Hey! Another story. This idea popped into my head a few days ago and I had to write it down before I lost it. Hope you all like it :D

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or anything from JK Rowling's universe. Anything you don't recognize is mine.

Lily held her youngest child tightly in her arms and with her other hand pushed her second youngest daughter closer to her. She looked at Victorian style home that stood in front of her and felt a new wave of cold spread across her body that had nothing to do with the cold she was feeling from standing out in the pouring rain in the middle of the night. "C'mon girls" she said and walked up the house steps and stood at the front door the small roof on the porch sheltering them a little from the falling water. Lily looked at her girls and her eyes filled with sadness.

Her oldest daughter Jane had her 2 year old sister Annie clutched in her arms and was holding 5 year old Emily with her free hand. Her face held a determination that was very impressive for a 13 year old. Her second daughter Jessica looked fearfully at her mother and older sister while holding her sleeping 4 year old sister, Amanda. Lily gave them a weak smiled and rang the house's doorbell. They waited a few seconds and the door opened slowly. An old lady with a fierce countenance opened the door and stared at them for a few seconds. She was wearing a silk top decorated with a short necklace that held a small diamond around her neck. Her ears were also decorated with matching diamonds and her perfectly placed white streaked hair gave her a sophisticated look, while her eyes gave the appearance of a woman not to be meddled with. As her eyes fell upon Lily and her soaked children a look of distaste spread across her face and she said in a stern voice "Sorry, I am an old and rich woman but I do not believe in charity" she was closing the door when Lily called out "Wait Grandmother".

The woman stopped and opened the door again, this time staring at the wet redhead with shocked eyes "Lily?" she whispered. In an instant her face hardened and she tried to close the door again "Please leave".

"Wait! Grandmother, please…" Lily released her daughters hand and used it to stop the door "please we need help" her voice cracked. The woman inside the Victorian home looked at her with a calculating stare and finally opened the door widely allowing them passage. Lily retook her daughters hand and pushed them all inside the house. After they shuffled in, the stern woman called out "Frida! Bring some towels down here at once".

After some scuffling was heard upstairs a plum looking woman with a flowered patterned apron hopped down the stairs with a stack of towels in her hand and she handed them around to the soaking girls. They took them readily and proceeded to dry themselves with the towels. Lily wrapped the baby in her arms in a towel and the turned to the two year old next to her. Jane and Jessica were drying off their younger siblings as well. Lily turned to her grandmother who she had felt staring at her and began explaining the reason for their presence, but before she could open her mouth the stern woman said "Frida, take all these girls to the guest room upstairs and hand them a change of clothes. Please make sure they shower and dry off. After they finish, bring them down to the kitchen for some hot soup. The good natured maid called Frida led the young girls upstairs with the help of Jane and Jessica. Once they were out of sight the elder woman turned to Lily and spoke in a low voice "You head on to the second guest room. Third door on the left. Take a bath and give one to your baby" she pointed to the infant in the redhead's arms "then come down to the kitchen for some food. You may rest here for the night". Lily nodded and watched the woman walk away to the living room. Before heading upstairs.

35 minutes later she walked down the stairs to the kitchen were the rest of her daughters were already slurping some hot soup that Frida had given them. "Frida?" she addressed the happy maid "Is there anywhere I can put Daisy?" she whispered signaling towards the baby girl in her arms "she fell asleep".

"Of course there is!" Frida answered happily "follow me". She led Lily to a dark living room next to the kitchen, turned on the lights and stood in front a small door which Lily assumed to be some sort of closet. Frida pulled out of the door an old fashioned baby crib decorated with lace and pink ribbon "I'll get some blankets" she said and headed off to the hall. Lily placed Daisy on the crib and stroked the baby's head staring at her daughter sleeping in the crib that had once belonged to her. Her grandmother stepped out from the hallway and into the room where Lily stood. "Lily" she said and pointed to the couch on her right "sit down" she sat down on the armchair next to the couch. Lily did as the older woman asked "Thank you for helping us Grandma". "You know I don't like being called that" the stern woman said.

"Sorry Ruth" Lily added.

"Your girls have grown a lot Lillian" she looked towards the kitchen. Lily followed her gaze "That's right. The last time you saw them was when Emily was born".

"Doesn't she have a twin brother?" Ruth turned to the redhead mother.

Lily nodded "Harry" her voice cracked for the second time that evening and tears threatened to fall from her emerald eyes. Both women were quiet for a few seconds until Ruth said "I deserve an explanation Lillian".

Lily took a look at her daughters and wiped her eyes. She whispered to the older woman "You've only met my oldest children: Adam, Jane, Jessica, Charlie, and of course, Harry and Emily. A year after they were born, me and James" she paused for a moment before continuing "had Amanda; a year after her we had Jake; a year after Jake we had triplets, Ruben, Erin and Annie; and two years after them" she pointed to the crib "another pair of triplets, Darren, Daniel and Daisy. They were born three months ago".

"Sounds like quite a family" Ruth nodded and then looked at the kitchen once again "you seem to have only brought half".

Lily stared at the wall for a few minutes and said in a defeated voice "We've been in hiding" Lily looked at Ruth who had a shadow of surprise etched across her face "There's this wizard, a dark wizard that has been rising to power. He calls himself Lord Voldemort. We, me and James, have been fighting on the other side, against this Dark Lord. A few moths ago a spy of Dumbledore's told him that Voldemort wanted me and James. He wanted to kill…us and our children. So we went into hiding but we were betrayed by one of James'…by one of our closest friends." Lily played with her hands and continued "Dumbledore scheduled a meeting with James for yesterday. He left at noon and decided to take all the boys with him, since they'd been restless after being locked up for so long, he only left Harry. He and Sirius left with them all. They left me, Harry and the girls behind with our house elf Spik. She helped me with all the girls. Jane and Jess had already head off to bed and they had taken Amy with them. Harry and Emily were sleeping in my and James' room. I was in the kitchen feeding Daisy when I heard a noise outside. Someone was entering the house. For a moment I though it was James but I quickly realized it wasn't. It was him, it was Voldemort. I grabbed Daisy and headed upstairs. I woke up Jane and Jess and left Daisy with them. I yelled at Spik to run ahead of me and get Harry and Emily. I turned around and began to run towards their room when he appeared at the door" tears were streaking down her face as she spoke now "he was tall and covered in a black hood. He told me 'I've already killed your husband and children. Don't make me kill you and the rest of your daughters as well. I only want the twins.' He disarmed me and took my wand. He did the same to Jane and Jess and then locked the door and left to get Harry and Emily. I screamed and tried to break the door down. I could hear him arguing with Spik who it seemed refused to move out of the way and allow him to kill Harry and Emily. I heard his curse and saw the green light reflected under the locked door. I heard the thud, I knew Spik was dead. He muttered something about how he was going to kill them both at the same time and then he said the curse, once again I saw the light and I passed out. When Jane managed to wake me up again the house seemed to have collapsed, the door was off its hinges and we managed to get out of the room. I instructed Jane and Jess to take their sisters out of the house. I ran to Harry and Emily's room. There, next to the broken crib lay Spik my faithful house elf. Next to her was a large black cloak, the same coat Voldemort had been wearing. He was gone, I realized and I turned to the bed. There was little Emily, crying softly on her brother. He was not breathing…he was dead" Lily stopped and bawled into her hands for a few minutes while Ruth patted her back awkwardly.

Frida walked in humming and carrying a blanket. Lily stopped crying and Ruth abruptly removed her hand from her granddaughter's back. "Here we go" the unknowing maid tucked the blanket around the sleeping Daisy and headed off to the kitchen "Excuse me. I'll go check on the soup tasters over there". With that she headed to the kitchen and closed the door behind her.

Lily stayed in silence for a few seconds and then turned to look at her grandmother "There's nothing left for me at the wizarding world anymore. My husband and sons are dead and if the Death Eaters find out somehow my kids destroyed Voldemort or had something to do with their death, they will come after Emily and try to kill her".

"What did you do Lily?" Ruth asked sitting down in the armchair once more.

"I took Harry and Emily out of the house and burned it down to ashes. I had to leave Harry there" her voice was heavy with regret "I left him where Dumbledore could find him and I burned the house and made it seem like we'd all burned inside of it. My parents died two years ago, Petunia and I don't talk…this was the only place I could think of". She looked at her grandmother with pleading eyes.

The woman met her gaze and added "I see." She stayed quite for a few minutes and said "well unfortunately you came at a bad time. I'm moving tomorrow." She pointed to the boxes around the room which Lily, until that moment, had failed to notice.

"Oh I see" Lily said. She didn't know what else to say, her mind raced with options for her and her daughters.

"Its quite inconvenient" Ruth answered coldly and Lily looked at her with disbelief "I was going to move in with my friend Kate. She lives in America and has been quite lonely since her husband died. She has asked me to move in with her at her estate. Now I suppose I can't." Lily stared confused "It'll take while to get a suitable house for all of us but I imagine Kate will let us stay with her while we find one. I'll call the airport and see if they have extra tickets, I imagine you and your girls don't mind first class?" Lily shook her head in shock. "Good" Ruth smiled slightly "Now have some soup with them and the get some rest, all of you. We have an early flight to catch tomorrow".

Lily stared tearfully at her grandmother and hugged the woman suddenly "Thank you Nan" Lily said and left to join her daughters for some soup. Ruth turned to the sleeping baby and pulled the blanket tighter around her "Anything for you, my child". She grabbed the phone and made several phone calls.

Well that's it for now. My Merlin that was angsty…don't worry It's not like this the whole story but I need to explain this Harry Potter universe. I hope you all like it.

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