News Flash: I'm not particularly fond of this pairing but I thought it'd be fun to write about and thus it was CREATED! So, Orichimaru is really out of character here, but I thought he would make a good little addition to the story. And w00t! First chapter! Hope you enjoy.

Sakura waited in the teen help office holding her slightly convex belly. To her right a girl was compulsively tucking her black hair behind her small ears with a ferocious blush spreading her face. To her left a blonde boy with strange birth marks on his face was bouncing his knee up and down at a very fast rate. In her head, Sakura analyzed and diagnosed them; OCD and ADHD.

Across the room were pamphlets about teenage pregnancy. Perfect, Sakura thought, just what I need to remind me.

"Haruno, Sakura." A small blonde woman in civilian clothes and a clip board called out her name.

Sakura sighed and attempted to get up, she found it harder and harder these days. Out of no where a hand shot out and grasped her own. Sakura's jade green eyes connected with onyx eyes attached to an angular face of a very handsome boy. "Thank you." Sakura breathed.

"No problem." The reply was so quiet Sakura almost missed it, and then he was gone.

"Haruno, Sakura." The same woman repeated with a note of annoyance behind her cheery voice.

Sakura ambled to the windowed door. As she closed it the blind went down, destroying any chance of being able to catch a glimpse of the mysterious boy. "Why hello there, Sakura. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance." A woman with wavy brown hair and peculiar red eyes smiled at her. "My name is Kurenai Yuhi. But you can call me Kurenai."

Sakura's eyes surveyed the woman who called herself Kurenai suspiciously. She was a pretty woman who wore a loose white blouse and a tweed pencil skirt. Something Sakura would never have worn in a million years. She much preferred sweat pants and tee shirts these days.

Kurenai pulled out a single sheet of paper and put on some red framed glasses that hung around her neck. "So I see you are 17, almost 18 and…pregnant. Why else are you here Sakura?"

Sakura managed a tight smile in her direction. "Because my parents think I'm a nymphomaniac who needs medication."

Kurenai smiled back. "Ah, I'm sure it's more than that, but we can start there. I'm afraid we cannot prescribe any medication at this stage in your pregnancy anyways."

"Then I don't see why I should have to sit here for an hour when I have only one question."

"And what question would that be, Sakura?"

"God, stop calling me by my name! They invented pronouns for a reason you know."

"Very well, do you not like your name?"

"I like it but…gah, never mind. I was wondering if you could tell me the name of a boy that comes here."

"I don't know if that goes against our policies here or not, but why don't you describe him to me?"

Sakura's heart sped up a little. "Well, he has black hair that's spikey in the back and a very angular face with black eyes. Oh, and he was wearing a blue shirt today."

"I'm sorry, Sakura. I can't say I know who he is, my only patients are those two who were sitting beside you. They come here pretty often, if you ask them they might know." Kurenai smiled again. "I'll see you next week then?"

Sakura sighed, "Sure, next week." And left the room.

In the foyer the girl and boy were still there, stealing glances at one another. Sakura walked over and stood before the girl. "Who was that boy who helped me stand up?" she demanded, putting her hand on her hip.

The girl blushed and just looked up at her. "Are you deaf?" Sakura raised her voice.

"No. No, I'm not deaf." The girl smoothed her hands over the non existent wrinkles in her skirt.

"Then do you know who he is?"

"Hyuuga, Hinata." The ever increasingly annoying blonde woman chimed, her face was smiling at the girl who sat before Sakura.

"I-I…well, Naruto might know." And Hinata stood up, and made a break for the woman. When she got to the door she took out a tissue and wrapped it around the knob and disappeared inside.

Who the hell is Naruto? Sakura thought angrily, glaring around the room.

Then the blonde boy with weird birthmarks piped up. "Did Hinata say my name?" his blue eyes looked up into hers. She couldn't help but find it annoying.

"You're Naruto, huh?" Sakura shuffled over so she could face him.

"Hah, yeah, I guess I am." He smiled and stood up.

"Well, tell me who the guy was that helped me up."

"Oh, him...yes, I know who he is." Naruto growled the sentence.

Sakura sighed. "Yeah, well, I want to know his name."

"Uchiha Sasuke." Naruto spat his name at start bouncing around her. "So, you wanna know his name why? He been causing you any trouble? I can take care of him for you."

Sakura ignored Naruto's eagerness to help her. "Does he come in here often?"

"Oh, no. Today was a very rare occasion. Sometimes though he comes for days in a row then suddenly disappears." Naruto grinned, happy to be of service.

"Well, thanks anyways, I guess." Sakura pulled her purse across her chest, adjusted her sweat pants and left the center.

At home Sakura was making dinner for her mother and father; green beans, mashed potatoes and pork chops. "Evening, Sakura dear." Her father ducked into the kitchen, home from work, she could see his eyes surveying her stomach.

"Hey, dad." Sakura leaned to him to give him a peck on the cheek, chopping the beans into smaller portions as she did so. "Gah!"

"Sakura?" her dad sounded alarmed.

"Holy shit! My finger, ow!" Sakura howled in pain. She had cut her finger open and blood was spilling onto the floor.

"Sakura, language!" her father scolded, but as soon as he saw her finger he started freaking out. "Oh lord! The blood! We'd better get you to the hospital! Should I call 911?"

Sakura groaned, wrapping a dishcloth around her finger. "No, dad, just drive me to emergency." Her already pale skin started to look a bit gray.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever to Sakura, who was always weakened at the sight of blood. She hated to think that the stuff was inside of her body, rushing around every second of her life. It was, to say the least, disgusting. The hours spent in the waiting room seemed to take even longer though, and when the nurses finally helped her to a curtained cubicle of space with a bed, the minutes just stretched ahead endlessly.

While sitting on the bed, her finger hastily bandaged with the promise of a doctor being around to check on her soon, Sakura became fidgety and kept rubbing her belly. As she waited in silence, her father had gone to phone her mom and get coffee, Sakura heard the sound of crying to her right. "You don't have any idea what you put us through this evening do you? I hope you enjoyed your little attempt at death, young man because hear me, this will be the last. We've been patient on you skipping out on your appointments at the teen help center, but no more. Starting tomorrow, you are going to be attending school again and seeing a therapist on a regular basis." An angry voice was scolding some poor boy.

When she heard the shuffling of feet and the sliding of curtains, Sakura couldn't help but poke her nose into the cubicle next to her. She stood up and parted the curtain slightly to look in. On the bed was a boy who had his wrists bandaged and headphones on. He was wearing one of the horrible hospital gowns and she could see his thigh. Sakura was just about to close the curtain again when the boy looked at her, his onyx eyes locking with hers. Sakura gasped and frantically tried to close the curtain. It's him! She thought.

In these attempts of closing the curtain, she successfully ripped the poor dismally yellow thing down to her feet. So there she stood, holding her injured finger, staring at Uchiha Sasuke's thigh and turning beet red. "Uh, hi." She mumbled and sat down on her bed, proceeding to stare straight ahead.

She thought she could hear him laughing but couldn't be sure because the blood was pounding so loudly in her head. And then, for once in her life, someone intervened at the perfect time. "Ah, sorry for the wait, Ms. Haruno." A handsome young doctor with long, straight black hair smiled at her.

Sakura coughed uncomfortably as his strange yellow eyes shifted to the curtain on the floor. "Yeah, I, um…lost my balance." Sakura offered, and she saw Sasuke smirk.

"I see, well, do not worry about it, happens all the time." The doctor said and adjusted his name tag; Orichimaru was the only name on it.

As Orichimaru took Sakura's sore hand and inspected it, she took the opportunity to glare at Sasuke, how could he be so calm and cool all the time? And why did he have to be so gorgeous? "Look's like you'll need some stitches." The doctor commented.

"Perfect…" Sakura moaned, shutting her eyes tightly, preparing for the worst.

Her father wasn't back yet, probably trying to avoid her for the whole ordeal because he didn't like being seen with his pregnant daughter. Sakura sighed and blinked back tears; she didn't handle pain, or the anticipation leading up to it. "Sorry," her voice warbled. "Can you just give me a second here?" and she took a few deep breaths.

And in a flash, Sasuke was by her side, holding out a tissue to her. Sakura was beyond surprised, in fact, she started to laugh hysterically. Just the whole picture of Sasuke in a hospital gown that hardly covered him, looking so serious and concerned…she couldn't help herself. In fact, she barely felt the needle and thread sew the wound shut. "There we go." Orichimaru had a confused expression on his face. "So, make sure to come back in a week and a half and we'll take that out for you, but for now just go home and take a few Advil for the pain."

When he was gone, Sakura looked over to Sasuke. "Thanks…for the whole thing earlier and just now." She was sure she looked a mess, with her post crying face and mussed up hair.

"Mhm, don't worry about it." Sasuke mumbled, raising an eyebrow at something behind her…her father.

"Oh, hey dad." Sakura smiled weakly.

"We are going home now Sakura." Was all he said.