Sakura-chan: Hooray! It's about time that I uploaded! I'm going to try to upload all my stories TWICE today! Enjoy!


The Way the Chuunin Exams Were Supposed To Be

By Sakura-Chan555

Chapter 2

Sitting, Fan Clubs, and Sasuke

As Sakura was reading her medical book, Uchiha Sasuke had entered the room. He was relieved that he had left early enough not to get trampled by his many fan girls. He saw that there were very few people in the room, but one person had caught his eye. It was the pink haired girl that was in his spot. So, he walked over to where she was sitting. He stood there for a while, wondering when the pink haired girl would notice him, but she just sat there, reading her medical book.

'Why would she be reading a medical book? It's not like she's training to be a medical ninja at twelve. She would have to be at least a Chuunin to do that, right?' Sasuke thought. Since the girl still wouldn't notice him, he cleared his throat. She looked up from her book and looked over at him.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"You're kind of in my spot," he said plainly. It seemed like the girl blushed out of embarrassment.

"Oh! Gomen nasai. I'll move spots, right away," she said. So, he got out of her spot and moved benches, leaving Sasuke a bit shocked.

'I'm going to have to keep an eye on that girl. She may be up to something,' he thought, as he sat down.

In the Hogake's Office…

"So that's Uchiha Sasuke, eh? Looks like he just came into an encounter with a young girl," said Hatake Kakashi. The third nodded his head.

"That young girl is Haruno Sakura, Tsunade's newest apprentice," the third said. The room filled with Jounin gasped.

"How could this be? Why would Tsunade have her apprentice come here?" asked Maito Gai.

"For extra training. Kakashi, I want you to keep an eye on her, though I have a feeling that Sasuke is keeping his eye on her too," the third said.

"I wonder how she's going to react towards Naruto. I mean, we don't even know if she knows about him and the Kyuubi!" Yuuhi Kurenai exclaimed. The third just smirked and gave a light chuckle.

"Do not worry. I have a feeling that she'll be just fine," the third reassured.

"You seem to have a lot of faith in this girl. Any specific reason?" asked the third's son, Sarutobi Asuma.

"You'll see," said the Third, a smirk on his face.

Back at Ninja Academy...

The small classroom was now bustling with newly graduated Genin. Most of the male Genin were talking and socializing, while most of the female Genin were trying to ask the young Uchiha prodigy out. Sakura had made some small talk with the shy Hyuuga heiress, Hyuuga Hinata, and found out that she, too, wanted to become a medical ninja. Surely, Sakura would've offered to teach her, but she was afraid that she might come out boastful in the shy heiress' eyes. So, she just said that she wanted to become a medical ninja and left it at that.

While no one was looking, Sasuke kept taking side glances at the pink haired girl, wondering why she hadn't fallen head over heels for him yet. Not that he cared; it's just that he was so used to that reaction he expected it every time.

"SASUKE-KUN!" Sasuke cringed when he heard someone yell out his name. He told himself not to turn around, and he didn't. He just gave a side-glance and saw that it was Yamanaka Ino. He sighed and closed his eyes, once more.


'Do you have to yell so loud?!' Sasuke thought. He just gave her one of his usual glares that said "Stay-away-from-me-or-else" and continued to think about the pink haired girl.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Ino asked. Sasuke gave another mental sigh and gave her a glare that said "Didn't-I-tell-you-to-stay-away-from-me-already?"

"HEY! I was here first, pig, so I get to sit next to him!" yelled Tomahisa Ami.

"No, I was!" exclaimed another girl. Most of the females started to fight about who got to sit next to Sasuke, which was starting to give him a headache. So, he stood up (which got the fan girls to shut up) and started walking to where the pink haired girl was sitting.

Sakura heard all of the commotion that the fan girls were making and found it rather amusing that they would all fight over one spot over one guy. Just as she was about to continue reading, she felt someone's presence and turned her head and saw that it was the same guy that told her to get out of his spot (in a nice way).

"Trying to get away from your fan club?" Sakura asked. Sasuke smirked and sat down next to Sakura.

I've been meaning to ask, but what's you're name?" he asked. Sakura chuckled lightly.

"You know, it isn't polite if one doesn't introduce himself properly to another, especially if that person is of the female species," Sakura said. Sasuke chuckled at Sakura's remark.

"You're a smart one, I can see that. I'm Uchiha Sasuke. You?" he asked.

"Thank you, I'm glad that you see that some kunoichi, like myself, have a brain. I'm Haruno Sakura. Nice to meet you," she said. The two continued talking for a while, sometimes laughing (actually it was more of Sakura giggling and Sasuke chuckling), while the fan girls stared at them with envy and jealousy.

In the Hogake's Office…

The third saw everything that went on between Sasuke and Sakura through his crystal ball and smirked.

'Looks like Sakura managed to warm up Sasuke's cold barrier. Reminds me of Tsunade and Orochimaru when they were younger,' The third though. Now all he had to do was worry about Naruto. Sigh, he had a long day up ahead of him.

Sakura-chan: Okay! Here's my first upload for this story! The next one will be out some time today. Review, constructive critism is welcom, but flames aren't! Ja ne!