A/N: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack and it is still Sunday(almost)! So this is not exactly the chapter that you were expecting, but you need to understand more about the history I have given the Hyuuga and Uchiha clans. This is so some scenes that will appear in later chapters will make sense. It's also easier to do it this way than to write a little bit each time. I'm also doing this because I came up with this super cool idea for the original chapter and I need a little extra time too write it.

Disclaimer: Shino-kun is all mine, I think I'm going to go kidnap Neji-kun as well…

Stalker Soup

Bonus Chapter: Stalker's Roots

Part One-The Origination


"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

- Brooke Shields


Civilization has a strange way of turning the tables as too were power lies. Millennia ago, from roughly the Kanna era to the Keicho era when war reigned supreme throughout the five great nations, the Hyuuga clan was renown as a family of high military power. As the eras circulated they produced many a shinobi, samurai, and military generals. Then, when the warring nations grew closer to peace, the Hyuugas became more politically involved; they were still revered for their fighting prowess and their knowledge of the ancient arts. They owned several dojos that spanned the entirety of the Fire Country, from which they were from, despite the upheaval to a more advanced age. Still, time passed, until the world was revolutionized and power and wealth were drawn from either politics or industry.

Originally, the expansive and most potent corporation in all of Konohagakure no Sato was Sharingan Illusions Industries. They prospered in every aspect and drove many others out of business, the only competition they faced came in the form of Byakuugan Visions Incorporated. The companies weren't at odds in the beginning; in fact they were allies in the dangerous world of commerce.

See, Byakuugan Visions Inc. was actually the basis for the creation of Sharingan Illusions Ind. When the BVI was first created, it was headed by the prestigious Hyuuga clan. The family produced geniuses, business gurus, entrepreneurs, tycoons, and martial arts masters. The family was organized into two different tiers. The top level of the hierarchy was the Main Family, which was followed by the Branch Family.

The Main Family dominated the Branch Family; while they lived with much success, no one from the Branch Family would ever be allowed control of BVI. The title of CEO or owner would always be reserved for the members of the Main Family. This system existed for many generations-the Branch Family members weren't exactly content, but they were satisfied. They had power, money, and were respected-or feared-by everyone. That was, until a certain person was born into the Hyuuga clan.

By right, he should have been a member of the Main Household, but due to circumstances that he may not have been of true blood, he was forced into the care of the Branch members. As the years passed, the Hyuugas realized that he was, in fact, of impure blood. He did not retain the most prominent feature of the Hyuuga's, their eyes. Every Hyuuga had identical eyes; pale silver with a slight tinge of lavender-like two entrancing moons. This child however, had eyes the colour of midnight that sometimes flashed red when he grew angry. Three tomoes swirling in the middle when his rage reached its peak; thus he was forced to the bottom ranks of the Branch Family. While the members of the Hyuuga Family were cruel in some of their dealings, they were not heartless. They felt for the boy who was only part Hyuuga because of matters out of his hands resulting in the denial of his birthright. So, to make up for the events that had preceded his birth, the child was honoured a single wish for his eighteenth birthday.

Ten years to the day that the elders of the Hyuuga clan decided that a single request of anything but the company would be granted to the child, his birthday came. The child was no fool, he was the prodigy of prodigies and he understood that he could not turn the tables of power that had presided over his clan for centuries. So when he was brought forward before the Main elders, he new what he wanted. His request was simple; he wanted his own company.

Of course he knew that at the age of eighteen he would not be granted such a request, but he knew how could accomplish his desires. His company would simply be a branch derived from the actual business. It would exist to promote the workings of BVI, but he would have complete ownership. He also requested that as the owner of the company he could change his surname. Both of these wishes were granted to the newly admitted adult, and from that day forward he was known as Uchiha Madara.

At first Madara plans did not include complete separation from Byakuugan Visions Incorporated, but as time past his lust for power grew. He wanted everything-he wanted control, he wanted command. So, two years after the creation of Sharingan Illusions Industries, it separated to become its own establishment. For the mutiny that Madara had committed to the clan, he was permanently banished. This meant he would never be allowed to return to his origins and any offspring he produced would be unwelcome amongst the Hyuugas. He was now forced out of his clan and left with no family ties or reverence.

Uchiha Madara refused to let this hinder his plans for power. He realized he would need heirs to fill his shoes after his demise and quickly set about getting a wife. He would also need to build an empire for the name Uchiha. Another three years later left him with a wife, a daughter, the most powerful company that had ever graced the planet, and a bloody family feud that rivaled the civil war that had taken place in Konoha a millennia ago.

Despite legal issues that raged between the clans, the families did not interfere with one another. They simply ignored each other, the presence of the other was never acknowledged unless absolutely necessary. This behaviour retained as the standards for which the two families lived by, this would never change and until this day it has never changed.

Both companies remained in fierce competition until twelve years ago. By this time, the current head of Sharingan Illusions Ind. was Uchiha Fugaku. Under the influence of Hasegawa Orochimaru, a wizened business tycoon, he relocated the headquarters to Otogakure no Sato. In the beginning Fugaku refused the offer of moving the family business, but after some agreements that were not released to the public ensued, it was revealed. Sharingan Illusions would be moved out of the Fire Country and transferred to the Land of Sound.

The exchange was uneventful, but there were several claims that the head's sons had left the company. While none of these were addressed, there have been several rumors that Uchiha Itachi, the next heir and a prodigy and genius in his own right, has been spotted doing business with the infamous corporation, Ataksuki Networks. While the whereabouts of the youngest member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sasuke seems to have disappeared altogether…




A/N: Please don't get mad at me for it being so short, it's very mandatory for the following chapters. Not too mention the fact that I went through all the trouble of typing that out. The real chapter will be up after Part Two: The Ensuing is finished, typed, edited, and my exams are over. Now please review or I won't post the next chapter…jk!XD


Something Random: Crayola is a French word that means "Oily chalk."


COOKIES to FakeCompassion, 2supersmart, bAkA.sh0uj0-x, Joya, monya, Anonymous, LoNeLy-GiRl14, AMI-CHAN, aries200, Laura-chan, shattered crystal heart, Chixon, Kirei Cherry Blossom, and MegaMiriam who reviewed the last chappie. Thanx you guys!XDDDDDD


Ja ne!


I posted a little SasuSaku oneshot called Cherry Pie ealier today, if you haven't checked it please do and don't forget to review it. The summary for is:

He always liked the taste of cherries best. SasuSaku

Super huge thank you and a giant slice of cherry pie to Lady Emerald Star, Laura-chan, sandwich-chan, Miss. Wolf Assassin, Frog-Wallet, jazzrazz, PieciesHateScorpios who reviewed Cherry Pie.