You Found Me The only reason.

And then, without warning, he seized her face and kissed her. His rough lips pressed against her own smooth ones, and she screwed up her face, attempting to pull away. She managed to pull away, slapping him across the face, staring bewilderedly at the man who she had though could not stoop so low. Was he not her law professor? And not just that but her BOSS? The question that rammed through her mind over and over was WHY? Why would he do this? Why would he be so filthy? Why had she respected him? Why hadn't she realized this before?

"Is this the only reason you gave me the internship?" her voice shook. She could see the answer in his cold, hungry eyes. He didn't think her smart or talented in any way. He just wanted to harass her because she was pretty. Because as a stronger, older man he could.

"You always did have guts, Miss Woods." And with that, he moved toward her with a swiftness she had never guessed he could move with. He grabbed her arms, pinned them to her sides, and pressed her up against the office wall. She tried to scream, but he covered her mouth with his own, forcing himself upon her once again. She couldn't move. Old he might be, but he was far stronger than she was, and struggle though she might, she could not get loose. He moved closer to her pinning her to the wall, now with his body alone, leaving his hands free to do what they wished. She struggled harder than ever, finally succeeding in kicking him. However, she was a little off her mark, and the kick did not incapacitate him and she had hoped. Instead it simply made him angrier. He struck her across the face, knocking her onto the ground. Her head hit the wooden floor and she knew no more.