Fallen Idol
Chapter One: A Different Kind Of Hero

There's a reason this is in two parts, mainly because it's two storylines with the same characters, and same ideas. You'll understand once you read throught the story, I imagine... Oh, and Mikae is my permanent fan character: my fandom embodied. I'll have to draw a pic of her sometime and upload it. :) Anyway, enjoy Fallen Idol: Part One.

Black hair, cropped in a boy's cut, fell kamikaze in front of ice blue eyes. A silver chain hung loosely around her neck, framing the black T-shirt with telltale words Ever Vigilant. Khaki pants draped her fine toned legs as she knelt to pick up her bookbag.
Mikae looked once more over the inside of her locker. Newspaper clippings covered the inside from top to about halfway down the metal sides, all of the same thing, more or less: A shadowy figure leaping across a moon, or a streetlamp, or some other source of illumination. With a smile, she closed the door and turned to run down the hall.
Mikae! Wait for me!
She turned around and laughed. Jeremy made a comical sight, his long brown braid flopping uselessly over his shoulders as he attempted to catch up to her, panting. Pant. Pant. Wheeze.
Oh, Jer, when will you EVER learn? You can't catch me, I run for a more pressing matter.
His expression spoke for his puzzlement.
Ah, honestly! Mikae dropped her voice to a whisper as she and her friend headed out of the school building.
...Oh Mikae, not her again.
I'm telling you, she's the best thing since Underdog!
Not like Underdog was any good...
Watch yourself.
Jeremy laughed and poked Mikae's shoulder. Okay, hotshot, so what's so special about Cybersix? I mean, odds are that Supergirl can kick her butt.
Mikae tripped Jeremy, his books - and braid - flopping onto the sidewalk. You shouldn't make fun of people's heroes. It's RUDE.
A lopsided grin looked up at her.
She frowned. And off Mikae stalked.

Dumping her backpack on the floor of her room, Mikae flopped down at her laptop and signed on to her favorite chatroom: Are They Real?

Superguy85: O Christ, she's back.
FuhrerMustDie: Who?
SixKix: Hey guys. Any more news for me?
Superguy85: Nothing but newspaper clippings over here.
SevenSiete7: HEY SIX!
SixKix: Hiya Seven. Superguy, I think I've got a new article about her!
FuhrerMustDie: Who?
SevenSiete7: CYBERSIX!
Superguy85: Uh, joy...
SixKix: Says here that she's spotted in the slums district of Meridiana. Guess where I'm going tonight?
SevenSiete7: if only i wasn't rural! i'd come w/ you.

Mikae leaned back, grinning. The buses DID run through the slums, she was sure of it. Cybersix WAS the greatest hero around, and the best part was that she was REAL. And if she had to sit up all night to do it, Mikae was going to get a picture of Cybersix. Maybe even fight off those weird mutant things. MAYBE even save Cybersix's life!
Wouldn't that be something to tell Jer!

Calm down, Data 7, they're just kids. Cybersix hugged her brother and turned off the TV, which had been showing footage of several teens at a dance club.
Maybe so, but some of those kids aren't exactly...nice.
Oh is that what you're worried about? Look, it hasn't happened since that incident. I think perhaps Lucas saved me trouble there, don't you? She smiled at the sleek panther at her side.
Boy, sis, you need to be more aware of your surroundings.
And just because I don't have a panther nose- HEY!
Data 7 had pounced her to the floor of her apartment and began to lick his paw in satisfaction. You were saying?
Brother dear...
90 pounds of panther flew into the couch.