Please read this! Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I know that the beginning chapters of this fic aren't well written. In fact they kinda suck, a lot. I wrote these a few years ago, when I was in junior high (okay maybe that was more than a few years ago since I'm graduating this year, man I feel old). But please bear with them. It does get better later on (at least I hope it does). I haven't edited them for two reasons: One, I've edited a lot of my fics and I know that people are probably frustrated with it. Two, I wanted to show my improvement over the years. And, maybe I'm a wee bit lazy. But hey, I've got diplomas and all that this year, so I think that I have a right to be :P. With that being said, I hope everyone enjoys this fic.

"Girls, get up!'' Mikoto, their foster mom yelled. Sakura slowly got out of bed.

After she showered, Sakura put on a brown t-shirt with a Hurley logo on it and blue jeans. She brushed her long pink hair, put it in a ponytail, put on a blue baseball cap, and left the bathroom and entered her room.

Then she got out a small journal and put a tick where it read "first day of school".

"This is my fifth first day this year,'' Sakura thought, looking at the journal page. Then she put the journal away and went to the kitchen. Tenten was already there. She was wearing a black t-shirt and navy blue jeans.

"Ready to get suspended?'' Tenten teased.

"No your not,'' Mikoto told them as she got something out of the fridge.

"We were just kidding,'' Sakura assured her.

"I know but seriously girls, don't try to get suspended,'' Mikoto told them.

"Like that will happen,'' Sakura muttered. Tenten laughed softly.

"Well at least don't get suspended within the first week,'' Mikoto pleaded.

"Alright,'' Sakura and Tenten answered in unison.

20 min time skip,

Sakura and Tenten finally reached Konoha High on their skateboards.

"So this is the school we're going to be staying at. For the next few months at least,'' Sakura spoke up, observing the huge school.

It had a big campus; on it were various clumps of people. There was one clump of people which consisted of a redhead with black circles around his eyes, some guy with long black hair and white eyes, a guy with blonde hair, and a guy with his hair in a ponytail. The blonde one was staring at them and Sakura glared at him and he turned away.

Sakura turned and saw another clump of people. There was a guy with spiky back hair, one with greyish blonde hair, one with short black hair, and one with sunglasses. They were being swarmed by girls and let's just say, they weren't exactly pushing the girls away.

The last group of people they saw on their way in was a group of older guys. One had long black hair in a ponytail who looked a lot like the guy in the other group with the spiky hair, one had red hair, one reminded Sakura greatly of a fish, and one had blonde hair in a ponytail.

"Hey,'' a voice said.

Sakura and Tenten looked to see two girls coming toward them, one had blonde hair, the other had navy blue hair.

The blonde haired one said "hi, my name's Temari and the girl beside me is Hinata. You two must be the new girls,''.

"Yep,'' Sakura told her "my name's Sakura and the girl beside me is Tenten,''.

Temari squinted her eyes, studying them. Then she said "no offense, but for sisters, you two don't look very much alike,''.

"Oh we're not related,'' Sakura told her, used to explaining this "our foster mom just gave Tenten my last name because we couldn't find her's,''.

"Oh…, well anyway welcome to Konoha High, we'll show you to the office,'' Temari told them, leading them to the office.

"So,'' Temari started, trying to make conversation "do you think you'll like it here,''.

"As long as they have a basketball team,'' Tenten answered, speaking for the first time since they came here.

"If we'd stay long enough for you to play anyway,'' Sakura said playfully.

"What do you mean?'' Temari asked.

"We get suspended a lot, we sometimes get expelled, and we sometimes move,'' Sakura explained.

"W-why d-do you g-get expelled?'' Hinata asked.

Sakura raised an eyebrow to Temari who explained "she stutters around people she doesn't know very well and she's very shy,''.

Sakura nodded and looked over to Hinata and answered "I have a bit of a temper,''.

"A bit?'' Tenten repeated, laughing.

"Ok, a big temper,'' Sakura admitted.

"Cool,'' Temari told them.

Just then, the secretary looked up and said "hello, I'm Shizune, you must be the new students,''.

"Yes,'' Sakura told her.

"Well here are your schedules and other information,'' Shizune told them, giving them their schedules (Tenten is a year older then Sakura, so they don't have any of the same classes), their locks/ lock combinations and locker locations) they were right beside each other, and a map of the school.

"Thank you,'' Sakura told her, giving Tenten her share of the supplies.

Temari and Hinata helped them to their lockers and they put some of their stuff in, then the bell rang.

"S-sakura y-you have the same f-first t-two classes as m-me,'' Hinata told Sakura.

"Ok, at least I'll know one person there,'' Sakura told her, smiling. She told Tenten and Temari goodbye and Hinata lead her to her first class, math.

"The teacher is a-always l-late,'' Hinata explained as they took a seat in the back.

A few other kids came in. "Move,'' a commanding voice said.

Sakura looked to see the redhead with black circles around his eyes. "No,'' she told him "go find another seat,''.

"No, I always sit here,'' he responded.

"S-sakura let's f-find a d-different seat,'' Hinata told her, but Sakura's temper was catching up.

"Well you can suck it up and find a different seat,'' she told him. By now everyone was watching them.

"Do you know who I am?'' he asked calmly.

"No, and I don't really care,'' Sakura replied.

Surprisingly enough, he smirked and said "no girl ever stood up to me like that before, your ok girl. I'm Gaara,''.

Sakura laughed a bit and said "ok then, I'm Sakura,''.

"Gaara please take your seat,'' a man, who Sakura assumed to be the teacher, said walking in the class.

He looked at Sakura and said "I'm assuming you're the new student, Sakura Haruno'' Sakura nodded "I'm your math teacher, Kekashi, welcome to Konoha High. Alright class, open your books to page 123 and do questions 1 through 37,''.

Sakura was finished in twenty minutes. No one else was done so she listened to her iPod. Five minutes later she looked up and noticed that the guy with his hair in a ponytail was done.

"You're the first person to be finished before me, impressive,'' he told her (he was two desks away from her).

"Thanks,'' she told him.

"I'm Shikamaru,'' he told her.

"Nice to meet you, you already know my name,'' Sakura replied.

"Shikamaru and Sakura please stop talking,'' Kekashi told them, looking up from a book he was reading.

Sakura smiled and drew for a bit.

For the last five minutes of class, most everyone was done so Kekashi let everyone talk.

"So where did you come from?'' Gaara asked Sakura.

Sakura smiled "a lot of places,''.

She received a confused look and se told him "I move a lot with another girl named Tenten, she's a year older then me,''.

"So she's in Neji's grade,'' Gaara confirmed.

"Who?'' Sakura asked.

"Did you see the guy with the long black hair and white eyes?'' Gaara asked, Sakura nodded "that's him,''.

"He's m-my c-cousin,'' Hinata spoke up.

"Wow Gaara I've never heard you talk so much to someone outside of us before,'' the guy with blonde hair yelled, walking up to them.

"This is Naruto,'' Gaara told Sakura, pointing to the blonde. Sakura noticed that Hinata blushed a bit when he came up.

"Hey you're the girl that glared at me before,'' Naruto announced, pointing to Sakura.

"That's because I don't like people staring at me,'' Sakura explained.

"That's ok, can we see your schedule?'' Naruto asked.

Sakura shrugged and showed it to them.

Gaara frowned and told her "you're in Sasuke's class next,''.

"You really need to explain who these people are before you tell them to me,'' Sakura told him.

"He's Gaara's rival,'' Naruto explained.

"He's a very troublesome person,'' Shikamaru told her.

Just as the bell rang and Sakura followed Hinata to their next class, social.

"D-do y-you think you'll l-like it h-here Sakura?'' Hinata asked as they went into the class.

"I think so,'' Sakura replied. Just then two guys came in the class, followed by about six girls. "Then again,'' she told Hinata. She recognized them as the one with the spiky black hair and the one with sunglasses.

The one with the spiky hair looked to where Sakura and Hinata were standing and went over to them. "Hey cutie, so you're the new girl,'' he told her.

"Yep,'' she growled, not liking the fact that she was just called cutie

"I'm Sasuke and the other guy is Shino,'' he told her. Sakura didn't reply. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?'' he asked.

"I say it to people who I think is worth it,'' Sakura told him. He and Shino got a surprised look on their faces and all the girls (except Hinata) got a shocked look on their faces. "If you want to find out, wait for the teacher to call me,'' she told him.

"Feisty, I like that,'' Sasuke told her.

She told him "you're pathetic,''. A lot of the girls fainted, and Sasuke and Shino looked REALLY surprised.

"Take your seats everyone,'' a female voice called. Sakura looked to see a young women come in the classroom.

"Are you the new student?'' she asked. Sakura nodded "please say a bit about yourself,''.

Sakura sighed and said "my name is Sakura and I think it's pointless to say anything else because I'll probably won't be here for a long time,''.

"Alright, Sakura please take a seat next to Sasuke. By the way, my name's Kurenai,'' the teacher told her.

Sakura grudgingly took a seat next Sasuke. Sasuke smirked at her and she glared back. Sakura listened to Kurenai talking about World War I.

Sakura met Tenten at their lockers after class. "So how was your first half of the day?'' Sakura asked Tenten.

"I had English and bio, what do you think?'' Tenten replied.

Sakura laughed then said "mine was ok; I met some new people anyway. The one bad part is that I have a huge player named Sasuke in my class. Oh, do you have a guy named Neji in any of your classes by any chance?''.

"Yes. He's in my bio class. Why?'' Tenten asked.

"He's Hinata's cousin,'' Sakura explained.

"I thought they looked familiar,'' Tenten thought out loud. Then they walked to the cafeteria.

Temari and Hinata were eating at a table and Temari saw them and waved them over.

"So did you meet my brothers?' Temari asked. When Sakura looked at her confused she explained "Gaara's in Sakura's grade and Kankurou's in mine and Tenten's grade,''.

"Yes,'' Sakura replied.

"I haven't met Kankurou,'' Tenten told Temari.

"Well you probably will sometime today,'' Temari told her. Then she looked to Sakura and asked "so how do you like my brother?''.

Sakura shrugged "he's alright. Hey do you know why Gaara doesn't like Sasuke. I mean besides the fact that he's a major player and all,''.

"Gaara and Sasuke have hated each other ever since Gaara came to Konoha High,'' Sakura gave her a confused look. Then Temari said "alright, I'll tell you the whole story. We, I mean Gaara, Kankurou and I came, came to Konoha High about four months ago from Suna. Before that this place was basically Sasuke's territory''

"When we came Gaara basically became Sasuke's equal. He got his own gang, fan girls, and even some spots on the sports teams. Now Sasuke didn't like competing so he told Gaara to back off and Gaara, being Gaara and all, wasn't willing to back down. Ever since Gaara and Sasuke have been rivals; in a way they have the school divided up. If your friends with someone of a certain gang and go hang out with someone from the other gang it's considered treason,'' Temari explained.

"Wow,'' was all Sakura and Tenten could say.

"So who's in each gang?'' Sakura asked after a moment.

"Well,'' Temari started, pointing to the group of people Gaara was with "as you know, the redhead's Gaara, the one with the ponytail is Shikamaru, the one with long hair is Neji, you have probably guessed he's Hinata's cousin. Finally, the obnoxious one with blonde hair is Naruto, Hinata secretly likes him,''.

Temari pointed to the group Sasuke was in "as you know Sakura, the one with spiky black hair is Sasuke, the one with short black hair is Sai, the one with greyish blonde hair is Tayuya and the one with sunglasses is Shino, he likes Hinata but Neji won't let him get near her,''.

"Oh,'' Temari said, pointing to a final group of people "I just remembered. There's one more gang I forgot to tell you about. Sasuke also hates their leader. It's the one with the black hair in a ponytail, his name's Itachi and he's Sasuke's brother. This gang actually has a name, the Akatsuki, they're all seniors. The one with blonde hair in a ponytail is Deidera, the one who probably reminds you of a fish is Kisame and the one with red hair is Sasori,''.

"That's a lot of name's to remember,'' Tenten remarked.

"You get used to it,'' Temari told her.

"Joy,'' Tenten mumbled, she didn't like having to remember a lot of info at once.

For the rest of lunch period Temari told them about other stuff at the school. Like the principle was a drunk, the crazy gym teacher and his "sidekick", the creepy science teacher and his assistant who Sasuke had some connection to, and the perverted health teacher.

By the time she was over the bell rang and Sakura and Tenten went to their locker s to get their stuff. Sakura looked at her schedule. "Gym and drama, great,'' Sakura thought to herself.

"Hey pinkie,'' a girl with blonde hair told Sakura, walking up to her.

"What blonde?'' Sakura asked, repeating the girl's tone.

"My name's Ino, head of the Sasuke fan club and I'm warning you to stay away from him!'' she told Sakura.

"You can have him, he's an ass anyway,'' Sakura told her. Before Ino could respond Sakura already left thinking "this is a very weird school,''.