Hiya, you may have read my Series of Fluffy Kataang Clouds, well this is my collection of Tokka Oneshots!!!!


Tales of the Sword and the Stone

you know Sokka's cool new meteorite sword and Toph's earthbending...(yes I feel the need to expain everything)


CAUTION: In some of these oneshots there maybe some Kataang, just like in my Kataang oneshots there is sometimes some Tokka. Cause I absolutly love both pairings so yeah ;D

Okey first up Toph POV, aswell as some sweet Toph/Katara friendship and a supah teeny tiney implication of Kataang.

I just came up with this in about five minutes so yeah sorry if it's not that great, but if you've noticed I love Katara/Toph friendship, I also love Aang/Sokka friendship, IDK i think it's just kawaii, anyways ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Takes place during the Sukka make out scene in The Serpant's Pass. Personally when I first watched the make out scene I was waiting for Toph to blast Suki into the air, but that didn't happen.

I own nothing :(

I'm Not That Girl or Maybe I am

Toph sighed, she couldn't take it, she just had to get away from Sokka and...Suki. Aang and Momo had just blasted into the air to try and find Appa, so that left she, Katara, Sokka, Suki and the refuge family to make their way to Ba Sing Se. Unbeknownced to Sokka and Suki, Toph had overheard (spied) on their conversation. As Suki told Sokka that she wasn't coming to Ba Sing Se with the group, the knot in Toph's stomach losened. Even though she knew it was selfish Toph couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

But then it happened,

Sokka kissed Suki, and kissed her hard. Much to Toph's disgust the two started to make-out. The knot in Toph's stomach reappeared and seemed to get tighter by the second. A fire began to burn within her, she had the sudden urge to blast Suki into the next century, but she thought better of it. Toph knew that if she did anything too brash that she would get questioned. In Toph's mind nothing could be more humiliating than looking like a fool because of a little crush. A small tear began to trickle down Toph's face. She quickly whiped it away and ran away from the where the group was standing. Luckily for Toph, Sokka, Suki, and the refuge family didn't seem to notice, but unfortunatly Katara did.

Toph's running pace started to slow down after a few minutes, she didn't want anyone to see her like this, Heartbroken, hurt, weak. Toph cringed, "Under no circumstances can I let them see me as weak, they'll start to pity me," Toph thought to herself. Toph started to become angry at herself for acting like a weak little woosie. Then to Toph's horror she felt footsteps behind her as Katara walked up to her,

"Toph," Katara called behind her, "are you okay?"

"Go away Sugar Queen," Toph replied with out looking back at the girl, she did not want Katara to see the tear marks on her face.

"Come on Toph, I know something's wrong...please tell me," Katara replied walking closer to the girl.

"Katara just please, go away," Toph said as her voice started to weaken.

"Toph, please, you know I won't tell anyone." Katara said as she sat down next to the girl. Toph turned her head away from Katara. Toph began to get irritated with her friend, why couldn't Katara stay out of other people's business? Then suddenly Toph lost all control over her emotions,

"You wanna know what's wrong Katara, love, love is what's wrong," Toph said as her voice started to get louder, "LOVE is the freaking problem, I mean you have twinkle-toes, Sokka has Suki, and I'm gonna end up alone and bitter." Toph now began to breathe heavily as she curled herself up into a ball so Katara wouldn't be able to see the tears forming in her eyes. Katara opened her mouth, probably to make a remark concerning the comment about her and Aang, but when she saw how hurt her friend looked she decided to hold her tounge. Instead Katara placed a hand on her friend's shoulder,

"You're in love with Sokka aren't you?" Katara asked in a knowing manner. Toph looked up at her friend, a rush of anger spread across the girl's face once again,

"Why does it matter if maybe I have feelings for Sokka! It's not like he cares, he's swaping spit with Suki as we speak!" Toph yelled at Katara. "It was stupid to think I could have a chance with him anyways I mean he's three years older than me! He probably wants some pretty girl his age, instead little old me. That's all I'll ever be to him, just some little girl," Toph's rage seemed to disappear and was replace with sadness, "...I just wish that he could wait a few years for me, wait for me to get older, prettier, but he's not going to wait. I'm just never going to be the type of girl that he'd be interested in," Toph was now angry, she had just shown Katara weakness and a lot of it. Toph sighed, she must have looked like an idiot with that out burst. She knew any minute Katara would start laughing or pitying her, but she didn't,

"Toph..." Katara started, seeming not to be angry at Toph's yelling, but Toph put her hand in Katara's face,

"Don't try and change it Katara, I'm right and you know it."

"Toph, just listen to me for a minute." Katara told her friend, "You do have a chance with him, Suki is nice and all, but she and Sokka have barely spent three days together, a romantic relationship built off of three days isn't very likely to last. But you've spent, and will spend so much more time with Sokka, more than Suki probably ever will. You two have had a chance to be friends before starting something more, Suki hasn't had that privilage. Toph just hang in there okay you'll get a chance, I have no doubt about it." Toph looked up at her friend and smiled,

"Although I don't know how anyone could fall for Sokka he's so...Sokkaish," Katara said jokeingly.

"Well I guess since you're his sister and all, you may be just a bit bias," Toph replied also starting to laugh, "Thanks Katara,"

"Anytime Toph, now let's go find Sokka and start heading to Ba Sing Se," Katara said and got up to leave. Toph quickly stopped her friend,

"Hey Katara..." Toph said softly

"Yeah?" Katara responded

"IF YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS I WILL HURT YOU SO HARD..." Toph started screaming at her friend, but Katara held up her hands in defense,

"Don't worry Toph I promise I will never tell anyone," Toph smiled,

"Good,...this conversation never happened,"

"What converation?" Katara asked as she looked at her friend wide-eyed then smirked.

"Thanks Katara," Toph said softly. Katara smiled back at her friend.

"Come on let's go," Katara said as she started walking to where they had left Sokka and Suki. Toph followed as her mind began to wonder off,

"Maybe Katara's right, maybe I do have a chance with Sokka, maybe I am someone who he'd be interested in." Toph smiled to herself, Yeah I do have a chance with Sokka and I'm not going to lose that chance, I'm the Blind Bandit, the greatest earthbender in the world, and if I can fight for and win that title, then I'm gonna fight for Sokka too."

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Tell me what you think.