Me: Welcome to my new fanfic!!! This fanfic contains my sweet little Susanne in Earthling form. Which means, she was actually born on Earth for the sake of this fanfic!

Susanne: I'm not too thrilled seeing as I can only use my…

Me: NO!!! Don't give away that information yet!! Um.. enjoy this fanfic!

Chapter One: The new girl and new attack!

It was a normal day at Kadic Academy at lunchtime, except for one thing. The usual table that Sissy and her 'posse' sat at, already had someone sitting at it. Outside the cafeteria though Sissy was trying to flirt with Ulrich as usual.

"For the last time Sissy, I will not go out with you." Ulrich said.

"Get lost and go look in a mirror or something. I'm hungry!" Odd said.

"Not surprising Odd. You're always hungry. You even moan in your sleep for food!" Ulrich said making the group, minus Odd, laugh. Sissy just stormed off heading toward the lunchroom.

"That's not all either. I hear there's a new girl coming to school as well." Aelita said.

"Oh... I get it, you want to get to this girl before anyone else, seeing you've already dated the whole school minus Sissy! And you got your fare share of girls slapping you in the face too." Ulrich said. Again, everyone except Odd laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Odd said irritably. "Let's go before all the good food is gone." With that the gang went inside and sat down with their lunches. The gang looked over at Sissy's table to see someone else, who was staring at Odd, writing on a piece of paper and then looking at Odd again.

"Um... I think there's going to be trouble over there. That's Sissy's usual table. She's not going to be too friendly with that girl. We should go help her." Jeremie said too late. There was already havoc over at Sissy's table.


The girl looked up startled and then looked around her. "Well I don't see anything here that says 'reserved for', do you?" She asked, making Odd and gang laugh.

"Who do you think you are, talking to me like that? Don't you know who I am?" Sissy practically hissed.

"Um... a prissy over - dramatic spoiled girl?" The girl guessed.

"That's the most part of it." Odd whispered to the others, making them laugh again.

"NO! I am the principals daughter!" Sissy yelled. "Now get away from my table!!" Before the girl could say anything, Sissy noticed the piece of paper on the table. "Oh! What do we have here?" Sissy asked snatching the piece of paper up.

"HEY! Give that back!" The girl yelled jumping up, trying to take the piece of paper back.

"I don't think so. Looks like you have a crush on Odd." Sissy said smiling. "These details though, they make him look so much more then he is. Here let me fix this." Sissy grabbed a pencil and drew something on it. "There, much better. Here you can have it back." Sissy gave back the paper, and the girl snatched it out of her hands grabbed her stuff and was about to go over to another table.

"Hey!" Odd yelled. "Why don't you come over here and eat with us." The girl walked over to the table and sat down. "That was quite a show down you had with Sissy. You know, not many people can come up with that many comebacks toward Sissy unless they hang out with me." He said smiling. Then held out a hand. "I'm Odd, and this Ulrich, Yumi, Aelita, and Jeremie. What's your name?" He asked after pointing out each member of the gang.

The girl nodded to each person and shook Odd's hand. "I'm Susanne." She looked down at her paper. "Oh! she ruined it! It looked so good too." She put the paper on the table, which was a picture of Odd with horns on his head. Susanne erased the horns and put some more details on the face until it looked exactly like Odd. "There." She said satisfactorily.

"You're quite the artist." Odd said.

"Thank you. You can have the picture if you want." She said nervously. Her phone started to ring. "Hello? Ok, one second." She covered the phone with her hand. "I have to go." She said taking her stuff minus her notebook and the picture.

"Wait!" Odd called after her holding up the notebook. Odd sighed and handed the notebook to Aelita. "Can you give this back to her?" He asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back guys!" Aelita said getting up. She quickly went to the dorms and tried to find Susanne's room. She heard a little yelling.

"WHAT?! That's outrageous!!! NO! I'm not leaving another school! FINE! Go by yourself, see if I care. Look, I refuse to move to some far off country again, I just made friends. You know how hard it is for me to actually find friends before you decide to cart me off to some new outrageous town. Fine, you can go by yourself, but you need to be careful. You're taking dad, I see. Don't kill yourselves. I love you too, bye." Aelita heard the beeping of a phone and decided to knock on the door. "Come in." Susanne called from the other side of the door. Aelita opened the door. Susanne was lying on her back. She saw Aelita and sat up. "Oh, Aelita! What is it??" She asked quickly.

"Oh! You dropped this in the lunchroom." She said handing Susanne the notebook getting a quick thanks. "Um... what was that?" She asked.

"...!" Susanne looked at her surprised. "So... you heard that?" she asked quietly. Aelita nodded. "It was nothing really. My mother gets these transfers that never seem to end. Just when we've settled in to a new area, a new school, it seems that she always gets a new area to work in. She just got another transfer notice and I told her that I wanted to stay here, seeing as I never seem to get a proper education." She said with a sigh.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Aelita said quietly.

"Don't be... Look, can you leave? I've got a lot of unpacking to do." Susanne said staring at the boxes in her room.

"Oh.. right. I'll see you at dinner then." Aelita said before exiting the room.

"Right.." Susanne muttered under her breath staring at the boxes again before laying back onto her bed. "This is hopeless. I hope I never have to move again." Susanne got up and started un - packing the boxes.

After a couple of hours, the room was spotless, no more boxes in sight. Susanne sighed and fell on top of her bed. She heard voices and footsteps in the hallway. She guessed it was dinner time, but didn't care. Then she realized Aelita said that she'd see her at dinner. Susanne sighed and got up. After making her way to the cafeteria she found the gang in the middle of a discussion. She got herself dinner and walked over to them. She caught the words 'X.A.N.A' and 'activated tower' before reaching them. "Hi." She said so they would notice her.

"Hi Susanne." Odd said moving over to leave room for her. "Please sit down." Susanne smiled and sat down next to Odd.

"So... what were you guys just talking about?" She asked.

"Nothing, nothing." Jeremie said. "Nothing important at least. Um... Yumi, Aelita, Ulrich? Can you come with me?" He asked. "All three of you have finished your dinners, so let's get going. We'll be waiting for you Odd. Better hurry up before anything happens." With that everyone but Susanne and Odd left.

"What was that all about?" Susanne asked looking at Odd with a confused look on her face.

"It's nothing really." Odd said finishing up his food. "Well, I'm done and looks like you are too." He said looking at her empty tray.

"What? I didn't eat anything though." Susanne said also looking at her tray.

"Thanks for the food." Sissy said holding it up. "I really need it."

Susanne got up and grabbed the pudding off the plate and threw it right into Sissy's face. "Your right, you do really need it. It makes your face look ten times better." Susanne said smiling.

"Nice one!" Odd said giving her the thumbs up. Sissy put down the plate and stepped forward so she was right in Susanne's face. Odd decided it would be the best time to escape from the cafeteria. "Come on!" Odd said grabbing Susanne's hand and running off. Once they were at the dorms they stopped running gasping for breath. Odd looked over at Susanne who was having a lot of trouble breathing. "HEY! Are you ok?!" He asked worriedly.

"I'm... fine..." Came Susanne's breathy reply. "I'm not used to running for so long. It comes with moving around the world so often." Susanne stopped talking and covered her mouth. "Um... never mind! Look, I... I have to go!" Susanne ran off despite the lack of breath she had and ran up to the girls dormitory with Odd on her tail.

"WAIT!" Odd called after her. He heard her scream and saw her on the floor, being possessed by on of XANA's ghosts. "Oh no! This is bad luck!" Odd took out his cell phone and called Jeremie. "Um... Jeremie, I don't think I can make it. Susanne's been possessed and..." Odd never finished his sentence because Susanne blasted it out of Odd's hand. "Hold on, you don't want to do this!" Susanne stood rigid for a moment as if she was trying to fight XANA out of her system.

"Odd?" Came her voice. "What's going on?" She asked.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you." Odd said.

"I'm all ears Odd. Don't worry, I'll believe anything." Susanne said.

"Well, you see..." Odd said before lunging into a very lengthy explanation. "...And now XANA tried to possess you but somehow you managed to fight off. Hey are you ok?" Odd asked as Susanne put her hand to her head.

"I feel a little dizzy. I think this XANA, is still inside me. I think I might know how I managed to fight him off, but I don't know how long that's going to last." Susanne looked at Odd. "You need to run Odd. You don't know what XANA could do to you with me under his control!"

Odd was caught off guard by this. "What would he be able to do?" He asked. Susanne had already passed out before she could explain. Odd caught Susanne before she hit the ground. He gasped when XANA's ghost slipped out of Susanne's body. "What the?" He was throughly confused. He looked at the ghost, who, instead of disappearing, reformed into a simple person. "Uh oh, twinkle fingers is back." Odd looked down at Susanne and then back at the ghost. "Well, sorry! Got to go!!!"

With that Odd ran off headed toward the factory. When he got to the lab he set down Susanne. Jeremie looked at him. "What happened Odd?" He asked.

"Let's see... Susanne was possessed but somehow she managed to fight back and chase the ghost out. But now the ghost has taken form and might be coming here!" Odd said. "Do you want me to stick around to help you out Einstein?"

"No. It'd be better if you went to Lyoko. Yumi and Ulrich are dealing with three tarantulas and Yumi is almost out of lifepoints. Get to the scanner room fast and help Aelita reach the tower!" Jeremie said looking at his screen. Odd nodded and took the elevator to the scanner room. "Transfer Odd! Scanner Odd! Virtualization! Ok Odd. The others are due north!" He made sure Odd was helping before checking how Susanne was doing.

Susanne opened her eyes weakly. "NOW where am I?" She asked mostly to herself.

"You're in a lab inside an abandoned factory." Jeremie explained.

"Oh... you mean the one Odd told me about?" Susanne asked getting up and walking over to Jeremie.

"Odd told you?" Jeremie asked surprised. Susanne nodded. "How much?"

"Um... everything..." Susanne said. She gasped as she saw XANA's ghost walk through a wall and head toward Jeremie. "Nu uh, you stupid ghost. Why don't you come after me instead?" She jumped in front of the ghost, only to be blasted back by an unseen force. "What was that?!" She half asked half exclaimed.

"That's weird. I've never seen XANA be able to do that before. When did he get the time to program that power in his system?" Jeremie asked surprised.

"Not program, steal." Susanne said. Jeremie looked at her surprised. "I didn't fight the ghost out, it came out all on its own. He just stole a little something from me that I want back!" Susanne lunged at the ghost, and this time landed a hit. The ghost was thrown backward but was un-fazed and immediately hit back with a little (as I would call it) 'XANA power.'

Jeremie glanced at Susanne worriedly and then looked at his screen. "Ok guys, get to the tower quick! Someone's life is in danger!! I've programed your vehicles to get you there faster. There are no more monsters in your path. It's smooth sailing from there guys!"

"You got it Einstein!" Came Odd's reply. After a couple tense minutes Odd called in again. "Aelita's inside the tower! Mind de-virtualizing us?"

"Right. Materialize Ulrich! Materialize Yumi! Materialize Odd!" Jeremie looked over at Susanne, who was on the ground, looking a little fazed, but the ghost was gone.

A couple hours later, back at the boarding school, the whole gang, plus Susanne, were gathered in Jeremie's room. They were explaining more about Lyoko to her. She was nodding and going along with it. "Ok.. now how about explaining something to us. What did XANA steal from you?" Jeremie asked.

"Um... I was born with a power. Kinda like Yumi's when she's on Lyoko. I can use telekinesis." Susanne said hesitantly. "I can also talk using my mind if I wanted to. But I've never really used my powers and never even told my parents." She sighed. "So, you're not going to do a return to the past trip?"

"No, we only do that if necessary. I think that now that you know our secret, you can be a real part of our group." Jeremie said.

"Really? Thank you!" Susanne said happily. "I've never had any real friends, my mom gets job transfers so much that we don't stay in one place for long. My parents are actually in a different country right now. They wanted me to move with them, but I turned them down. Now I'm glad I did!"

Me: Well? What did you think? Kind of long I know. But it was a lot of fun to write! Expect more to come. Currently for my other fanfics, I'm getting help with my writers block, so expect more from those!

Susanne: Will you shut up already and write a new chapter? I want to see what happens to me!!!

Me: Ok! Wait a sec. you already know what happens to you!!!!!

Susanne: -sweat drops- right... anyway peoples! R&R!!!!! Bye!!!!