were. But he didn't care all he wanted was that surprised gift! It seemed really big for everyone to keep it a big for everyone of his friends to be in on it!

Judai once again entered the warmth of the school. He shook his head as the snow floated off of his brown hair. He soon saw his friends and ran up to them. He jumped up and down, "Okay I'm ready for my present!"

"How did you know about a present?" Asuka asked.

Judai looked at Sho which had an expression that was telling Judai not to say that he was the one that told him. But again Judai was clueless, "Sho told me."

Everyone turned and glared at the small blunette. "You couldn't keep your mouth shut?" Manjyome said gritting his teeth. Sho yelped and backed away slowly.

"Okay, okay forget about that where is my big present?!" Judai said with glee.

Everyone looked at each other. The truth is Johan hadn't showed up yet, which was strange because he was supposed to be here before the party. Asuka smiled nervously, "Well…um…you have to wait…because…"

"It's not ready yet!" Kenzan burst out.

Asuka smiled and nodded, "Yeah it's not ready yet."

"Oh okay." Judai said a little disappointed. He couldn't wait anymore.

"So in the mean time let's have some fun!" Fubuki said full of excitement.

Everyone nodded and walked into the Dueling Arena where everything was set up. There was music playing and people dancing. Everyone looked like they were having a great time. Soon everyone went their own ways. Judai was left alone to do as he pleased but really all he did was sit in a corner and watched everyone. For some reason he still wasn't that happy, he thought he'd be more enthusiastic today but he wasn't for some reason. But something caught Judai's eye….Principal Samejima and Asuka were talking.

Judai quickly stood up wondering what they could possibly be talking about. As he saw the two walk out of the room he started to run after them. But he was stopped by Mnajyome.

"Hey where are you going?" He called out to him.

Judai looked over where Asaka and Samejima were once standing, "Samejima-sensei and Asuka were talking just know."

Manjyome realized what those two were probably talking about, so right know all he could do was try to stall Judai. "Hey Judai come over here!"

"Wait I wanna go see what they were talking about!" Judai called back over the loud music. As he started to walk away.

"Shit!" Manjyome mumbled. He started to push through the people trying to reach the almost running brunette. He finally caught up to him and grabbed his arm, "Judai wait!"

Judai turned around, "What is it?"

"Um…I eh…" Crap he couldn't think of anything to say.

Judai pulled away from Manjyome, "Look I'll talk to you later, I have to go." He said and again started to walk away.

"Wait!" Manjyome yelled but it wasn't necessary because Judai stopped in his tracks when he saw the handsome blunette standing in front of him.

For some reason Judai's body started to shake, "Jo…han?" He said in a whisper from his mouth being dry.

Johan smiled sweetly, "Hey."

Tears filled up in Judai's brown eyes as he jumped onto his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Johan's neck embracing him in a hug, "I thought you weren't coming." Judai sobbed.

Johan laughed holding the brunette in his arms, "You think I'd miss a Christmas with you? Not a chance."

Judai looked up in Johan;s emerald eyes and then gently kissed his lips. Johan deepened the kiss as the shivers ran through Judai's body of his boyfriend being with him after a few months of being apart.

Manjyome coughed, "Ahem, sorry to interrupt but there are people you need to thank Judai."

The kiss between the two was broken as Judai stared puzzled at Manjyome, "What do you mean?"

Asuka came from behind them, "He means that this was your Christmas present Judai. We had arrangements for Johan to come here from Europe."

"Wait you…guys did this?" Judai said in a shocked voice.

Fubuki, Sho and Kezan came behind Manjyome and smiled.

"We knew how much you missed Johan so we decided to have him fly here to cheer you up." Sho said with a big grin.

Fubuki gave a smirk, "And seeing how you two were just know I would say that you're feeling better." Judai blushed madly.

"Well what do you say?" Kenzan smiled.

"Thank you all so much, you don't know how much this means to me." Judai said with tears in his eyes. He looked back up at Johan, "I'm just so glad you're here."

Johan kissed Judai's cheek, "I am too I've missed you so much."

Judai's face reddened even more looking around seeing his friends staring at them. Judai was waving his hand for them to go away and they did as they were told, so they didn't interrupt their moment.

Johan gasped, "Oh I have something for you!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace with a locket on it. It was silver and very pretty.

Judai covered his mouth, "This is for me?"

Johan nodded, "Yes, go ahead and open it."

Judai smiled and carefully took it out of Johan's hands. He opened the tiny locket on the necklace and as soon s he opened it a very soothing tune started to play and there was a small picture of him and Johan inside. The tears in Judai's eyes started to over flow, "Johan it's…beautiful I love it so much." He quickly wrapped the necklace around his neck and clasped it together.

Johan smiled, "It looks good on you."

Judai smiled back then his face became shocked, "I didn't get you anything! I'm so sorry, I just didn't know you were coming so I couldn't-"

Johan cut off Judai's sentence with a kiss. He whispered in Judai's ear, "Being with you is more than enough for a present."

Judai's eyes widened, then shrugged, "Well if you say so."

Johan wrapped his arms around Judai, "Oh and Merry Christmas Judai-kun."

Judai closed his eyes, "Merry Christmas."

This was more than Judai could ever ask for, for Christmas. Guess third time really is the charm, because it made his dream come true.


Kikuchan: I't done!!! And I did it Christmas night!!

Judai: yay!! My johan came back to me

Kikuchan: don't celebrate for long you know you're still the uke. So at night you'll know where you'll be

Judai: why do u have to be so mean?!?

Kikichan: BECAUSE IT CAN!! Plz review!!