Disclaimer: I do not own naruto

Sakura "thinking"

Inner Sakura "talking back"

(guys are wearing as follows- Hidan is wearing a black muscle shirt, black baggy cargo pants, black vans, his necklace with an upside down triangle in a circle. Kisame is wearing baggy jeans with blue and black vans, and a dark blue shirt saying "fish are friends not food. Diedara is wearing tan baggy pants with a white shirt showing a clay bird on a front then on the back a explosion with the word BANG!, and white and black vans. Sasori was wearing a dark red polo shirt and slightly baggy black pants and red with black vans.)

Hidan groaned as he looked around "Why are we doing this again"

"Because Pein said so Hidan for the hundredth time, plus were supposed to be watching the new band besides us, you brat" said Kisame

"Yeah but why did we have to wait all day for them to show up, yeah" questioned Diedara as he laid his head on the table

"Because Kisame needed his sake and if we didn't come he would have been sober and a sober Kisame is not a happy Kisame" said Sasori as he looked at the stage, "plus judging by them setting up the stage are wait is done, finally"

"Finally, it took them long enough, seriously" said Hidan

"Oh shut it, it was so entertaining to watch you get slapped by those waitresses for touching there butts, and you got red marks on your face for about 5 minutes, yeah" said Diedara while laughing at the picture in his head

"Will you get over-dude look at those babes, something Hidan will never get" Kisame said while laughing at the fuming Hidan

"Wow your right, I would so date those bitches," said Hidan while looking at the 4 girls

There was a dark purple haired girl who had bangs that hung over her forehead, her hair went to her shoulders and she had white eyes. She was wearing a dark purple shirt that said "Happily Ever After's only happen in Fairy Tales". She also had on black tight pants and vans that were purple and black. Just like the other girl's she had the right figure with curves in all the right places. One of the girls talking to her had dark brown hair in two buns with some hair framing her face and brown eyes. She wore ripped jeans with a shirt that looked like it was shot to death with paint balls. Her shoes were white and black vans. The next girl over also talking to them had 4 ponytails on the back of her head with also some hair framing her face. She had bright blue eyes and wore a red polo with a black tie hanging loosely around her neck, and had tight blue jeans and red and black vans. The last one who was blowing a bubble caught his attention since the moment he saw her. Her pink hair went to her shoulder with black streaks in it with her bangs hanging of to one side of her face hanging over her right eye. She had piercing emerald eyes. She wore black cargo capris, most likely from a guy section in a store that went a little past her knees and had black vans. Her tank top showed off her belly button and because her shorts were low on her hips you could see a nicely tanned/muscled stomach. On her wrists she had studded wristbands and what he liked most of all was what was on her tanktop a circle and a triangle in it upside down was on it and red on the black tank top.

"Bet you can't get one of them to like you Hidan" said Kisame

"Oh really and what is my time limit fish boy" questioned Hidan

"Half an Hour because that's when the band starts" he said starting his timer "got get um tiger"

The gang laughed as Hidan got up walking not so gracefully to the bar, its like people were jumping out in front of him because he kept tripping and falling on people or chairs, when he finally did make it to the bar he sat down next to the pink haired girl and ordered a drink while thinking of something to say to her.

While he was thinking he didn't notice Sakura sneaking glances at him out of the corner of her eye

Wonder who the hotty is

Don't know but please make a move soon

yeah right like he would like me

wimp, ooooh look he's looking at us

"So what's a girl like you doing here" said Hidan as he took a sip of his drink

"I'm here to play with my band soon" answered Sakura while setting down her drink

"Really? Cool, names Hidan" he said while holding out his hand to her

"Sakura" she replied shaking his hand then letting it go

"So what do you play in your band" Hidan asked

"I guess you just have to see Hida-kun" Sakura said while smiling and winking at him

"Hida-kun hmm, sounds good but that means I get to call you Saku-chan" Hidan said grinning

"Fair enough, oh sorry I got to get ready, hope you enjoy the music Hida-kun" Sakura said while walking off to go back stage and get ready