Disclaimer: I do not own Tsukihime or any of its intellectual property… This just a brief history of my OC with Arcueid in connection to my F/SN Tsukihime crossover posted at the F/SN Section…

Chapter one: time to heal

Just a little more and I would see him again. Damn it. Why is it taking so long for my powers to come back to me?

Arcueid woke up fully healed and her powers fully restored. There was only one thing in her mind, the man she loved.

It was early in the morning. There was one place she thought she would find him. She went to the first place where they had first met. Where she had been killed for the first time by a human…by just a human. But she ended up falling in love with that human. Now only wants is to see him again.

She arrived at the park a few minutes later. She saw someone sitting at her favorite swing. She saw a teenager, wearing the school uniform of the school where she had died the last time. He was wearing glasses. Before she knew it, she was running towards that man.

After stopping in front of him, she smiled and greeted him. "Ohayo, Shiki."

The man looked at her, no, stared at her as if he didn't know her. It turns out that he didn't.

"Y-you know my father?"

"F-father? You're Tohno Shiki's son?"

"Yes, I am. Are you a friend of his?"

Arcueid felt disappointed at herself for not recovering much quicker. She tried to hide her sorrow as much as possible. "Yes…I am an old friend of hi—"

"Then leave me alone! I hate my father." The man stood up and left the confused Shinso. She had missed a lot. Yet, there was a gnawing feeling inside of her about this man, even if he is Tohno Shiki's son.

How long has it been? sigh

It was after school hours. Tohno Reiku headed for his apartment. He passed by the park again. After seeing that no one was around, he sat on the swing and looked up the sky.

"You like this place, don't you?"

Reiku turned around and saw the woman that greeted him this morning. All he did was stare again.

"Doshite no?" Arcueid looked at him with a childish-curiosity look.

"Nothing, I'm sorry about the way I acted this morning. It's just that I went through a lot of…umm…I went through a lot because I had his blood."

"Don't apologize. You just look a lot like him."

"I hear that a lot."

"If it's ok, may I know what happened to your dad? The last time I saw him, he was just about your age."

Reiku dropped his things.

"Is anything wrong?"

"You're not normal aren't you?"

"Hmm? Why do you say that?"

"Well, my father's dead. He died fifty years ago."


"And all that Nanaya blood of his mixed with the blood of that Synchronizer maid of his is in me. It gave me eternal youth. But for me it's a curse."

Arcueid was not shocked. After all, vampires aren't the only ones that are immortal. "So that's why you hated him."


"So what's your name? Tohno –?"

"I was named Reiku but I discarded my name a long time ago. There was a red haired woman that explain to me what I was. I gave myself the name Hono Rei XIX. You can just call me Rei."

"Nice to meet you, Rei." Arcueid smiled again.

Wow, she has a cute smile.

"I'm Arcueid Brunestud."

"Umm…Nice to meet you." Rei could feel his face getting red. He wasn't able to take a good look at Arcueid's face when they first met.

"What's wrong? You're face looks red."

"Uh-umm… Nothing, it's just the heat."

"I'm just curious." Arcueid sat in the swing beside him. "What's with the XIX?"

"Oh that. This weird lady said that I had these strange abilities and there are 19 of them. Plus, I thought it would sound cool." He smiled. For the first time in his life he smiled.

"Oh, you're cute when you smile."

Rei looked at Arcueid smiling at him. He blushed and looked away. "It's getting kinda dark. I should be going."

Arcueid remembered that she had left her apartment a long time ago. She had nowhere to go yet.

"Doshite no?" Rei saw the look on Arcueid's face.

"Nothing, it's just that I've been away from this town for too long and I have no place to go yet."

"I see. Well, it's getting dark. You could stay in my apartment for the time being." Rei blurted out without thinking. Arcueid took a good look at his face which could be mistaken for a red stop light. "I-I… ummm…"

Arcueid simply smiled. "Arigato gozaimasu, Rei."

For the first time in his life, he didn't go home alone. For the first time in his life, he smiled.

I wonder what's going to happen now. – Rei

This life is getting a little bit interesting. – Arcueid

Well, that all for now…to be continued…hehehe…well, I like the Type-Moon anime's but I like Arcueid more than Saber…her childish attitude takes the cake…please read and rate and I'll update real soon…