Fallen Idol
Chapter Ten: Not Quite Lucifer
Here t'is, the end of Fallen Idol. Sure took me long enough, didn't it? Another story's on the way, called Epilogue, but be warned, it's definitely darker than my previous fics. Anyhow, the review tax is NOT repealed, so if you read, you review! Got it? Good!
Since her memory had returned, Mikae was even more thrilled with the abilities she'd been given. All her teenage years, she'd hoped for the powers of her heroine, and now that she had them, she knew that her imagination had not exaggerated any of the feelings. With every effortless leap, her heart took its own wings and reached for the moon, the stars. From her experience with Von Reichter, she remembered that her were more finely tuned than Cybersix's, but it didn't bother her. She still wanted to finish high school, at least, and maybe even college.
Mikae had now returned to the rundown fire escape where she'd first seen Cybersix in person. She had no other leads to go on, and didn't really know why she'd come here, but it was as good a place as any to start. And a very good thing, she noted, is that I won't miss any auspicious movements. There are benefits to this enhanced vision thing, especially at night.
It didn't take very long for the panther to find Mikae. Cybersix had put Data 7 on search mode, and when a panther wants to search, he searches. Mikae looked up into a pair of yellow eyes, and she smiled. You must be Data 7.
A nod, and a growl.
I'm sorry, I don't understand-
That's because I didn't say anything.
Mikae blinked, then said meekly,
Come on. Sister dear wants to talk to you.
She followed Data 7 through the slums, and into an open window, where he sat down beside the couch, shifting his paws a bit. The muted TV flashed pictures around the lamplit room as Mikae looked around the modest apartment, noting the abandoned cape, hat, and gloves. Her keen eyes also picked up the name on a pile of mail, but she said nothing. Mr. Seidelman... oh well. It does make sense, when you think about it. I'D want to hide from Von Reichter too.
The girl smiled. Hello, Cybersix.
Cybersix grinned, leaning against her counter, I take it your memory's back?
That's right. Mikae sat down on the windowsill. I've been to see my mother. She's getting breakfast ready for me, but I told her I still had something to do.
You plan to leave, then?
Well, not at first. I want to finish high school. And maybe college. But I guess I'm confined to Meridiana in that respect.
Cybersix smiled sadly. So he did tell you about the sustenance.
I'm not worried. There never seems to be a shortage of Fixed Ideas around this town; it shouldn't be too hard for me to get along. I'll have to tell my mom, of course, but she'll have to understand.
Mothers are good at that. Are you sure you'll be all right?
Mikae laughed softly. I said not to worry, didn't I? I don't need two mothers, but you're a welcome friend, and you know that now, yes?
I'm honored. You're a very special person, Mikae.
CyberX-1. Who would've thought that it could really happen to me?
Cybersix crossed the room and rested a hand on her cyberbrother's head. It's nice to know your designation, but keep your name, Ms. Krubens. You're very lucky to have one, especially after what's happened.
Oh, I know.
You'll be sure to contact me if Von Reichter comes after you?
Yes, but I don't think he will. And if he does, I can handle his goons fairly easily, and him with more ease.
Be careful. Cybersix held out her hand to Mikae, who gladly took it and squeezed gently. It's not every day I get to meet my equal. My better, even.
I don't plan to go against you again. Don't bother with that. But I think we'd make a grand team, don't you?
Cybersix laughed and leaned back against her couch. Yes, I'm sure we would. Just as long as you do your homework. Oh- and that reminds me, I think I should come clean with you now, seeing as you already know all about me-
It's all right. I saw your mail, Mikae admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. I won't tell anyone at school. Or otherwise, she promised herself, remembering the chatroom.
Cybersix smiled. I'm much obliged, Mikae. Take advice now, when you feel a twinge in your left wrist, go after sustenance then. Don't get into my habit, waiting until it gets bad. And please be careful out there. You are confined to Meridiana now, no mistaking that, but I suppose conserving sustenance would let you out into the world for a time.
I'll be fine, Cybersix. Hey, take my advice: Maybe you should get a name.
Maybe I should, at that. Take care of yourself, Mikae.
Mikae stood up and prepared to go. And watch your back, Cybersix. She leaped out the window, playfully saluting her new friends.
Cybersix knelt down and hugged Data 7. And what dost my brother think?
Thy brother dost think that thou must STOP talking like Billy Shakespeare. How much time have you been spending as Adrian?
Time enough. But I meant about Mikae.
I knew what you meant. I think she's a good kid, unlike some high schoolers. He punctuated this with a low growl. But she's a bit overconfident.
She has reason to be. Besides, aren't we all?
No. Just you.
Cybersix leaned back. And what ELSE do you think of me?
Well, let's put it this way. In Meridiana, this city of the damned ... You're not quite Lucifer.
Many thanks, 29.
No thanks needed. Heck, sister, around here? It's the best you can hope for.