Disclaimer: I do not own the characters created by Stephanie Meyer.

Preface – Angels and Dreams

Bella's POV

I walked slowly into the local Starbucks with a soft sigh. I knew he wouldn't show up. It was a long shot, but one can always hope right? I knew my angel was a character of my dreams and could never really exist. Someone that perfect was impossible.

My angel was Edward Cullen. He had auburn hair and deep, wonderful topaz eyes that you could stare into for hours on end. I suppose you could compare him to a Greek god, though that description would hardly do him justice.

I sat down in one of the cozy arm chairs and waited for my order…and the angel that would never come. Or so I thought. Just as I was about to get up to get my drink, there he was. At first I thought I really was dreaming. Then of course I forgot to look where I was going and fell right into his arms.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I said as I felt the blush creep it's way onto my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked with worry in his beautiful eyes.

"Never been better." I mumbled quietly. Then my throat closed up and I lost the ability to form coherent sentences as I often did around my angel.

Edward helped my sit down and got my drink for me, acting like a gentleman as always. He ordered his drink and sat down in the chair next to me and looked at me as if he was trying to say goodbye instead of hello. The look scared me more than it should considering I had only known my perfect angel for a little over one month. A lot had happened in that one amazing month. A small shiver went though my body as I remembered the last time we had seen each other.


I walked across the room toward my angel and gently kissed him. He deepened the kiss and laid me on the bed. As he kissed me, my body cursed with need. I pulled him closer, his body molding perfectly against mine as our mouths danced together.

Every touch brought fire to my veins and moans from my lips. With each touch our bodies danced, and my senses caught fire…

End Flashback

It had been my first time, and my world hasn't been the same since. He had disappeared the next morning leaving me a note telling me that he would call me. He didn't call for weeks, and every day tore a small hole in my heart. Then, he called and wanted to meet for coffee and the next thing I knew I was falling into his arms in the middle of Starbucks.

O.o Cliff hanger! I promise to update within the next few days. R & R please and thank you!

I will be switching between Edward and Bella's POV through out the story. The next chapter will be Edward's POV.