I will say this once and once only…

I DO NOT OWN Naruto! OR part the plot which is of 'Love Contract'. A Chinese movie I saw on the plane back from Hong Kong.

Remember this guys cause I dun wanna see "you copied this off a Chinese movie…" or "Isn't this Love Contract?..." Yada yada yada…

And suing me is pretty pointless anyways… I'm a poor teenager…haha

So this all started when I was on the plane coming back to AussieLand from Hong Kong bored as hell and flicking through the channels…and I came across this Chinese love/comedy movie…and yeah… I thought of writing it as a SasuSaku fic.

Well enjoy!





The repetitive sound of her annoying alarm clock woke her from her sweet slumber.

"Hnnn." She groaned and grudgingly got up. She sighed and rubbed her tired eyes.

It was going be another stupidly tiring day.

Let me introduce myself...

In a minute she was gonna have to get up…

My name is Haruno Sakura.

…have a shower, quick and cold…because she hasn't paid her bills… again…

I'm considered as a poor freak because I have odd pink hair and weird green eyes with a matching wide forehead and not your average framed glasses.

…and get dressed… and put on her thick framed dorky glasses...

And then… She was going to have a crappy breakfast…

I live in the next room to my best and probably only guy friend Naruto, in an apartment in the lower side of Tokyo…and when I say lower… I mean the 'poorer'…

…and go meet up with her best friend, Naruto….

I'm an undergraduate at Konoha Med school. Yeah sad, I never got to finish my degree…because well, I can't afford it…

And her parents are going to call her and tell her how sorry they are that she can't finish med school like she hoped for because… they couldn't afford it…

Still Unemployed…

And then… She was going to have to print out her resume flyers and hand them out to more shops for job offers…

And probably always will be…

And then… She was just gonna stand there like an idiot and slowly walk out…when they ALL reject her…

Currently single…

All she probably thinks of is other ways to make money so she and her family can survive…

also probably always will be…

Yup, this was your typical Haruno Sakura day.

Welcome to my (shitty) life…




Eye-catch! A short pink haired girl with oversized glasses, in a modest light green tee and cream skirt, quickly halted as a zooming black convertible dashed past her. Her bunch of flyers to went haywire, floating around the air everywhere. – This is as good as it gets.






"Mmm…" He groaned as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He began to get up to stretch out his hard muscles, only to realize there was a warm and naked sleeping body occupying his arms.

He smirked. They had a rough fun, night. But it was now time for time to get back to work.

Uchiha Sasuke. Ravan hair. Onyx eyes.

Soon he was going to have to wake up and take a nice hot morning shower… in his exclusive penthouse in the heart of the upper half of Tokyo…

I was born rich. But I mostly gained my own multi-billion dollar wealth.

His families are a family of lords and ladies. They are the prestigious Uchiha Clan, that basically owns half of the whole Japan…

I'm the sole owner of Sharingan Corp.

Even if he was born into a gold mine… Uchiha Sasuke is a genius and is said to be one of the best entrepreneurs of their time. Successfully starting and running Sharingan at a young and tender age. But now he was much older...

I am Japan's most eligible bachelor and was renowned as the ultimate player or sex god.

Dark messy hair that made you want to run you're hair in them. Dark eyes that anyone could drown in. His irresistibly sexy appearance only increased his already very attractive attitude and personality.

But right now I'm going steady with my extremely sexy superstar girlfriend Karin. And I think… I'm gonna propose to her soon…

He looked down at the stunning woman in his arms and his smirked only widened. Last night had been great, probably the best he's ever had. She was definitely the one for him…

I'm the man on top of everything…

Whatever he wanted, he got. He was living the life of a god. Servants at his command. Woman at his whim. The sexiest most gorgeous red haired as his long-term girlfriend. Who could ask for more?

And I'm loving it.




Eye-catch! Zooming in a whirlwind of pieces of paper, his dark sunglasses on, shirt unbuttoned. One hand on the wheel the other over the edge of his black convertible with the wind in his hair. And a hopeless pink blob left unnoticed in the back ground, but all eyes on him. – It gets better than that.






"Naaaaaruuutoooo!" She whined as she pouted. "What am I going to do!?"

The blonde man next to her only gave a small apologetic shrug and a reassuring smile.

"Sakura-chan… I offered to pay your bi–" He began to say but was cut off.

"No! NO! I can't let you do that again! I could hardly pay you back last time!" She immediately declined his generous giving, knowing that she would have no way to pay him back.

"You can just move into my apartment?" he offered her.

"Mmm. I really don't want to intrude. Besides it's already too small." She sighed and gestured her arms out for him to look around.

"We can move somewhere else. Sakura you know I'm only living here for you." He smiled warmly at her.

She pouted again, this time in heavy guilt.

"It's sound so bad when you put it that way." She began. "Naruto, I didn't ask you to live in the same building as me." She said defensively.

He chuckled in returned.

"You know I don't mean it like that! I love being here Saku! But if we have no choice. We have to find a bigger apartment."

"I can't do that to you Naruto. I can't do that to myself. I need to be able to rely on me. What would happen if I had never met you?" She asked him earnestly. "I'd probably be dead." She said believingly, her fingers moved the glasses up the bridge of her cute button nose.

He threw his head in laughter again.

"Sakura-chan! You lived more than half of your life without me! I'm sure you can live the rest without me if you ever needed to. Which, sorry to disappoint, won't be soon, cause I'm not leaving without you and I don't plan on dieing anytime soon either. I promise you that!" His sparkly azure orbs winked with playfulness.

To the sentence… her mouth etched, slowly but surely, in a sweet, warm smile…

He was like the brother she never had but wished she did.

Knowing Naruto, to her, was one of the very few fortunate things Kami-sama had granted her, willingly.

He was hovering over her. His mouth moved feverishly against hers. She clung to him tightly, arching her back into his warm body. She moaned loudly into his mouth causing him to groan as he felt himself rock hard against her clothed stomach.

"Shirt – off – now." He managed to breathlessly mumble in between the steamy kiss. His hands made is way down to her creamy thighs and –

Bringggg. Briiing.

He cursed out load.

Bringgg. Briiing.

Who the fuck was calling? Well, whoever it was he'd better go run and hide before Sasuke got to him.

The Uchiha slowly, and hesitatingly got off the red head and threw her an apologetic look before he picked up the ringing device.

He looked down at his happy member and groaned. Why now? WHY?

"WHAT!" he roared into the phone. Clearly pissed off his time with the woman had been interrupted just when he…

"UCHIHA SASUKE!" A female voiced screeched out loudly from the phone.

The man cringed.


He'd done it this time. Talk about bad timing… he groaned yet again. Sometimes he's life wasn't as good as he let on…


He did SO not ignore her last summer… he was just busy… doing more productive things… with… Karin…

She didn't have to yell so loud.

"Mother." He sighed. "Please calm down."

"CALM DOWN? How can I calm down when I haven't seen my youngest son in the longest time…you could be dead for all I know! Don't you DARE give me that look… Itachi lives in another country! YOU ARE IN HERE, IN JAPAN! And you STILL don't visit us? YOUR FAMILY?!"

He flinched uncomfortably. Why did she have to do that? Always read peoples minds… especially his…

It was downright creepy!!

"Mom. I've been busy! You know my work…and stuff… I'm at the office day in and day out…" he lied.


The mentally whack himself.

Why did he even try? Why did he even think he was gonna get away with it?

He sighed.

"Mom –" be began to reason with her, but Mikoto beat him to it. Like always…

"Itachi WILL be at the Uchiha compound this month with his wife, along with some of your other family members." She informed him.

"And you WILL be there!" She told him firmly.

"But mom –" he began to protest.

He couldn't go! Because if he went he would have to take Karin. And if his parents meet Karin… They'll immediately disapprove of her. And his chances of being with her will be lost.

Karin was definitely NOT what the elders would think of as a "potential wife." She was a 'westernized' Japanese woman. A real woman who likes to flaunt her body around and maybe one of her hobbies is to pole dance. Hell, she was sexy and gorgeous as hell and he loved her either way. But he knew his traditional dad would never, approve of someone like that. She was the reason he'd been trying to avoid the family.

"Sasuke! You WILL be there this month! And SO HELP ME GOD, if you're not I will DISOWN YOU. YES! If you do not get you're chicken butt head into my house. You are NO LONGER MY SON." She threatened into the line.

Sasuke gulped. She was angry. Those words were harsh… but he knew she meant it all.

"Oh – oh oh… okay…" He only stuttered because of one woman. His own mother. How pitiful.

"Now that's my boy!" She chirped out cheerfully. Her toned had immediately changed.


"Well I'll let you go now sweetie! I'm sure you have a lot of work to get done before you spend you're MONTH here!" She said delightfully.

Waiiiiit. Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute… Did she just say A MONTH?!


"Mom –" He tried protesting again and… failed …again.

"See you next weekend honey!" She made a kissing sound.

Well there's no way he could get out of it now.

"Oh and Sasuke?" She called out one last time, sweetly.

"Yes?" he nervously asked. There was this over-sugary hint to her voice that made him dread ther last sentence…

"Be sure to bring you're girlfriend with you!" She chirped again in absolute excitement.

"Mom – "


With that…

She hung up on him.

Sasuke sighed and rubbed his face. He looked at his girlfriend who only gave him a confused look back. He cursed. If he was aroused before. He definitely ain't now.

"What did she want?" the red eyed beauty asked from the sofa.

"For me to come to go home for a month." He said passively.

Her orbs widened.

"And you said no right?"

He sighed.

"I can't get out of it this time." He told her truthfully.

"Oh well, then I just won't go…" She said in a go-on-without-me-I-can-last-without-you-but-can-you-last-without-me kind of way.

He sighed again.

"She demands that you be there. No wait scratch that. You HAVE to be there. Or else there's no point in me going." He took a step closer to her and sat down beside her.

"I don't want to meet them." She says sulkily.

"I know babe I know," he cupped her make-up-ed face into his hands. "But we have no choice."

"They're gonna tell you to stay away from me!" She cried out and buried her head into his shirt.

He sighed. They both knew that was the inevitable.

But then… something clicked inside his head…Something burst out of that inhumanly developed brain of his.

What if…

What if he got a "pretend girlfriend" for the month…and paid her to act SO BAD and unacceptably, like the biggest fool and this Earth, so that in the end, everyone will think ANYONE will be better than her… even Karin.

That way Karin will have a chance. It might work…

It could very well… might possibly…work in their favour…

He just had to get the proud woman to agree with him.

The next morning…

Slash. Slash.

A sound of a pen crossing out something on a piece of paper echoed the room.

Slash. Slash.

Slash. Slash.

"No not that one too."

Slash. Slash.

"Tried that one too…"

Slash. Slash.

"…And that one…"

Slash. Slash.

It kept going on and on till there were no more adds left on that page.

"ARGHH!" She buried her hands in her thick pink locks before calling out crazily.


The man next to her sweat-dropped.

"Sakura-chan, calm down. I'm sure there's something here…" Blue eyes scanned the next page of newspaper…

Until his eyes came across something interesting…


It printed.


WANTED: Any female between the ages of 20 and 27.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Pretend to be Uchiha Sasuke's girlfriend for 30 days, awhile meeting his parents.

REQUIREMENTS: Fairly believable acting skills, enough to fool incredibly smart people. Willing to do what is asked of you, and that will be told on the interview day. And gutsy enough to act like a complete fool in front of many people.

PAY: 35000 yen per day!! (Will increase if you do a bang up acting job!)

If you're interested call the number at the bottom and/or appear at the address below at the stated time, where you will be trying out/auditioning for the job. BEST SUITED WOMAN WINS!

NOTE FROM FUJIWARA KARIN (his real girlfriend): You are ONLY Sasuke's PRETEND GIRLFRIEND, so don't get any stupid, funny ideas. WE ARE STILL TOGERTHER!

Number: Blah blah blah…

When: Blah blah blah…

Where: Blah blah blah…

He read the add with amusement dancing in his mischief eyes.

Uchiha Sasuke huh?

He smirked. Every woman between the ages of 20 and 27 WILL audition for this job in a heartbeat for sure…

Well… all but one

He moved raised his eyes to his insane pink haired companion, he saw her furrowed eyebrows and frustrated expression while she continued to cross out and scribble over her page of news paper, and finally decided.

"Sakura-chan… I think I've found the perfect job for you…"

He smirked foxily.


A/N: Okay The style of this fic is abit weird. But I think it's well okay...

I know I've started a lot of fics… but yeah THIS IS THE LAST ONE… until one is completed (probably Fly is gonna be the first finished.) Anyways I'm on holidays...although not for long... but still!

ALSO: A reminder that I HATE SasuKarin! So there wont be alot of it (if any) from here on! But SasuKarin is needed for the plot to flow! As you can see I'm rather unoriginal in my plots... but we'll see where this goes...

Anyways tell me what you think!...

To continue… or not to continue…


Merry Christmas guys!